Etsy Storefront Setup Guide

Discover the essential steps for creating an engaging and effective Etsy shop homepage that attracts customers and boosts sales

Etsy allows you to customize various aspects of your shop, including the homepage. Here’s a step-by-step guide on setting up and personalizing your storefront to attract potential customers.

Customizing Your Shop Homepage

To start customizing your shop homepage, follow these steps:

  1. Visit and open the Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Select Info & Appearance.
Etsy Shop Manager’s Info and Appearance Settings

Etsy Shop Homepage Components

After accessing the Info & Appearance section, you can manage various elements of your shop homepage, including:

1. Shop Title

Your Shop title is a brief description of what you sell or the essence of your brand and can be used to influence Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For more information on editing your shop title and SEO, refer to this guide.

Please be guided that:

  • Shop titles can be up to 55 characters long.
  • They appear right under your shop name on the homepage.
  • Many sellers make it a tagline or slogan or state what they sell.

Take Note: If your shop isn’t open yet, you won’t be able to edit it.

What is the difference between Shop Title and Shop Name?

Your shop name serves as the primary identifier of your store on Etsy. It should be memorable and reflect your brand’s essence while adhering to certain rules set by Etsy. The shop name is limited to 20 characters long, cannot contain spaces or punctuation marks, and becomes part of your store’s URL (e.g., or Keep in mind that once a name has been used for an open store, it cannot be reused even if that original store is closed.

On the other hand, the shop title is a brief description of what you sell or what makes your store unique. It appears directly under your shop name on the homepage and plays a crucial role in attracting potential customers by giving them an idea of what to expect from your store. The shop title can also influence Search Engine Optimization (SEO), helping improve visibility when users search for products similar to yours. When crafting a shop title, note that it can be up to 55 characters long and can take the form of a tagline, slogan, or brief description of the products offered.

Update Your Shop Name and Shop Title on Etsy Shop Manager’s Info and Appearance Settings

2. Shop Name

Shop names can be up to 20 characters long, and they can’t have spaces or punctuation marks – capitalize letters in the name to distinguish separate words. Your chosen name becomes part of the shop URL:

How do I know if a shop name is available?

Once a shop name has been used on an open store, it can’t be used again, even if the shop it’s connected to is closed. The name won’t appear in search results if it’s a username or a shop that has been closed. You also can’t use a shop name you’ve previously used on another account, even if that account is closed. Instead, you can reopen your shop.

What if the name for which I am the rights holder is not available?

If you hold intellectual property rights for your chosen shop name and find that it’s currently unavailable, consider contacting the member to resolve the issue amicably. Alternatively, you may file a notice of intellectual property infringement; however, this will not free up the shop name for your use.

3. Shop Icon

Your shop icon is a logo for your business on Etsy. This small but powerful graphic will represent your shop across the site, so choose an identifiable image that reflects your brand. A great shop icon communicates something meaningful about your brand using simple graphics and minimal text.

A good shop icon should:

  • Reflect your shop’s personality
  • Look good both big and small
  • Use simple graphics or Keep any text short and easy to read
  • Avoid long words or busy backgrounds
Add Your Etsy Shop Icon

Tips To Make Sure Your Shop Icon Packs a Punch:

  • Is it easily understood? If you decide to use a graphic, make sure buyers understand what it depicts and how it relates to your shop. For example, greeting card seller Surfing Sloth uses a sloth character from her illustrations as a shop icon.
  • Is it memorable? “Simple, minimal logos and icons are more recognizable,” says Samuel Sherman, a senior art director on Etsy’s Brand Design team. Customers who have favorited your shop or purchased from you before should be able to quickly recognize your shop icon.
  • Can it scale down? While your shop icon displays at full size (500 x 500 pixels) on your shop home, it will appear much smaller on activity feeds, receipts, and in the Etsy app. Preview your design in a variety of sizes to ensure your final selection resonates even when it’s scaled down. It’s also best to avoid using too much text, which becomes illegible at small sizes.

