Etsy’s Calculated Shipping Essentials for Sellers

Learn how to optimize your shipping process on Etsy with our comprehensive guide that covers the ins and outs of calculated shipping.”

Being an Etsy seller in the US or Canada has its advantages, especially when it comes to shipping your orders. If you’re using USPS, Global Postal Shipping, or Canada Post for order fulfillment, you can tap into the power of calculated shipping on Etsy. This feature not only saves you time but also enhances the purchasing experience for your customers. When buying shipping labels directly from Etsy, details from each order are conveniently imported into the label purchase page.

Implementing Calculated Shipping

Optimizing calculated shipping involves a few important steps:

  1. Create a Shipping Profile Utilizing Calculated Shipping: Kickstart your calculated shipping journey by creating a profile that incorporates this feature.
  2. Incorporate Size and Weight Details into Your Listings: Make sure to include comprehensive size and weight information in all of your product listings.
  3. Attach The Calculated Shipping Profile To Your Listings: Finally, apply the created profile with calculated shipping to each of your product listings.

Even if an item’s dimensions surpass or fall short of USPS, Global Postal Shipping, or Canada Post package requirements, don’t worry! You always have the option to establish your own custom shipping rates later on.

Understanding the Mechanics of Calculated Shipping

Calculated shipping is an intelligent tool that considers your location, the buyer’s location, and the item’s size and weight to determine shipping costs. Once you turn on calculated shipping for your listings, buyers can get a glimpse of their potential shipping costs by entering their zip/postal code or country. Etsy automatically opts for the least expensive shipping method that accommodates the total weight and dimensions of the item.

All relevant shipping details including package type, package dimensions, and package weight are displayed on your Sold Orders and Receipt pages.

Setting Up a Calculated Shipping Profile

To set up a calculated shipping profile, follow these simple steps:

Etsy Shop Manager’s Delivery Settings
  1. Go to and select Shop Manager.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Select Shipping settings.
  4. Choose to Edit an existing profile or Add a new shipping profile.
  5. Opt for Calculate them for me under Shipping costs.
  6. Enter your origin zip/postal code - this is where you’ll send out orders from.
  7. Select a suitable processing time.
  8. Determine which countries you ship to - remember that your shop’s home country is always required as a destination.
  9. Decide which additional services you’d like to offer with respect to shipment.
  10. Consider whether you’d like to provide free shipping options.
  11. Assess if there is a need for an optional handling fee.
  12. Name your new shipping profile accordingly before finalizing it by clicking Create Profile.

How to Include Size and Weight Information in Your Listings

This is an essential step in ensuring accurate shipping costs. The combined weight of the order and its packaging determines your buyer’s postage charges at checkout. Etsy offers a range of default box sizes, but you can also set up custom sizes using package preferences.

Follow these steps to add size and weight information:

  1. Under Shop Manager, choose Listings.
  2. Select Quick Edit.
  3. Input the weight of the item under Item weight for listings where you want to use calculated shipping.
  4. Enter the size of your item after it’s prepared for packaging (folded, but not boxed) under Item size (when packed).
  5. Choose Exit quick edit when done.
Etsy Shop Manager’s Listings Quick Edit Feature

Applying Calculated Shipping Profile to Your Listings

Lastly, apply your newly created calculated shipping profile by following these steps:

  1. Check off the listings that are applicable to this shipping profile.
  2. Select Editing options.
  3. Choose Change shipping profiles.
  4. Pick out your tailored shipping profile.
  5. Click on Apply
  6. Finalize by choosing Publish

Now you’re all set! Remember, mastering calculated shipping is a surefire way to optimize both cost and convenience for yourself and your customers on Etsy!

Customizing Package Preferences for Calculated Shipping

When you use calculated shipping, Etsy intelligently determines the size of the box needed for each order. If you’re curious about what default package sizes Etsy offers, simply click on the ? next to Use common Etsy package sizes. Etsy not only considers your preferred package sizes but also its own default dimensions when determining the best fit for an order. These custom package preferences can be chosen when purchasing a shipping label.

