Etsy Data Download Guide for Sellers

Learn how to download your Etsy shop's personal data and sales reports with our easy-to-follow guide. Get insights for growth and stay informed about your business.

Etsy sellers, it’s time to become data-savvy! Understanding and accessing your shop data is a pivotal step in growing your business on the platform. Whether you’re looking to analyze your sales, prepare for tax season, or simply take control of your personal information,

Please refer to our comprehensive Privacy Policy if additional clarity around our practices regarding the collection, sharing, and utilization of user data is needed. We are here to guide you through the process with ease and clarity.

Etsy’s Privacy Policy

Accessing Your Personal and Shop Data on Etsy

Under regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA, transparency around personal data usage is not just a courtesy but a legal requirement. As an Etsy seller, you have the right to access various detailed reports about your sales activity and personal data collected by Etsy.

Key Reports Available for Download:

  • Listing Data CSV: The CSV file includes the listing title, description, price, currency code, quantity, tags, materials, and image URLs for all of your Currently for Sale listings.
  • Order Item CSV: Item-level sales report detailing each individual sale.
  • Order CSV: Order-level sales report featuring payment methods and associated financial details like processing fees.
  • Etsy Payments Sales CSV: Record of all payments received via Etsy Payments.
  • Etsy Payments Deposits CSV: Log all deposits made from Etsy Payments into your bank account.

How to Retrieve Your Listing Information

To take full advantage of your Etsy store’s data, understanding how to download your listing information and transaction records is essential. This additional data complements the personal and shop insights we’ve discussed earlier, providing a holistic view of your store’s performance.

  1. Log in at
  2. Navigate to You, then click on Shop Manager.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Choose Options.
  5. Opt for Download Data.
  6. Click Download CSV to save your active listing data file.

The monthly statements and sold order history are also available for download as CSV files, offering additional layers of financial transparency.

Download Your Shop Data on Etsy Shop Manager's Option Settings

Insights from Your Listing Data

The CSV file with your listing data will include critical details for each active product such as:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Price
  • Currency code
  • Quantity
  • Tags
  • Materials
  • Image URLs
  • SKU numbers (if applicable)

This comprehensive snapshot is not just a record; it’s a tool for inventory management, market analysis, and future planning—fully compatible with popular spreadsheet applications like Excel and Google Sheets.

Downloading Your Personal Data:

To obtain a copy of your personal or shop data, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Your Account on
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Select Privacy.
  4. In the Privacy settings under ‘Download Data,’ click on Request your data for download.
  5. After receiving a confirmation email that your data is ready, click the provided button to confirm the download request.
  6. Return to Privacy Settings and select Download your data.
  7. Input your account password when prompted.

Expect a ZIP file containing both CSV and JSON formats of your data; sellers will also receive specific shop information in this file. Remember that download requests are only valid for two weeks—should they expire, simply submit another request.

Request Download of Your Shop Data on Etsy’s Account Settings

For Order Information

To download information about your orders and sales:

  1. Log into your Etsy account and head over to Shop Manager > Settings > Options > Download Data.
  2. Use the dropdowns to choose the CSV Type, Month, and Year. For an annual overview, omit the month.
  3. Click Download Orders as a CSV to export this data.

Your transaction record includes information such as:

  • Payment method used by customers
  • Item price
  • Item title
  • SKU numbers (if assigned)

For those managing Etsy Payments, you can also obtain a dedicated yearly activity CSV. These files not only ensure you’re equipped with detailed sales analytics but also facilitate smoother accounting practices, especially when integrated with bookkeeping software or services like QuickBooks Self-Employed U.S./UK which offers direct views and exports of this data

Managing Your Exported Orders Effectively

Once you’ve exported your order data from Etsy, it’s crucial to manage it effectively:

Step 1: Inspect the Exported Data

Start by meticulously reviewing the exported data before importing it into any system or software. Ensure accuracy by checking for completeness and rectifying any discrepancies or errors.