4. Order Receipt Banner

Personalize the receipts that buyers receive when ordering by adding a custom banner to them. To manage your order receipt banner:

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Choose Info & Appearance.
  4. Select Choose file next to the Order receipt banner

5. Shop Banner

Shop banners are the largest branding asset for your shop and appear when shoppers view your store on both desktop and mobile devices. To add or customize a shop banner:

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Select the pencil icon next to your shop name under Sales Channels.
  3. Select Banner to showcase your brand and listings at the top of the page.
  4. Choose the type of banner you want.
  5. Choose Done.
Create Your Shop Banner on Etsy’s Sales Channel Settings

You have two styles of banners to choose from:

  • Mini Banner: A narrow image with a minimum size of 1200 x 160 pixels.
  • Big Banner: A large image with a minimum size of 1200 x 300 pixels.

If you do not want a banner for your shop, select None. This will move your listings higher up on the page. If you’re looking for professionally designed images, consider shopping from an Etsy seller. More advanced shop banner options, such as Carousel Banner or Collage Banner, are available to Etsy Plus Subscribers.

Tips For An Effective Banner

To create an image that piques buyers’ interest, try these tips:

1. Design for the correct dimensions

Images that display clearly signal to buyers that your business is polished and professional. You have two standard size options: Big banners make a splash across the top of your shop home. They should be 3360 x 840 pixels for optimal performance, and a minimum of 1200 x 300 pixels. Mini banners are best if you’d rather your shop icon and listings take the primary focus. At 1200 x 160 pixels, mini banners will shift your listings higher up when viewing your shop home on desktop, and do not appear on mobile devices.

2. Highlight your best photography

Your banner is the perfect spot to show products in action or feature a styled shot that highlights the range of your collection. ‘This is one area where you can see all the products in your shop come together’, Samuel says.

3. Use text sparingly

If you want to include your shop name in your banner, make it big enough to read on mobile devices and keep text to the center of the photo so it’s legible when the image is scaled down.

4. Get creative

“Your banner is like a large canvas,” says Lyanne Dubon, a creative director on Etsy’s Brand Design team. “Experiment with repeating patterns, fields of color, unique textures, or photos of your workspace.” Lisa Rupp of Arizona-based Etsy shop Lisa Rupp Design welcomes shoppers with a colorful graphic that showcases the details of her gouache paintings.

5. Reflect on major milestones

Over the course of the year, your banner is a good space to reflect seasonal changes, gift-giving occasions, milestones, and special occasions. Avoid changing the graphic too frequently, though; showing some consistency is critical to building a recognizable brand.

6. Profile Photo

Your profile photo appears as your Shop Owner image on your public shop homepage and in Conversation threads so choose a friendly picture that puts your best face forward. Upload a square image that’s at least 400 x 400 pixels, and make sure it’s clear and well-lit.

“Photos that show your face are best,” says Lyanne. “It lends your shop some credibility and helps build trust.” Since the photo is fairly small, crop the portrait tightly on your face (or faces, if there’s more than one person). A good rule of thumb: Your face should fill about 70% of the frame. If you prefer to stay out of the spotlight, try uploading a brand-aligned graphic that reflects your personality.

To upload a profile photo:

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Select the pencil icon next to your shop name under Sales Channels.
  3. Select the camera icon under your name in the top right corner.
  4. Select Choose a file.
  5. Upload your file and select Choose.
Add Your Etsy Shop’s Profile Photo

A good profile photo should:

  • Be a photo of yourself, such as a close-up or headshot
  • Use bright or natural lighting
  • Avoid distant, unclear images

7. Shop Announcement

Your shop announcement appears under the listings on your store homepage. Add an announcement to alert shoppers about essential information like sales or vacation periods. Keep your announcement short and sweet. You can add more detailed information to other sections like About, public profile, shop policies, and item descriptions.

Take Note: If your shop isn’t open yet, you won’t be able to add an announcement until it’s open - learn more about setting up your shop.

