Etsy Payments Guide by Country

Discover if Etsy Payments is available in your country and learn about the specific payment options tailored to sellers from India to Israel, including Payoneer accounts and currency exchange details.

As an Etsy seller, expanding your business to the global marketplace can be both exciting and rewarding. To streamline financial transactions across borders, Etsy has introduced a solution known as “Etsy Payments,” designed to facilitate seamless sales processing for you and your customers. Below is the current roster of countries where Etsy Payments is operational:

Countries Supported by Etsy Payments

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • Türkiye
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Vietnam

While this list encompasses a broad range of locations, it’s important to note that due to varying financial regulations, Etsy’s ability to offer payment services is limited to certain regions. However, the platform is continuously striving to extend its reach.

For real-time updates regarding new country additions or other changes in service availability, keep an eye on our dedicated Site Updates section within Etsy’s Seller Handbook.

View Site Updates on Etsy’s Seller Handbook

What Exactly is Etsy Payments?

Etsy Payments represents the central payment infrastructure on the platform, designed to streamline how money changes hands after a sale. When you’re setting up your new shop, enrolling in Etsy Payments is an integral step that unlocks a variety of payment options for your customers, ensuring flexibility and convenience for their purchasing experience. With Etsy Payments, buyers can choose from an extensive list of payment methods:

  • Credit cards
  • Debit/bank cards
  • Etsy Gift Cards and Credits
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Klarna installment payments (available in Australia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Canada)
  • Klarna Invoice (Germany)
  • iDEAL (the Netherlands)
  • Sofort (Austria and Germany)

The availability of PayPal varies depending on your shop’s location, as detailed in the main article. It’s important to note that while PayPal is integrated into Etsy Payments for some countries, it may not be available for sellers in regions such as Türkiye and Israel due to local regulations.

Country-Specific Guidelines

Etsy’s platform is designed to accommodate a diverse array of sellers from around the world. Understanding how Etsy Payments functions in your specific region can help you manage your shop’s financial transactions with ease and precision. The global tapestry of Etsy’s community means that different countries may have unique requirements or restrictions when it comes to Etsy Payments. Here’s what you need to know based on where your shop is located:

For Our Sellers in India

Currently, new shops cannot be opened in India. However, if you’re an existing seller with an open shop, you can continue using Etsy Payments. We look forward to the day when we can welcome new Indian shops again.

To Our Community in Argentina, Chile, Japan, Peru, Thailand, or Ukraine

Sellers from these nations have the option to utilize a Payoneer Payment Account for accepting Etsy Payments. Click here for detailed guidance on setting this up.

Sign up to Payoneer

Attention Sellers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, or Poland

For our friends in these countries – rest assured that while Etsy will transfer earnings in EUR to your listed bank account; keep in mind that foreign exchange fees may apply via your local banking institution.

Additionally, PayPal transactions will be processed through Etsy Payments rather than directly into individual PayPal accounts. Discover more about this process.

A Note for Sellers Located in Turkey

Due to PayPal not operating within Türkiye at this time; it unfortunately cannot be offered as a payment method for Turkish sellers enrolled with Etsy Payments.

Guidance for Israeli Sellers

Similar restrictions apply if you are selling from Israel – PayPal is not available once you enroll with Etsy Payments. Yet despite this limitation; buyers still have access to a variety of payment options including credit cards and Etsy Gift Cards.

Learn more about all that Etsy Payments has to offer. If there are any concerns or questions regarding these updates or how they impact your store specifically; please reach out directly via Etsy Support.

Contact Etsy Support

Requirements for Joining Etsy Payments

To be eligible for this convenient payment solution, which supports an array of methods from credit cards to Google Pay as mentioned earlier, sellers need to meet the following criteria:

  • A residence and bank account in one of the eligible countries. Unfortunately, funds cannot be directed to PayPal accounts or credit/debit cards.
  • A valid credit card, debit card, or reloadable prepaid card on file—unless you’re located in Austria, Germany, or the Netherlands.

It’s important to note that while non-reloadable prepaid cards cannot serve as your primary payment method on file with Etsy; they can still be used for making manual payments towards your balance if necessary.

Determining Your Seller Status: Individual vs. Business

As part of the setup process for Etsy Payments, you’ll choose whether you’re operating as an individual seller or a registered business:

Individual: This option is for those who sell personally and do not have a formal business structure nor use a business taxpayer ID.

Business: Choose this if you’ve established a legal entity complete with its own taxpayer ID number. It’s crucial to mention here that currently, the ‘Business’ distinction isn’t available for sellers based in Vietnam.

Identity Verification Process

Maintaining marketplace integrity and security is paramount at Etsy which requires verification of your identity when enrolling in Etsy Payments. If initial details don’t suffice for verification purposes upon enrollment, additional documentation will be requested to confirm your identity. Failure to provide necessary information may lead to restricted access until compliance is met.

Bank Account Verification Steps

To cap off enrollment and secure your funds’ transfer, verifying your bank account is a critical step. The verification process varies based on where your bank is located:

  • In the US: Account verification is streamlined through Plaid, a third-party service.
  • Required to use Payoneer: Sellers in countries that must use Payoneer for their transactions will complete their bank account verification as part of the Payoneer setup process.
  • Outside the US (excluding Payoneer-required countries): Verification is done via test deposits. Notably, if you opened your shop after March 1, 2022, you can add and verify your bank account details post your first sale.

For detailed guidance on how to update and verify your banking information, Etsy provides resources that walk you through the necessary steps.


In conclusion, Etsy Payments stands as a robust and versatile payment solution tailored to meet the diverse needs of sellers and buyers across the globe. With its comprehensive suite of payment options, Etsy has streamlined the transaction process, making it as seamless and user-friendly as possible.

For sellers, understanding the requirements and enrolling in Etsy Payments is more than just a formality—it’s a strategic move that opens up their storefronts to an international audience. By adhering to country-specific guidelines and completing the necessary verification processes, sellers can ensure they are fully equipped to accept payments from customers worldwide.


Etsy Payments Eligibility and Options – Country-by-Country Guide
Is Etsy Payments available for sellers in all countries?
No, Etsy Payments is not currently available in every country. Etsy offers its payment services to a specific list of eligible countries due to varying financial regulations and operational constraints. Sellers should check the latest information on Alura's Seller Handbook or Etsy's Site Updates section to see if their country is supported.
Can new shops in India use Etsy Payments?
At this time, new shops based in India are unable to use Etsy Payments due to current restrictions. However, existing shops that were already open and using the service can continue operations as usual. Stay updated with Alura for future changes regarding the availability of Etsy Payments in India.
What payment options do sellers have in countries like Argentina or Japan?
Sellers operating from certain countries including Argentina, Chile, Japan, Peru, Thailand, and Ukraine can accept payments through a Payoneer Payment Account when using Etsy Payments. This provides a secure way for transactions to be processed seamlessly for both sellers and buyers.
How does currency exchange work for European sellers using Etsy Payments?
For sellers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, or Poland who use Etsy Payments – earnings are sent as Euros (EUR) to the bank account on file with Etsy. It's important to note that your local bank may charge a foreign exchange fee when depositing these funds into your account.
Are there any alternatives for PayPal within the regions where it is not available through Etsy Payments?
Yes! While PayPal might not be an option through Etsy Payments for sellers in certain regions such as Türkiye and Israel due to regional restrictions or absence of service – there are still many alternative payment methods offered by Etsy such as credit card payments and gift cards which provide customers with flexible ways to pay.