Changing Your Store Name on Etsy

Ready for a fresh start? Learn how to change your store name on Etsy without hassle and keep your branding consistent across all platforms.

Crafting the perfect shop name on Etsy is like choosing a title for your masterpiece—it sets the stage for your business’s story. But what if you need a new beginning? Renaming your Etsy shop can breathe new life into your brand, and with this guide, it’s as easy as pie. Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

Guide to Changing Your Shop Name

If you’re looking to refresh your shop’s identity, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit and access your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Navigate to Info & Appearance.
  4. Hit Change beside the Shop name.
  5. Type in your chosen new shop name.
  6. Select Save.

Remember, shop names must be under 20 characters, sans spaces or special punctuation—get creative! Capitalize letters within your shop name to differentiate words.

Etsy Shop Manager's Info and Appearance Settings

The name you choose becomes part of your shop URL:

Need inspiration? Check out pro tips for selecting an unforgettable shop name.

Shop Name vs. Username vs. Preferred Name

As you navigate the world of Etsy, it’s important to understand the distinct roles that your shop name, username, and preferred name play in building your brand and connecting with customers.

1. Etsy Shop Name: Your Brand’s Front Door

Your Etsy shop name is like a storefront sign—it’s what buyers see first. It’s critical for branding and appears in your shop’s URL (e.g., Unlike usernames or preferred names, the shop name is visible to everyone and can be changed to better suit your evolving business identity.

2. Etsy Username: The Key to Your Account

Think of your Etsy username as the key that unlocks your personal account—it’s unique to you and required when logging in. This username links directly to a personal profile (e.g., rather than a shop page. Once set during initial registration, an Etsy username remains constant; it cannot be altered later.

Your Etsy Shop Username

3. Etsy Preferred Name: A Personal Touch

The preferred name on Etsy allows for personalization within the community. It can be a nickname or any chosen identifier that tells others how you wish to be addressed—adding warmth and personality to interactions on the platform.

Knowing these distinctions helps ensure clear communication with buyers and enhances professionalism across all touchpoints within the marketplace—a vital consideration as part of any rebranding effort when changing your Etsy shop name.

Update Your Preferred Name at Etsy’s Account Settings

What If Your Preferred Shop Name Is Taken?

If you have legitimate rights to a name already in use on Etsy:

  1. Attempt peaceful resolution through direct contact with the current holder.
  2. If necessary, you can file a notice of intellectual property infringement with Etsy to address the issue officially. Keep in mind, that this action won’t release the name for your use but will initiate Etsy’s process for handling such disputes.

Can I Change My Shop Name More Than Once?

While indecision is welcome before opening up shop (change away!), post-launch alterations are more significant:

  • Your shop’s URL will transform to mirror your new shop name. Existing links pointing to the old name will automatically reroute to the new destination.
  • The previous shop name is reserved, which means it can’t be snagged by another seller.
  • A notification icon will appear next to your new shop name for 45 days, signaling buyers about the change.

After you’ve switched names, don’t forget to align all your branding materials with your new identity. This includes tweaking your shop icon and banner, shop announcement, and About section accordingly.

How to Notify Your Customers About the Change

When you change your Etsy shop name, it’s important to notify your customers to avoid confusion and maintain your brand identity. Here are some steps you can take to notify your customers about your new Etsy store name:

1. Update your Etsy shop banner

One of the easiest ways to let customers know about your new shop name is by updating your Etsy shop banner. You can create a new banner with your new shop name and display it prominently on your shop page.

2. Update your Etsy shop announcement

You can also update your shop announcement to let customers know about your new store name. Use this space to explain why you changed your name and how it will affect your Etsy shop.

3. Send a message to your existing customers

You can use Etsy’s messaging system to send a message to your existing customers to let them know about your new shop name. Be sure to include a brief explanation and other relevant details.

