Etsy's Rules for Young Sellers: Starting Your Shop Before 18

Discover the essential steps for minors to sell creatively and legally on Etsy. Get informed about parental consent, account setup, and smoothly transition your shop at 18.

Etsy is a platform that celebrates creativity and entrepreneurship, and it welcomes young sellers into its community with certain guidelines in place. If you’re between 13 and 17 years old and interested in starting your own Etsy shop, there’s good news! You can embark on this exciting venture with some help from your parent or legal guardian.

Setting Up Your Shop as a Minor

First things first: all official account details must be under the supervision of your parent or legal guardian. They are legally responsible for the account, which includes:

  • Listing their name as the preferred name associated with the account.
  • Managing all financial aspects, using their own financial information.
  • Ensuring they are listed as the shop owner in the About section of your shop.
  • Using an email address they control to handle communications.
Etsy’s Minors Policy

The Do’s and Don’ts While Selling Underage

To maintain a safe and fair environment, minors must adhere to specific rules:


  • Obtain permission from your parent or legal guardian to use Etsy services.
  • Ensure any purchases made are done under their direct supervision.


  • Attempt to open an independent account before you turn 18; this could lead to permanent closure due to policy violations.

If you happen upon such a situation where an account is suspended due to these restrictions, expect an email notification explaining the next steps. If you need further clarification on our Minors Policy, please take a moment to review it thoroughly.

Transitioning Your Shop at Adulthood

Wondering what happens when you reach that milestone 18th birthday? If you’ve been selling under supervision on Etsy, transitioning into managing your own shop is straightforward. Simply contact Etsy Support once you’re no longer considered a minor so they can guide you through taking full ownership of your business activities on Etsy.

Contact Etsy Support

The Advantages of Launching an Etsy Shop as a Teen

Embarking on the journey of opening an Etsy shop as a teenager is not just about making sales—it’s about growth, creativity, and independence. Here are some compelling reasons to persuade your parents why starting an Etsy shop is not only a fantastic idea but also beneficial for your future.

1. A Canvas for Creativity

Etsy serves as the perfect canvas for self-expression and creative exploration. It’s a space where you can share your handmade crafts, original artwork, or vintage collections with the world, turning your passion into a thriving online presence.

2. Real-World Business Savvy

Dive into the entrepreneurial pool by managing your own shop—a practical education in business that classrooms seldom provide. You’ll learn essential skills like financial planning, inventory management, customer service excellence, and strategic marketing.

3. Pathway to Financial Empowerment

Gain financial empowerment early on by earning through your creations. This endeavor teaches the value of money, encourages a sense of responsibility, and instills the principles of budgeting and reinvesting in your business—laying the foundation for savvy financial habits.

4. Mastering Time Management

Etsy’s platform is conducive to flexible scheduling, allowing you to run your shop around schoolwork and social activities. This flexibility is key in learning how to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively—an invaluable skill in all walks of life.

5. Expanding Horizons

With Etsy’s global marketplace, your reach isn’t confined to local buyers; it spans continents. This exposure not only broadens your customer base but also enhances cultural understanding and offers a taste of global commerce.

6. Crafting Your Brand Identity

As you curate products for your Etsy shop, you’re also nurturing a brand identity and compiling a portfolio that showcases your talent. Positive feedback from customers serves as a testament to the quality of your work and can be influential in future endeavors.

7. The Power of Community

Join Etsy’s community—a hub where creativity meets support. Engage with fellow sellers who provide mentorship, share their experiences, or perhaps even collaborate on projects. It’s an ecosystem ripe with opportunities for learning and growth.

8. Marketing Skills Made Practical

Promoting your Etsy shop means getting hands-on with marketing strategies such as social media promotion, email marketing campaigns, SEO optimization, and more—real-world skills that are highly sought after in today’s digital economy.

9. Building Confidence Through Success

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of success when someone purchases one of your items—each sale validates your hard work and boosts self-confidence while reinforcing personal achievement and motivation.

10. A Stepping Stone for Future Entrepreneurs

For some teens, an Etsy shop is just the beginning—the lessons learned here can pave the way towards lifelong entrepreneurship or careers in creative industries where innovation thrives.

