Etsy Sellers' Guide to Advertising Success

Boost your sales with effective advertising on Etsy. Learn how to set up and manage Etsy Ads campaigns with our step-by-step guide

Leaping to advertise your Etsy shop can be a big step so we’ll guide you through setting up an Etsy Ads campaign, managing where your ads are seen, choosing which listings to advertise, and adjusting your daily advertising budget. In addition to Etsy Ads, the platform also offers Offsite Ads as another avenue to promote your products and reach a wider audience. Each of these advertising options serves a different purpose and can be leveraged based on your shop’s specific needs.

Understanding Etsy Ads

Etsy Ads is an automatic advertising model that enables sellers to showcase their listings effectively within the Etsy platform. By setting a daily budget (minimum $1), Etsy automatically promotes your listings using its data insights and expertise to optimize visibility within your allocated budget.

Notably, Etsy Ads are displayed based on how well the product’s title and tags match the buyer’s search terms. This means your advertised items could appear throughout Etsy, including in Search Results, Category Pages, and Market Pages both on and its mobile app. All sellers can monitor their ad performance via the Shop Manager.

Exploring Offsite Ads

Offsite Ads is a more recent addition by Etsy that allows for the promotion of your items outside of the primary platform. These ads are showcased across high-traffic websites like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Bing among others.

Offsite Ads Page on Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Dashboard

How do Offsite Ads work?

Offsite ads work automatically once you opt-in for this service. Your listings are promoted across partner sites; all listing information including descriptions, photos, titles, etc., are sent to these sites whose advertising algorithms match user profiles or search queries with relevant listing ads.

Are Offsite Ads optional?

All sellers are automatically enrolled in Offsite Ads but participation depends on past sales volume:

  • If your shop has made more than $10k USD in the past 365 days: You must participate as it benefits you most from offsite advertising with discounted fees.
  • If less than $10k USD has been made: Participation is optional but advisable due to potential business growth with no upfront investment.

Each month sales are reviewed; once you’ve made over $10k USD within 365 days, Offsite Ads participation becomes mandatory. Here’s a guide to learn more about Etsy’s Offsite Ads.

Getting Started With Your Etsy Ads Campaign

After opening your shop on Etsy, you’ll need to wait 15 days before kicking off an Etsy advertising campaign. The Etsy Ads dashboard in your Shop Manager makes tracking this countdown easy. Your ads will promote your products in Etsy search results and other pages on the platform. You set the budget and choose which listings to advertise - we handle the rest! Have thoughts about how we’re doing? Don’t hesitate to share them with us.

Start Setting Up Your Etsy Ads Today

Setting Up Your First Etsy Ads

Etsy Ad Stats on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings

Creating your first ad is straightforward:

  1. On, select Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Marketing.
  3. Select Etsy Ads.
  4. Set a daily budget that reflects what you’re willing to spend per day for advertisements.
  5. Click Start advertising.

Remember: If needed, you can change these settings at any time.

Where Are My Etsy Ads Displayed?

Your items may be displayed throughout various sections of Etsy, including Etsy Search, Category Pages, and Market Pages on both the website and app. This visibility helps your listings stand out in searches and reach potential buyers more effectively.

Choosing The Countries For Your Ads

Edit Delivery Profile on Etsy Shop Manager’s Delivery Settings

Your ads will only appear to buyers in countries that you have selected for shipping. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On, select Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Click on Shipping settings
  4. Select Shipping profiles.
  5. Edit the profile you want to update.
  6. Add or remove locations.
  7. Click Save Profile.

If you don’t use shipping profiles, here’s a guide on how to set shipping countries for your listings.

Deciding Which Listings To Advertise

All your current listings are advertised by default when you begin an Etsy Ads campaign but you can choose or edit these anytime:

Manage Advertised Listings on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings
  1. From Etsy Ads, select Manage advertised listings.
  2. Find the listing you want to start or stop advertising - search through them or filter by section/ad status.
  3. Click on/off under “Ad” to include/remove a listing from your campaign
  4. Select multiple listings at once by checking/unchecking boxes next to each one
  5. Click Update

Ensure all advertised items comply with Etsy’s Advertising & Marketing Policy.

Adjusting Your Daily Advertising Budget

Your daily budget is exactly what it sounds like the maximum amount you’re willing to spend per day on advertising. This is adjustable and only used for ads on Etsy.

Adjust Etsy Ads Budget on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Page

To modify your daily budget:

  1. From Etsy Ads, select Manage your budget
  2. Enter your new daily budget.
  3. Click Update.

Understanding Your Maximum Daily Budget

Your maximum daily budget is determined by factors like average spending, current payment status, and payment history. As you consistently spend your full daily budget, we’ll gradually increase your maximum limit.

The initial maximum daily budget for all sellers is $25, recalculated weekly for those enrolled in Etsy Payments or monthly otherwise.

If you’ve advertised before and are restarting a campaign, the same max limit will apply as during your previous advertising period.

A drop in your max limit may be due to an outstanding amount due. Clearing this balance will likely restore it.

Increasing Your Daily Budget For Special Occasions

Starting with a maximum daily ad spend of $25 gives us time to understand how best to manage it for you. To raise this limit - especially during peak periods like holidays - start using the full amount early on in order to increase it by the desired time frame.

Understanding Charges for Etsy Ads

Etsy Ads operates on a pay-per-click basis. This means you are only charged when a potential buyer clicks on one of your ads. The cost per click can vary based on the perceived value of the location where your ad is displayed and varies for each listing and its respective appearance in search results. Learn more about how cost per click works.

The costs incurred are summed daily and added to your Payment account the following day, ensuring you never exceed your specified daily budget. Once your total daily budget has been spent via clicks, we’ll halt ad displays for that day.

