Etsy Payments: Your Complete Currency Guide

Learn the steps to set your shop's currency on Etsy and navigate currency conversion confidently. Elevate your global selling strategy today!

As an Etsy seller, understanding the currencies supported by Etsy Payments is crucial for a seamless transaction experience for you and your customers. Etsy Payments is the primary way to handle transactions on the platform, offering you and your buyers a secure and convenient payment method.

Supported Currencies on Etsy Payments

Choose Your Shop Currency on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

Etsy Payments facilitates transactions in a diverse range of currencies, allowing sellers to reach a global audience. Here’s the list of currencies currently accepted:

  • United States dollar (USD)
  • Australian dollar (AUD)
  • British Pound (GBP)
  • Canadian dollar (CAD)
  • Danish Krone (DKK)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
  • Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
  • Israeli Shekel (ILS)
  • Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
  • Mexican Peso (MXN)
  • Moroccan Dirham (MAD)
  • New Zealand dollar (NZD)
  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
  • Philippines Peso (PHP)
  • Singapore dollar (SGD)
  • South African Rand(ZAR)
  • Swedish Krona(SEK)
  • Swiss Franc(CHF)
  • Turkish Lira(TRY)
  • Vietnamese Dong(VND)

Understanding Currency Conversion for Etsy Payments

For both buyers and sellers on Etsy, currency plays a significant role in how products are priced, listed, and transacted. It’s important for you, as an Etsy seller, to know how currency conversion affects your listings and sales.

Buyers’ Experience with Currency Conversion

When shoppers browse Etsy, the prices of items are presented in a way that’s most understandable to them.

What Buyers See:

  • Viewing in Supported Currencies: If buyers are viewing the site in one of the supported currencies listed earlier, they will see item prices converted automatically based on current market exchange rates.
  • Viewing in Other Currencies: Shoppers using other supported browsing currencies will see your original listing currency at checkout. It is worth noting that international transaction fees might be incurred depending on their bank or credit card provider’s policies.

To avoid surprises with fees or conversion rates, buyers should consult their banks or credit card companies. A helpful link can direct them to more information: Setting Your Shopping Currency.

Sellers’ Experience with Currency Conversion

Etsy Payments will deposit funds into your account based on the currency of the country where your bank account is located. This means understanding and setting up your listing currency correctly is crucial.

Key Points for Sellers:

  • The deposit currency for sellers corresponds with the country of their bank account.
  • For sellers from specific countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania: Funds are sent in Euros regardless of local currency. Be aware that this could incur foreign exchange fees from your bank upon deposit.

It’s essential to set up your listing currency accurately to ensure smooth operations: Setting Your Listing Currency.

Setting Your Shop’s Preferred Currency on Etsy

Understanding and setting your shop’s currency is a foundational aspect of international selling on Etsy. It affects everything from how your items are listed to the way fees are calculated. Let’s dive into the steps of selecting your preferred currency and its implications for your Etsy shop.

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

How to Set Your Shop Currency

To ensure that all listings in your shop are consistently presented in your chosen currency, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Navigate to Shop Manager.
  3. Select Finances.
  4. Go to Payment Settings.
  5. Click on Currency.
  6. Choose your desired currency from the drop-down menu.
  7. Decide if you want prices converted from another currency to be rounded up.
  8. Confirm by clicking Change Shop Currency.

Please note that if you’re updating a large number of listings, the conversion process may take some time, possibly up to an hour. Once set, all new listings will automatically default to this selected currency.

Transaction Fees

The 6.5% transaction fee imposed by Etsy applies not only to your listing price but also shipping cost and any additional services such as gift wrapping, all based on your shop’s set currency.

Etsy’s Listing Transaction Fee on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Account Dashboard

Currency Conversion

For sales in different currencies than that of your payment account, Etsy will handle the conversion and display it within your Payment account after deducting a 2.5% conversion fee from the sale amount. If using PayPal separately from Etsy Payments, funds will align with the PayPal account’s designated currency.

For alternative payment methods like money orders or checks, it’s important for you and the buyer to agree upon the transactional currency beforehand. By default, shops that have not specified their preference will list items in USD (United States dollars).

It’s crucial for sellers to understand they cannot time conversions based on fluctuating exchange rates throughout the day; this is handled automatically by Etsy’s system for consistency and ease of use.

International Pricing Strategies

Venturing into the world of international sales on Etsy introduces a complex puzzle—how to set prices that resonate with customers across different countries, each with its unique financial climate. This section extends expectations and currency conversion realities.

