Etsy Pricing Strategies for Non-US Sellers Offering Free Shipping

Uncover effective pricing strategies that non-US sellers can use to offer a free shipping guarantee on their Etsy shop without impacting profits.

As a non-US Etsy seller, implementing a free shipping guarantee can be quite beneficial. This means that your US customers get to enjoy free shipping on orders over $35 USD. But how do you balance this without incurring extra costs? By adjusting your item prices appropriately, you can recover the cost of shipping effectively.

Your pricing strategy is entirely personal to your business and should reflect the uniqueness of your brand as well as the value it offers to customers. We’re here to offer some guidance and give you tips on how best to approach this.

Etsy's Free Shipping Guarantee

Will Adjusting My Item Prices Increase The Total Price For Other Countries?

Adjusting your item prices can indeed raise the total price of your items for other countries (non-US). However, you can choose to review and adjust your shipping prices for non-US buyers. This way, you can distribute the difference across, so that your non-US customers pay roughly the same total as they did before free US shipping was offered.

Pricing Items Over $35 USD

As a seller outside the US or India, to recover shipping costs effectively, consider adjusting your item list prices to cover these costs. Choose a pricing strategy that aligns with your primary customer base as this will apply universally. To adjust the prices of items over $35 USD manually, simply edit your listings. You also have the option of setting up different listing prices for domestic orders and international orders - thus pricing items differently based on shipping costs for local and overseas shipments. Learn how to set this up here.

When considering how best to adjust your item prices to account for shipping costs, here are some strategies:

  • Domestic Shipping Price: This works well if most of your sales come from local buyers.
  • US Shipping Price: If covering US shipping costs is a concern, use this approach – particularly useful if most of your sales are from US customers.
  • Middle Ground Price: If there’s a significant difference between domestic and US shipping prices, meet halfway. For instance: with a domestic price at $3 and US at $10; consider adjusting by $6.

To find out what you currently charge for shipping:

  1. Click Settings in Shop Manager.
  2. Click Shipping settings.
  3. Click Edit next to a frequently used shipping profile.
  4. Note the shipping charge in that profile – consider adjusting your item prices by this amount to recover shipping costs.

After determining the adjustment value, you can now update your item list prices.

Etsy Shop Manager’s Delivery Settings

Pricing Items Under $35 USD

For items under $35 USD, here are some ways to adjust your prices:

  • Average Shipping Cost for orders over $35 USD: Adjust your item prices by the average cost of shipping these items. A calculation will soon be available in Shop Manager for this.
  • Current Shipping Charge: Adjust item prices to what you currently charge for US shipping. Find out how much this is just like with items above $35 USD.

Remember, pricing isn’t all about covering costs – there are other factors to consider as well such as rounding up or down to a whole number. Once decided on an adjustment value, you can update your item prices accordingly.

How To Adjust Your Item Prices

Etsy Shop Manager’s Listing Settings

To update your item list price:

  1. In Shop Manager, click Listings.
  2. Select the checkbox at the top left to edit all listings, or choose individual listings.
  3. Click Editing options.
  4. Click Edit prices.
  5. Enter your chosen adjustment value next to Increase prices by or Decrease prices by.
  6. Click Apply to update selected listings.

Remember, if you’ve added domestic & global pricing, the “Everywhere else” price can be changed for multiple listings at once – but domestic & global prices need to be edited individually.

How To Modify Shipping Prices for Other Countries

If you decide to adjust item prices to recover shipping costs and want your non-US customers’ total price to reflect actual costs:

  1. Decide how much lower your non-US shipping price should be (usually by however much you increased item prices).
  2. Use this adjustment value; if it’s $3: US shipping becomes free, Domestic shipping becomes free (if previously $3), and international shipping becomes $2 (if previously $5).

To update the shipping profiles for your listings:

  1. In Shop Manager, click Listings.
  2. Select all or some of your listings.
  3. Click on Editing options
  4. Choose Change shipping profile
  5. Select appropriate profile(s)
  6. Click on Apply

Remember that offering free US shipping for orders totaling $35 USD or more is all you need for a free shipping guarantee for your shop.

Wrapping Up:

Offering a free shipping guarantee is an excellent strategy that can give your Etsy shop a competitive edge, particularly in engaging U.S. customers. However, without effective pricing strategies, this could impact your overall profitability. As a non-U.S seller, adjusting your item prices is key to balancing between offering such incentives and maintaining profitability. By implementing these strategies effectively and regularly reviewing them to suit changing market dynamics and customer preferences – you’ll not only cover your free shipping costs but also enhance the competitiveness of your shop in the bustling Etsy marketplace.


How to Implement a Free Shipping Guarantee on Etsy - Guide for Non-US Sellers
How can I offer a free shipping guarantee without losing money as an Etsy seller outside the US?
As a non-US Etsy seller, you can recover the cost of offering free shipping by adjusting your item prices appropriately. This strategy allows you to absorb the shipping costs within your item pricing without incurring additional expenses.
What is a good pricing strategy for items over $35 USD when offering free shipping on Etsy?
When adjusting the price of items over $35 USD, consider basing it on either your domestic or US shipping price depending on where most of your sales come from. Alternatively, if there's a significant difference between domestic and US shipping prices, find a middle ground.
How should I adjust my pricing for items under $35 USD when offering free shipping on Etsy?
For items under $35 USD, consider adjusting your item price based on either the average cost of shipping orders over $35 USD or what you currently charge for US shipping.
Will adjusting my Etsy product prices affect sales of items under $35 USD?
No, it should not negatively affect those sales. Adjusting these prices based on average cost or current charge for U.S. Shipping helps cover costs without significantly increasing individual product costs.
Can offering free US shipping help improve my Etsy shop performance?
Yes, offering free US Shipping for orders totaling $35 USD or more gives you an edge by making your shop eligible for Etsy's Free Shipping Guarantee.