Guide to Your Etsy Shop's URL

Discover how to locate your Etsy shop’s unique URL, share it with customers, and redirect your domain. Boost your store's traffic today!

As an Etsy seller, connecting potential customers to your virtual storefront is paramount. Whether you’re sharing your shop with followers on social media or providing a direct link to a friend, having a clear and easy-to-use web address (URL) is essential for driving traffic and boosting sales. Let’s dive into the details of setting up and sharing your Etsy shop link effectively.

What Exactly is an Etsy Shop URL?

An Etsy shop URL acts as your digital business card, a distinctive identifier that ushers customers straight to your virtual doorstep. It’s a fusion of your creative brand—your shop name—and Etsy’s domain, crafting an address that is exclusively yours.

For instance, if you’re known as “VintageTreasures” in the realm of Etsy artisans, your web address would proudly display as This personalized link is not just a string of characters; it’s a beacon for your business.

The Significance of Your Unique Web Address

A distinctive Etsy Shop URL plays a pivotal role in the growth and recognition of your online business for several reasons:

  • Ease of Access: It serves as a direct link for customers who wish to explore your products — they need only enter this web address.
  • Marketing Powerhouse: Sharing this link across social media platforms amplifies reach and drives traffic directly to where you showcase and sell your crafts.
  • Branding Cornerstone: Your URL reinforces brand identity, making it straightforward for customers and fans alike to remember and return.

In essence, possessing a well-thought-out Etsy Shop URL is integral in carving out a professional space within the bustling online marketplace.

Finding Your Unique Shop URL

Your shop’s online presence starts with its URL – the gateway that leads shoppers straight to your products. You can use one of these two simple formats to create this vital link:

Remember, these links will spring into action once you’ve opened your shop on Etsy.

How Does One Obtain Their Specific Etsy Shop URL?

For those new to the platform or needing a refresher, locating your personal Etsy Shop URL is painless:

  1. Begin by logging into your account and heading over to the homepage of your shop.
  2. Glance at the address bar in your browser; this displays your current shop’s web address:
  3. Copy this link to share on various promotional channels such as business cards, email signatures, or any other marketing materials you use.

It’s worth noting that while similar in nature, there’s a clear distinction between ‘shop name’—the title visible on your shop page—and ‘shop URL’—the actual web address customers will use to access your store directly. Both are integral to your Etsy identity but serve different purposes.

Sample of an Etsy Shop URL

How to Copy Your Etsy Shop URL

If you want to share your Etsy shop with others, you’ll need to know your shop’s URL. Fortunately, it’s easy to find and copy. Here’s how:

Steps to Copy Your Etsy Shop URL

  1. Sign in to your Etsy account and go to your shop’s homepage.
  2. Look at the address bar in your web browser. The URL for your shop should be displayed there. It will start with "" followed by your shop’s name.
  3. Highlight the entire URL in the address bar by clicking and dragging your mouse over it.
  4. Right-click on the highlighted URL and select “Copy” from the context menu that appears.
  5. Your Etsy shop URL is now copied to your clipboard and ready to be shared.

It’s that simple! You can now paste your shop’s URL into emails, social media posts, or anywhere else you want to share it.

Steps to Share Your Unique Shop Link

  1. Navigate to your shop’s main page on
  2. Use the Search Items bar for pinpointing keywords associated with your products.
  3. The search will filter items in your shop linked to that keyword.
  4. From here, copy the web address - this is a tailored link containing search_query= followed by the selected keyword.
  5. This customized link is now ready for distribution across various customer touchpoints like social media, email newsletters, or even printed on business cards.

Directing Shoppers to Specific Sections

Create an organized shopping experience by directing customers straight to curated sections within your store using unique URLs for each segment. Here’s how to pinpoint and share the URL for a specific section:

  1. Navigate to your shop’s homepage on
  2. Just below the “Search Items” bar, click on the section you wish to highlight.
  3. From your browser’s address bar, copy the URL displayed. It will contain section_id= followed by a unique numerical identifier for that section.

