Etsy Payments Guide

Unlock the secrets of managing your shop's finances with our comprehensive guide to using Etsy Payments—learn about fees, deposits, and how to integrate PayPal into your business strategy.

Etsy Payments is the streamlined heart of transactions on Etsy, designed to make the exchange of goods and services smooth for both sellers and buyers. It’s an essential element when you set out on your journey as an Etsy shop owner, ensuring a seamless checkout experience.

A Seamless Checkout Experience with Etsy Payments

Joining the ranks of successful Etsy sellers begins with setting up your shop and enrolling in Etsy Payments—a crucial step detailed in our guide to opening a shop. By doing so, you unlock a multitude of payment options for your customers, including:

  • Credit cards
  • Debit/bank cards
  • Etsy Gift Cards and Etsy Credits
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Klarna installment payments (available in Australia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Canada)
  • Klarna Invoice (exclusive to Germany)
  • iDEAL (specifically for the Netherlands)
  • Sofort (for Austria and Germany)

By offering these diverse payment methods through one centralized system, you enhance customer satisfaction while keeping all your sales funds neatly organized in your own Etsy Payment account. Ready to take this step? Begin by enrolling in Etsy Payments today.

Special Considerations for Global Sellers

For sellers operating from certain countries like Argentina, Chile, Japan, Peru, Thailand, and Ukraine—the integration with a Payoneer Payment Account opens doors to using Etsy Payments. Discover how this works by reading further here.

Sign up to Payoneer

Indian sellers are also part of the equation; learn about specific payment operations tailored for India here.

Unfortunately, if you’re located in a market where Etsy Payments isn’t yet available, starting an Etsy shop may not be possible at this time. Check out the full list of supported locales to see if yours is included here.

Note: If you’re curious about how these payment options look from a buyer’s perspective or wish to understand what each method entails for your shop operations better – we can include screenshots detailing typical checkout scenarios or backend configurations.

Eligibility for Etsy Payments

Before dipping your toes into the vast pool of opportunities that come with Etsy Payments, ensure you’re located in one of the supported countries where this feature thrives.

Key Requirements:

  • A residential address and an active bank account within an eligible country. It’s crucial to note that sale funds cannot be routed to PayPal accounts or directly onto credit/debit cards.
  • A valid credit or debit card must be on file unless you are conducting business from Austria, Germany, or the Netherlands.

Feel free to add a reloadable prepaid card alongside your existing payment cards. However, keep in mind that non-reloadable prepaid cards cannot stand as your sole payment method but can be used for manual balance payments when necessary.

Business vs. Individual Registration

Your journey with Etsy Payments also involves defining the nature of your store:

  • Opt for Individual if you’re a solo entrepreneur not affiliated with an official business entity nor use a taxpayer ID tied to any company.
  • Choose Business if you’ve established a legal entity recognized by its taxpayer ID number. Note: Vietnamese sellers currently do not have access to the Business option.

Identity Verification Process

To uphold marketplace integrity and security for all involved parties, verifying your identity is non-negotiable:

If automatic verification fails based on initial data provided during enrollment, you will be prompted to submit additional information as proof of identity.

Bank Account Confirmation

Ensuring proper deposit routing requires verifying bank details tailored according to regional protocols:

  • In the US: Utilize Plaid’s third-party service for rapid authentication.
  • For Payoneer-required regions: Verification occurs during Payoneer setup.
  • Outside US (non-Payoneer): Test deposits serve as verification mechanisms – applicable if shop opening was post-March 1st, 2022; otherwise after first sale completion.

For detailed guidance on updating and confirming bank account details, refer to this helpful resource on how to update and verify your bank account.

Understanding Fees and Deposit Minimums

When you start using Etsy Payments, it’s vital to grasp the associated costs and minimum deposit requirements. These financial nuances are key to managing your shop’s earnings effectively.

Every transaction through Etsy Payments incurs a payment processing fee on top of existing Etsy fees. The rate is tailored to each seller’s country—knowledge of these can help you plan your pricing strategy more accurately. For detailed information on what you can expect, explore the payment processing fees for your location.

