Boosting Your Etsy Account Security

Discover essential tips for boosting the security of your Etsy seller account. Implement two-factor authentication and learn about the importance of backup codes today.

Ensuring the security of your Etsy account is crucial. A well-protected account not only keeps your personal information safe but also guards against unauthorized access to your shop and customer data. Let’s explore some key steps you can take to fortify your account’s defense.

Crafting a Strong Password

Your first line of defense in securing your Etsy account is a robust password. Here’s how to create one that’s tough for potential intruders to crack, yet memorable for you:

Best Practices for Password Creation:

Do incorporate:

  • A minimum of eight characters – more equals mightier!
  • A blend of different character types including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Avoid using:

  • Any part of your username.
  • Any password previously used on Etsy or elsewhere.
  • Sequential keyboard patterns (e.g., “123456” or “qwerty”).
  • Single dictionary words or their simple combinations.
  • Common expressions, backwards-spelled words, or popular misspellings.
  • Identifiable names like those of family members or pets.
  • Easily accessible personal details like birth dates.

If You Forgot Your Password

Forgetting a password can happen to anyone, but regaining access to your Etsy account is simple:

  1. Navigate to the Reset your password page on
  2. Provide the email address associated with your account.
  3. Click Submit for a reset link to be emailed to you; look for an email from Etsy titled Reset your password.
  4. Follow the Reset your password prompt in the email.
  5. Choose a new secure password and confirm it by entering it twice—refer to this guide for tips on creating strong passwords.
  6. Finalize by clicking Set Password.

This step ensures that even if you’re momentarily locked out, you can quickly regain control of your Etsy account without compromising security. Remember to store your new password in a secure location or use a trusted password manager.

Reset Your Account Password

If You Know Your Current Password but Want to Change It

It’s good practice to regularly update your passwords. If you’re already logged in and know your current password but wish to change it:

  1. Sign in to and proceed to Account settings.
  2. Within the Password section, input your current password followed by the new desired password twice for confirmation.
  3. Click Change Password after ensuring your new choice adheres to strong security standards as advised here.

Taking proactive steps by changing passwords periodically adds an extra layer of defense against potential security breaches, keeping both personal data and customer information under lock and key. Click here for instructions on updating your password.

Update Your Password on Etsy’s Account Settings

Understanding Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) significantly increases the security level of your Etsy account by requiring two forms of identification upon login:

  1. Your password
  2. A verification code is sent via an authenticator app, or through a call/text message to your phone.

Etsy automatically enables 2FA when you set up a new shop. This requirement kicks in when you log in from an unfamiliar browser/device and recurs every 30 days.

When is call/text verification available?

Call or text verification may not be supported in all countries. If you’re unable to use this method due to location constraints, setting up authentication via an authenticator app will be the alternative route.

Countries that can receive a verification code through call or text:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • France
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • Netherlands Antilles
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Türkiye
  • United Kingdom
  • Ukraine
  • United States

What Exactly is an Authenticator App?

An authenticator app is a software application designed for Apple or Android devices that generates a unique verification code. This code adds an additional hurdle for would-be attackers trying to gain access to your account because they would need both your password and access to the device running the authenticator app.

Setting Up Your Authenticator App on Etsy

Set up Two Factor Authentication

When Opening a New Shop:

  1. On the Your Security step of shop setup, select Authenticator App from the dropdown menu.
  2. Download an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator from either the App Store or Google Play Store.
  3. Click Continue and a QR code will be displayed on Etsy.
  4. Use the downloaded authenticator app to scan this QR code.
  5. Input the verification code generated by the app into Etsy.
  6. Hit Continue, then ensure you store download codes in a secure location.
  7. Select Open your shop once ready.

To add one via Your Security Settings:

  1. Get Google Authenticator or similar from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Navigate to Security within Account settings on
  3. Opt for Turn on 2FA and pick Authenticator App in the menu.
  4. Follow through by clicking Next.
  5. Open your chosen Authenticator App and add a new account as per its instructions.
  6. Scan displayed QR code using said app.
  7. Enter subsequent code into Etsy under that same QR image.
  8. Click Next, then save any backup codes provided — these are vital if you lose access to your phone!
  9. Finish by selecting Done.
Turn on 2FA on Etsy’s Account Settings

What are backup codes?

Backup codes are one-time use passcodes that allow you to access your Etsy account in situations where you might not have your phone available for two-factor authentication. It’s important to store these codes securely as each can only be used once.

Can I disable two-factor authentication?

Etsy allows sellers the flexibility to turn off two-factor authentication (2FA) if needed. However, given its importance in securing your account against unauthorized access, it’s recommended to keep 2FA enabled whenever possible.

Disabling Two-Factor Authentication:

  1. Navigate to Security within Account settings on
  2. Click on Turn off 2FA to disable the feature.

Monitoring Your Sign-In Activity

Keeping track of where and when you’ve accessed your Etsy shop can help detect any unauthorized activity early on.