Checking Your Etsy Ad Expenditure

Your Etsy Ads expenditure can be viewed under Budget Spent on your Etsy Ads page. The Payment account also gets updated daily with ad charges allowing you to monitor advertising expenditure.

View Marketing Fees on Etsy’s Payment Settings

To view these charges:

  1. On, select Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Finances.
  3. Select Payment account.
  4. View most recent charges under Recent activities.
  5. For older charges, select Monthly Statements at the bottom of the page which shows the current month’s statement or See all monthly statements for past records.

Utilizing Your Etsy Ads Performance Graph

The Etsy Ads Performance graph provides detailed insights into the performance of your ads over time. You can hide or expand it by clicking on the Hide/Show Graph button.

To adjust the displayed period, select the dropdown menu next to Your stats for, and choose a preset time frame or a custom date range. It’s recommended to use at least a 30-day period for accurate insight into performance trends. For an in-depth guide on reviewing and optimizing your campaign, check out How to Review the Performance of Your Etsy Ads.

How Can I Turn Off Etsy Ads?

You have full control over your advertising activities – you may either stop advertising specific listings or completely turn off Etsy Ads.

Turn Off Etsy Ads on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings

To deactivate your Etsy Ads campaign:

  1. Visit, and go to Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Marketing.
  3. Click on Etsy Ads.
  4. Under ‘Show more orders’, choose the ‘Pause your ads’ button.
  5. Select Turn off ads.

For information on how to turn off ‘Offsite Ads’, check out this help center article.

Learning from Fellow Sellers

Want to learn more about promoting your Etsy shop? Why not enroll in an Etsy U class and gain insights directly from experienced sellers? Join the Etsy U Program today!

Why is Advertising on Etsy Worth It?

Advertising on Etsy can be one of the most effective ways to grow your online shop. Here are five compelling reasons why investing in Etsy Ads could be a game-changer for your business:

1. Increased Visibility

With millions of active buyers and sellers, advertising on Etsy helps your listings stand out from the crowd. Your ads get prime placement in search results and other pages, providing increased visibility and reach.

2. Targeted Exposure

Etsy’s sophisticated ad algorithm ensures your ads are shown to potential buyers who are likely interested in what you’re selling, based on their browsing history and search terms.

3. Pay-Per-Click Model

You only pay for results - specifically, when someone clicks on your ad. This means every dollar spent goes directly towards actions that could lead to sales.

4. Budget Control

You have complete control over how much you spend daily on advertising. Whether you want to start small or go big, you can adjust your budget at any time according to what works best for you.

5. Detailed Performance Tracking

The Etsy Ads dashboard provides detailed insights into how well your ads are performing, allowing you to make informed decisions about which listings to advertise and how much to spend.

Expert Tips for Successful Etsy Advertising

Advertising on Etsy can significantly boost your shop’s visibility and sales if done strategically. Here are five expert tips to grow your business through effective Etsy advertising:

1. Start Slow & Steady

Begin with a small advertising budget and gradually increase it over time. This strategy enables you to monitor ad performance and make necessary adjustments without overspending.

2. Time Your Ads Well

Understand when your target audience is most likely online browsing Etsy, and align your ads accordingly. If you sell seasonal items, plan promotions so they’re visible during the relevant season or holiday.

3. Re-list Products Frequently

Not all products will yield high returns, so focus on advertising in-demand and trending items. Regularly update which products you advertise based on product research and top-selling trends on Etsy.

4. Incorporate Keywords in Titles

Enhance product visibility by incorporating relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and tags that match common search terms used by shoppers looking for similar products. For example, if you sell handmade candles, consider keywords like “soy wax candles,” “hand-poured candles,” or “candle gifts”.

5. Regularly Track Results & Adjust Accordingly

Monitor the performance of your ads regularly to identify trends or patterns that might require campaign adjustments for optimal results.

Wrapping Up:

Etsy Ads provides an effective and targeted way to amplify your shop’s reach and visibility. It offers a strategic advantage in the competitive marketplace by connecting you with customers actively seeking unique, handmade, or vintage items. The pay-per-click model ensures cost-effectiveness while offering insights into your ad’s performance which can be leveraged to make informed decisions.

Remember that advertising is an investment; starting slow with a comfortable budget, monitoring outcomes regularly, and making careful adjustments can ensure you get the best return on this investment. With these insights at hand, we wish you great success in leveraging Etsy’s advertising platform for the growth of your online business.


Complete Guide to Setting Up and Managing Etsy Ads Campaigns
Why should I consider advertising on Etsy?
Advertising on Etsy increases the visibility of your products to a larger audience, targets potential buyers who are already searching similar items, and operates on a pay-per-click model, ensuring you only pay for real engagement. You have full control over your daily budget and it can be an effective way to boost sales.
How does the cost per click work in Etsy Ads?
In Etsy Ads, you're charged whenever someone clicks on one of your ads. The cost per click depends on several factors including how valuable the place where your ad is shown is considered to be by Etsy's algorithm.
Can I choose which listings to advertise in my Etsy shop?
Yes, you can customize which listings are advertised at any point during your campaign. While all current listings will be included when you start an ad campaign by default, these settings can be adjusted as needed.
What happens if I exceed my daily budget limit in Etsy Ads?
With Etsy Ads, once enough clicks have been charged to use up your entire daily budget, no more of your ads will be shown for that day.
What is the difference between Etsy Ads and Offsite Ads?
Etsy Ads promote your listings within the Etsy platform in search results and other pages, while Offsite Ads extend this reach to high-traffic websites like Google, Facebook, Instagram and more. You set a budget for Etsy Ads while Offsite ads charge a fee only when a sale is made through these advertisements.