Etsy Shop Translation Guide

Explore effective strategies to translate your Etsy shop and listings, broadening your customer base and increasing sales.

Engaging a larger pool of potential customers on Etsy involves more than just creating captivating listings. A vital aspect is to ensure your shop and product listings are accessible in various languages, which can significantly increase your outreach. To cater to a diverse audience and boost your sales, it’s advisable that you:

Setting up Multiple Languages for Your Shop

You should consider adding additional languages you’re proficient in, apart from your default listing language. This will allow you to manually translate the elements of your shop and its listings.

Changing the Default Language

The first language you choose when registering as a seller becomes your default shop language. Although Etsy provides automatic translations based on the shopper’s region, it’s crucial that your listing text matches your default shop language for proper indexing in search results.

To change your default shop language, you must follow a specific process which includes translating your shop into the preferred language. Only after this translation process is complete can Etsy Support change the default language of open shops. If there’s a need to alter your default language, here’s a comprehensive guide that walks you through the process.

To set up multiple languages for your shop:

  1. Log into and navigate to Shop Manager then Settings.
  2. Proceed to Languages and Translations.
  3. Add translations for each of the above-mentioned shop areas.
  4. Click on Save Changes.
Manage Shop Languages on Etsy’s Languages and Translations Settings

Translating Listings Manually

You have control over translating key elements such as title, description, and tags (optional), while categories and attributes will automatically translate.

To manually translate your listings:

  1. Sign into then go to the Shop Manager followed by Listings.
  2. Choose the product you wish to translate.
  3. Scroll down to Translations where manual translations can be entered.

Note: Ensure that translations are correctly placed in their respective language fields (e.g., French translations in French fields, English translations in English fields).

Adding Translations To Sold Out, Draft And Inactive Listings

For sold-out listings:

  1. Open the listing.
  2. Scroll down to the Translations section at the bottom of the page.
  3. Add translations to the title, description, and tags.
  4. Select Renew then Deactivate under Manage at the top right.

For draft or inactive listings:

  1. Open the listing.
  2. Scroll down to the Translations section at the bottom of each page.
  3. Add translations to the title, description, and tags.
  4. Select Publish, then again select Publish
  5. Choose Deactivate under Manage on the top right

After completing these steps, contact Etsy Support for final review. If all required changes have been made successfully, they can proceed with updating your default shop language.

Translating Your Shop Manually

We suggest translating various elements of your shop, including:

  • Shop title
  • Shop announcement
  • Message to buyers
  • Shop sections
  • About your shop
  • Shop policies

To translate your shop:

  1. Log into and navigate to Shop Manager then Settings.
  2. Proceed to Languages and Translations.
  3. Add translations for each of the above-mentioned shop areas.
  4. Click on Save Changes.
Etsy Shop Manager’s Languages and Translations Settings

Working with Automatic Translations

Your listings are automatically translated on Etsy, making them appear in the shoppers’ preferred languages during their search queries. However, any manual translations you’ve provided will take precedence over automatic ones.

If you wish to disable automatic translations:

  1. Sign in to and head over to Shop Manager
  2. Go to Settings, then proceed to Options
  3. Scroll down until you see the Automatic Listing Translation, select Disabled
  4. Click on Save

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth shopping experience for your global buyers, thus expanding your business reach on Etsy.

Why Opt For Manual Translations Over Machine Translations?

There are multiple benefits associated with manual over machine translation:

1. Increase Sales

Research indicates that buyers perceive automated translations as less trustworthy than human ones. Sales data further shows that listings with manual translations sell more compared to those with machine-translated ones.

2. Improve Search Performance

Manually translating listings ensures they are found using the right keywords during searches enhancing optimization both on off Etsy platforms.

3. Add Personality To Listings

Manual translations allow for more control and can add a personal touch to your listings letting buyers know there’s a real person behind the shop. If you operate in a country where the local language is supported by Etsy and initially set up your shop with English as default, it’s strongly recommended to add manual translations in your local language. Conversely, if you set up your shop with your local language as default adding English translations can broaden the appeal of your business to global buyers.

Tips For Translating Listings:

Adding a new language signifies that you’re ready to do business in that language. However, writing translations might be challenging for some sellers. Here are some tips:

1. Keep It Simple: Focus on key features of the product when translating descriptions write brief direct sentences avoid expressions cultural references subtle innuendos jokes wordplay that may not translate well or be understood by foreign customers.

