Etsy Security Code Guide: Protecting Your Seller Account

Received a security code email from Etsy? Learn how to use it, protect your seller account, and enhance your shop's safety with our detailed guide.

Etsy recognizes the importance of maintaining a secure online presence, especially for diligent Etsy sellers who rely on their stores for income. Therefore, it’s paramount to understand how to navigate the security measures that Etsy has in place. One such measure is the security code email system.

When you receive an unexpected security code email from Etsy, it can be a little confusing or even alarming. But don’t worry! This is simply one of the multiple layers of protection that Etsy uses to keep your account and personal information safe.

What To Do If You Receive a Security Code Email

If you’ve received an email from Etsy containing a unique security code, here’s what it means:

  • Use as One-Time Password: The security code acts as a temporary one-time password that allows you access to your account.
  • Unexpected Email?: If you did not attempt to sign in or change your email address on your own, this could suggest unauthorized activity. In this case, promptly reset your password as a preventive step.

Additional Steps and Information:

  • Timeliness Matters: You need to enter the provided security code within five minutes; otherwise, it expires – but rest assured, you’ll get a new one with each login attempt.
  • Prompt for Verification: When trying to log in or update details like your email address linked to your Etsy shop, expect an automated message indicating “We just sent you a code”. Make sure to retrieve and use this code quickly.
  • Check Everywhere: Can’t find the email? It might have landed in spam or junk mail – give those folders a quick check.

By following these guidelines and understanding when and why these codes are sent out by Etsy, sellers can ensure they’re taking all necessary precautions while continuing to operate their business smoothly.

Taking Action When Unfamiliar Security Codes Arrive

If an Etsy security code email lands in your inbox and you haven’t attempted to log in or modify your account details, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Here’s what Etsy advises sellers who find themselves in this situation.

Steps to Secure Your Etsy Account:

  • Immediate Password Reset: If there’s a possibility someone else tried to access your account, don’t delay resetting your password. Choose a strong, memorable password that others are unlikely to guess.
Reset Your Etsy Password

Password Strength Tips:

  • Minimum of eight characters – the more, the better.
  • A mix of lower and upper case letters helps.
  • Add numbers and symbols for extra security.

Discover additional strategies for crafting secure passwords here.

Review Your Account:

After updating your password, ensure no unauthorized changes have been made to your account by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to and log in.
  2. Click on Your Account, then go to Account Settings.
  3. Check both the Addresses and Credit Cards sections for any discrepancies.
  4. Select Security to review recent sign-in activity.
View Your Sign-in History on Etsy’s Account Settings

Further Guidance if Compromised:

Should you discover any unusual activity on your account or suspect it has been compromised despite not recognizing attempts at access as legitimate, seek further assistance immediately. Here’s what you can do if you believe your account is compromised.

Upgrading Your Etsy Account Security

Etsy provides layers of defense to keep your entrepreneurial endeavors secure. We urge every member of our creative community to strengthen their accounts with advanced security settings.

Suspected Hack? Here’s What to Do:

When fraudulent behavior appears to threaten your Etsy shop’s safety, swift action is key. Start by changing your password and solidify your defenses by activating two-factor authentication. If you’re facing what seems like a hack or unauthorized access to your account, update your password without delay:

  1. Visit, click on You, then head to Account settings.
  2. Scroll until you find the Password, then proceed to update it with a new one that’s tough as nails.

Remember, if you’re using the same password elsewhere online, including the email tied to your Etsy account, it’s time for those too to get a makeover. Learn the intricacies of changing passwords at this helpful link.

Can’t log into your account? Reach out directly to Etsy Support for assistance.

Update Your Password on Etsy’s Account Settings

Two-Factor Authentication - Your Digital Guardian Angel:

To fortify your account further:

  1. Navigate back to You, and choose Account Settings on
  2. Click through to Security.
  3. Find the section labeled Two-Factor Authentication, and enable it using the method that suits you best.
  4. Hit the gear icon and complete the setup following the given instructions.

Dive deeper into securing your account at this resourceful spot: Secure Your Account Now.

Turn on 2FA on Etsy’s Account Settings

Your Essential Account Security Checklist

Leverage the following checklist as part of your regular security routine to enhance the protection of your Etsy account:

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Boost your login security by enabling two-factor authentication. This requires both a password and a verification code sent to your device, providing an added layer of defense against unauthorized access.

