Crafting Your Etsy Identity

Discover how your username, shop name, and preferred name shape your brand on Etsy with our comprehensive guide for sellers aiming for success.

As an artisanal brand on Etsy, the names you choose for your account wield significant power in how customers perceive and find you. Let’s delve into the trio of name types you can utilize to sculpt your unique presence.

Elevating Your Username

Think of your username as your digital signature—it’s how you initially introduced yourself to the Etsy community.

A Sample of an Etsy Shop URL
  • Unchangeable and Public: Once set, your username is here to stay. It’s a part of your public persona on Etsy and is displayed within the URL directing to your profile:***username***.
  • Access Flexibility: Log in seamlessly using either this username or your associated email address.

For a deeper understanding of usernames, navigate to our comprehensive guide.

Your Shop Name: The Front of Your Business

Your shop name isn’t just a label; it’s a statement about your brand and an anchor for customer loyalty.

To change your shop name:

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Info & Appearance.
  4. Choose Change next to the Shop name.
  5. Enter your new shop name.
  6. Choose Save.

Remember that even if you alter your shop name, your original username remains as a separate entity for login purposes. Your shop name and username may differ, but only your username (or email address) will grant you access to your account.

Etsy Shop Manager's Info and Appearance Settings

Tips on Choosing a Great Etsy Shop Name

1. Reflect Your Brand: Your shop name is the first impression customers will have of your brand. Make sure it reflects the essence of what you’re selling and speaks to the style and personality of your creations.

2. Keep It Memorable: A catchy and easy-to-remember name will stick in customers’ minds, making them more likely to return. Avoid overly complex or lengthy names that might be hard to recall or type.

3. Consider SEO: Use relevant keywords in your shop name that potential customers might use when searching for products like yours. This can help improve visibility on Etsy’s search platform.

4. Check Availability and Trademarks: Before settling on a name, verify that it’s not already in use on Etsy and check for existing trademarks to avoid any legal issues down the line.

5. Plan for Growth: Choose a versatile name that allows room for expanding your product line without limiting you to a specific category or niche unless that is your long-term strategy.

6. Test It Out: Share your potential shop name with friends, family, or online groups to gather feedback about how it resonates with people and whether it conveys the right message about your brand.

Crafting a Preferred Name

Your preferred name is your casual introduction on Etsy—it’s how you connect with the community and buyers on a more personal level.

  • Personalize Your Profile: This is the name friends use to search for you, be it a nickname or your full given name. Note that this isn’t for business names but rather the ones you’re known by socially.
  • Desktop Adjustments Only: Need to tweak or remove this name? Head over to Etsy via your desktop or mobile browser as changes are not possible through the app.

Here’s how to edit your preferred name:

  1. Log into and click on Your account, then navigate to Account settings.
  2. Scroll down to the About You section and click on edit profile.
  3. Next to Your Name, select Change or Remove.
  4. Modify or delete your preferred name as desired—remember, filling both fields isn’t mandatory before saving.
  5. Hit Save Changes, and voilà!
Change Your Preferred Name on Etsy’s Account Settings

Tips on Selecting a Preferred Name

1. Personal Connection: Your preferred name should create a connection with buyers by conveying warmth or professionalism. Choose something approachable if you want to foster community or customer relationships.

2. Be Authentic: Use a name that genuinely represents who you are as an individual within the Etsy community—whether it’s a nickname, middle name, or variation of your real name.

3. Privacy Considerations: Decide how much personal information you’re comfortable sharing publicly. If privacy is important, consider using only your first name or an abbreviation rather than full details.

4. Consistency Across Platforms: If you have an online presence outside of Etsy (like social media), consider using the same preferred name so buyers can easily find and identify you across different platforms.

The Impact of Branding on Your Etsy Success

In the world of Etsy, where creativity and individuality are king, your shop name and username are not merely functional identifiers—they are cornerstones of your brand’s identity. A well-crafted name is a beacon that shines across the crowded marketplace, guiding customers to your unique offerings.

1. Cohesion Across All Fronts

The power of branding lies in its ability to present a unified image to the world. When your shop name and username resonate with your brand’s ethos, they become integral parts of an overarching narrative that spans every touchpoint with customers—from the visual appeal of your packaging to the voice in your messaging and the presentation of your online presence. This consistency is key; it weaves familiarity and trust into customer relationships, which can translate directly into increased recognition and sales.

2. A Name That Speaks Volumes

Think about some of the most iconic brands; their names alone evoke images, emotions, and experiences. Your Etsy shop has the same potential on a scale suited for the platform. Whether you’re selling handcrafted jewelry or vintage clothing finds, a thoughtfully selected name serves as an ambassador for your products before words even exchange hands.

3. Visual Consistency

Your chosen names should inform all visual elements associated with your store. Consider how they might inspire design choices for logos, banners, and profile pictures—and extend outward to product packaging and promotional materials. When customers see any facet of your brand—be it an Instagram post or a package landing on their doorstep—they should immediately connect it visually and emotionally with what you’ve built on Etsy.