Create Your Etsy Shop Announcement

Why doesn’t the date posted on my shop announcement match when I made it?

If your store’s language is not set to English, the date may not be updated to reflect when you made the new announcement. You can manually add the date to the first line of your store announcement so buyers will see when you made it.

8. Message to Buyers

The Message to Buyers is a short note you can include in the Etsy order confirmation email that your buyers receive after purchasing. Consider using your message to thank your customer for their purchase, inform them about standard shipping practices, or provide any other information you think they may need to know. You can also send a separate email to your buyers to let them know when their item has been shipped - read more about shipping notifications here.

Note to Your Buyers

Crafting Engaging Messages to Buyers

When communicating with your customers, it’s crucial to provide clear and engaging messages. Use the following templates as a starting point for crafting personalized notes that express gratitude, share care instructions, or encourage valuable product reviews.

Simple Thank You

“Thank you for shopping with [Your Shop Name]! We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy shopping!”

Shipping Information

“Thank you for choosing [Your Shop Name]! We’re excited to share our products with you. Please note that our standard shipping practices take approximately [X days/weeks]. If there are any changes or delays, we’ll keep you updated. For further inquiries, feel free to contact us.”

Custom Orders

“Hello and thank you for purchasing from [Your Shop Name]! As a reminder, custom orders may take up to [X days/weeks] to create and ship. If there’s anything else we can help with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thanks again!”

Product Care Instructions

“Thank you for supporting [Your Shop Name]! To ensure the longevity of your new purchase, please follow these care instructions: [include specific care details]. If you have any questions about product care or need assistance, feel free to reach out.”

Order Confirmation & Shipment Notification

“We appreciate your order from [Your Shop Name]! Your order has been confirmed and will be shipped within the next [X days/weeks]. Once shipped, we’ll send a separate email with tracking information. Thank you for choosing us!”

These message templates can be customized according to your shop’s unique brand identity and customer communication style while providing relevant information about shipping practices or other important details.

9. Connecting Your Social Media Accounts

Scroll down to Around the web to add links to your social media profiles, website, or blog – this will help build credibility and drive traffic from external sources.

Link Your Social Media Accounts

Additional Tips for Optimizing Your Storefront:

For more advice on launching a successful Etsy shop, take a look at the Ultimate Guide to Starting an Etsy Shop.


In conclusion, setting up and customizing your Etsy storefront is a crucial step in creating a successful online shop that attracts customers and showcases your unique brand identity. By focusing on the right elements, such as an engaging shop title, eye-catching visuals, clear announcements, and cohesive product presentation, you can create an immersive shopping experience for potential buyers.


How to Set Up Your Etsy Storefront - Step by Step Guide
What are the key components to customize on my Etsy Shop Homepage?
The key components to customize on your Etsy Shop Homepage include your shop title, shop icon, cover photo, profile photo, banner, and shop announcement. Personalizing these elements will help you create a unique brand identity and attract potential customers.
How can I make my shop title more effective?
To create an effective shop title, ensure it is catchy while reflecting your brand's personality and describing what you sell concisely. Consider incorporating relevant keywords for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
What should I consider when designing my shop icon and banner?
When designing your Etsy shop icon and banner, consider using high-quality visuals that reflect your brand's personality. For the icon, use simple graphics or short text that's easy to read; avoid long words or busy backgrounds. For banners, choose between a Mini Banner (1200 x 160 pixels) or Big Banner (1200 x 300 pixels) to showcase your brand effectively.
How can I use the Shop Announcement feature effectively?
Write a concise yet informative Shop Announcement to inform potential customers about promotions, new products or other essential updates in your store. Keep it brief but clear so visitors can quickly understand what you're offering.
How do social media links benefit my Etsy storefront?
Adding social media links to your Etsy storefront helps build credibility by showing customers that you have an active online presence outside of Etsy; this also drives traffic from external sources like Facebook or Instagram back to your store.