Minimum Deposit and Associated Charges

In some countries where Etsy Payments operates, specific rules govern how funds are deposited:

  • Deposit Minimum: Your account must have funds exceeding this minimum amount before they can be transferred to your bank.
  • Fee Threshold: If your available funds for deposit surpass the deposit minimum but fall short of this threshold, a deposit fee will be applied. However, if your funds exceed the threshold, the deposit fee is waived.
  • Deposit Fee: Should your balance be under the fee threshold, this charge is deducted from your Payment account during the deposit process and may include VAT if applicable.

To view what you’ll actually receive after fees, check your “Available for Deposit” total—it reflects your sales minus any forthcoming deposit fee.

Payoneer Users: Special Considerations

Sellers who have opted for Payoneer to manage their Etsy Payments must be aware of Payoneer’s own set of rules regarding minimum withdrawals and associated charges. To avoid surprises, familiarize yourself with Payoneer’s fees and understand their policies on withdrawals to bank accounts.

Adjusting Your Deposit Schedule

If you’re finding it challenging to meet the fee threshold or simply wish to optimize how often you receive payments, consider adjusting your deposit schedule. By doing so:

  • You can accumulate more sales within a single payout period.
  • Increase the likelihood of exceeding both the minimum deposit amount and fee thresholds—potentially dodging that extra charge.
Adjust your Deposit Schedule on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

How PayPal Transactions Work on Etsy

When you’re a part of Etsy Payments, and PayPal is one of the supported options in your country, buyers can still opt to pay through PayPal when purchasing from your store. However, instead of these sales funds being sent to your personal PayPal account:

  • Funds are directed into your Etsy Payment account.
  • You manage all transactions in one place on Etsy.
  • Separate PayPal fees are eliminated since transaction costs are covered by Etsy’s standard payment processing fees.

This consolidation aims to streamline for sellers and avoid duplication of fees.

Seller Protection for PayPal Transactions via Etsy

An added layer of security comes with using Etsy Payments—Etsy’s Seller Protection extends to cover transactions made with PayPal through the platform:

  • If a dispute arises from a PayPal purchase processed through Etsy Payments, an will mediate the case. For guidance on handling disputes within Etsy’s system: Learn about resolving cases on Etsy.
  • Should there be a dispute filed directly via PayPal for a transaction completed through Etsy Payments, the resolution process is handled by Etsy on behalf of you, much like how credit card chargebacks are addressed.
Etsy’s Purchase Protection Programme for Sellers

Country-Specific Information for Türkiye and Israel Sellers

Certain regions face unique stipulations due to local regulations regarding payment processing services:

1. Sellers in Türkiye

Since PayPal does not operate within Türkiye:

  • Sellers in this location cannot utilize or offer PayPal as part of their shop’s checkout process.

After enrolling in Etsy Payments:

  • Any existing integration with PayPal will be automatically removed from Turkish sellers’ accounts.

2. Sellers in Israel

Similar restrictions apply to Israeli sellers where:

  • Upon enrollment in Etsy Payments, the option to use or accept PayPal is no longer available.

Despite this limitation, Etsy Payments still expands the range of payment options for buyers, including:

  • Credit and debit cards
  • Etsy Gift Cards and Etsy Credits
  • Some bank transfer services

For sellers in these countries, although PayPal is not accessible through Etsy Payments, the broader array of alternative payment methods can potentially attract a wider customer base by offering convenience and choice.

If You Need Assistance

Should you encounter any issues or have questions regarding these changes or how they affect your shop specifically:

  1. Reach out to Etsy Support for personalized assistance.
  2. Make sure to review the Etsy Payments Policy and the Fees & Payments Policy for comprehensive details on fees associated with using Etsy Payments.
Contact Etsy Support

Security Best Practices for Etsy Payments and PayPal Integration

As an Etsy seller, understanding the security of your transactions is as vital as comprehending fees and payment processes. Both Etsy Payments and PayPal are renowned for their robust security measures designed to safeguard online transactions, ensuring that both sellers and buyers can conduct business with confidence.

Etsy Payments Security Measures:

Etsy Payments protects your financial data with encryption technology while processing all payments in a secure environment. Additionally, the platform adheres to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) requirements, which helps prevent credit card fraud.

