Exporting Etsy Sales Data

Learn the steps for exporting your Etsy sales transactions as a CSV file with our comprehensive guide

As an Etsy seller, keeping track of your transactions is crucial for understanding your business performance. We make this easier by helping you download a detailed record of your sales transactions as a spreadsheet CSV file. Let’s walk through how to do it.

Easy Steps to Download Your Transaction Data

To gain access to a comprehensive record of all your transactions in one place, follow these easy steps:

  1. Log into your account and navigate to Shop Manager > Settings > Options > Download Data.
  2. In the dropdown menus, choose the appropriate CSV Type.
  3. Select a specific Month and Year. If you aim to download data for an entire year, only select the Year, leaving the Month unselected.
  4. Click on Download Orders as a CSV to begin the process of saving this file on your computer.
Download CSV Data on Etsy Shop Manager’s Options Settings

The downloaded spreadsheet will include important details such as:

  • Payment method used by buyers
  • Individual item price
  • Title of each item sold
  • SKU numbers if they have been added

For those who use Etsy Payments, there’s an option to download another CSV file that encapsulates all payments-related activities for the chosen year. The beauty of this CSV file is its compatibility with popular spreadsheet applications like Excel, Numbers, and Google Spreadsheets.

Downloading Your Listing Information

In addition to downloading your sold transactions, you can also download your listing data. This feature allows you to track specific details about your active listings in a clear and organized manner, further enhancing the overall control of your Etsy shop.

Steps to Download Your Listing Data

To download detailed information about each of your Etsy listings, simply follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Etsy.com.
  2. Click on You, then select Shop Manager.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Click on Options.
  5. Select Download Data.
  6. Finally, click on Download CSV to save the file locally on your computer.
Download Listing CSV on Etsy Shop Manager’s Options Settings

What Does My Listing CSV Contain?

The downloaded listing data includes important information for all active listings such as:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Price
  • Currency code
  • Quantity
  • Tags
  • Materials
  • Image URLs
  • SKU numbers (if any added)

This CSV format is compatible with most spreadsheet applications including Excel, Numbers and Google Spreadsheets - making it easy for you to manage and analyze this data effectively! Learn more about how to download your active listing information.

Financial Management as an Etsy Seller

Understanding your shop’s financial health and establishing a system for tracking income and expenses is fundamental for running a successful business. Here, we take a deeper dive into the importance of monitoring your finances and provide some pro tips to help you navigate this crucial aspect of your Etsy shop.

The Importance of Tracking Income and Expenses

Keeping track of your expenses not only helps you make informed decisions but also prevents unpleasant surprises, like an unexpectedly large tax bill or unnecessary debt. Understanding the cost that goes into creating and selling your inventory — including materials, time, labor, and overhead costs like marketing expenses or studio rent — is foundational to the pricing process.

Pro tip: QuickBooks accounting software can help you keep track of your business expenses and income by importing up to 18 months of your Etsy shop data. Plus, Etsy Sellers save 50% off their first 3 months. Terms apply.

Tracking Business Expenses & Claiming Deductions

Having a clear picture of how much you’re earning versus spending as a business will come in handy when it’s time to complete your tax forms. As an Etsy seller, it’s important to understand why tracking business expenses is essential:

  • An accurate view of business expenses helps make deductions that can lower taxes
  • Business expenses subtracted from sales give the lowest taxable income
  • Keeping track might mean owing less at tax time
  • Understanding where overspending occurs helps home in on essential expenditures

The IRS considers certain common and appropriate business expense categories deductible if they are both “ordinary” and “necessary”. These may include:

  • Business interest
  • Car usage (excluding personal use)
  • Home office or studio space
  • Education
  • Employee pay
  • Entertainment, gifts, meals, travel (entirely related to your business)
  • Insurance
  • Retirement plans
  • PayPal and other bank fees
  • Listing and advertising fees
  • Postage and shipping supply costs

How to Track Your Business Expenses

To validate your business expenses to the IRS, it’s essential to keep organized records of your receipts and purchases. Here are some tips on how:

  1. Open a separate bank account for your business.
  2. Keep expense documents such as account statements, invoices, cash slips, credit card receipts, etc.
  3. Store these documents electronically or physically for at least three years to indefinitely.

QuickBooks can help in electronic record keeping by providing digital copies of your records available at all times with quick and accurate calculations. Keeping accurate records simplifies filling out tax forms (either Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ) as an Etsy seller and helps accurately pay estimated payments throughout the year.

Please note that tax laws change frequently; this information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney or tax expert if you have any questions related to tracking business expenses on Etsy.

Note: If you’re based in the US or UK and use QuickBooks Self-Employed alongside your Etsy account, this tool allows you not just view but also export your sales data. For more details, visit here.

Setting Growth Goals for Your Etsy Shop

Establishing robust financial tracking and understanding your transaction history is just the beginning. To further enhance your Etsy shop’s success, it’s essential to set goals for growth and factor in growth marketing techniques into your pricing strategy.

Integrating Growth Marketing Techniques

Once you’ve ensured a healthy profit margin with your base price, you can utilize growth marketing tools to achieve additional objectives like acquiring new customers, increasing average order value or boosting order frequency.

Incorporating growth marketing techniques such as discounting, sales events, and advertising into your pricing strategy from the start allows you to understand how these campaigns impact both sides of the transaction - how you set your base price and how a campaign affects average order value, sales volume, and overall revenue.

Pricing for Future Success

Whether you’re just starting or re-evaluating your pricing structure after some time in business, it’s essential to think about where you’d like to be by year-end (or another specific point). Price is not only for the present but also for the future. For guidance on establishing a plan for growth and setting business goals check out how to write a creative business plan in under an hour.

Etsy’s Guide to Writing a Creative Business Plan


Managing your Etsy store involves more than just creating and listing products. It requires a detailed understanding of your financial health, strategic goal setting, and meticulous tracking of transactions, expenses, and income. By leveraging tools like QuickBooks for comprehensive financial tracking and following these step-by-step guides for downloading transaction spreadsheets and listing data, you can gain valuable insights into your business performance.


How to Export Your Etsy Sales Transactions - A Comprehensive Guide
How can I download a record of my Etsy transactions?
To download your transaction record from Etsy, first sign into your account and go to 'Shop Manager > Settings > Options > Download Data'. From the dropdown menus, select the CSV Type, Month and Year you want to download. If you want an entire year's data, just select the Year without selecting a Month. Finally click on 'Download Orders as a CSV'.
What information is included in my Etsy transaction spreadsheet?
The downloaded spreadsheet includes details such as payment method used by buyers, individual item price, title of each item sold and SKU numbers if they have been added.
Can I export all my annual sales data from Etsy at once?
Yes! To download your entire year's sales data from Etsy, simply select only the Year option when downloading orders as a CSV file. Leave the Month unselected to get data for an entire year.
Is it possible to view and track my payments activity on Etsy?
Absolutely! If you use Etsy Payments, there's an option to download another separate CSV file that encapsulates all payments-related activities for the chosen year.
How can I manage my income and expenses better with this sales data?
You can visit our Seller Handbook which provides tips on effectively managing income and expenses data from your sales transactions. If you're based in US or UK and use QuickBooks Self-Employed alongside your Etsy account, this tool allows you not just view but also export your sales data.