A Complete Guide to Managing Custom Orders on Etsy

Your step-by-step guide to understanding the intricacies of managing custom order requests, adding item variations and handling reserved items on Etsy

Navigating the world of Etsy selling can be an exciting journey, filled with creativity and boundless opportunities for growth. One crucial aspect that sets many successful Etsy shops apart is their ability to effectively manage custom orders and reserved listings.

This comprehensive guide aims to arm you with the knowledge and insights you need to master custom order management on Etsy - ultimately helping you achieve greater success in your thriving online shop.

Activating Custom Order Requests

Private, custom listings provide an excellent way to personalize shopper experience with made-to-order items in your Etsy shop. This feature becomes available as soon as your shop goes live.

To turn on this feature:

  1. Visit Etsy.com and click the Shop Manager icon.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Proceed to Options.
  4. Under Custom Order Requests, select Enabled.
  5. Click Save on the page bottom.

You will now see a Request Custom Order link on your shop home page, allowing a maximum processing time of up to 6-8 weeks for these orders.

Enable Custom Order Requests on Etsy Shop Manager’s Option Settings

Buyer’s Perspective

When shoppers press Request Custom Order, they are prompted with a dialogue box where they can specify their requirements and deadlines (if any). If further details are necessary, connect with your buyer via messages.

Completing a Custom Order

Upon receiving a custom item request, you’ll find a message in your Custom Requests folder. After discussing the specifics with your buyer, create a custom, private listing directly from the original request thread. Note that shipping profiles cannot be calculated for custom orders currently.

Vital Points about Custom Listings

  • The listings don’t show up in public shop searches; only the designated buyer can purchase them. However, they do appear on your Sold Items page after the sale.
  • On publishing this listing, an email linking to the purchase will be sent to the buyer.
  • Digital items do not support private listings. For custom digital items, consider made-to-order digital listings.

To view your private listings:

  1. Click Your Account icon
  2. Go to Shop Manager
  3. Choose Listings
  4. Look for the Private label.

If a regular message contains the request, it can still be converted into a custom order by clicking Make this a custom order and then “Start building the custom order”

Differences from Listing Variations

Activating custom requests indicates your willingness to work closely with buyers for unique creations. Custom requests offer privacy between you and your buyers and facilitate better communication flow - ideal when offering customizable options that require interaction with buyers like different sizes, colors or styles through Variations.

Adding Variations to a Listing

Etsy allows you to add variations based on up to two item attributes when creating or editing a listing. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on or create the listing you’re interested in on the ‘Listings’ page.
  2. Select one or more options from the ‘Category’ dropdown.
  3. A list of relevant attributes will automatically appear below those categories. If you want to include variations, select ‘I offer more than one’ for the attribute you wish to vary (such as size, color, or dimension). Note that certain attributes like ‘Holiday’ or ‘Occasion’ cannot have variations.
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Variations’ section and click ‘Add variations’.
  5. Click on 'Choose variation type’ and select your desired variation.
  6. If you want your variation to affect price, quantity, or SKU numbers, check the relevant box under your variation type.
  7. Click ‘Save’.

The chosen variations will then appear under ‘Variations’. If you opted for variable prices, quantities, or SKUs, these options will be listed next to each variation.

Selecting Variation Type on Etsy Shop Manager’s Listing Settings

To change the order of your options:

  1. Click ‘Edit Variations’
  2. Drag each option into your preferred order
  3. Then click ‘Save

Exciting Updates to Made-to-Order Digital Listings

Etsy has recently introduced significant enhancements to the listing and delivery process for made-to-order digital listings. These updates provide you, as sellers, with more flexibility and control in managing your custom digital goods.

Two Ways to List Your Digital Goods

Now when you create a digital listing, there are two options you can choose from:

1. Instant download: This is the traditional method where you upload the file while creating the listing. Your customers receive their purchase immediately after payment.

2. Made-to-order: A newly introduced option perfect for those offering custom digital products. With this choice, there’s no need to upload a file at the point of creating your listing.