2. Seek Feedback: If unsure ask friends fluent in the target language to review translations for accuracy tone.

Tips for Multilingual Communication with Buyers

1. Use Simple Language

Keep your language simple and clear when communicating with customers who speak a different language. Avoid using slang, idioms or colloquial phrases that might not translate well or could be misunderstood.

2. Leverage Translation Tools

Use online translation tools like Google Translate to help you understand customer queries in other languages. However, remember these tools may not always provide perfect translations, so use them as a guide rather than a definitive source.

3. Hire Multilingual Support Staff

If your business has grown and you’re dealing with significant volumes of customer inquiries in multiple languages, consider hiring support staff who are fluent in those languages to ensure smooth communication.

4. Prepared Responses

Have a set of pre-translated responses ready for common queries or issues. This can speed up response time and ensure your replies are accurate.

5. Be Patient and Respectful

Multilingual communication can sometimes lead to misunderstandings due to cultural differences or translation errors. Be patient and respectful when handling such situations - it’s all part of providing excellent customer service.

6. Continuous Learning

Make an effort to learn key phrases in the languages of your main customer base. Not only will this make communication easier, but customers will also appreciate the effort you’re putting into understanding their language and culture.

7. Encourage Feedback

Encourage feedback from your international customers about their shopping experience at your store, including any issues they encountered due to the language barrier.

8. Proofread Your Messages

Before sending messages, take an extra moment to proofread them for clarity and correctness—especially if you’re using translated text.

9. Ask For Clarification

If a message from a buyer isn’t clear because of language differences, don’t hesitate to politely ask them for more information.

10. Cultural Sensitivity

Be sensitive to cultural differences that can affect communication. What might be considered polite or standard in one culture could be viewed differently in another.

Common Challenges in Setting Up Multilingual Shops

1. Language Nuances

One of the most common challenges is navigating language nuances and cultural differences. Direct translations may not always convey the intended meaning due to idioms, slang or specific cultural references. Furthermore, different regions may use different terms for the same item which can affect searchability.

Solution: Try to use simple and clear language in your descriptions that translate well universally. Consider getting feedback from native speakers for better accuracy.

2. Time-Consuming Process

Manually translating each listing can be time-consuming, especially for sellers with large inventory.

Solution: Prioritize translating your best-selling items first or those you want to market internationally. You could also consider using professional translation services if your budget allows it.

3. Maintaining Consistency

Keeping consistency across all listings in multiple languages can be challenging but vital as inconsistency can confuse buyers and negatively affect their shopping experience.

Solution: Keep a record of terms or phrases you use frequently in your listings so you can refer back to them when creating new ones. This ensures consistent terminology across all products.

4. Customer Service in Multiple Languages

Sellers might find it challenging to provide customer service in all the languages their shop supports leading to potential miscommunication issues.

Solution: Utilize online translation tools for assistance and always clarify if you’re unsure about what the customer is trying to communicate.

5. SEO Optimization Across Languages

Understanding and implementing SEO strategies in multiple languages can be complex as popular keywords might differ between languages.

Solution: Conduct keyword research in each target language using SEO tools that support these languages, ensuring your translated listings are optimized for search engines.

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, optimizing your Etsy shop’s language settings and adding your own translations can significantly widen your reach and potentially boost your sales. Whether you’re an experienced seller or just starting on Etsy, implementing these strategies will help you connect with a diverse range of customers across the globe. From setting up your shop in your native language for clear communication to manually translating listings for authenticity and trust, each step taken towards multilingual optimization is a stride towards greater market success.


How to Translate Your Etsy Shop and Listings – A Comprehensive Guide
Why should I translate my Etsy shop and listings?
Translating your Etsy shop and listings allows you to reach a broader audience by making your products accessible to non-English speaking customers. This can increase visibility and potentially boost sales.
How do I add a new language to my Etsy shop?
You can add a new language to your Etsy shop through Languages and Translations under Settings in Shop Manager. Toggle 'on' the desired languages, then click 'Save changes’
Can I change my default language on Etsy?
Yes, you can change your default language on Etsy by adding translations in your preferred language for all sections of your shop first. Once this process is complete, contact Etsy Support who will be able to update the default language of your open shops.
What parts of my Etsy shop should I translate?
For maximum effectiveness, it's recommended that you translate key aspects of your retail space including: the Shop title, Shop announcement, Message to buyers, Shop sections, About section details and Shop policies.
What happens if text added in my listing isn’t in my default shop language?
If the text in any field of listing isn't in your default shop language then it might not appear correctly during search operations conducted by shoppers.