Effective Communication Tips for Etsy Sellers

Learn essential tips and best practices to enhance customer engagement and drive more sales through effective communication on Etsy.

In the bustling marketplace of Etsy, clear and efficient communication with buyers is vital to success. Whether you're a seasoned seller or a newcomer, mastering Etsy's messaging system enhances customer relationships, boosts your reputation, and streamlines your shop's operations. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through every aspect of buyer communication from sending messages and attaching files to using auto-replies and understanding response times. Ready to become an expert in buyer interaction? Let's dive in!

Managing Your Messages on Etsy

Etsy’s Shop Manager Message Settings

To access and respond to your messages on Etsy:

  1. Visit Etsy.com and click on Your account.
  2. Select the Messages icon to view your messages.
  3. To respond to a buyer’s message, select a message thread under Messages.
  4. Input your response in the text box and hit Send.

Remember, you also have the option to use saved replies and attach files for a more personalized response.

Communicating with Buyers

To send a message regarding an order:

  1. Go to Shop Manager > Orders & Shipping.
  2. Find the relevant order.
  3. Click Message, type your message, and then hit Send.

Sharing Files in Messages

To attach files in messages:

  1. Select the Upload Image button while composing your message.
  2. Select three files of types .jpg, .gif, .pdf, or .png.
  3. Click Send

Note: The maximum file size is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels or 100MB.

Automated Assistance: Auto-Replies & Saved Replies

Auto-replies are automatically sent responses that save time when away from shop duties while saved replies offer standardized answers for frequently asked questions (FAQs). Both improve communication efficiency and promptness.


There are two types of auto-replies - temporary (for absences up to five days) and weekly (based on a set schedule). Setting auto-replies does not affect Star Seller messaging scores but only covers first-time shopper messages.

Setting up a Temporary Auto-Reply on Etsy’s Shop Manager Messages Settings

Setting Up Temporary Auto-Reply

For momentary absences:

  1. Go into the Shop Manager’s Message section
  2. Choose Auto-Reply > Temporary auto-reply
  3. Toggle Auto-reply on
  4. Input prepared response or choose from saved replies
  5. Set duration (up to five days)
  6. Hit ‘Save’

Setting Up Weekly Auto-Reply

For regular schedules requiring unavailability:

  1. Go into the Shop Manager’s Message section
  2. Choose Auto-Reply > Weekly auto-reply
  3. Toggle Auto-reply on
  4. Enter your pre-prepared content or pick from saved replies
  5. Select preferred off-days
  6. Hit ‘Save’

Saved Replies

Saved replies aid timely responses without typing new ones each time thereby fostering efficient communication routines suitable for becoming Star Sellers.

Using Existing Saved Reply

To use existing pre-written responses by either yourself or Etsy:

  1. Place the cursor in the message box
  2. Click ‘All Saved Replies’
  3. Select a category like Shipping / Orders
  4. Pick the desired reply
  5. Hit ‘Send’

Creating a New Saved Reply

If needed create personalized saved replies:

  1. Choose All Saved Replies below the textbox within Inbox messages
  2. On the next page click Add New> Saved Reply
  3. Enter title & content; choose/create an appropriate category
  4. Hit Save

These saved replies can be edited/deleted anytime via pencil/trash icons beside each entry.

Organizing Your Inbox

Maintain an organized inbox using labels for different conversation types marking spam mail trashing irrelevant ones ensuring focus only on relevant emails boosting productivity significantly!

Your average response rate calculated based on the time taken between receiving/responding to individual buyer queries influences overall performance ratings like becoming a star seller making it a crucial metric to monitor closely!

Managing Pattern Site Messages

For Pattern site users all messages submitted through contact forms appear under the ‘Message’ icon within Shop Manager providing another avenue for customer communication!

Managing Labels & Help Requests

Labels offer quick references both at a glance within the inbox and beneath recipient information when reading specific messages while help requests categorize issues needing immediate attention.

Applying Labels / Creation Process

Applying Label on Etsy’s Shop Manager Messages
  1. Select the message you wish to label.
  2. Choose the ‘Label’ dropdown menu.
  3. Either create a new label or choose an existing one.
  4. Click ‘Done’ to complete the process.

Managing Spam & Deleted Messages

  1. To report spam, select the message and then click on ‘Mark as Spam’.
  2. To trash unwanted messages, select them and then click on ‘Trash’.
  3. Note: These messages are not permanently deleted until you action them again within the trash folder.

Understanding Response Time Shown On Listings Page

Etsy displays an average response rate providing shoppers an idea about expected return communication time hence managing it well helps improve overall perception-led customer experience.

Do’s of Communication:

1. Express gratitude: A warm appreciation message after a purchase builds a positive rapport with your customer.

“Hello [Buyer’s Name], thank you so much for your purchase! Your order is being prepared and is expected to be shipped by [date]. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.”

2. Keep them updated: Timely updates about order status can reassure customers about their purchases.

“Hi [Buyer’s Name], I’m excited to let you know that your item has been dispatched today! Here are the shipment details including the tracking number: [insert details]. If you need further information, don’t hesitate to ask.”

3. Respond promptly: Swift responses indicate professionalism and care towards customers’ needs.

“Hello [Buyer’s Name], thank you for getting in touch. I appreciate your patience and am here to assist with any queries or concerns you might have.”