To list an item as “made-to-order”, indicate it in both the “About this listing” and “Type” sections of your Etsy dashboard during the listing creation process.

Completing Made-To-Order Digital Orders

Unlike instant downloads, made-to-order digital listings don’t require an immediate file upload during creation. Instead, you send the completed file to the buyer when it’s ready. Follow these steps to complete an order:

  1. Visit Etsy.com and navigate to your Shop Manager.
  2. Select Orders & Shipping from the options.
  3. Incomplete orders are displayed under the New tab.
  4. Check the box next to the order you want to complete and click on Complete order.
  5. Click on the Upload file button and attach up to five files with a maximum size of 20MB each.
  6. Finalize by clicking on the Complete Order button.

Once completed, Etsy will notify your buyer via email that their customized digital item is ready for download.

Streamlining Your Selling Process

When a buyer purchases one of your made-to-order items, they’ll receive an email confirming their purchase but won’t immediately get the file they bought like they used to before.

Instead of being automatically marked as complete, these orders will appear as open on your Orders & Shipping page until you finish customization. This change allows for better tracking and management of orders under customization on your end.

After completing customization, simply upload the digital files onto the Etsy platform to wrap up the order. Subsequently, Etsy sends an email notification to buyers indicating that their files are ready for download.

Gaining Star Seller Status

These changes aren’t just making order management easier; they can also boost your seller status on Etsy! By converting physical listings into made-to-order digital items, you eliminate tracking requirements which often pose hurdles in gaining or maintaining Star Seller status.

Reserving an Existing Listing

You can reserve or set aside items in your shop anytime.

  1. Begin the listing title and description with "RESERVED for (buyer’s name)".
  • Be explicit in your listing title as other buyers can still purchase the item.
  • Respect buyer privacy by asking them which name they’d prefer on the listing.
  • Indicate the item is reserved using a clear photo.
  • Share the listing page’s link with the buyer.

For creating a private, custom listing for your buyer, enable the custom request tool in your shop’s settings. It allows the creation of a private, custom listing directly from their request to prevent others from buying it.

Enabling Personalization for Listings

Etsy allows sellers to enable personalization on their listings, requiring buyers to specify what they want to be personalized on an item.

To enable personalization for a single listing:

  1. Sign in to Etsy.com.
  2. Click ‘Shop Manager’.
  3. Go to ‘Listings’.
  4. Choose a listing you want to add personalization to.
  5. Under ‘Inventory and pricing’, toggle ‘Personalization’ to On.
  6. Next to ‘Guidelines for buyers’, add text guiding the buyer on what details they should provide, like the engraving or pattern they want personalized for this item.
  7. If personalization is optional for this listing, tick the box marked ‘Optional’. Note that optional personalization is currently in beta and only available to some Etsy shoppers.
  8. Finally, click ‘Publish’.
Turning On Personalization Option on Etsy Shop Manager’s Listing Settings

To enable personalization for multiple listings:

  1. Sign in to Etsy.com.
  2. Click ‘Shop Manager’.
  3. Go to ‘Listings’.
  4. Check the box beside the listings you wish to personalize.
  5. Click on ‘Editing options’ followed by ‘Edit personalization’
  6. Toggle ‘Personalization’ to On
  7. Next to Guidelines for buyers, add text guiding them about necessary details like desired engraving or pattern - note that these guidelines will apply uniformly across all selected listings
  8. If these listings don’t require mandatory personalizations, check off Optional
  9. Click Apply

When a buyer requests a personalized item, their request will appear both on your Orders page and in the email notification concerning their order. Learn more about creating custom listings

Top Tips for Custom Orders

Custom orders present an exceptional opportunity to grow your business and connect with buyers on a deeper level. These six tips will help you manage custom orders efficiently.

1. Listen to Your Customer

Every custom order starts with a conversation that includes all necessary information from the buyer. Sending a standard form or questionnaire through the custom order system ensures you gather all essential details like measurements, colors, materials, etc. Understanding your buyers’ perspective can save stress, time, and money.

