A Seller’s Guide To Running Multiple Shops on Etsy

Uncover effective strategies for operating more than one shop on Etsy. From account setup to policy compliance – we’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re a seasoned Etsy seller or just starting out, the idea of managing multiple shops might seem appealing. However, it’s crucial to understand how to navigate through this process properly to avoid any pitfalls. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll answer all your questions about running multiple Etsy shops and provide actionable steps to get started.

Can You Run Multiple Etsy Shops?

Yes! There’s no limit on the number of shops an individual can operate on Etsy. However, each shop requires a unique email address and separate account. It’s important to note that every shop you run must adhere strictly to Etsy’s Seller Policy.

Is It Possible To Add Multiple Shops To One Account?

No, adding more than one shop under a single account is not allowed by Etsy’s policy. If you want to create additional stores, you will need to sign up for new accounts using different email addresses.

Opening Additional Shops

With no restrictions from Etsy concerning the number of shops per user; creating additional ones follows similar steps as opening second ones—provided unique emails are used.

Remember that while operating multiple stores allows niche differentiation resulting in distinct brand identities; it also necessitates extra work including SEO optimization and monitoring listings regularly.

Before deciding whether setting up additional stores is best for you:

  1. Consider if managing two separate stores outweighs maintaining brand identity
  2. Determine whether customers browsing through offerings before making sales increases average order size

Only by evaluating these factors can you make an informed decision as a store owner regarding owning secondary shops.

Creating And Managing Multiple Shops

Setting up multiple shops entails creating new accounts with unique email addresses for each one following these steps:

  • Visit Etsy.com
  • Select Sign out from your current account
  • Click on Sign in followed by Register and enter required details
  • Follow the outlined steps to open your shop

Ensure all active shops are listed in the Public Profile section of each account.

Registering an additional account in Etsy

Managing Multiple Owners

It’s currently unclear whether Etsy allows multiple owners for one shop as their policies don’t explicitly address this scenario.

Can I Use the Same Financial Information Across Different Shops?

Yes, Etsy permits using the same credit card or bank information across different shops if signing up for Etsy Payments. However, ensure that taxpayer ID and addresses are consistent across all accounts. Learn how to update taxpayer ID here.

Remember that each store requires its unique email address as each account can only have one associated email at any given time.

Follow these steps if you need to change an email address.

Operating More Than One Store From The Same Browser

Most browsers won’t let you sign into several accounts simultaneously; hence it may be helpful to use different browsers when managing various shops.

Transferring Shop Info Between Accounts: Can I Do That?

Currently, there’s no feature allowing data transfer between two accounts or combining them into one.

Should I Open A New Shop Or Rebrand My Existing Shop?

This depends on your business strategy and needs entirely. If you wish to introduce a completely different product line from what currently exists in your store, opening a second store could be beneficial instead of rebranding.

However, utilizing shop sections can help categorize your products effectively without needing another store.

Alternatives To Opening A Second Store

If opening an additional shop isn’t feasible for any reason but still want diversified offerings within your storefront, consider leveraging “sections” feature provided by Etsy.

This feature allows sellers categorize their inventories into distinct groups enabling customers explore categories they’re interested in making shopping experience seamless and enjoyable.

Etsy’s Sections Feature

Make sure not duplicate listings across both stores as it contravenes with Etsy’s Seller Handbook guidelines which could lead towards suspension of your store(s). Always maintain transparency about owning multiple stores disclosing such information within “About” section of each respective storefronts.

Wrapping Things Up: Multiple Etsy Shops

Running multiple Etsy shops can offer business expansion and diverse product lines. However, it also means more management work. Focus on quality over quantity - a strong brand with excellent service trumps numerous storefronts. If you opt for multiple shops, adhere to Etsy’s Seller Policies, avoid duplicating listings and disclose owning multiple stores in each shop’s “About” section. Always ensure your steps align with your long-term business goals.


A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Multiple Etsy Shops Effectively
Can I run multiple shops on Etsy?
Yes, you can run multiple shops on Etsy. There's no limit to the number of shops one person can operate. However, each shop needs a unique email address and separate account.
Do I need separate financial information for each Etsy shop?
No, while every store needs its own account and email address, using the same financial information (like bank details or credit card info) across all your stores is acceptable if you sign up for Etsy Payments.
Can I link two or more Etsy shops together?
Currently, there is no option within Etsy allowing you to link all your shops under one account or transfer listings between them.
How do I manage multiple shops efficiently on Etsy?
To manage multiple shops efficiently, consider using different browsers for each account or use the Etsy app that allows toggling between accounts without needing to sign in and out each time.
Should I open a new shop or rebrand my existing shop on Etsy when expanding my product line?
This depends entirely on your business strategy and needs. If your new product line significantly differs from what currently exists in your store opening a second store might be beneficial as it helps maintain brand consistency across product lines.