Etsy Password Reset & Change Guide

Learn the quick and easy steps to reset or change your Etsy password. Keep your account secure with our comprehensive password management guide.

As an Etsy seller, safeguarding your account is paramount. Whether you’ve forgotten your password or simply want to update it for enhanced security, this guide will walk you through the process quickly and efficiently.

Resetting Your Forgotten Password

If you can’t remember your password, fear not. Resetting it is straightforward:

Reset Your Etsy Password
  1. Navigate to the Reset your password page on
  2. Input the email address associated with your Etsy account.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. You’ll receive an email from Etsy titled Reset your password—open it.
  5. In the email, click on Reset your password.
  6. Enter and confirm your new secure password—tips for creating a robust one can be found here.
  7. Click Set Password.

Changing Your Current Password

Already know your current password but want a new one? Change it in a few easy steps:

  1. Log into and access Account settings.
  2. Find the Password section and provide both old and new passwords, confirming the latter as well.
  3. Hit Change Password.

Remember, these changes are not possible through Etsy or Seller apps; they must be done via browser.

Update Your Password on Etsy’s Account Settings

If Your Password Reset Email Hasn’t Arrived

Occasionally, the reset email might take a detour. Here’s what to do:

  • Check your spam or junk mail folder just in case.
  • Gmail users peek into the Social and Promotions tabs.
  • Add to your address book or safe list to prevent emails from being filtered out, then attempt resetting your password again.

Trouble After Resetting Your Password?

If you’ve reset your password but can’t log in:

  • Ensure you’re using the latest password reset link sent by Etsy—delete older ones if needed.
  • Confirm you’re entering the correct email address associated with your Etsy account.
  • If necessary, resend the password reset to make sure it goes to the right inbox.
  • Clear out any browser auto-fill settings or disable “Stay Signed In” features that might use outdated credentials.
  • Enable cookies for Etsy in your browser settings for a smoother sign-in process.

Crafting a Secure Password

To fortify your Etsy account against unauthorized access, it’s crucial to fashion a password that strikes the right balance between memorability and complexity. Follow these best practices when creating your password:

Do Use:

  • At least eight characters, but longer is better.
  • A blend of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Don’t Use:

  • Your username.
  • Previous passwords or passwords used on other sites.
  • Consecutive keyboard combinations like “qwerty” or “asdfg.”
  • Complete dictionary words or obvious combinations.
  • Slang terms, common misspellings, or words spelled backward.
  • Names, be it your company’s or your loved ones.
  • Personal information such as age or birth date.

Learn more here on how to change your password.

Understanding Two-Factor Authentication

When you open a new shop on Etsy, two-factor authentication is automatically activated. This security layer requires you to input a verification code in addition to your password when:

  • Signing in through a different browser or on a new device.
  • Every 30 days for routine security.

The verification code can be received through an authenticator app, or via call or text to your phone. You can use the same phone number or authenticator app for multiple accounts.

Setting Up an Authenticator App

An authenticator app generates verification codes and adds an extra layer of security. Here’s how to set it up:

During Shop Setup:

  1. While opening your shop, on the Your Security step, choose Authenticator App from the dropdown menu.
  2. Download any authenticator app, e.g., Google Authenticator, from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  3. Choose Continue and follow the on-screen instructions.

In Security Settings:

  1. Download an authenticator app.
  2. On, in your Account settings, go to Security.
  3. Choose Turn on 2FA and select Authenticator App from the dropdown menu.
  4. Follow the steps provided.
Set up Two Factor Authentication on Etsy’s Account Settings

Understanding Backup Codes

Two-factor authentication provides backup codes for situations where you can’t access your phone. These codes are for one-time use only and must be stored securely.

Managing Two-Factor Authentication

You can turn two-factor authentication off and on at your convenience. To disable it:

  1. In your Account settings, go to Security.
  2. Choose to Turn off 2FA.

Monitoring Your Account Activity

Stay informed about your account activity by reviewing your sign-in history:

  1. On, navigate to Your account.
  2. Access Account settings and select Security.
  3. Scroll down to Review your sign-in history.