How Does Etsy Determine Package Size For Each Order?

The smallest and most cost-effective packaging is automatically selected for every order based on the total size, weight, and selected mail class.

Defining Your Package Preferences

Do your items not quite fit into Etsy’s standard box sizes? No worries! You can add your custom box measurements under Package preferences by following these steps:

  1. Go to Shop Manager on
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Select Shipping settings.
  4. Click on the Package Preferences tab.
  5. Choose Add a package preference.
  6. A variety of pre-set Package types are available for selection or opt for Custom if your desired dimensions aren’t listed.
  7. US sellers have the option to include a Package fee, which applies to an order whenever this specific package preference is used - regardless of item quantity in the order.8 Complete by clicking on Save

Once you’ve set up your preferences, you’ll have the choice of whether to use both common Etsy packages and your custom preferences, or just the latter. If an item’s dimensions exceed any of your specified preferences, Etsy will default to using the item’s actual dimensions as the package size.

Note: Sellers in Canada, package fees and pre-populated package types are currently not available.

What to Do When Your Item Doesn’t Fit Standard Shipping Sizes?

Sometimes, you might have an item that is either too big or too small to be shipped as a USPS, Global Postal Shipping, or Canada Post package. Not to worry! Etsy allows you to manually add shipping rates in such cases.

There are a few instances where sellers might opt for this route:

  • The package exceeds the carrier’s maximum dimensions (like furniture).
  • The item ships by letter mail instead of in a package.

How to Manually Add Your Shipping Rates

If you find yourself in one of the above scenarios, follow these steps to manually set your shipping rates:

  1. Go to Listings under Shop Manager, and select the Etsy Shop Manager’s Listings Quick Edit Feature listing you wish to modify.
  2. While adding or editing the listing, scroll down until you find Shipping options.
  3. Click on Enter Custom Shipping Options.
  4. Under Shipping costs, switch from Calculate them for me to I’ll enter fixed costs manually.
  5. Input your shipping details as usual.

This way, no matter what unique items your shop offers, there’s always a solution for every shipping need!

Etsy Shop Manager’s Listing Settings


In conclusion, understanding and utilizing Etsy’s calculated shipping feature is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any successful Etsy seller. Not only does it streamline your shipping process, but it also enhances the buying experience for your customers by providing accurate and cost-effective shipping rates. Whether you’re selling standard-sized items or dealing with oversized or undersized products, this comprehensive guide has equipped you with all the knowledge needed to handle any scenario. Remember, mastering these features is not just about improving logistics - it’s about boosting customer satisfaction and growing your business on Etsy!


How to Set Up and Use Etsy's Calculated Shipping - A Step-by-step Guide
How does Etsy's calculated shipping work?
Calculated shipping on Etsy uses the seller's location, the buyer's location, and the item's size and weight to automatically generate a shipping cost. Once enabled for your listings, buyers can preview their shipping costs by entering their zip/postal code or country.
How do I set up a calculated shipping profile on Etsy?
Setting up a calculated shipping profile involves several steps such as creating a new profile under Shipping settings in Shop Manager, inputting relevant details like origin zip/postal code and processing time, selecting which countries you ship to and optional services like free shipping or handling fee.
Can I customize my package preferences for calculated shipping on Etsy?
Yes, you can add your preferred box sizes under Package Preferences in Shipping Settings. You have an option to use both common Etsy packages and your custom preferences or just the latter.
What if my item is too big or too small for standard USPS or Canada Post packaging?
If an item doesn't fit within standard packaging dimensions, you can manually add your own customised shipping rates in the Shipping options of that listing.
How do I manually add my own customised shipping rates on Etsy?
To manually set your own fixed costs for shipment go to Listings in Shop Manager. Select your listing and scroll down to Shipping options then click "Enter custom shipping options". Under "Shipping costs", switch from "Calculate them for me" to "I'll enter fixed costs manually". Then simply enter your usual delivery details.