Handling Etsy Harassment: A Safety Guide for Sellers

Discover how to address harassment as an Etsy seller with our step-by-step safety guide, ensuring a positive and secure marketplace experience.

The Etsy community thrives on creativity, respect, and inclusivity. That’s why it’s crucial to address the serious issue of harassment without delay. As an extension of our commitment to you, we’re providing guidelines tailored for Etsy sellers who may encounter harassment.

Upholding a Safe and Welcoming Environment

Etsy is more than just an online marketplace; it’s a vibrant community where diversity is celebrated. To maintain this ethos, certain behaviors are prohibited under Etsy’s Terms of Use, which you agree to by using the platform.

Etsy’s Terms of Use

Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

Discrimination on Etsy is explicitly forbidden against anyone based on:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Ethnicity
  • National origin
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability
  • Any other characteristic protected under applicable law

As sellers, it’s essential to stay informed about local laws and regulations regarding discrimination that may apply to your shop.

No Room for Hate Speech

Hate speech has no place on Etsy. It includes any language that is violent, offensive, derogatory or demeaning toward individuals or groups based on protected attributes.

Public Interactions & Shop Policies

When interacting on public features like listing items, participating in community spaces, writing reviews, or sending direct messages—discrimination and hate speech are strictly banned. Your shop content must also reflect these standards:

Prohibited behaviors include:

  • Denying service due to someone’s inclusion in a protected group.
  • Explicit intolerance or disrespect because of protected group characteristics.
  • Implementing shop policies that discriminate against specific protected groups.
  • Making derogatory comments towards any protected groups listed above.
  • Using racial slurs.
  • Supporting hate groups through posts or listings.

Responding to Harassment

Etsy is a platform that celebrates diversity and does not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or hate speech in any form. If you find yourself facing such behavior on Etsy:

  1. Address the Individual Directly: Politely send a single message to the person involved asking them to cease communication.
  2. Disengage from Further Contact: Should they reply, maintain your stance by not responding further.
  3. Report Persisting Issues: In case the unwelcome behavior doesn’t stop, contact Etsy’s support team so they can step in and take appropriate action.

Managing Unwanted Messages

Your Message inbox should be a space for positive exchanges and business growth—not a place for negativity or abuse. To keep it that way:

  1. Log into Etsy.com.
  2. Navigate to your Messages.
  3. Tick the checkbox beside any inappropriate message.
  4. Click on Mark as Spam.
Mark Unwanted Messages as Spam on Etsy Shop Manager’s Messages Settings

Reporting Violations & Ensuring Accountability

If you encounter discrimination or hate speech on Etsy:

  1. Do not hesitate to contact support through the Help Centre.
  2. For listings that violate the Prohibited Items Policy (including hate items), use the ‘Report this item to Etsy’ link found at the bottom of each listing page.

Etsy takes these reports seriously with a review process designed for prompt action. For more detailed information on what constitutes permissible communication on Etsy, please refer to Etsy’s communication policy.

Report Harassment or Discrimination on Etsy’s Help Center

Consequences of Non-Compliance with Etsy’s Anti-Discrimination Policy

When engaging in the vibrant community that is Etsy, adherence to the platform’s Anti-Discrimination and Hate Speech Policy is not optional—it’s a fundamental expectation. Sellers must recognize that failure to comply with this policy carries significant repercussions. Etsy reserves the right, under its Terms of Use, to take appropriate measures against those who engage in discrimination or hate speech. This can result in actions ranging from warnings and education about the policy to more severe responses such as temporary suspension or even permanent termination of shop privileges on the platform.

Additionally, listings that violate these standards may be removed, thereby impacting a seller’s ability to reach customers and conduct business on Etsy. It’s also important for sellers to consider the broader consequences which include potential legal action taken by individuals or groups who have been discriminated against, as well as reputational damage that could extend far beyond the digital boundaries of Etsy itself.

Sample Conversations Addressing Rude or Racist Messages on Etsy

Here are sample templates that can be used by Etsy sellers when they encounter rude or racist remarks, ensuring their replies align with the principles outlined in our main article on upholding a respectful and inclusive environment.

1. Addressing Racially Insensitive Requests

Customer Message:

“I’m not comfortable buying from a shop that features so many different races in its advertisement. Can you show only people like me instead?”

Etsy Seller Response:

"Hello there,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out and share your thoughts. Our brand is built on the foundation of inclusion and diversity, which reflects both our personal values and Etsy’s Anti-Discrimination Policy. We are proud to feature models of various ethnicities because they represent the wide range of customers we serve and cherish.

While I understand where your request is coming from, please know that showing diversity in our advertising is not only about being fair but also about celebrating the beauty found in our differences. This approach ensures everyone feels represented and welcome when they visit our shop.

If there are specific product-related questions or if I can assist with anything else regarding your potential purchase, I would be more than happy to help.

Warm regards,

[Your Name/Shop Name]"

2. Abusive Language

Customer Message:

“Your product quality is terrible! You must be stupid if you think this junk will sell.”

Etsy Seller Response:

"Dear [Customer’s Name],

First and foremost, I want to extend my sincerest apologies that your experience with our products did not live up to the expectations we strive to meet. We take immense pride in the work we do at [Your Shop Name], and it’s disheartening to hear that you are dissatisfied. That being said, I am grateful for your feedback as it highlights areas where we might improve.

I would like the opportunity to address any specific concerns you have regarding the item(s) you received. Quality is a cornerstone of our business, and if there has been any lapse in delivering on that promise, I am committed to making it right. Please consider sending me detailed feedback or photos of any issues so we can take corrective action—whether that involves a replacement, refund, or other solution that aligns with Etsy’s policies and ensures your satisfaction.

