Etsy Domain Verification for Facebook Shops

Discover the easy process of verifying your Etsy domain to connect your listings with Facebook Shop

When integrating your Etsy listings with a Facebook Shop, Facebook requires you to verify your domain. This process involves using a code generated by Facebook Business Manager and incorporating it into your account. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps.

The Importance of Domain Verification

Domain verification is essential to maintain the integrity of content on Meta technologies, such as Facebook. This process ensures that only verified owners can edit their content’s appearance on these platforms. Many publishing apps use link editing to customize and create engaging content for the Meta community, which is why domain verification plays a critical role in protecting publishers’ content.

Domain verification allows you to claim ownership of your domain within Facebook Business Manager. By confirming ownership, you gain control over editing privileges for your links and other content, preventing misuse of your domain and stopping bad actors from spreading misinformation.

Domain Verification

Who Needs Domain Verification?

Domain verification is particularly beneficial if:

  • You manage a large number of pages that are difficult to maintain manually via Open Graph markup tags.
  • You have adopted or can adopt Facebook Business Manager to manage your assets.
  • You possess the ability to upload HTML files to the web root directory or edit DNS TXT records.
  • You want control over who can edit link descriptions on ads pointing to your domain.

Domain Verification Process for Etsy Sellers

Add a Domain

Here is how you can verify your domain:

  1. Log in to Facebook Business Manager and navigate to the domain verification page.
  2. Click “Add” to register a new domain, then enter your shop URL in this format:
  3. Copy the meta-tag verification code provided by Facebook.
    • Go to the meta-tag verification tab.
    • Copy the entire code starting with <meta name=".
  4. Sign in to
  5. Navigate to Shop Manager.
  6. Click Settings.
  7. Choose Facebook Shops from the Options Settings.
  8. Paste your copied verification code from Facebook into the Paste code here box.
  9. Click Connect.
  10. Return to the domain verification page in your Facebook Business Manager account and click Verify.

You should now see a confirmation message indicating that your domain has been successfully verified! You can now add products to your Facebook catalogs using this listing URL format: shopname

For assistance regarding your Facebook Business Manager account, please contact Facebook Support.

Take Note: In addition to Etsy’s Terms of Use, using Facebook or Instagram Shops for your Etsy listings is governed by Facebook, Inc., and subject to Facebook’s Terms of Service (including its Business Terms of Service).

Etsy Shop Manager’s Facebook Shops Settings

Tips for Marketing Your Etsy Shop on Facebook

Once you’ve verified your Etsy domain for Facebook Shops, it’s essential to effectively market your business on the platform. Here are some tips and strategies to grow your audience and increase exposure for your brand.

1. Set Up a Facebook Business Page

Create a dedicated business page for your Etsy shop, even if you already have a personal account. This will give you access to analytics tools and appear more professional.

2. Save on Etsy Fees through Share & Save Program

By sharing trackable links from Shop Manager or the Etsy seller app, such as, you can save on fees when driving traffic and sales to your shop through social media promotions.

3. Share Listings and Engage with Followers

Highlighting listings with interesting captions, using strong calls-to-action in your posts, growing your following through various channels, engaging in conversations with customers, and being consistent with both schedule and branding all help improve visibility.

4. Experiment with Content Formats

Vary the type of content shared by using carousel posts, photo albums, and videos (especially live videos), which receive priority in users’ timelines.

5. Utilize Facebook Ads for Promotions

Invest in paid ads or boost existing posts targeting specific groups based on location, interests demographics to reach potential customers.

6. Maintain Professionalism & Track Performance

Separate personal accounts from business activity while posting on any social channel. Use Insights available for business pages to analyze comments, share views that reflect overall follower engagement.

Benefits of Connecting Your Etsy Shop to Facebook

Connecting your Etsy shop to Facebook provides various advantages that can help increase your reach, boost sales, and grow your business. Below are four compelling reasons why you should consider selling on Facebook in addition to Etsy.

1. Expanding Your Reach

By linking your Etsy shop to Facebook, you gain access to the platform’s massive user base of over 3 billion monthly active users. This increased exposure allows you to showcase your products to a wider audience and expand the reach of your Etsy store.

2. Selling Directly on Facebook

When you connect Etsy with the Facebook Marketplace, customers can browse and purchase products directly from your Facebook page. This streamlined shopping experience enhances conversion rates by enabling customers to buy without leaving their preferred platform.

3. Strengthening Your Brand

Selling on both platforms reinforces your brand identity and makes it more recognizable across different channels. Consistency in branding fosters trust among potential customers, which ultimately benefits your overall reputation.

4. Boosting Engagement with Potential Customers

Interacting with fans on Facebook and responding promptly to comments increases the likelihood that they’ll receive notifications about updates from your store. Active engagement translates into higher chances of selling products and establishing strong customer relationships.

By integrating both platforms, you unlock numerous benefits that contribute positively towards online presence, sales growth, and overall business development.


In today’s competitive online marketplace, leveraging the power of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram is essential for Etsy sellers to expand their reach and maximize sales. By verifying your domain and connecting your Etsy shop with Facebook and Instagram Shops, you can take advantage of a larger audience, seamless shopping experience, strengthened brand identity, and increased customer engagement.


Domain Verification Process for Etsy Sellers Using Facebook Shops
How do I connect my Etsy listings to Facebook Shop?
To connect your Etsy listings to Facebook Shop, you first need to verify your domain using a code generated by Facebook Business Manager. Follow the steps outlined in our Domain Verification Guide to successfully link your Etsy shop with both platforms.
What is the purpose of verifying my domain for Facebook Shop?
Verifying your domain allows you to integrate your Etsy listings with Facebook Shop making it easier for potential customers browsing on social media platforms to find and purchase from your store. Domain verification helps establish trust between Etsy and Facebook while ensuring a secure connection.
Why am I required to use a meta-tag verification code for domain verification?
The meta-tag verification code is required because it serves as a unique identifier that confirms ownership of the domain (your Etsy shop). By providing this code, you prove that you have authorization over the associated content, enabling secure integration between your Etsy store and social media platforms like Facebook Shop
Can I use the same verified domain for both my Facebook Shop?
Yes! Once you've successfully verified your domain on using the provided meta-tag verification code from the Facebook Business Manager, you can use this verified domain for your Facebook Shop Integration.
Is there any additional support available if I encounter issues while verifying my domain or connecting my shop on social media platforms?
For assistance regarding issues within the scope of Etsy's platform, consult their help center or contact their support team directly through their website. If you encounter issues related specifically to setting up or managing your Facebook Business Manager account or any other problems pertaining exclusively to Facebook, please contact for further guidance.