Etsy Login Help for Sellers

Struggling to sign in to your Etsy shop? Find out how to reset passwords, deal with account suspensions, and troubleshoot two-factor authentication issues.

Etsy is a vibrant marketplace teeming with creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. However, even the most seasoned Etsy sellers may occasionally face hurdles when trying to access their accounts. If you find yourself unable to sign in, don’t fret—we are here to guide you through the common obstacles and get you back to your shop in no time.

Resetting Your Forgotten Password

It happens to the best of us; we forget our passwords. If you’re struggling to remember your Etsy password, simply reset it to regain access to your account. You may reset your password here.

Reset Your Etsy Account’s Password

Resetting a Forgotten Password

If you can’t remember your password, don’t worry —Etsy has a simple password reset process to help you regain access:

  1. Navigate to the Reset your password page on
  2. Enter the email address associated with your Etsy account.
  3. Click Submit to receive a password reset email.
  4. Check your inbox for an email from Etsy with the subject Reset your password and click on the link provided.
  5. Follow the prompts to enter and confirm your new password. For guidance on creating a strong password, refer to Etsy’s secure password tips.
  6. Click Set Password to complete the process.

Changing Your Current Password

For those who know their current password but want to make a change—perhaps as a regular security measure—here’s how to update it:

  1. Sign in to and go to your Account settings.
  2. Locate the Password section and enter your current password, followed by your new password, and then confirm the new password.
  3. Click Change Password to apply the update.

Please note, that password changes must be done on the Etsy website, as the Etsy or Etsy Seller apps do not support this feature.

Change Your Password at Etsy’s Account Settings

Troubleshooting Password Reset Issues

If you’ve requested a password reset but haven’t received the email:

  • Check your spam or junk mail folder.
  • For Gmail users, check the Social and Promotions tabs.
  • Add to your address book or safe list and request another password reset.

If you’ve reset your password but still can’t sign in:

  • Ensure you’re using the most recent password reset email by deleting any old ones and requesting a new reset.
  • Verify that you’re signing in with the correct email address.
  • Confirm the password reset email is being sent to the correct email account.
  • Disable any browser auto-fill settings or “Stay Signed In” features that might be using outdated credentials.
  • Enable cookies for Etsy in your browser to ensure the site functions properly.

Reinstating a Suspended Account

If Etsy has suspended your account, there’s a procedure to follow for reinstatement. Check your email for a message from Etsy detailing the reason for suspension and follow the instructions provided. Find out how to reinstate your suspended account.

If your Etsy account faces the temporary shadow of suspension, it’s important to know which threads of your shop’s functionality remain in your hands and which are temporarily snipped away.

What You Can Still Do:

What You Cannot Do:

  • Log in through Etsy mobile apps.
  • Make purchases on the Etsy platform.
  • In the case of shop owners:
  • Receive new orders (as your shop will not be visible on Etsy).
  • Create or renew listings.
  • Buy or print Etsy shipping labels.
  • Cancel open orders.
  • Advertise your products through Etsy Ads.
  • Display your Star Seller badge, which may be removed during suspension.
  • Access funds in your Etsy Payment account, as they may be reserved.

Understanding these limitations is vital for maintaining business continuity and planning your next steps. For further details on managing open orders during a suspension, explore Etsy’s dedicated resource.

Navigating Two-Factor Authentication Troubles

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Etsy account. If you’re encountering issues, use one of your backup codes to sign in. Learn more here about troubleshooting two-factor authentication.

Set up Two Factor Authentication at Etsy’s Account Settings

Correct Credentials but Can’t Sign In

Believe it or not, your web browser might be the culprit if you can’t sign in with the correct username and password. Make sure your browser is up to date. Update your web browser here.

Tackling Technical Troubles on Etsy

As you manage your Etsy shop, encountering technical issues can be a minor roadblock on your path to success. The steps outlined below are your toolkit for resolving most technical hiccups. And if the problem persists, the Etsy community is ready to lend a hand in the Technical Issues forum.

1. Ensuring Your App is Up-to-Date

The Etsy and Etsy Seller apps are regularly updated to squash bugs and improve your experience. Make sure you have the latest version installed to benefit from all the fixes and features.

2. Trying a Different Browser

If Etsy isn’t behaving as expected, switching browsers can be a quick fix. Modern browsers that work well with Etsy and often update automatically include:

3. Disabling Toolbars or Add-Ons

Browser extensions can enhance your web experience, but sometimes they clash with Etsy’s functionality. Turning them off one at a time may reveal the culprit causing the issue. Instructions for managing add-ons for various browsers can be found here:

4. Clearing Cache and Etsy-Related Cookies

As a final step, clearing your cache and Etsy cookies can often refresh your connection with the site. Before you do this, check the Technical Issues forum to ensure there isn’t a larger ongoing issue. Remember to back up any important information from your browser, as clearing your cache and cookies may remove saved passwords and login data. Learn how to clear your cache for:

5. Addressing a 429 Error

A “429 error: too many requests” message can be concerning, but it’s often easily fixed. Try switching browsers, restarting your modem, or contacting your ISP to ensure Etsy isn’t being blocked.

Take Note: If you’ve worked through these steps and still face difficulties, the Etsy Technical Issues forum is a valuable resource for advice and reporting new issues. For site-wide problems, offers the latest updates.