4. Update your social media profiles

If you have social media profiles linked to your Etsy shop, such as Instagram or Facebook, make sure to update them with your new Etsy shop name. This will help customers who follow you on social media find your store more easily.

5. Respond to customer inquiries

If customers reach out to you with questions or concerns about your shop name change, be sure to respond promptly and professionally.

6. Notify customers by email

Introduce the new name of your Etsy store and give a short explanation of why you made the change. It’s a great way to keep your customers updated, help them feel connected to your brand and keep them coming back to your Etsy store.

Understanding Shop Name Availability

Wondering if your dream shop name is up for grabs? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Once a shop name has been used on an open Etsy store, it becomes permanently unavailable—even if that store later closes.
  • The search function won’t display usernames or names of closed shops.
  • You can’t reuse a shop name from one of your previous accounts; instead, consider reopening that particular shop.

Tips for Choosing a Good Etsy Shop Name

Choosing the right name for your shop is one of the most important decisions you will make as an Etsy seller as it directly impacts your business health and success. Your Etsy shop name will represent your brand, so it’s crucial that you select something that is memorable, easy to spell and pronounce, and resonates with your target audience to encourage them to keep shopping in your store.

Here are a few tips to help you select the perfect Etsy shop name for your store:

1. Think about your brand

The first thing you need to do when selecting a name is to think about your brand. What is the message that your brand is trying to convey? What are the products that you are selling? Your Etsy shop name needs to reflect the essence of your brand and showcase your business in the most favorable light.

2. Make sure your desired shop name is not trademarked

Before you start to look around for a new Etsy shop name, make sure that no other business has trademarked it. You can search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website to check for any existing trademarks. If your desired Etsy shop name is on the list, you need to find an alternative store name.

3. Make sure your Etsy shop name is easy to pronounce and spell

You don’t want your customers to struggle to pronounce or spell your Etsy shop name. It may frustrate them and cause them to not return to your shop again. Your Etsy shop name needs to be clear and concise so everyone can understand what your business is about.

4. Keep your brand consistent

When you change your Etsy shop name, you are basically rebranding and changing your business image. Make sure that your shop name is consistent with your brand so that your customers don’t feel confused or misled.

5. Stay away from trendy words

Trendy words may be catchy, but they won’t be relevant a few years from now. Instead, focus on selecting the words that will remain relevant to your line of business for years and support your brand message.

Inspirational Examples of Well-Named Etsy Shops

Selecting the right name for your Etsy shop is a pivotal step in carving out a niche in the marketplace. Let’s look at some stellar examples of Etsy shops that have harnessed the power of a strong, descriptive name to bolster their brand and draw in customers.

1. CaitlynMinimalist: A Model of Clarity and Scope

CaitlynMinimalist not only captures the essence of its product line with a nod to simplicity and elegance but also leaves room for expansion. This store exemplifies how a broad yet descriptive name can encompass an evolving range while maintaining brand consistency—a perfect illustration connecting back to our discussion on choosing versatile names that grow with your business.

2. HeatherRobertsArt: Personal Branding Excellence

HeatherRobertsArt demonstrates successful personal branding by combining the artist’s name with her craft. This approach instantly informs customers about who creates these pieces and what they can expect—artwork. It’s an SEO-friendly strategy as well, aligning with search terms potential buyers are likely to use when seeking unique artistic creations.

3. GoldHillJewelry: The Art of Specificity

For shops like GoldHillJewelry, specificity is key—the name immediately indicates that they specialize in gold jewelry. It’s an example where precision helps target customers looking for something specific, lending itself naturally to SEO strategies by matching common search queries related to gold jewelry items.

4. PersonalizationMall: Directness That Pays Off

The success behind PersonalizationMall lies in its directness; you know instantly what unique selling proposition they offer—personalized goods. In crafting your own shop name, drawing inspiration from such clear-cut descriptiveness can help signal your main offerings effectively, encouraging clicks and conversions.