Keyword-Specific Listings Links

Efficiently guide buyers through your products by creating links based on keywords related to style, color, or category – perfect for targeted campaigns or themed collections! To generate these keyword-specific URLs:

  1. Head over to your shop’s homepage on
  2. Use the “Search Items” bar to type in your chosen keyword.
  3. Once the search results are displayed, copy the link from your browser’s address bar that ends with search_query= followed by the relevant keyword.

Custom Domain Redirection

The process involves configuring a redirect via your domain hosting company so that visitors who type in your web address are effortlessly transported to your Etsy storefront. Here’s what unfolds when you initiate this digital redirection:

  • Instant Navigation: Think of a domain redirect like a well-placed signpost that guides travelers directly to their destination — in this case, from your custom domain straight to the vibrant display windows of your Etsy shop.
  • Brand Cohesion: This move not only consolidates your online presence but also enhances brand recognition, allowing customers familiar with your independent website to easily connect with your Etsy operations.

The Setup: Pointing Your Domain Home

Ready to make the leap? Reach out to your domain provider and share with them the URL of your Etsy shop. They’ll handle the technical side, setting up a pathway that links right back to

Your role is simply ensuring they have all they need — namely, the correct Etsy link — and they’ll take care of aligning the stars so that every search for you ends exactly where it should: at the heart of where all your creations reside on Etsy.

Do you have a personal brand with its own domain? Seamlessly connect it to your Etsy storefront! For detailed instructions, peek at our step-by-step guide on setting up domain redirection.

Take Note: When you decide it’s time for a change and update your shop name, rest assured that your URL will transition smoothly too. The new address takes over while the old one graciously guides visitors to their intended destination – your updated shop.

Essential Highlights for Etsy Entrepreneurs

As we weave together the narrative of your Etsy journey, it’s important to reflect on the key takeaways that underline the significance of your shop’s URL and how it links back to every aspect we’ve discussed:

  • Shop URL as a Digital Beacon: Your Etsy shop URL is not just an address; it’s the lighthouse that guides shoppers through the vast sea of creativity to your unique products.
  • Locating Your URL: Discovering your shop’s URL is as simple as visiting your homepage on Etsy or using the search function to track down items linked by a keyword – this navigational ease is at the core of connecting with customers.
  • The Power of Sharing: Once you’ve grasped your shop’s web address, its potential stretches far beyond mere identification. Sharing this link becomes a dynamic tool for promotion, expanding your reach and inviting others into your creative space, ultimately bolstering visibility and driving sales.


In conclusion, mastering the ins and outs of your Etsy shop URL is more than a technical necessity—it’s a strategic advantage. By knowing how to craft, use, and share your shop’s web address, you not only ease the path for customers to find you but also enhance your brand’s online footprint. Whether it’s linking directly to specific sections for targeted marketing or using keyword-specific URLs to group similar listings, these small details can make a significant impact on your shop’s success.

Don’t overlook the power of simplicity either; an easy-to-remember and straightforward URL fosters customer recall and encourages repeat visits. Plus, with the ability to integrate your own domain or adjust seamlessly to a new shop name without losing traffic, Etsy ensures that your storefront remains as dynamic and adaptable as the marketplace itself.


How to Find and Share Your Etsy Shop's URL - Complete Guide
What is my Etsy shop URL?
Your Etsy shop URL is the web address that directly leads to your storefront on Etsy. It typically follows one of two formats: [yourshopname] or[yourshopname]. This URL becomes active once you open your shop on Etsy.
Can I use my own domain name for my Etsy shop?
Yes, you can link your personal domain name to your Etsy shop by setting up a domain redirect. This allows visitors who enter your personal domain in their browser to be automatically directed to your Etsy storefront.
How does changing my shop name affect my Etsy URL?
When you change your Etsy shop name, the platform automatically updates your shop's URL to reflect the new name. There's no need to worry about losing customers who have bookmarked the old address, as it will redirect them to the new one.
Can I direct customers to specific sections of my Etsy store?
Absolutely! Each section within your Etsy store has a unique URL which you can share with customers or use in marketing materials to direct them straight to a curated collection of items in that category.
Is it possible for buyers to search within my Etsy store using keywords?
Yes, buyers can search within your store using keywords by typing them into the Search Items bar on your shop's homepage. You can also create and share links with customers that will take them directly to listings associated with specific keywords within your own store.