If you ever forget to sign out on a public computer, you can end that session through your sign-in history.

View Your Sign-in History in Etsy’s Account Settings

Detecting and Responding to Potential Hacks

Maintaining the security of your Etsy account requires a keen eye for potential signs of unauthorized access. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and responding to these indicators:

1. Unexpected Password Changes

  • Indication: If you find yourself unable to log in with your known password, it could be a red flag.
  • Solution: Confirm the situation, especially if you haven’t changed your password recently. Change your password immediately to regain control.

2. Unusual Activity

  • Indication: Look out for unfamiliar emails, messages, or activities on your Etsy account. Also, be wary of any unauthorized purchases or changes to personal information.
  • Solution: Keep a vigilant eye on your account for any signs of unusual activity. If detected, change your password, review recent transactions, and contact Etsy support if needed.

3. Notifications of Unrecognized Logins

  • Indication: Etsy sends notifications for new logins, and if you receive alerts for unrecognized logins, it’s a potential security concern.
  • Solution: Investigate immediately. If the login was not initiated by you, change your password and enable additional security measures such as two-factor authentication.

4. Password Reset Emails

  • Indication: Unexpected password reset emails could be a sign of someone attempting unauthorized access to your Etsy account.
  • Solution: Be cautious and do not click on any links in the email. Instead, initiate a password reset directly through Etsy’s official website. Verify and update your account recovery information.

5. Unfamiliar Security Questions or Backup Emails

  • Indication: Changes to security questions or the addition of unknown backup emails may indicate an unauthorized attempt to access your account.
  • Solution: Treat this as a potential sign of a security breach. Change your password immediately, update security information, and consider reaching out to Etsy support for further assistance.

6. Unexpected Credit Card Charges or Bank Transactions

  • Indication: Keep a close eye on your financial statements for any unexpected charges or bank transactions.
  • Solution: Act promptly if you spot any unauthorized charges. Contact your bank to report the issue, and update your Etsy password and account details.

Wrapping Up:

Congratulations on fortifying your Etsy shop against potential threats! By understanding and implementing these comprehensive security measures, you’ve taken significant steps to safeguard your online presence and protect your entrepreneurial journey. Security is an ongoing commitment, and your vigilance is key. Regularly revisit these practices, stay informed about evolving threats, and adapt your defenses accordingly.


How to Reset or Change Your Etsy Password - Complete Guide
Why haven't I received my Etsy password reset email?
If you haven't received your Etsy password reset email, it's possible that it was diverted to your spam or junk mail folder. For Gmail users, also check the Social and Promotions tabs. To prevent future emails from being missed, add to your address book or safe list, then try requesting a new password reset.
Can I change my Etsy password through the mobile app?
No, currently you cannot change or reset your Etsy password through the Etsy or Seller mobile apps. Password updates need to be made via a web browser on a desktop or mobile device by accessing the Account settings on
What should I do if I'm having trouble signing in after resetting my Etsy password?
If you're experiencing issues signing in post-reset, make sure you're using the most recent password reset link sent by Etsy. Delete any old reset emails you may have previously received to avoid confusion, and ensure that cookies are enabled for Etsy in your browser settings.
How can I create a secure password for my Etsy account?
For creating a secure password for your account, use a combination of at least 12 characters including upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid common words and phrases; instead consider using a passphrase or random word combinations that are easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.
What should you do if you think your Etsy account security has been compromised?
If you suspect that your account security has been compromised on Etsy, immediately reset your password following the steps outlined above and review your account details for any unauthorized changes. Contacting Etsy Support for further assistance would also be a wise step to ensure that any potential security breach is addressed. Additionally, monitor your account closely for any unusual activity and consider setting up two-factor authentication if available for an extra layer of security.