Creating Video Posts with Explore on Etsy

A detailed guide on utilizing the Explore feature to create effective video posts on Etsy, connect with shoppers, and boost your shop's performance.

Explore is a fantastic feature for Etsy sellers, allowing you to create and upload video posts directly through the Etsy Seller app. These videos can be featured on the Etsy shopping app, giving you an excellent opportunity to connect with shoppers and showcase your products. In this article, we’ll guide you through creating a video post using Explore, deleting a post, monitoring its performance, and crafting engaging content that will resonate with shoppers.

Requirements for Using Explore

Before diving into the process of creating video posts with Explore, it’s important to note that this feature is currently only available for English-speaking sellers in the US who use the Etsy Seller App on iOS devices.

To get started, download Etsy Seller from the Apple App Store. Additionally, your shop must be in good standing with Etsy. For more information about Explore’s terms, click here. We highly encourage you to provide feedback about your experience using Explore by filling out our feedback survey.

How to Create a Video Post with Explore

Follow these simple steps to create a captivating video post using Explore:

  1. Download and sign in to Etsy Seller.
  2. Navigate to the Home tab.
  3. Tap Check out Explore.
  4. Tap Create a Post.
  5. Select a video from your camera roll (you may need to grant the app permission to access it).
  6. Add a descriptive caption and choose a video type.
  7. Select a listing to link to your post (if you don’t select any, the post will direct buyers to your shop’s home page).
  8. Tap Post to complete the upload.

The uploaded video can be up to 3 minutes long, include sound, and should not exceed 750MB in size. Ensure that any audio included complies with Etsy’s Seller Policy.

Saving Videos as Drafts

Currently, there is no option available for saving video posts as drafts; videos must be posted immediately after they are uploaded.

Adding Captions to Your Video

To add captions:

  1. Tap the pencil icon next to Write a Caption.
  2. Write an engaging caption for your video.
  3. Tap Save.
Etsy Explore Description Box

Linking Your Video Post

Take advantage of the option to link your video post to up to 5 active listings from your shop. If no listing is connected, the video will direct buyers to your shop home. To link a video to a listing:

  1. Tap the pencil icon next to the Link to a shop listing.
  2. Find the desired listing using filters like Recently modified, Title A-Z, or Top selling.
  3. Tap on a listing to select it.

What happens if the listing I link my video to sells out?

If the linked listing sells out or becomes inactive, your post will still be accessible, but the link will redirect buyers to your shop home instead.

Designating a Video Type

Etsy’s Explore provides different categories for designating videos:

  • About me and my shop: Introduce yourself and your shop for buyers to know you better.
  • How to use my item: Help shoppers understand how they can use or style your product in real life.
  • How I make this item: Share behind-the-scenes insights into creating your products.
  • Memes and skits: Engage buyers with humor while showcasing items from your store.
Select an Etsy Video Type

How to designate a video type?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Tap the pencil icon next to Tag your video type.
  2. Choose an option that best represents your video content.
  3. Tap Add to post.

Once everything is set, tap on Post Now, and uploading will commence. You’ll receive a success message upon completion. If any required fields are left empty or if the video doesn’t meet length or size requirements, an error message will appear.

Deleting a Video Post

If you want to delete one of your video posts, follow these steps:

  1. In Explore, navigate to your post grid.
  2. Tap on the post you wish to delete.
  3. Tap the … (ellipsis) icon and select Delete.
  4. Tap Delete again to confirm.

Monitoring Your Post’s Performance

Track the performance of your video posts by keeping an eye on these key metrics:

  • Total reach: The number of unique buyers who have seen your post.
  • Total likes: The number of buyers who liked your post.
  • Revenue from your post: The total earnings generated from sales linked to your post.
  • Listing visits: The number of buyers who visited a listing attached to your post.
  • Shop visits: The number of buyers who visited your shop after viewing your post.
  • Comments: Number of buyers who commented on your posts.

By monitoring these metrics, you can gauge the success and effectiveness of each video post created using Etsy’s Explore feature.

Creating Engaging Video Posts Shoppers Will Love

To achieve the best engagement with shoppers, we recommend uploading at least two videos per week. You can also consider posting to Explore every time you post on social media.

Explore Dashboard on the Etsy Seller App

1. Showcase Your Process

Videos that demonstrate how an item is created, finished, or packaged help establish a meaningful connection with shoppers. Invite buyers into your creative process by sharing the inspiration, design, and step-by-step techniques you use daily.

2. Demonstrate Items in the Real World

Showing your products in their intended context or setting can inspire shoppers and help them visualize how items fit into their lives or spaces.

3. Tell Your Shop’s Story

Posts that narrate your business’s history and highlight those who make or curate your items foster a stronger connection between shoppers and your shop.

4. Keep Your Posts Relevant

Explore posts should be relevant to Etsy and your linked item to inspire shoppers and assist them in making informed purchasing decisions. Ensure your posts comply with the guidelines for creating and updating content outlined in Etsy’s Seller Policy.

