listing optimization
Listing Helper
We automatically update your listings once per day. You can reanalyze individual listings on the report page, or refresh all listings by clicking Analyze all.

Recommendation settings

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Title length
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Title length
Focus keword in title
Repeating words
Number of photos
Quality of photos
Description length
Tags in description
Number of tags
Duplicate tags
Quality of tags
Free shipping
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Analyze all listings

Hey, just a head's up! We're only able to analyze all listings once per hour. You can always reanalyze individual listings on the listing report page.


You recently analyzed all listings. Please wait one hour analyzing all listings again, or analyze individual listings by clicking the reanalyze button on the listing report page.

Improve your Etsy listings

We'll analyze your listings and give you actionable recommendations based on Etsy's seller handbook.

Analyzing your listings..


Analyzing listing 4 of 378. Your estimated loading time is 7 minutes. This might take a little while, but it will ultimately be worth it!

No listings found

We could not find any listings for your shop. Try again or connect another Etsy shop here.

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Upgrade your account to analyze all of your listings. Get actionable recommendations for all of your listings and increase usage for all tools!

We have analyzed x listings. Due to limitations from Etsy, we'll analyze your remaining x listings tomorrow. We're sorry for the inconvenience, yet the wait will be worth it!

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring
Analyzed Aug 25, 2020
Learn more about Listing Helper.
127 of 278 listings loaded
Upgrade in progress
We are currently updating this feature! Our services will be temporarily unavailable for approximately 24 hours. We appreciate your patience and understanding.