Etsy Coupons Explained

Get a detailed understanding of how Etsy Coupons work, their impact on sellers' earnings, and how they interact with taxes.

Etsy has a unique feature called Etsy Coupons, which are promotional codes sent directly to selected buyers. These coupons provide discounts on the buyer’s next eligible order and are completely funded by Etsy. This approach is distinct from typical shop-specific coupons offered by sellers.

What Happens When an Etsy Coupon is Redeemed?

Etsy sends these valuable Coupons to selected buyers, offering either a percentage or fixed-amount discount on their upcoming orders. However, there can be certain conditions attached to these coupons, such as a minimum spend limit. The coupon also stipulates an expiry date informing the buyer of the time frame within which it needs to be redeemed.

Etsy’s Latest Funded Coupon Promotion

Impact of Etsy Coupon on Sales and Seller Fees

The beauty of Etsy Coupons lies in the fact that they’re fully subsidized by Etsy itself; therefore, it doesn’t impact your earnings per sale or alter seller fees in any manner. Even when a buyer uses an Etsy coupon to purchase items from your store, you still receive the complete order amount post-sale. The same seller fees apply for transactions made with or without an Etsy coupon. You can view all these details on your receipt and within your Payment account post-sale.

Issuing Refunds on Orders Placed Using a Coupon

Refunding orders placed using an Etsy coupon involves some minor differences compared to regular refunds. When issuing such refunds via, you’ll notice a notification highlighting the refund amount that needs to be returned back to Etsy.

How Does Tax Apply With Regard to An Etsy Coupon?

Taxes Collected and Remitted by Etsy

In scenarios where taxes need to be paid by Etsy, it ensures that due taxes get remitted correctly. Depending upon buyer location specifics, tax may be levied on either the total payable amount pre-discount or post-discount value after applying the coupon. For instance, for an item priced at $100, the post-coupon price drops down to $90. Here, the taxes applied would be based on either the original price ($100) or the discounted price ($90), depending on your country’s tax rules. You can view order details such as coupon usage and Etsy’s contribution through your Shop Manager.

Taxes Collected and Remitted by Sellers

As a seller, if you’re responsible for collecting and remitting taxes to your local tax authority, you need to consider several factors including your personal circumstances and local tax laws. Your Shop Manager provides insights into Etsy-funded amounts via Coupons in order to accurately calculate taxes due. However, we strongly recommend consulting with a tax adviser for optimal accuracy.

Taxes Paid by Buyers

In cases where buyers are required to pay taxes (e.g., imported goods), local regulations determine whether taxes are calculated based on the pre-discount total amount or after subtracting Etsy’s funded amount. Learn more about international shipping taxation here.

Responding to Buyers About Etsy Coupon Restrictions

As an Etsy seller, you may occasionally encounter buyers who are unable to use their Etsy Coupons on purchases from your shop. This could be due to several reasons specific to the coupon’s terms and conditions or based on the payment options available in your store. Here’s how you can help such buyers understand why they might not be able to use their coupons:

Etsy’s Promotional Terms and Conditions

1. Shop Specifics

Not all shops accept all types of payment methods. For example, if a shop doesn’t accept credit cards as a form of payment, then an Etsy Coupon cannot be redeemed there.

Response: “Thank you for your interest in using an Etsy Coupon in our shop. Please note that we currently don’t accept credit cards as a payment method, which might be why you’re unable to redeem your coupon. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.”

2. Coupon Requirements

The order must meet certain requirements for the coupon code to work. For instance, if a coupon offers 10% off on orders worth $25 or more, it will only apply once the buyer spends at least $25.

Response: ”Thanks for reaching out! It appears the coupon code you’re trying to use has specific requirements, such as a minimum spend limit of $25. If your total order doesn’t meet this requirement, unfortunately, the coupon won’t apply.”

3. Expiration Date

Every Etsy Coupon has an expiration date after which it cannot be used. If a buyer attempts to use an expired coupon, it won’t work.

Response: ”I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble using your Etsy Coupon on our shop. Could it be possible that the coupon has expired? Each Etsy Coupon comes with a validity period mentioned in the email sent by Etsy.”

4. Currency Limitations

The currency in which the offer is issued should match with that of the buyer’s browsing currency for the successful application of the discount.

Response: ”Thank you for choosing our store! If the currency you’re browsing in does not match the currency issued by the offer (for example USD), then unfortunately, the discount cannot be applied. Please switch your browsing currency if possible.”

5. Usage Limitations

Typically, each user can apply their unique Etsy Coupon only once per account.

