Etsy Privacy Guide for Sellers

Discover how to safeguard personal information on Etsy with our comprehensive privacy guide. Secure your listings and report issues effectively as an Etsy seller.

Etsy understands the significance of privacy for both buyers and sellers on platforms like Etsy. It’s crucial to handle personal information with care and to respect each other’s privacy rights.

When engaging on Etsy, remember that it’s not appropriate to share another member’s personal details without their explicit permission. Similarly, be cautious when considering the disclosure of your own private information.

What Counts as Personal Information?

Personal information can include, but is not limited to:

  • Full names
  • Physical addresses (home or business)
  • Email addresses or other online contact methods
  • Phone numbers
  • Credit card details
  • Tax identification numbers (like social security numbers)
  • Private correspondence content with another member or Etsy staff

How to Handle Private Information in Listings

If you come across a listing on Etsy that includes your private information without consent, take immediate action by reporting it through Etsy’s reporting tool.

Reporting an Individual Listing


  1. Navigate to the very bottom of the listing page and click on Report this item to Etsy.
  2. Choose a reason from the dropdown menu and provide additional context if necessary.
  3. Click Submit a report.
Report an Item Listing on a Listing Page

On the Etsy App:

In Search Results:

  1. Long press on the item image.
  2. Tap Report this item from the menu.
  3. Select your reason and continue.
  4. Hit Submit report.

On a Listing Page:

  1. Scroll down and tap Report this item at the bottom of the page.
  2. Choose your reason for reporting.
  3. Press Submit report.

Reporting an Entire Shop on

  1. Go to the shop page and select Report this shop to Etsy on the left-hand side.
  2. Pick a reason from the dropdown list, and add notes if needed.
  3. Click on Report this shop.
Report an Etsy Shop on a Shop’s Page

Post-report Actions

After submitting your report, it will be reviewed by one of several dedicated teams at Etsy tasked with maintaining marketplace integrity. To ensure fairness and efficiency:

  • Refrain from repeatedly flagging a single violation; once is enough.
  • Avoid public discussion about flagged items in any Etsy community spaces.

Confidentiality in Reporting

The process is designed to protect your anonymity; reported members will not receive information about who filed the report against them.

Community Conduct

In addition to listings, personal privacy extends into all areas of interaction including Etsy Community forums. Any form of harassment or unauthorized sharing of personal details can be flagged for review by our Forums team.

Your Etsy Shop’s Privacy Settings

In our commitment to helping you maintain a safe and private selling experience on Etsy, it’s important to understand how you can control the visibility of your activity. Adjusting your account’s privacy settings is a straightforward process that can increase your comfort level on the platform. Here’s how you can manage different aspects of your Etsy presence:

Clearing Your Recently Viewed Items

To ensure that your browsing history remains yours alone, Etsy allows you to clear recently viewed items with ease:

  1. Log into
  2. Access Your Account.
  3. Select Account settings.
  4. Navigate to the Privacy section.
  5. Opt for Clear recently viewed listings to wipe the slate clean.
Etsy’s Account Settings

Favorited Items: Public vs Private

Etsy gives sellers control over who can see their favorite items and shops:

  • If set to public, followers can see updates in their feeds.
  • If set to private, these details remain hidden from other users’ feeds.

Making Favorites Lists Private

  1. Sign in and click the Favorites icon.
  2. Choose a list such as Items I Love or any custom list.
  3. Click Edit, then select Only I can see this list for privacy.
Make Your Favorited Items or Shops Private on Your Etsy Profile Page

Keeping Favorite Shops Under Wraps

  1. Head over to the Favorites page.
  2. Switch to the Shops tab.
  3. Press Edit and choose privacy so only you can view your favorite shops.

Blocking Unwanted Followers

At times, blocking certain users may be necessary for personal comfort or privacy reasons:

  • To block, visit their profile and click Block at the bottom left; remember, Etsy won’t inform them of this action.
  • To unblock, simply return to their profile and select Unblock. Note they must re-follow you afterward.
Block Unwanted Etsy Member on their Profile Page

Managing Email Notifications

You have full control over which notifications Etsy sends you:

  1. Login at and go through Your account.
  2. Click on Account settings.
  3. Go to the Emails tab.
  4. Here, you can uncheck any type of email notification you no longer wish to receive.
  5. Be sure to save your changes by clicking Save Settings.