2. Understand What You’re Capable of

Before accepting a new custom order, evaluate if it fits into your existing workload and brand. Consider factors such as completion time, logistics, available materials and skills required to make the item.

3. Know Your Worth — And Charge for It

Pricing for custom orders should account for time, finesse, materials, and creative energy involved in the process. Be sure to pay yourself fairly.

4. Involve Your Buyer

Keep your buyer informed about the next steps during the custom order process by developing a clear payment and creation plan.

5. Make Your Items Distinctly Yours

Distinguish your offerings by leveraging unique skills or details that set you apart from others while providing excellent customer service.

6. Learn From Experience

Use feedback from previous experiences to refine existing items in your shop or add new ones based on trends in customer requests.

Common Challenges And Solutions in Managing Custom Orders

Managing custom orders on Etsy brings its unique set of challenges. Here are some common problems and strategies to overcome them:

Challenge 1: Time Management

Creating made-to-order items or personalizing products can be time-consuming, affecting your ability to manage multiple orders concurrently.

Solution: Implement a solid scheduling system. Use project management tools or apps specifically designed for order management. This way, you can prioritize tasks, and track progress and deadlines effectively.

Challenge 2: Pricing Difficulties

Determining the right price for custom orders can be tricky as it often involves additional resources and effort compared to standard listings.

Solution: Be transparent with your buyers about the pricing structure. Include factors like extra time spent on customization, additional materials used, or any special packaging in your pricing. Don’t undervalue your work; make sure you’re compensated fairly for added value.

Challenge 3: Communication Hiccups

Miscommunication with buyers regarding their specific needs and expectations can lead to dissatisfaction.

Solution: Establish clear communication channels from the onset. Use detailed forms or questionnaires to gather all necessary information related to the custom order upfront. Regularly update your buyer about progress and clarify any doubts during the process.

Challenge 4: Inventory Management

Keeping track of materials needed for customized products could get complex, especially when dealing with multiple orders simultaneously.

Solution: Adopt an effective inventory management system that helps monitor available materials against those required for upcoming orders. This ensures you have enough supply without excessive stockpiling.

Challenge 5: Balancing Custom and Standard Items

Maintaining a balance between managing custom requests and standard listings might seem overwhelming at times.

Solution: Prioritize based on demand patterns - if certain months bring in more custom requests due to holidays or events, plan accordingly by possibly limiting new standard listings during these periods.


In the dynamic world of Etsy, offering personalized, made-to-order items can be the key to standing out and connecting with customers on a deeper level. As an Etsy shop owner, understanding how to effectively manage these custom orders is fundamental to your success. Armed with these insights and strategies shared in this guide, you are well-equipped to navigate through the intricacies of custom order management on Etsy. Embrace these new opportunities for growth as they come – they could be the key to unlocking greater success for your thriving Etsy shop!


Managing Etsy's Made-to-Order & Reserved Listings - A Comprehensive Guide
How can I list a made-to-order digital item on Etsy?
When creating a digital listing on Etsy, choose to list it as "made-to-order" in the “About this listing” section and mark it as “Digital” under the “Type” section. The item will be referred to as a "made-to-order download." After purchase, you can upload the custom files when they're ready.
How can I enable custom order requests on my Etsy shop?
To enable custom order requests, visit Etsy.com and click on your Shop Manager icon. From there, navigate to Settings > Options and under 'Custom order requests', select 'Enabled'. Don't forget to save your changes.
Why should I consider offering made-to-order items in my Etsy shop?
Offering made-to-order items allows you to provide a personalized shopping experience for your customers. It also increases your inventory variety without requiring an upfront investment in materials and time until an order is placed.
How can personalization help me grow my Etsy business?
Personalization allows shoppers to tailor products according to their preferences or needs which enhances their buying experience. This could lead to increased customer satisfaction, higher chances of positive reviews and potential repeat purchases - all contributing towards business growth.
What if a customization request is outside my current skill set or comfort zone?
If a customization request exceeds your capabilities or doesn't align with your brand aesthetics, it's okay to politely decline. You could suggest an alternative that fits within your skills or even recommend another seller who specializes in that area.