Tips to Grow Your Etsy Business as a Teenager

Having dipped your toes into the entrepreneurial waters of Etsy, you might be seeking ways to propel your shop forward and boost those sales figures. Here’s how you can grow your Etsy business effectively, even in your teenage years.

1. Mastering Analytics

Your shop’s statistics are a treasure trove of insights. Regularly dive into the analytics to understand where your traffic is coming from, what products are hot sellers, and who is buying them. Use this invaluable information to make strategic decisions about product directions and marketing efforts.

2. Broadening Your Offerings

Consider expanding your product line thoughtfully—this doesn’t just increase choices for customers but also opens up new market segments for you to tap into. Keep an eye on trends, listen to customer feedback for potential new offerings, and see if you can introduce variations that complement existing items.

3. Being Bold with Innovation

Never shy away from experimenting with fresh ideas or limited-time offerings that create buzz and give buyers a reason to frequent your shop more often. Whether it’s through seasonal specials or unique designs, innovation keeps things exciting and could lead to surprising successes.

4. Valuing Customer Insights

The voice of the customer is powerful; invite their reviews and feedback actively. Not only do positive testimonials build trust with prospective buyers, but constructive criticism also offers a clear pathway for improvement—a chance to refine both products and services.

5. Excelling in Service Delivery

The hallmark of any successful business is its customer service—respond quickly, resolve issues graciously, and always aim to delight. Remember that word-of-mouth from satisfied customers can be one of the most potent tools in growing your base.

6. Committing to Ongoing Learning

Embrace every opportunity for learning—be it through workshops geared at young entrepreneurs or online classes focusing on craft techniques relevant to your products. Continuous self-improvement will not only enrich what you offer but also keep you ahead in the competitive game.

7. Connecting with Peers

Engage actively within Etsy communities online or off—the support system they offer is invaluable as are the endless possibilities for collaboration which can significantly extend your reach within larger markets.

8. Managing Your Inventory Wisely

Keep a keen eye on your inventory, ensuring that you can always meet demand, especially for your bestsellers. An organized approach to stock management will prevent the pitfalls of over or under-stocking and help in maintaining a seamless flow of orders, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.

Extra Measures for Online Safety

Federal Trade Commission’s Advice on Parental Controls

While we encourage young entrepreneurs to explore their creative passions on Etsy, safety remains paramount. Parents or guardians might consider implementing parental controls available commercially—these tools help limit exposure to inappropriate online content for minors. For more guidance on parental controls, check out these resources provided by the Federal Trade Commission.

Etsy prides itself not just in being inclusive but also in maintaining a platform that respects legal boundaries while fostering growth opportunities for individuals of all ages. By following these guidelines meticulously crafted for minors who aspire to sell handmade goods, vintage items or craft supplies—you too can join the ranks of successful young entrepreneurs on one of the world’s most beloved creative marketplaces!


How to Sell on Etsy as a Minor – Guidelines for Teen Entrepreneurs
Can a person under 18 sell on Etsy?
Yes, individuals between the ages of 13 and 17 can sell on Etsy with certain conditions. They must have permission and supervision from a parent or legal guardian who will be responsible for the account.
What are the requirements for minors to open an Etsy shop?
Minors need to ensure that all financial information is under their parent or legal guardian's name, use their guardian's name as the preferred name on the account, list all shop members in the About section with the guardian as the owner, and use an email address belonging to their guardian.
Are there any age restrictions for using Etsy?
Yes, while individuals aged 13-17 can use Etsy’s services with appropriate permission and supervision from a parent or legal guardian, minors under age 13 are not permitted to use Etsy.
How does a minor take over an existing Etsy shop when they turn 18?
Upon reaching adulthood at age 18, a minor can take over their previously supervised shop by contacting Etsy Support for guidance through this transition process.
What should parents know about supervising a minor's Etsy account?
Parents should be aware that they are responsible for all activity conducted by a minor on their account and may wish to implement parental control protections to monitor online engagement appropriately.