Understanding Market-Specific Considerations

To craft an effective international pricing strategy, it’s imperative to recognize that each market has its distinct economic conditions and consumer purchasing behaviors. Here’s how to approach this:

  • Local Economic Context: Gain an understanding of the economic state in your target markets. What is the average disposable income? Are handmade or specialty items viewed as luxury goods?
  • Cultural Spending Habits: Different cultures prioritize spending differently; research what value is placed on products similar to yours within these contexts.
  • Competitor Analysis: Evaluate how competitors in each region price their goods, taking into consideration their currency choice and any regional pricing strategies they might employ.

Aligning Prices with Currency Conversion Rates

The interplay between setting competitive prices and managing currency conversions calls for a nuanced approach:

  • Real-Time Adjustments: As discussed earlier regarding dynamic pricing, real-time adjustments are vital when dealing with fluctuating currencies—ensuring prices remain aligned with current exchange rates without constant manual intervention.
  • Layered Pricing Models: Consider layered pricing models where prices are set within a range that accounts for potential exchange rate fluctuations while still appealing to consumers’ willingness to pay.
  • Psychological Pricing Techniques: Use psychological pricing techniques adjusted for local currencies (e.g., ending prices in .99 or .95), which can influence buyers’ perception of value and affordability.

Crafting Your International Pricing Strategy

Now let’s connect these insights back to your Etsy shop’s global growth trajectory:

1. Set Baseline Prices

Determine baseline prices ensuring all costs are covered including materials, labor, overheads, fees from Etsy or payment processors, and taxes where applicable—and then factor in a profit margin you deem appropriate for your efforts and craftsmanship.

2. Incorporate Currency Exchange Margins

Build-in margins that protect against currency depreciation during times when you may be receiving less due to weaker foreign currencies relative to your own.

3. Offer Regional Promotions

Leverage holidays or shopping trends specific to certain regions by offering promotions tailored towards those peak times—thus creating more appeal during high demand periods without disrupting overall pricing structure.

4. Regularly Review and Update Prices

Continuously monitor how well your products perform across different markets and adjust accordingly—this could mean seasonal reviews or more frequent checks depending on market volatility.

5. Communicate Value Clearly

Beyond just price tags, articulate the quality and uniqueness of your products through compelling descriptions—a tactic particularly important when cultural differences might otherwise obscure the inherent value of your work.

Implementing sound international pricing strategies requires careful calibration between being competitively priced yet profitable after accounting for all variables involved in cross-border trade—an intricate dance indeed but one made smoother through strategic planning as outlined throughout our comprehensive guide on managing currencies on Etsy.


In conclusion, mastering the currency settings for your Etsy shop is not merely a technical necessity but a strategic move that can significantly impact the success of your international sales. By carefully selecting and managing your preferred currency, you are laying down the groundwork for transparent pricing, consistent accounting practices, and customer trust—key components that drive growth in a global marketplace.

Understanding how to navigate Etsy’s payment settings empowers you to streamline operations and focus on what truly matters: creating unique products that resonate with customers worldwide. While dealing with transaction fees, currency conversion charges, and exchange rate fluctuations may seem daunting at first, these are simply part of the e-commerce landscape—one that you can navigate successfully with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal.


Manage Currencies on Etsy – Seller's Guide to Global Sales
What is Etsy's currency conversion fee?
Etsy applies a currency conversion fee of 2.5% when a seller lists items in a currency different from their payment account currency. This fee is deducted from the sale amount and is reflected in your Payment account after Etsy converts the balance to your payment account's currency.
How does changing my shop's currency affect existing listings on Etsy?
When you change your shop's preferred currency on Etsy, existing listings will be automatically converted to the new currency based on current exchange rates. If you have many items listed, this process could take some time to update across all listings, potentially up to an hour.
Can I set individual currencies for each listing in my Etsy shop?
No, you cannot set individual currencies for each listing. Your shop's selected currency acts as a universal setting that applies to all of your listings within your Etsy shop.
Does the default United States dollar (USD) setting apply if I don't choose a specific currency for my Etsy shop?
Yes, if you do not select a specific preferred currency for your Etsy shop, it will default to United States dollars (USD). It’s recommended that sellers choose their local or primary business transactional currency for consistency and ease of accounting.
How do transaction fees work with different currencies on Etsy?
Transaction fees on Etsy are assessed at 6.5% of the listing price plus shipping cost and any additional services like gift wrapping, denominated in your chosen shop’s set currency regardless of the buyer's payment method or location.