Response: ”Thanks for shopping with us! Just so you know, each Etsy Coupon can only be used once per user account - could it possibly have been used on a prior order? That might explain why it isn’t working this time around.”

6. Account Sign-in

A buyer needs to sign into their account or create one if they don’t already have one for applying any discount codes including Etsy Coupons.

Response: ”If you’re having issues applying an Etsy Coupon at our store, make sure you are signed into your Etsy account. If you don’t have one, you can create an account to be eligible for discounts.”

Advantages of Etsy Coupons

Here are some of the key advantages of utilizing Etsy Coupons in your business strategy:

1. Increased Sales

Coupons often incentivize customers to make a purchase they might have been hesitating about. By offering a discount through an Etsy coupon, you may find that you’re able to increase your overall sales volume.

2. Attract New Customers

Coupons can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers who might not have considered shopping at your store otherwise. A good deal can entice potential buyers into making their first purchase from your shop.

3. Clear Out Inventory

If you have items that haven’t been selling as quickly as others, offering an Etsy coupon could help move these products faster. This strategy allows you to clear out old or excess inventory and make room for new items.

4. Enhance Customer Loyalty

Existing customers appreciate feeling valued and rewarded for their loyalty to your shop. Offering them unique discounts through Etsy coupons can enhance customer retention rates and foster long-term relationships.

5. Boost Shop Visibility

When buyers use an Etsy coupon on an order from your shop, the discounted price may encourage them to purchase more items or share their positive experience with friends, thereby increasing word-of-mouth advertising and enhancing visibility for your store within the vast Etsy marketplace

Frequently Asked Questions for Sellers about Etsy Coupons:

1. What is the difference between Etsy Coupons and Shop Coupons?

Etsy Coupons are issued by Etsy to select buyers as part of special offers or promotions and can be used in any shop that accepts them. They provide either a fixed price reduction or a percentage reduction off a purchase at checkout. On the other hand, Shop Coupon Codes are run by individual sellers for their specific shops and may only be applied against orders from those shops.

2. As a seller, am I required to accept Etsy Coupons?

Accepting Etsy Coupons depends on your shop’s payment method setup. If your shop accepts credit cards as a payment method (through Etsy Payments), then it would typically accept Etsy Coupons.

3. Can an order use both an Etsy Coupon and a Shop Coupon Code together?

Yes, buyers can use an Etsy Coupon along with a Shop Coupon Code or during a shop sale, provided the coupons meet all requirements such as minimum spend and valid dates.

4. Can an unused portion of an Etsy coupon be refunded or transferred if the buyer’s purchase amount is less than the coupon value?

No, if the price of the item purchased is less than the value of the coupon, any unused portion of the coupon will not be refunded or transferred.

5. How should I respond if a buyer asks why they couldn’t use their coupon in my store?

It is important to communicate effectively with your customers regarding potential reasons why their coupons may not work in your store. These could include non-acceptance of credit cards as payment, currency mismatch between browsing currency and offer currency, and expired coupons among others.


Understanding Etsy Coupons and their influence on your shop’s operations is crucial for every Etsy seller. These discounts, exclusively funded by Etsy, offer an excellent opportunity to attract more buyers, boost sales, and even clear old inventory while maintaining your earnings.

Moreover, familiarizing yourself with the limitations and requirements of these coupons can help you effectively handle customer inquiries and build a stronger relationship with your buyers. Remember to stay updated about tax implications related to these coupons and seek advice from your tax advisor as needed.


Understanding How Etsy Coupons Work - Complete Guide
What is an Etsy coupon and how does it work?
An Etsy coupon is a promotional code sent by Etsy to selected buyers, offering either a percentage off or a fixed-amount discount on their next eligible order. These coupons may have special conditions for use, like a minimum spend limit, and also include expiry details.
Does using an Etsy coupon affect my earnings as an Etsy seller?
No, using an Etsy coupon does not affect your earnings as a seller. These coupons are fully funded by Etsy itself; therefore, you still receive the full order amount even when a buyer uses an Etsy coupon.
Do I pay extra seller fees if my customer uses an Etsy Coupon?
No, you won't pay any extra seller fees if your customer redeems an Etsy Coupon on your shop's products. The same standard fee applies regardless of whether or not the customer used a discount code.
How do refunds work for orders where the buyer used an Etsy Coupon?
When issuing refunds for orders placed with an Etsy coupon via, you will see a notification indicating the refund amount that needs to be returned back to Etsy.
How do taxes interact with the use of Etsy Coupons?
Taxes may be collected and remitted either by Etsy or by sellers themselves depending on various factors like location and personal circumstances. It's advisable for sellers handling their own taxes to consult with a tax advisor for better understanding of taxable amounts.