2. Create Robust Passwords

Passwords are often the first line of defense. Ensure yours are long, varied, and creative—combine letters, numbers, and symbols for optimal strength. Regularly check if any passwords have been compromised using tools like, update them every six months or so via Account Settings, and consider using a reliable password manager.

3. Conduct Transactions on Etsy Only

For both communication and transactions, stick to using Etsy Messages and Checkout. Should issues arise with buyers or sellers, having all interactions on-platform allows Etsy Support to assist effectively.

4. Recognize Suspicious Messages

Be vigilant about messages that convey urgency or request personal information hastily—these could be scam attempts. Don’t click links from unverified sources; instead, directly access any necessary sections through logged-in sessions on

5. Keep Contact Details Current

Update phone numbers and email addresses linked to your account regularly through Account Settings > Email. This ensures you’ll receive timely notifications regarding two-factor authentication prompts or unusual activity alerts.

6. Limit Account Access

Restrict access to those who absolutely need it in order to avoid unauthorized changes or password resets—it’s crucial for maintaining accountability for all account activity per [Etsy’s Terms of Use.

7. Update Financial and Tax Information

Regularly review your Shop Manager > Finances > Payment Settings to detect any unusual activity early on. Keeping your taxpayer information accurate is also key to avoiding disruptions due to payment controls and preparing for tax filings.

8. Stay Informed on Device Security

Protecting your devices is as vital as securing your account details:

  • Clear old devices before transitioning to new ones by removing personal info and restoring factory settings.
  • Change preset passwords for Wi-Fi networks and routers for unique protection.
  • Stay updated with the latest software, including antivirus programs, and ensure you’re using official Etsy apps or the website when managing your shop.
  • Monitor sign-in history regularly through account security settings, remaining alert for unfamiliar devices or third-party connections.

9. Get Support When You Need It

Etsy offers expanded real-time support channels 24/7 via live chat, phone calls, or email—especially designed for sellers with at least one sale. If you suspect a compromise or need assistance, reach out through the Etsy Help Center. Always report suspicious messages and consult the help center for common concerns.


In conclusion, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to securing your Etsy shop. By taking proactive steps to strengthen your account’s protection—such as creating robust passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant for signs of unusual activity—you are not just safeguarding your business but also the trust that your customers place in you.

Remember that security on Etsy is a continuous process. As digital threats evolve, so should your defenses. Regularly update your knowledge of cybersecurity practices, perform security audits, and adapt to new tools and features provided by Etsy to keep up with the best protective measures.

If ever you find yourself in the unfortunate position of dealing with suspected fraud or a compromised account, know that there are clear steps you can take to regain control and minimize damage. Change passwords immediately, contact Etsy Support without delay, and consider additional actions like legal advice if necessary.


Etsy Security Code Email - How to Respond & Protect Your Account
What should I do if I receive an Etsy security code email unexpectedly?
If you receive a security code email from Etsy without having initiated a sign-in or an email change, it is crucial to reset your password immediately to prevent unauthorized access. Head to the password reset page and follow the instructions to create a new, strong password.
How can I create a strong password for my Etsy account?
A strong password for your Etsy account should be easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. It should include at least eight characters, combining lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The longer and more complex your password is, the better it will secure your account.
How can I tell if my Etsy account has been compromised?
Monitor your account regularly for signs of unauthorized activity by checking saved addresses, credit card information, sign-in history, and recent purchases. If you spot any unfamiliar changes or transactions in your account settings on, take immediate action by resetting your password and contacting Etsy support.
Why is it important to enable advanced security settings on my Etsy shop?
Enabling advanced security settings like two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection for your Etsy shop against cyber threats such as hacking or phishing attempts. These measures ensure that even if someone else obtains your password, they would still need additional verification to access your account.
What are some best practices for maintaining security as an Etsy seller?
As an Etsy seller, use unique passwords that are changed regularly and never shared with anyone else; enable two-factor authentication; monitor accounts frequently; keep personal information private on public networks; stay informed about common cyber threats; use trusted devices when accessing sensitive information; update contact details regularly so that you can be reached promptly if there's suspicious activity related to your shop.