Step 2: Transfer Data to Your Chosen Platform

Next up is transferring this reviewed data into the platform where you’ll be analyzing it—whether that’s a spreadsheet program like Excel or specialized inventory management software. It’s critical here to use a system compatible with Etsy’s CSV format for a smooth transition.

Step 3: Confirm Accuracy Post-Import

After importing, double-check the imported figures against what’s recorded in Etsy to confirm consistency across platforms; correct any inconsistencies immediately.

Advantages of Exporting Order Data from Etsy

Incorporating the practice of exporting Etsy orders into your shop management routine is pivotal for the sustained growth and optimization of your store. Here’s why this step should be a staple in your business strategy:

1. Sales Performance Analysis

Regularly exporting order data equips you with a historical record, enabling you to track and analyze sales performance. This analysis can reveal trends, peak seasons, and best-selling items, which are invaluable for making informed decisions about inventory and pricing.

2. Inventory Optimization

Sales data provides insight into purchasing patterns, helping you to forecast demand more accurately. With this information at hand, you can adjust stock levels to ensure popular items remain available while reducing surplus inventory that moves slowly.

3. Marketing Intelligence

Analyzing exported orders uncovers which products drive the most profit and identifies buying behaviors. Armed with these insights, you can tailor marketing efforts to capitalize on successful products and develop targeted campaigns that speak directly to specific customer groups.

4. Enhanced Customer Service

A comprehensive look at your sales data helps pinpoint common customer issues or questions. Proactive responses based on these insights can significantly boost customer satisfaction and encourage loyalty


As we conclude our comprehensive guide, remember that these tools and techniques are more than just tactics; they’re reflections of your passion and commitment. The power lies not only in numbers and strategies but also in the unique stories behind every handcrafted item sold and each customer delighted by their purchase.

Let the insights drawn from Etsy’s downloadable data invigorate your decision-making process—fueling innovation, fostering customer connections, and fine-tuning financial foresight. Embrace this knowledge as both armor against uncertainty and as a compass steering you toward exciting horizons.

So take these learnings forth into your thriving storefronts. Continue to craft with care, market with magnificence, budget with brilliance—and watch as each choice informed by diligent analysis transforms into milestones marking progress on your entrepreneurial expedition.


How to Download Your Etsy Shop Data - Easy Step-by-Step Guide
What types of data can I download from my Etsy shop?
As an Etsy seller, you can download various types of data including order items, order summaries, Etsy Payments sales and deposits information, listing details, monthly statements, sold order history, and a record of your transactions. These reports offer insights into sales performance, financials, inventory management, and customer engagement.
Why is it important to download my Etsy shop data?
Downloading your shop data is important for several reasons. It allows you to analyze sales trends over time, track your financial health including expenses and income for tax purposes or profit analysis, understand customer demographics and preferences to tailor marketing strategies effectively, and manage inventory by assessing product performance.
How can I use the CSV files downloaded from Etsy for my business?
The CSV files downloaded from Etsy are compatible with spreadsheet applications like Excel or Google Sheets. You can use these files to create detailed reports and analyses that help in decision-making regarding product listings optimization (like adjusting prices or tags), identifying peak sales periods for targeted promotions or stock preparation, evaluating the efficiency of advertising campaigns based on customer conversion rates, and streamlining operations by automating bookkeeping processes.
Are there any privacy concerns when downloading my data from Etsy?
Privacy is a key concern when handling personal and business data. Etsy complies with GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California which ensures that sellers' right to access their own data is protected while maintaining customer confidentiality. When downloading your shop's data off the platform itself you're adhering to these regulations as long as you continue to handle the information responsibly according to these laws after downloading.
Can I reconcile my accounts using the downloadable reports from my Etsy shop?
Yes! The downloadable reports provided by Etsy include detailed transactional information such as payment methods used for purchases and fees applied through different channels like card processing fees associated with bank deposits related to Etsy Payments which makes them ideal tools for reconciling accounts. This reconciliation helps ensure accurate financial reporting essential during tax season or when assessing the profitability of your store.