How to Access Your Sign-In History:

  1. Visit Your Account on
  2. Select Account Settings, then click Security.
  3. Locate and review the section titled Review your sign-in history.

In case you’ve signed into a public computer or a device that isn’t yours and forgot to log out, there’s an option within your sign-in history that allows you to remotely end that session—adding another layer of security for peace of mind.

View Your Sign-in History on Etsy’s Account Settings

View Your Sign-in History on Etsy’s Account Settings

Your Essential Account Security Checklist

Leverage the following checklist as part of your regular security routine to enhance the protection of your Etsy account:

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Boost your login security by enabling two-factor authentication. This requires both a password and a verification code sent to your device, providing an added layer of defense against unauthorized access.

2. Create Robust Passwords

Passwords are often the first line of defense. Ensure yours are long, varied, and creative—combine letters, numbers, and symbols for optimal strength. Regularly check if any passwords have been compromised using tools like, update them every six months or so via Account Settings, and consider using a reliable password manager.

3. Conduct Transactions on Etsy Only

For both communication and transactions, stick to using Etsy Messages and Checkout. Should issues arise with buyers or sellers, having all interactions on-platform allows Etsy Support to assist effectively.

4. Recognize Suspicious Messages

Be vigilant about messages that convey urgency or request personal information hastily—these could be scam attempts. Don’t click links from unverified sources; instead, directly access any necessary sections through logged-in sessions on

5. Keep Contact Details Current

Update phone numbers and email addresses linked to your account regularly through Account Settings > Email. This ensures you’ll receive timely notifications regarding two-factor authentication prompts or unusual activity alerts.

6. Limit Account Access

Restrict access to those who absolutely need it in order to avoid unauthorized changes or password resets—it’s crucial for maintaining accountability for all account activity per Etsy’s Terms of Use.

7. Update Financial and Tax Information

Regularly review your Shop Manager > Finances > Payment Settings to detect any unusual activity early on. Keeping your taxpayer information accurate is also key to avoiding disruptions due to payment controls and preparing for tax filings.

8. Stay Informed on Device Security

Protecting your devices is as vital as securing your account details:

  • Clear old devices before transitioning to new ones by removing personal info and restoring factory settings.
  • Change preset passwords for Wi-Fi networks and routers for unique protection.
  • Stay updated with the latest software, including antivirus programs, and ensure you’re using official Etsy apps or the website when managing your shop.
  • Monitor sign-in history regularly through account security settings, remaining alert for unfamiliar devices or third-party connections.

9. Get Support When You Need It

Etsy offers expanded real-time support channels 24/7 via live chat, phone calls, or email—especially designed for sellers with at least one sale. If you suspect a compromise or need assistance, reach out through the Etsy Help Center. Always report suspicious messages and consult the help center for common concerns.


In the ever-evolving digital bazaar of Etsy, where artisans and creatives converge to showcase their masterpieces, security is not just a luxury—it’s an essential cornerstone. By embracing two-factor authentication and understanding the pivotal role of backup codes and sign-in histories, you fortify your online storefront against the specters of cyber threats.

With each step you take to secure your account—be it through setting up an authenticator app or keeping a vigilant eye on your account activities—you are not just protecting your livelihood; you’re also preserving the trust that your customers place in you. Remember that in this interconnected realm, safety breeds confidence, and confidence cultivates success.


Essential Tips to Boost Security on Your Etsy Seller Account
Why should I use two-factor authentication on my Etsy shop?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security beyond just a password, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your Etsy shop. It requires both something you know (your password) and something you have (a code from your phone), making it much harder for potential intruders to compromise your account.
What is an authenticator app, and how does it help secure my Etsy account?
An authenticator app generates temporary codes that you can use in conjunction with your password when logging into your Etsy account. This adds a dynamic component to your login process that is not easily replicated by others, thereby enhancing the overall security of your account.
Can backup codes for Etsy be reused, and how do I store them securely?
No, each backup code provided by Etsy can only be used once. It's crucial to store these codes in a secure location—such as a locked file cabinet or safe—and consider making two copies kept in separate places. Avoid digital storage unless using a secured service like a password manager.
Is it possible to monitor who signs into my Etsy shop?
Yes, Etsy provides sellers with the ability to view sign-in history. This allows you to monitor when and where your account has been accessed, enabling you to quickly identify any unauthorized activity and take appropriate measures such as changing passwords or contacting customer support.
How can turning off two-factor authentication affect my Etsy shop's security?
Disabling two-factor authentication on your Etsy shop removes that extra verification step during login, which makes it easier for someone with just your password to gain access. While 2FA can be turned off if necessary, keeping it enabled is highly recommended to maintain the highest level of security for your business.