PayPal’s Commitment to Security:

When integrated with Etsy Payments, PayPal also offers strong protection for users by employing end-to-end encryption and anti-fraud technology. Even though funds from sales made via PayPal flow directly into your Etsy Payment account, it’s reassuring to know that these transactions benefit from PayPal’s security infrastructure during the payment process.

To enhance this built-in security while managing customer payments online, follow these best practices:

1. Use Strong Passwords

Create complex passwords for both your Etsy and email accounts associated with your shop. Regularly update them and consider using a reputable password manager.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activate 2FA on platforms that offer it—like Etsy—to add an additional layer of security whenever you log in or make significant account changes.

3. Monitor Your Account Activity

Regularly review transaction histories on both Etsy and PayPal (if applicable). Prompt detection of any unfamiliar activity could indicate unauthorized access.

4. Beware of Phishing Attempts

Be cautious about unsolicited emails requesting personal information or directing you to sign in through external links—these could be phishing scams trying to compromise your account details.

5. Educate Yourself on Common Scams

Familiarize yourself with common e-commerce scams so you can recognize suspicious buyer behavior or fraudulent purchase patterns early on.

6. Keep Software Updated

Ensure that all devices used for managing your shop have up-to-date antivirus software and operating systems to protect against malware targeting financial data.

7. Secure Network Connections

When accessing sensitive financial information or performing administrative tasks related to your shop, use secure networks rather than public Wi-Fi connections which can be more vulnerable to interception.

8. Data Privacy Compliance

Understand GDPR if selling to European customers or other relevant privacy laws applicable in different regions where you operate—maintaining compliance is key not just for legal adherence but also for customer trust.

9. Contact Support When In Doubt

Utilize Etsy Support if you encounter any security concerns or need assistance regarding suspicious transactions—they—can offer guidance tailored to your situation and help ensure that your shop remains protected.

10. Sensitive Information Handling

Never store customer payment information on any of your personal devices or business databases. Etsy Payments and PayPal handle this data so you don’t have to—reducing the risk of breaches.


In conclusion, navigating the Etsy Payments system is a crucial aspect of running a successful Etsy shop. By understanding the payment processing fees, deposit details, and how PayPal integrates with Etsy Payments, you’re setting yourself up for financial clarity and efficiency. Remember that region-specific rules may apply, particularly for sellers in countries like Türkiye and Israel where PayPal is not available through Etsy Payments.

Staying informed about seller protection policies can provide peace of mind as you grow your business on this diverse platform. As an Etsy seller, maximizing your profits isn’t just about creating and marketing great products—it’s also about mastering the art of managing your earnings.

Take advantage of the resources provided by Etsy to optimize your payment settings and schedules. Doing so will help minimize fees and keep more money in your pocket. Keep these insights close at hand as you develop your selling strategy on one of the world’s most vibrant online marketplaces.


The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Payments: Managing Your Shop's Finances
How does accepting PayPal through Etsy Payments affect my fees?
When you accept PayPal through Etsy Payments, your transactions are streamlined into one account, which means you'll only deal with Etsy's standard payment processing fees. This consolidation helps eliminate separate PayPal transaction fees, making financial management more straightforward and potentially saving you money.
What happens if a buyer opens a dispute on a PayPal transaction processed through Etsy Payments?
If there's a dispute over a PayPal transaction made via Etsy Payments, Etsy will handle the mediation process on your behalf. This is part of the Seller Protection that comes with using Etsy Payments, ensuring you don't have to manage the dispute directly with PayPal.
Can sellers in Türkiye or Israel use PayPal with their Etsy shop?
No, due to operational restrictions of PayPal in these countries, sellers located in Türkiye or Israel cannot use or offer PayPal as a payment option once they sign up for Etsy Payments. However, other payment methods are still available through Etsy Payments.
Is there seller protection for transactions made using Paypal on my Etsy shop?
Yes, when you use Paypal through Etsy payments as part of your shop’s checkout process any eligible transactions are covered under Seller Protection Policy. This provides an additional layer of security and support should any issues arise during the sale process.
Do I have to pay extra fees for selling internationally using Paypal on my Etsy Shop?
No extra fees apply specifically for international sales when using Paypal via Etsy payments; however international sales are subject to the same standard processing fees as domestic ones., which is already included in Etsy’s payment processing fee structure . It makes managing international sales just as simple as domestic ones from a fee perspective.