5. WoodByStu: Crafting Identity With Product Focus

WoodByStu tells its story succinctly—wooden products crafted by Stu. This kind of straightforward naming makes it easier for potential buyers searching for authentic wood-crafted items to find this store among thousands on Etsy. It’s another prime example reinforcing our earlier points on selecting names that reflect both maker identity and material quality.

Incorporating these considerations into renaming or creating your Etsy shop can provide directionality amidst uncertainty about branding decisions—and ensure that when shoppers come looking, it’s your storefront they find first.

FAQ’s About Changing Your Etsy Shop Name:

Here’s a collection of frequently asked questions that can help clarify common concerns for Etsy shop owners considering a name change or those simply wanting to understand the intricacies of their Etsy identities.

1. What happens when you change your Etsy shop name?

When you update your shop name, your Etsy shop URL will also change to reflect this new identity. It’s important since any existing backlinks will now redirect to the new URL. Remember, Etsy won’t notify your customers automatically; it’s up to you to inform them through social media updates or email announcements to avoid confusion and maintain brand continuity.

2. How many times am I allowed to change my Etsy shop name?

You’re free to alter your shop name multiple times before opening. After opening, you can modify it up to five times. Should you wish for a sixth change or more, contact Etsy support for permission. Keep in mind that once a shop name is used on the platform, it cannot be reused—by anyone—to preserve the integrity of each unique store identity.

3. Can my username and preferred name be the same as my shop name?

Your username is set when you create an account and remains unchanged; it’s separate from your public-facing shop name. Your preferred name—used for more personal interactions within the community—can indeed mirror your shop name if desired but does not have any bearing on how customers find or interact with your store.

4. Will changing my shop’s name affect my reviews and store history?

No, changing your store’s name does not erase its history or previous customer reviews. These remain intact as they are linked to your account and not just the store’s title. However, ensure that all branding materials reflect the updated names so new customers can read reviews knowing they pertain to your current brand.

5. Is there anything else I should update after changing my Etsy Shop Name?

Yes, after changing your Etsy Shop Name, consider updating all marketing materials (business cards, flyers), online profiles (social media pages), and product labels/packaging featuring the old brand title—and don’t forget about potential off-Etsy websites where you might have mentioned or linked back to your original store URL.

Wrapping Up:

In summary, the journey of renaming your Etsy shop is one paved with strategic considerations and thoughtful communication. A strong, catchy, and SEO-friendly name not only reinforces your brand but also plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers. As we’ve explored through the inspiring examples of top Etsy sellers, a well-chosen shop name can encapsulate your brand’s essence, enhance visibility, and set the stage for business growth.


The Ultimate Guide to Changing Your Store Name on Etsy
Can I change my Etsy shop name after opening my store?
Yes, you can change your Etsy shop name even after your store is open. However, it's important to be strategic about this decision since it affects your brand identity and customer recognition. Once changed, ensure to update all marketing materials and references to reflect the new name.
How often can I change my Etsy shop name?
You can change your Etsy shop name as many times as you want before officially opening your shop. After opening, while there is no strict limit to the number of times you can change it, frequent changes are not recommended due to branding consistency and customer trust considerations.
Will changing my Etsy shop name affect my existing URL links?
When you change your Etsy shop name, all existing links that used your old shop name will automatically redirect to the new one. This ensures a seamless transition for customers who may have bookmarked or saved your previous URL.
What should I do if my desired Etsy shop name is already taken?
If the Etsy shop name you want is taken, consider alternative spellings or variations that still resonate with your brand. If you believe you have legal rights to a specific name already in use on Etsy, you may contact the current holder for resolution or file a notice of intellectual property infringement.
How do I check if an Etsy shop name is available?
To verify availability, simply attempt entering the desired shop name in the designated field within your Shop Manager settings during a rename process or initial setup. If the system doesn't allow it because it’s already in use or has been previously used (even from closed shops), you'll need to try alternative names.