Etsy Sales Cancellation Made Easy

An ultimate guide helping Etsy sellers navigate through sales cancellation while adhering to platform policies – A must-read for every seller!

As an Etsy seller, there may come a time when you need to cancel a sale. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to handle this process professionally and in alignment with Etsy’s policies. This guide will walk you through the process of canceling a sale so that both parties can move forward.

Communicating With Your Buyer

Before proceeding with cancellation, make sure to communicate with your buyer via Etsy Messages. Informing them about the situation beforehand maintains transparency and respect in your seller-buyer relationship.

Essential Steps Before Cancelling an Order on Etsy

Before initiating the cancellation process on Etsy, three vital steps need to be followed:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Etsy’s Cancellation Policy

Make sure you understand Etsy’s Cancellation Policy thoroughly before proceeding with any cancellation. According to this policy, sellers can initiate cancellations only under specific conditions such as non-payment by the buyer, mutual agreement for cancellation prior to shipment along with a full refund issued by the seller, or item(s) not received by the buyer despite proof of shipping from the seller and issuance of an item refund.

Etsy’s Cancellation Policy

The policy further states that all cancellations must adhere strictly to these criteria:

  • The order aligns with one or more circumstances mentioned above.
  • The buyer hasn’t received their item yet (Received orders are ineligible for cancellation).
  • Full refunds have been issued by the seller including shipping if payment has been made.
  • Every aspect of the cancellation complies with all relevant Etsy Policies, including their Anti-Discrimination Policy.

2. Request Refunds for Unused Shipping Labels

Before moving towards order cancellation, ensure you’ve requested refunds for any unused shipping labels purchased through Etsy. To do this:

  1. Visit your Shop Manager on
  2. Click ‘Orders & Shipping’.
  3. If you don’t see your order listed, click ‘Completed’.
  4. Under each respective shipping label number, select ‘Refund’.

Unused shipping labels can be refunded as long as they are valid (usually less than 15-30 days old depending upon carrier). Such refunds are typically processed within 15-30 days by carriers. Learn more here on How to Request Refunds for Unused Shipping Labels

3. Collect Necessary Information from the Order

Before proceeding with order cancellation, gather all relevant information from the order for future reference. This could include details about the buyer, the item sold, or any specific communication made regarding the transaction. It’s essential to retain these details as once an order is canceled, it is considered voided by Etsy and will no longer be visible in your orders list.

Steps to Cancel an Order

Cancel an Order on Etsy Shop Manager’s Orders and Delivery Settings

Here are simple steps on how to cancel an order on Etsy:

  1. Visit and navigate to your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Orders & Shipping.
  3. Identify the order you want to cancel, and follow these steps:
  • On desktop: Click the three-dot icon next to the order and select Cancel.
  • On both desktop and mobile: In the Order Detail overlay, click on More actions, then select Cancel.
  1. Choose a reason for cancellation from the dropdown menu. You’ll see the refund amount due to your buyer.
  2. Write an optional message explaining the cancellation to your buyer in the text box below.
  3. Click on Cancel order.

If payment was made through Etsy Payments, you’re all set! But if it was done via another method like PayPal, make sure to issue them a refund through that platform.

After Cancelling an Order

Post-cancellation, Etsy automatically refunds any related listing and transaction fees so no additional charges are incurred by you. Canceled orders will be removed from your sales count on your shop homepage and will appear under the ‘Complete’ tab in ‘Orders & Shipping’. Note that canceling a sold-out item does not replenish your shop’s stock but you can manually renew it.

Refund Payments Explained

When issuing a refund through Shop Manager, Etsy automatically refunds transaction processing fees into your Payment account. If there aren’t sufficient funds in this account, the remaining refund balance will be charged to your credit card on file. However, if an order is still being processed, refunds or cancellations are not permitted until processing is complete which typically takes between 24-72 hours.

Etsy’s Payment Account Dashboard

Frequently Asked Questions about Order Cancelations

Here are some common questions Etsy sellers have about canceling orders:

1. Does canceling a sale/order affect my performance on Etsy?

As far as Etsy’s official policies go, sellers are not penalized for canceling orders. However, frequently canceling orders without valid reasons may draw attention from Etsy.

2. Can a buyer cancel an order?

Only a seller can officially cancel an order on Etsy. If a buyer wishes to request cancellation, they should contact the seller directly through Messages.

3. What is the review policy for canceled orders?

Buyers can leave a review up to 48 hours after an order has been canceled, depending on how long it takes to process the cancellation from their account. This applies whether or not the item was shipped.

4. Is there any cancellation fee?

Etsy refunds all listing fees and transaction fees when you cancel an order, so no fees apply from their side for canceling an order. However, if payment was made through PayPal, there could be a fee charged by PayPal.

5. What happens if I refund an order before canceling it on Etsy?

Canceling an order automatically refunds the full amount of the purchase and voids the transaction entirely. Issuing a refund only allows you to return partial or full payment without nullifying the entire transaction. To officially close it, you need to cancel the order.

Wrapping Up:

Canceling a sale on Etsy is not a process that sellers should fear or avoid. While it’s important to strive for satisfied customers and successful transactions, there are scenarios where cancellation is the most professional and respectful resolution. As long as your actions adhere to Etsy’s policies and maintain open, honest communication with your buyers, you’re protecting both your shop’s reputation and your buyer’s customer experience.

Remember, every business encounters bumps in the road—cancellations included—but it’s how you navigate these challenges that truly define your success as an Etsy seller. By following this guide, you’ll be prepared to handle these situations with ease and confidence.


Seller’s Guide to Cancelling a Sale on Etsy
Are there any fees for cancelling an Etsy sale?
No, there are no fees charged by Etsy when you cancel an order as all listing fees and transaction fees will be refunded through your payment account upon cancellation.
Can a buyer leave a review if I cancel their Etsy order?
Yes, customers can leave reviews up to 48 hours after you've cancelled their orders depending on how long it takes Etsy to process the cancellation.
Can I get my unused shipping labels refunded after cancelling an order on Etsy?
Yes. Before cancelling an order, it is recommended that you request a refund for any unused shipping labels purchased through Etsy via your Shop Manager.
What happens when I cancel an Etsy order?
When you cancel an order, the transaction is considered voided and it triggers a full refund to be processed for your buyer. The canceled transaction will also be removed from your shop's homepage sales count.
Does cancelling sales affect my shop's performance metrics on Etsy?
According to official statements from Etsy, sellers are not penalized in terms of shop performance metrics for cancelling orders. However, if your shop has an excessively high cancellation rate this might draw attention from Etsy.