Guide To Becoming An Etsy 'Star Seller’

Master the art of becoming an Etsy Star Seller with our comprehensive guide. Learn about the evaluation criteria, benefits, and tips for outstanding performance.

In the vibrant marketplace of Etsy, the Star Seller badge is a special recognition given to sellers who consistently provide top-notch customer service.

This Star Seller badge reassures buyers of your reliability and high-quality service. To earn this status, your shop must meet certain standards related to communication, shipping speed, customer ratings, number of orders, and total sales.

Etsy’s Star Seller Dashboard

Etsy checks each month if sellers qualify for this badge. If you meet all the requirements, the much-sought-after Star Seller badge can take up to 24 hours to show up on your shop and Star Seller dashboard.

How to Qualify for the Star Seller Badge

To earn the Star Seller badge on Etsy, you need to do well in five important areas - replying to messages quickly, sending out orders on time and providing tracking details, getting good ratings from customers, handling a decent number of orders, and making a good amount of sales.

If you want your shop to be considered for this program:

  • You should have been selling on Etsy for at least 90 days since your first sale.
  • Make sure you follow all the rules mentioned in Etsy’s Seller Policy and Terms of Use.
  • Click here to read more about Etsy’s Star Seller Terms and Conditions.
Etsy’s Star Seller Terms and Conditions

How Often is Your Shop Evaluated?

Etsy checks if sellers qualify for the Star Seller badge on the first day of each month. But remember, it can take up to 24 hours for changes like your new badge to appear in your shop or dashboard.

What Period is Considered for Evaluation?

Etsy checks if sellers qualify for the Star Seller badge on the first day of each month. Remember, it may take up to 24 hours for any changes like your badge showing up in your shop or dashboard.

Does This Affect How Your Shop Shows Up in Search Results?

Having a Star Seller badge doesn’t directly push your shop higher up in Etsy’s search results. However, it can help indirectly. Providing top-notch customer service (which could get you this badge) might improve how well your shop does in search results.

Click here to learn more about how Etsy’s search algorithm works and how excellent customer service can make your shop more visible.

How to Track of Your Progress Towards Becoming a Star Seller

Keeping an eye on your progress towards achieving the Star Seller status is easy with Etsy’s dedicated dashboard:

  1. Log into and go to Shop Manager.
  2. Click on the Star Seller tab.
  3. You’ll see two tabs: Current review period and Last review period. These give you insights into how you’re doing now as well as how you did in the past, which determined any badges you currently have.
Etsy’s Star Seller Dashboard

This dashboard lets you track all five areas that matter for excellent customer service and any individual badges you’ve earned for quick replies to messages, timely shipping, and getting great reviews.

The Journey to Becoming a Star Seller on Etsy

Etsy's process for deciding who gets the Star Seller badge is based on your past performance. On the first day of each month, Etsy automatically checks if you qualify for the Star Seller badge by looking at how your shop did over the last three months.

Here are some key metrics that Etsy examines during this evaluation:

1. Response Rate:

Quick responses to customers’ queries build confidence in buyers. Therefore, maintaining a 95% response rate for all initial messages in your inbox within 24 hours can significantly boost your chances of becoming a Star Seller.

Pro Tip: You can download the Etsy app and enable notifications to quickly respond to customer messages even when you’re away from your desk.

If you know you’re going to be unavailable for a few days, consider setting up an auto-reply feature for your messages before leaving.

2. Five-Star Reviews:

Earning regular five-star reviews indicates trust from the Etsy community and is an essential criterion for achieving Star Seller status. To get this badge, at least 95% of your reviews should be five-star ratings.

It’s important to remember that perfection doesn’t exist with handmade products; their uniqueness often adds charm!

3. On-Time Shipping:

Ensuring that customers receive their orders on time and providing them with tracking information are crucial aspects of excellent customer service. So, if you want that coveted Star Seller badge, ensure that around 95% of orders are processed and shipped on time.

4. Minimum Order Requirement:

You need more than just one sale every three months—even with a five-star review—to qualify as a Star Seller on Etsy. While thousands of sales per month aren’t necessary, steady sales flow increases your chances of getting this status—specifically, at least ten orders per review period.

5. Revenue Generation:

Star Sellers need to bring in minimum revenue each review period—$300 according to Etsy’s terms.

Addressing Criticisms & Challenges

With any system that assesses performance or quality based on certain standards (like Etsy’s), there can be questions about whether it’s fair or effective. These concerns can come from sellers themselves as well as e-commerce experts.

Common criticisms include things like shipping services not providing tracking numbers, messages that don’t need a reply, potential misuse of the automatic reply feature, and negative reviews due to things outside a seller’s control.

Despite these issues, many believe going for the Star Seller status is worth it because standing out in a competitive marketplace like Etsy can give you an edge.

Is It Worth Trying to Become a ‘Star Seller’?

Becoming an Etsy ‘Star Seller’ might seem difficult because of its strict requirements. But it does offer benefits that make it worth considering, especially if you’re committed to offering excellent customer service which will make customers happy—and getting the little purple ‘Star Seller’ badge is just a bonus…

Focusing on delivering great customer service and creating products shoppers want should be your main goals. Running your business operations smoothly comes next which will help you meet most of the requirements for earning the ‘Star Seller’ badge without too much stress or burnout!

Keep in mind that changes happen often so don’t let not having achieved 'Star Seller’ status bother you—as your shop grows naturally over time, meeting these requirements will become easier!


Etsy Star Seller Guide: Steps and Tips to Achieve the 'Star Seller’ Badge
What is Etsy's Star Seller Badge and how does it benefit my shop?
Etsy's Star Seller badge is a recognition given to sellers who consistently provide excellent customer service. It benefits your shop by building trust with potential buyers and standing out in the marketplace.
How often does Etsy evaluate my shop for the Star Seller status?
Etsy evaluates shops for the Star Seller status on the first day of every month, using performance data from the previous three months.
What are the criteria that Etsy looks at when evaluating for the Star Seller badge?
Etsy considers five key areas when evaluating shops for the Star Seller badge – response time to messages, shipping punctuality and tracking availability, customer ratings, number of processed orders, and total sales.
Can becoming an Etsy 'Star Seller' improve my search rankings on the platform?
While possessing a Star Seller badge doesn’t directly boost your search rankings within Etsy’s platform, maintaining high standards in customer service (which may lead towards obtaining this badge) could indirectly enhance your overall performance in search results.
Does earning regular five-star reviews help me become a ‘Star seller’?
Yes! Earning regular five-star reviews displays trust from customers and is an essential criterion for achieving ‘Star seller’ status.