Off-topic posts that may be removed include:

  • Social, political, or religious commentary
  • Complaints about Etsy, business partners, buyers, or other services (e.g., shipping carriers)
  • Discussion of other marketplaces or brands not directly related to the featured item
  • Pervasive profanity

By following these recommendations when crafting video posts on Etsy using the Explore feature will help attract more engaged shoppers!

Additional Ideas and Inspiration

If you’re looking for more ideas to create captivating video posts, tap Tips on the main Explore screen. The Seller Handbook offers a wealth of resources on creating effective videos:

Finding Your Post on Explore

To see how your video post appears to buyers, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the most up-to-date version of the Etsy shopping app for iOS.
  2. Select the Explore tab.
  3. Scroll through the Explore feed to find your video as it appears to shoppers.

You can also explore videos from other sellers in the Etsy community and gain inspiration from their content. By implementing these tips and techniques, you’ll be able to create engaging video posts that attract potential customers and boost sales for your Etsy shop.

Common Troubleshooting Guidelines for Using Explore

When using Etsy’s Explore feature to create video posts, you may occasionally encounter issues or difficulties. Here are some common troubleshooting guidelines to help you resolve them and ensure a smooth experience:

1. Video Upload Issues

The following are the possible common issues:

1. File size limitations: Ensure that your video file does not exceed the 750MB limit. If your file is larger than the allowed size, consider compressing it or editing it to fit within the constraints.

2. Video length: Videos uploaded through Explore must be between 2 seconds and 3 minutes in length. Make sure your video meets these requirements before uploading.

3. App permissions: If you’re unable to access videos from your camera roll, check your device’s app permissions settings and grant the Etsy Seller app permission to access your photos.

4. Unsupported formats: Ensure that your video file is in a supported format (e.g., MP4 or MOV). Unsupported formats may cause upload failures or playback issues.

2. Caption and Listing Link Problems

Common issues include:

1. Incomplete information: If you receive an error message when attempting to post a video, double-check that all required fields (caption, listing link, etc.) are completed correctly.

2. Sold-out listings: If a linked listing becomes sold out or inactive after posting a video, note that the post will remain active but automatically replace the listing link with one directing buyers back to your shop home instead.

3. Performance Metrics Discrepancies

If you notice discrepancies in performance metrics for your video posts (such as total reach or revenue), keep in mind that these numbers are updated periodically and may take time to accurately reflect engagement levels.

4. App Updates and Compatibility

Ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the Etsy Seller app installed on an iOS device since Explore is currently only available for English-speaking sellers in the US using iOS devices. Regularly updating the app helps prevent potential issues related to compatibility and access to the Explore feature.


In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, standing out and engaging with potential buyers is crucial for success. Etsy’s Explore feature offers an invaluable opportunity for sellers to showcase their products, creativity, and brand story through captivating video content. By utilizing this powerful tool, you can enhance your shop’s visibility, establish a deeper connection with shoppers, and ultimately drive more sales.

Embrace the power of visually appealing videos that captivate shoppers while sharing your unique story and providing them valuable insights into your products. With consistent effort and strategic use of the Explore feature, you will be well-positioned to thrive in the dynamic world of Etsy selling.


Etsy's Explore Feature: Boost Your Shop with Engaging Video Posts
How can I create engaging video posts for my Etsy shop using the Explore feature?
To create engaging video posts for your Etsy shop using the Explore feature, first download the Etsy Seller app on your iOS device and navigate to the Home tab. Tap "Check out Explore" and then tap "Create a Post." Select a video from your camera roll, add a descriptive caption, choose a video type, and link a listing to your post. Finally, tap "Post" to complete the upload. For more tips on crafting captivating videos that resonate with shoppers, refer to our comprehensive guide
How do I monitor the performance of my video posts created using Etsy's Explore feature?
Once your video posts become visible to buyers on Etsy's Explore feed, you can track their performance through various metrics such as total reach, total likes, revenue from your post, listing visits, shop visits, and comments. Analyzing these metrics provides valuable insights into how well each of your videos resonates with potential customers.
Can I save a draft of my video post in the Etsy Seller app before uploading it?
Currently, there isn't an option within the Etsy Seller app to save a draft of your video post before uploading it through Explore. Videos must be posted immediately after they're uploaded.
What should I consider when creating engaging videos for my products on Etsy?
When creating engaging videos for your products on Etsy using Explore or other platforms like YouTube & more; focus on showcasing your creative process by revealing how items are made or packaged; demonstrate items in real-life settings where they're meant to be used or seen; narrate your business's history while highlighting people who make or curate your items; and ensure your posts are relevant and comply with Etsy's [Seller Policy](
How can linking video posts to my shop listings on Etsy benefit my sales?
By linking video posts to specific shop listings, you provide potential buyers with direct access to the featured product, making it easier for them to explore and purchase the item. If a linked listing becomes sold out or inactive, the post will remain active, but it will direct buyers back to your shop home instead of the specific listing.