Etsy Referral Program Guide: Earn Credits When You Refer a Seller

Discover how to earn free listing credits on Etsy by referring new sellers with our comprehensive guide to the Etsy Referral Program. Boost your shop and help friends start their journey!

Etsy is not just about selling; it’s about community. As part of this vibrant marketplace, you have the unique opportunity to grow your own shop while helping friends start their entrepreneurial journey on Etsy. By referring a friend, you can earn valuable listing credits that help expand your storefront. Let’s dive into how you can share the Etsy love and benefit from it!

Guide to Referring New Sellers

Start by visiting the Referral Page where you’ll find all the details for sending out invitations to potential new sellers.

Etsy’s Referral Page for New Sellers

The Ground Rules:

  1. Eligibility: Your referrals should be brand new to selling on Etsy. If they’ve already taken steps towards opening a shop, such as beginning the setup process, they won’t qualify for referral credits.
  2. Exclusivity: If your friend has multiple invites, only one can triumph – specifically, the one they use when setting up their shop will secure credits for that referrer.
  3. The Fine Print: Credits vary depending on current promotions – stay updated by checking in regularly.

For further insight into these terms, don’t miss our Referral Policy which lays down all you need to know.

Understanding Seller Referrals Policy

Our referral program is an integral piece of Etsy’s community-centric approach and abiding by its policy ensures a smooth experience for everyone involved.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • To get started with referring friends, sign into your account and visit the Seller Referral page. You’ll be prompted to share a unique link with your friends who are fresh to the Etsy selling space.
  • Consent is Key: Always ensure the individuals you’re inviting have agreed to receive this type of communication from you.
  • Legal Compliance: Your referral activities must align with both Etsy’s guidelines and local laws.
Etsy’s Seller Referrals Policy

The Referral Reward:

When a friend follows your unique link, opens their shop, and lists an item for sale, both of you will receive Listing Credits. These can be used towards the fees of listing new items or renewing existing ones on Etsy’s marketplace.

Note: Listing Credits are strictly for listing on Etsy—they cannot be converted into cash or used for any purchases or fees already incurred.

The Fine Details:

Listing Credits come with certain conditions:

  • Non-transferable: Credits are personal to your account; selling them or swapping them for cash isn’t allowed.
  • Use Them Wisely: If Listing Credits are used on prohibited items, those listings may be removed at Etsy’s discretion without credit reinstatement.
  • They Stick Around: Good news – your credits don’t expire! However, they will disappear if your account is closed for any reason.

Keeping It Fair:

Credits won’t be awarded if policies aren’t followed correctly. And remember—Etsy holds no liability if you miss out due to non-compliance. Some invitations may also have expiration dates.

Furthermore, participation might only be available in specific countries or currencies and is entirely void where prohibited by law. Be aware that Etsy has the right to modify or end referral programs whenever necessary.

Lastly, should anyone bend the rules or engage in deceptive behavior (think false information, multiple identities, or any other “funny business”), Etsy reserves the right to revoke credits and take action as needed. And if an account is closed for any reason, you can say goodbye to those accumulated credits.

A Note on Integrity:

Etsy values honesty and integrity within its community. As a reminder, engaging in fraudulent activities not only violates the trust of the marketplace but also undermines your own credibility as a seller. Always adhere to best practices when participating in referral programs.

Maximizing Your Referral Impact

While you’re inviting friends to join Etsy, why not go the extra mile? Here are some additional tips that could help both you and your referrals succeed:

  • Educate Your Referees: Share your knowledge about setting up a shop, creating listings that shine, and optimizing for Etsy’s search engine.
  • Stay Supportive: Offer ongoing advice as your friend navigates their new business venture.
  • Follow-up: Check in on their progress and celebrate milestones together.

FAQ's: Earning and Using Your Free Listings

1. What steps should I follow to earn free listings on Etsy through referrals?

To earn free listings, invite friends who haven’t yet opened a shop on Etsy by using your unique referral link found here. You can spread the word via email or social media directly from the referral page. Remember that they need to open their shop through this link for both of you to qualify for free listings.

2. When am I eligible to use my earned free listings on Etsy?

Once your referral has successfully set up their new shop and listed an item for sale, the credits will be available in your account. You can apply these credits toward listing new items or renewing existing ones in any of your shops where you are listed as the owner.

3. Is there a limit to how many people I can refer to open an Etsy shop?

No limits here! Feel free to refer as many budding entrepreneurs as you like. However, it’s important not just for compliance but also for maintaining the integrity of our community that these referrals are genuine potential sellers—not attempts at circumventing rules for personal gain.

4. How will I be notified when I’ve received my free listings from referrals?

Keep an eye on your inbox; Etsy will send an email notification each time a referred friend completes their setup process and opens their new shop. Additionally, check out the ‘Listings’ section in your Shop Manager where you’ll see available credits reflected.

5. Can I transfer my earned free listings between different accounts or shops?

Each batch of earned free listings is tied strictly to the account that made the successful referral and cannot be transferred between accounts or shops - even if they belong to you. This ensures fairness across our vast network of sellers.


As you embark on the journey of growing your Etsy shop and community, remember that the power of connection is invaluable. Referring friends to join as sellers not only enriches their entrepreneurial spirit but also rewards you with free listings that can amplify the reach of your own creative business. It’s a gesture that embodies the true essence of Etsy—a supportive network where each member contributes to a collective success.

By leveraging the referral program, you’re not just earning benefits for yourself; you’re fostering a larger, more diverse marketplace full of unique treasures and opportunities. So spread the word, nurture your community, and watch as your collaborative efforts help turn individual dreams into shared realities.


Etsy Referral Program Guide- Invite Friends & Earn!
Can I earn credits on Etsy by referring a friend to become a seller?
Absolutely! As an existing Etsy seller, you can earn listing credits through the Etsy Seller Referral Program when you refer friends who are new to selling on Etsy. After your friend sets up their shop and lists an item for sale using your unique referral link, both of you will receive credits that can be used towards listing fees.
Are there any eligibility requirements for participating in the Etsy referral program?
Yes, there are certain criteria you must meet to take part in the Etsy referral program. You can only refer individuals who have never registered as sellers on Etsy before. Also, it's crucial that these potential new sellers consent to receiving the invitation from you and that all activities comply with local laws.
What can I use my listing credits for on Etsy after referring a friend?
Listing Credits earned through referrals can be applied toward fees associated with listing new items or renewing existing listings on Etsy's marketplace. It’s important to note that these credits cannot be used for purchases or offsetting any previously accrued fees.
Do my earned referral listing credits expire if I don't use them immediately?
No, the good news is that your earned Listing Credits do not expire over time; they remain available in your account indefinitely. However, if your account is closed for any reason, those accumulated credits will no longer be accessible.
Is there a limit to how many people I can refer to sell on Etsy and earn credits?
Currently, Etsy does not specify a limit on the number of people you can refer. However, the credits you can earn might be subject to certain promotional conditions or limitations set by Etsy at any given time. Always check the most recent referral program details on the Etsy website to stay informed about any changes that may affect your ability to earn credits.