Linking a Third-Party Account to Etsy

Signing in with a third-party account, like Facebook, Google, or Apple, is convenient, but you’ll need to know your Etsy password to link them. Once connected, your sign-in process will be streamlined.

Understanding Security Code Prompts

Occasionally, Etsy might send you a unique security code to use as a one-time password. This is to ensure that it’s really you trying to access your account. Learn more about Etsy’s security codes.

  • Check your email promptly for the security code—it’s time-sensitive.
  • If unexpected security code emails arrive, consider resetting your password for safety.

Reopening a Closed Etsy Account

Want to return to the Etsy community after a break? If you’ve previously closed your account, reopening it is straightforward, unless you’ve permanently deleted it. In that case, you’ll need to start fresh with a new email address. Reopen your Etsy account

Remember: If you’ve followed these steps and still need assistance, Etsy Support is your next stop. Contact Etsy Support for further help

Password Best Practices: The Do’s and Don’ts

Below are the best practices for creating a secure password, seamlessly tying into the overarching theme of maintaining a resilient and secure Etsy shop. For guidance on updating your password, refer to Etsy’s password change instructions.

Do Embrace Complexity:

  • Aim for a minimum of eight characters, though longer is always better.
  • Create a tapestry of security with a blend of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols to strengthen your password fabric.

Don’t Weave in the Predictable:

  • Avoid using your username, previous passwords, or passwords replicated from other sites.
  • Steer clear of consecutive keyboard patterns like “qwerty” or “asdfg,” which are easily unraveled by cyber threats.
  • Refrain from using complete dictionary words or simple combinations of them.
  • Stay away from incorporating slang, common misspellings, or words spelled backward.
  • Personal identifiers, such as your company name, names of loved ones, pets, or any personal information like birth dates, should be kept out of your password pattern.

Checklist for Account Security on Etsy

As you navigate through potential sign-in issues, it’s equally important to proactively fortify your account against unauthorized access. Below is a checklist of best practices that every Etsy seller should implement to ensure their account remains secure and trustworthy.

1. Regular Password Updates

  • Change your password every few months, or immediately if you suspect it’s been compromised.
  • Use a strong, unique password for your Etsy account that isn’t shared with other sites.

2. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security during the login process.
  • Store backup codes in a secure location to ensure you can always access your account if your primary 2FA method is unavailable.

3. Monitor Account Activity

  • Regularly check your account for any unfamiliar activity or unauthorized listings.
  • Set up email or push notification alerts for new logins or changes to your account settings.

4. Account Recovery Settings

  • Verify that your account recovery information is up-to-date, including your email address and phone number.
  • Add a secondary email or phone number if possible, which can be invaluable if you lose access to your primary contact method.

5. Phishing Awareness

  • Be vigilant about phishing attempts—never click on suspicious links or provide your Etsy credentials to unverified sources.
  • Familiarize yourself with the look and feel of official Etsy communication to recognize imposters.

6. Secure Internet Connection

  • Always access your Etsy account from a secure and private internet connection.
  • Avoid signing in to your account from public Wi-Fi networks, which are often less secure.

7. Browser and Software Updates

  • Keep your web browser and any Etsy-related software up-to-date to utilize the latest security patches.
  • Consider using dedicated browsers or profiles for managing your Etsy account to minimize the risk of cross-site vulnerabilities.

Remember: While this checklist provides a solid foundation for account security, it’s always a good idea to stay informed about new security features and best practices recommended by Etsy. Keeping your account secure is an ongoing process that requires attention and diligence.


In conclusion, as an Etsy seller, the security and accessibility of your account are paramount to your business’s success. By proactively managing your login credentials, staying vigilant against potential security threats, and maintaining a robust defense with our Etsy Account Security Checklist, you can ensure that your virtual shopfront remains protected and prosperous.

Remember, encountering login issues doesn’t spell disaster. With the guidance provided in this article, you’re equipped to tackle common access challenges head-on, and our additional resources are always at your disposal to help you navigate through any stormy seas.


Etsy Login Help: Quick Fixes for Common Sign-In Issues
Why can't I log into my Etsy account even with the correct password?
If you're entering the correct password but still can't sign in, it might be due to an outdated web browser. Ensure your browser is up-to-date, as this can affect your ability to access your Etsy account.
What should I do if my Etsy account is suspended?
If your Etsy account has been suspended, check your email for a message from Etsy explaining the reason for the suspension. Follow the instructions provided to resolve the issue and regain access to your account.
How can I sign in to Etsy if I used a third-party account like Facebook or Google?
When signing in to Etsy with a third-party account for the first time, you'll need to enter your Etsy password. After this initial login, your Etsy account will be linked to the third-party account for easier access.
What steps should I take if I receive an Etsy security code I didn't request?
If you receive an unsolicited Etsy security code, it's a precaution to reset your password immediately. This could indicate someone else is attempting to access your account, and changing your password will help protect your information.
Can I reopen a closed Etsy account?
Yes, you can usually reopen a closed Etsy account by following Etsy's account reactivation process. However, if you've permanently deleted your account, you'll need to create a new one with a different email address as deleted accounts cannot be recovered.