By customizing these privacy-related settings, you can tailor your Etsy experience to suit your preferences and maintain control over how much information you share with the community and who sees it.

Etsy’s Account Settings

Safeguarding Privacy in Customer Interactions

Maintaining a strong rapport with customers is vital to any Etsy seller’s success. However, while fostering these relationships, it’s crucial to balance effective communication with preserving both your privacy and that of your clients. Below are guidelines that seamlessly integrate with the privacy-focused ethos of our main article, ensuring that every interaction on Etsy upholds high standards of confidentiality.

1. Utilize Etsy’s Built-in Messaging System

Etsy provides a messaging platform specifically designed to facilitate secure communication between buyers and sellers. It’s the first line of defense in protecting personal information.

  • Keep Conversations On-Site: Always communicate through Etsy’s Conversations (Convos) system rather than moving discussions to private emails or phone calls. This keeps all transaction-related dialogue within a protected environment.
  • Record Keeping: Using Etsy Convos also ensures there is a clear record of all communications, which can be helpful should any disputes arise.

2. Avoid Sharing Personal Information

In the spirit of maintaining privacy as outlined earlier:

  • Be Cautious: Never share sensitive personal details such as your full name, home address, payment information, or contact numbers within messages.
  • Redact If Necessary: If sharing documentation or images where personal info might be displayed, take care to redact these details before sending.

3. Setting Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is essential for both your own privacy and professional demeanor:

  • Business Hours: Set expectations by informing customers of your business hours and average response time.
  • Professionalism: Keep interactions polite and professional; this sets a tone that discourages overly familiar exchanges which could lead to sharing private information inadvertently.

4. Educate Your Customers

Help customers understand why safeguarding privacy is important:

  • Information Requests: If a customer asks for information you’re not comfortable sharing (like your location), gently remind them about Etsy’s policies and the importance of keeping transactions on the platform for everyone’s protection.

5. Handling Off-Site Contact Requests:

Occasionally, customers may request off-site contact:

  • Redirect Politely: Guide them back to Etsy Convos by explaining it ensures their security too and is in line with best practices advised by the marketplace.


In conclusion, maintaining privacy on Etsy is not just a recommendation—it’s an essential practice for safeguarding the integrity of your business and the trust of your customers. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, from adjusting account settings to practicing secure communication methods, you can create a secure environment for yourself and your clientele.

As an Etsy seller, remember that you’re part of a vibrant community that values creativity and personal expression. However, this should never come at the cost of anyone’s personal safety or security. Respect for privacy is paramount in building lasting relationships with customers and establishing a reputable online presence.


Etsy Privacy Guide: Protecting Personal Information for Sellers
What constitutes personal information on Etsy?
Personal information on Etsy refers to any data that can be used to identify an individual, including full names, physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, tax identification numbers like social security numbers, and the content of private messages or emails with other members or Etsy staff.
How can I safeguard my personal information as an Etsy seller?
As an Etsy seller, you can protect your personal information by being mindful of what you share publicly in listings and community forums. Always obtain explicit consent before sharing any personal details of others and use Etsy's built-in communication tools to keep your contact information private.
What should I do if my personal information is shared on an Etsy listing without my consent?
If your personal info appears in an Etsy listing without your permission, report it immediately using the site-wide reporting tool provided by Etsy for a swift review process aimed at removing the sensitive data.
Is the process for reporting a privacy violation on Etsy confidential?
Yes, when you report a privacy violation on Etsy—whether it's a specific item or an entire shop—the process is entirely confidential. The member reported will not be informed about who made the report against them.
Can posting someone else's private information in the Etsy community lead to consequences?
Absolutely; sharing someone else’s private or personal information is prohibited and can result in actions taken against your account following a review by the forum's moderation team.