shop report
Shop Stats
- Reviews5834.9
- Listings132
- Sales per listing-
- Admirers13732
- On Etsy since2014
Shop Listings
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October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring

October Birthstone, Wedding Set, Opal Briale Opal Engagement Ring/October Birthstone Ring/Art deco Stacking Band/Wedding Ring/Promise Ring
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See full reportSales distribution
The sales distribution for this shop. The Pareto principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the cause. This can often be seen on Etsy as well. Where 20% of listings lead to 80% of sales.
When analyzing a shop this can be useful. It hint's at how centralized a shop's sales are, whether they come from a limited number of listings or from a wide variety of listings.
When analyzing a shop this can be useful. It hint's at how centralized a shop's sales are, whether they come from a limited number of listings or from a wide variety of listings.

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Price Breakdown
avg. price
The average listing price for this shop.
Note: we are not able to gather data on multiple listing variations. This means that if a shop has multiple variations with different price points, we are calculating the average price for the least expensive variation.
Note: we are not able to gather data on multiple listing variations. This means that if a shop has multiple variations with different price points, we are calculating the average price for the least expensive variation.
Most expensive
The most expensive listing for this shop.
Least expensive
The least expensive listing for this shop.

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avg. processing time
The average processing time for all listings.
Processing time is the length of time the shop needs to get an order ready to ship or the length of time between when an order is placed until it is shipped.
Processing time is the length of time the shop needs to get an order ready to ship or the length of time between when an order is placed until it is shipped.
customizble listings
Percentage of listings that are customizable, or personalized.
digital listings
Percentage of listings that are digital.
supply itmes
Percentage of listings that are supply items. Craft supplies are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for the creation of an item or special occasion.
Shop Owner
Shop Details
Shop title
Accepts custom requests
Message to Buyers
The message included on receipt pages and in the email buyers receive when they purchase from the shop.
Digital Message to Buyers
If the shop sells digital items, this is the message on the Downloads page for digital orders. It applies to all digital listings purchased from the shop.
Shop last updated
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