4. Clarify ambiguities: Clearing up uncertainties prevents future issues.

“Hi [Buyer’s Name], I noticed a discrepancy between your PayPal and Etsy addresses. Could we confirm which one should be used for shipping?”

5. Set clear expectations for custom orders: Informing buyers upfront about custom orders’ timeframes sets realistic expectations.

“Thank you for considering a custom order, [Buyer’s Name]! Please note that as these pieces are uniquely crafted just for you, they may take longer than standard ones to fulfill. Rest assured that I’ll keep you informed throughout the process.”

6. Encourage feedback: Inviting feedback without making it an obligation demonstrates respect toward customers’ autonomy while showing openness to improvement. After receiving feedback:

“Dear [Buyer’s name], thank you so much for sharing your experience of shopping with us! We’re glad that we could meet your expectations.”

Don’ts of Communication:

  • Avoid anger: Writing in anger seldom solves anything. It’s better to step away until you’re calm enough to respond objectively.
  • Don’t over-communicate: Overdoing Convos or email updates might annoy your buyer. Striking balance is key.
  • Don’t demand feedback: Politely asking for feedback is fine but remember that it isn’t mandatory on Etsy.

Interacting With International Buyers:

1. Avoid slang/idioms

Keep language simple and universally understandable as idioms/slang may not translate well across different cultures/languages.

Example: Simply say “Thank you for your purchase! Your order will be shipped soon.”

2. Steer clear of buzzwords or phrases that could potentially offend

Using neutral terms helps avoid cultural sensitivities.

Example: Instead of saying ‘That’s a steal’, say ‘This is available at great value.’

3. Don’t use jargon specific only to Etsy

Use simple language understood globally instead of platform-specific lingo.

Example: Instead of using Etsy-specific terms like ‘Convos’, use more general terms such as ‘Messages’.

Personalized messages that you can adapt to suit your style and needs:

1. Order confirmation and gratitude:

Hi [Buyer’s Name],

Thank you so much for your recent order of [Product Name]! We’re thrilled to have you as a customer and can’t wait to get started on your purchase. Our team is working diligently to ensure that your order is processed and shipped to you as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

[Your Shop Name]

2. Shipping and tracking details:

Hi [Buyer’s Name],

We wanted to let you know that your order of [Product Name] has been shipped! You can track your package using the following information:

Tracking number: [Tracking Number]

Carrier: [Carrier Name]

Estimated delivery date: [Estimated Delivery Date]

We hope you enjoy your purchase and that it arrives safely and on time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist you.

Best regards,

[Your Shop Name]

3. Requesting feedback:

Hi [Buyer’s Name],

We hope you’re enjoying your recent purchase from [Your Shop Name]. We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about your experience. Reviews from our valued customers like you help us improve and serve you better.If you have a few moments, we would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a review on our Etsy shop. Your feedback means a lot to us and helps other shoppers make informed decisions.

Warm regards,

[Your Shop Name]

4. Addressing concerns or issues:

Hi [Buyer’s Name],

We’re sorry to hear that you’re experiencing an issue with your recent purchase of [Product Name]. We take customer satisfaction seriously, and we’re committed to resolving this matter for you. Please provide us with more details about the issue you’re facing, and we’ll do our best to find a satisfactory solution. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we appreciate your patience.

Best regards,

[Your Shop Name]


Mastering the art of communication on Etsy can make a world of difference in your seller journey. It not only positively impacts order completion but also enhances buyer relationships, fostering loyalty and repeat business. By effectively using Etsy's messaging system and organizing your inbox smartly, you can ensure smoother transactions.

Remember, each message represents an opportunity to provide excellent customer service and leave a lasting impression. Whether you're responding to queries, handling negative feedback, or simply thanking a buyer for their purchase - every interaction matters.

Here's to building successful connections with customers and growing your business one message at a time!


Etsy Messaging Guide for Sellers - How to Communicate Effectively with Buyers
How can I communicate effectively with my customers on Etsy?
Effective communication with your Etsy customers involves expressing gratitude for purchases, providing shipping updates, responding promptly to Convos, clarifying ambiguities like differing Paypal and Etsy addresses, setting clear expectations for custom orders, and encouraging feedback in a polite manner.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when communicating with Etsy customers?
Avoid writing messages in anger or frustration as it often exacerbates problems. Be careful not to over-communicate as too many convos or email updates might annoy your buyer. Also, remember that demanding feedback isn't advisable because leaving feedback is optional on Etsy.
How can I improve my communication skills as an Etsy seller?
Improving communication skills involves strategies like setting up a dedicated email address for shop correspondence, crafting careful subject lines for emails, using public places in your shop to outline communication style and expectations, establishing internal service policies with defined goals and simplifying explanations so they're easy to understand.
How should I communicate with international buyers on Etsy?
When dealing with international buyers on Etsy it's important to avoid slang/idioms/buzzwords that may not translate well across different cultures/languages or could potentially offend. Instead, opt for simple language understood globally.
What strategies can help me manage customer communications more efficiently on Etsy?
To manage customer communications efficiently you can create Convo templates for frequently asked questions adding personal touches. If you're going away update this in your shop announcement and use auto-responses indicating when you'll return.