4. Messaging That Resonates

Your shop’s name sets expectations about what buyers will find once they click through to view more details—it’s essential that this expectation aligns with what’s actually offered. Ensure that product descriptions, announcements, posts—any form of communication—is imbued with this same spirit. It’s this consistent message that turns casual browsers into loyal patrons.

By recognizing that every choice—from picking a compelling Etsy username to selecting eco-friendly packaging—contributes to building a powerful brand narrative; sellers can harness these tools not just for transactions but for creating lasting impressions.

Crafting Your Identity on Etsy: FAQ Section

1. What distinguishes an Etsy username, shop name, and preferred name?

Your username is your unique identifier used to log in and forms part of your profile’s URL. It’s set when you create your account and cannot be changed. Your shop name represents your business storefront and appears in your shop’s web address; it can be changed if needed. A preferred name is a more personal touch added to your profile that helps friends find you but isn’t used for business purposes.

2. Can I change my Etsy shop name after my store opens, and what should I consider?

Yes, once open, you can still change your Etsy shop name under the Shop Name section in Info & Appearance. This will update your shop URL and reserve the old name so others can’t use it. An icon indicating the change will appear next to your new shop name for 45 days. Remember to update any materials or content that feature the former name.

3. How can I check if an Etsy shop name is available?

An Etsy shop name is unavailable if it’s currently in use or was associated with an open shop that has since closed. Even if you close a store, its used names won’t become available again—for reuse with a new store, reopening the original store is necessary.

4. What steps do I take if my desired Etsy shop name, which I have rights to, is taken?

If you are the rights holder of a trademark or other intellectual property for a particular name already taken on Etsy, start by reaching out to the current holder directly for resolution. If necessary, file a notice of intellectual property infringement; however, doing so won’t release that specific shop name for you to use.

5. What are some important considerations when choosing a preferred name on Etsy?

Your preferred name should reflect how you want to be addressed personally by the Etsy community. It could be your real name, a nickname, or any other name you identify with. Remember that this is separate from your shop and username and should not represent a business entity.

6. If I change my Etsy shop name, will the old URL still work?

Yes, when you change your shop’s name on Etsy, your old shop URL will automatically redirect to the new one. This ensures that any existing links out there in the world won’t lead to dead ends but instead guide customers to your newly named store.

7. Can I use my preferred name as my username or shop name on Etsy?

No, while your preferred name can be displayed on your profile for friends and community members to find you easily, it cannot serve as either your username or shop name. Your username is fixed upon account creation for login purposes, and your shop name should represent your business uniquely.

8. What are the implications of using my full legal name as my preferred name on Etsy?

Using your full legal name as a preferred one can make it easier for friends and acquaintances to locate you; however, consider privacy preferences before doing so. If you’re comfortable with more personal recognition from buyers and peers within the marketplace, then it might be beneficial for networking purposes.


In the realm of Etsy—a marketplace pulsating with creativity and entrepreneurial spirit—your username, shop name, and preferred name are far more than mere. They are the ones of your digital storefront, the calling cards that can beckon a global audience to your virtual door. A carefully curated identity on this platform is not just a detail; it’s a strategic move that can elevate your brand from a multitude of talented sellers to an unforgettable shopping destination for discerning customers.

Your username marks the beginning of this journey, laying down roots in Etsy’s fertile soil. Your shop name then blossoms outwards, encapsulating your vision and beckoning buyers with its allure. Finally, your preferred name adds a personal flourish—a signature at the bottom of a masterpiece—that invites connection and fosters community.


Etsy Naming Guide: Username, Shop, and Preferred Name
Can I change my Etsy username after setting up my account?
No, once you've established your Etsy username, it cannot be altered. Your username is a permanent part of your public profile and the URL to your profile page.
How does my shop name affect my brand on Etsy?
Your shop name is a critical branding element that appears in your shop's unique web address and helps customers find and remember you. It should reflect your brand identity, be memorable, and ideally incorporate SEO-friendly keywords to improve searchability on Etsy.
Is it possible to change my shop name on Etsy after it's been created?
Yes, you can change your shop name on Etsy. This flexibility allows you to adjust your branding as needed; however, consider the impact of changing names on returning customers and ensure any updates are well communicated across all marketing channels.
What should I consider when choosing a preferred name for my Etsy profile?
When selecting a preferred name, opt for something that personally resonates with you or is an alias/nickname commonly associated with you by friends or family. This makes it easier for people who know you to find your profile but keep in mind this should not be a business name.
Does the preferred name field have to be filled out on my Etsy profile?
No, filling out the preferred name field is not mandatory; it's an optional feature that enhances personal connection within the community. If you choose not to use it or wish to remain more anonymous, simply leave the field blank or edit it later if needed.