At [Your Shop Name], customer service extends beyond simply selling products; it’s about building trust and ensuring a positive experience even when challenges arise. Abusive language aside, I hear your frustration and am here to resolve this constructively.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name], [Your Shop Name]"

3. Handling Cultural Sensitivity Concerns

Customer Message:

“I noticed that one of your products has cultural significance to [specific ethnicity]. Shouldn’t these things remain within their own culture?”

Etsy Seller Response:

"Hi [Customer’s Name],

I appreciate your message bringing attention to cultural representation within our product line. The item in question does indeed draw inspiration from a rich cultural heritage that we deeply respect and honor.

Please know that we engage with skilled artisans from that very culture who craft these items authentically while sharing their traditions respectfully with a broader audience. Through this collaborative process, we aim not only to celebrate but also to preserve precious artistic practices by offering them a global platform via Etsy – a marketplace renowned for its vast array of unique handcrafted goods from around the world.

We’re always mindful of cultural sensitivity in everything we offer; thus, partaking in extensive research to ensure all items are presented thoughtfully without appropriating or misrepresenting their origins.

Should there be further details you wish to discuss regarding this matter or if there’s something specific you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

[Your Name/Shop Name]"

4. Encountering Anti-LGBTQ+ Sentiments

Customer Message:

“I don’t agree with same-sex relationships being promoted by businesses like yours.”

Etsy Seller Response:

"Hello [Customer’s Name],

Thank you for sharing your perspective; it opens an important dialogue about how diverse viewpoints coexist within marketplaces such as ours on Etsy. Our business believes strongly in equality and inclusivity, which is why we openly support and celebrate love in all its forms. This stance is not just a personal conviction but also a reflection of the values upheld by Etsy, where every individual’s dignity and rights are respected.

We strive to create an environment where customers from any walk of life feel respected and valued, including those in same-sex relationships. By promoting these values, we align with Etsy’s commitment to inclusivity as well as broader societal progress toward acceptance and understanding.

Your feedback is important to us, and while I understand that not everyone may share this viewpoint, it remains a fundamental part of our shop’s ethos. If there are any specific products or services you would like to inquire about that do not pertain to this matter, I would be more than happy to assist you further.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name/Shop Name]"

5. Navigating Political Movement Support Queries

Customer Message:

“Your shop supports Black Lives Matter? I prefer not to support political movements when shopping.”

Etsy Seller Response:

"Dear [Customer’s Name],

Thank you for reaching out. I want to acknowledge your concern regarding the involvement of businesses with social movements. Our support for Black Lives Matter stems from a place of advocating for equality and justice—a sentiment that resonates deeply with many on the Etsy platform as well as within communities worldwide.

It’s important to consider that the essence of such movements goes beyond politics; it speaks to human rights and creating equitable opportunities for all individuals. As an Etsy seller dedicated to fostering inclusivity, supporting initiatives that aim toward positive change aligns closely with both our shop’s principles and Etsy’s Anti-Discrimination Policy.

We respect your standpoint on keeping commerce separate from social issues; however, we believe it’s crucial for our business practices to mirror our commitment to building a fairer world both within and beyond the marketplace.

If you have any other concerns or preferences regarding items in my shop unrelated to this topic or if there’s anything else I can help provide clarity on, please let me know—I’m here to help!

Best regards,

[Your Name/Shop Name]"

Through these thoughtful responses, sellers demonstrate how they can maintain professionalism while upholding ethical standards amidst challenging conversations related to harassment based on race or other discriminatory attitudes.

Preventative Measures Against Potential Harassment

Being proactive is key to minimizing the risk of harassment. Sellers can adopt several strategies:

1. Clear Communication

Establish clear, professional communication standards in your shop policies. This level of transparency about what constitutes acceptable interaction can deter potential harassment.

2. Privacy Protection

Safeguard personal information by using Etsy’s built-in communication tools rather than personal email or phone numbers, which can prevent unwanted direct contact.

3. Educate Yourself

Familiarize yourself with Etsy’s resources on handling harassment so you are prepared should an incident arise.

4. Community Engagement

Build relationships with other sellers who can offer support and advice based on their own experiences. There is strength in numbers and a supportive community can act as a deterrent against potential harassers.

5. Flagging Tools

Understand how to use Etsy’s reporting systems effectively so you can quickly flag any inappropriate behavior for review by Etsy’s staff.

Maintaining Emotional Well-being While Dealing With Harassment

It’s crucial not just to protect your business from harassment but also your mental health:

1. Set Boundaries

Know when to step away from conversations that are becoming heated or disrespectful. It’s okay to take time before responding or to disengage completely if necessary.

2. Support Networks

Have a support system in place, whether it be family, friends, fellow sellers, or even professional counseling services. Speaking about your experiences helps alleviate stress and provides perspective.

3. Stay Informed

Keep abreast of any changes or improvements Etsy makes regarding safety and anti-harassment features. The platform evolves continually, often becoming more robust against such issues.

4. Self-Care Practices

Engage in regular self-care routines that promote relaxation and stress relief. Whether through exercise, meditation, or hobbies outside of work, these practices help maintain balance.

5. Reflective Practices

After encountering a negative situation, take time for reflection; assess what happened, and what could be done differently next time (if anything), and reaffirm your commitment to maintaining a positive environment within your shop.

Cultivating Respect in the Etsy Community

In the dynamic tapestry that is Etsy, each thread—be it a seller, buyer, or browser—is integral to the vibrant pattern we weave together. The importance of showing respect to all members of this community cannot be overstressed; it is the cornerstone upon which Etsy’s marketplace thrives. Mutual respect fosters an environment where creativity flourishes, businesses grow, and diverse cultures intersect harmoniously.

As artisans and entrepreneurs, Etsy sellers are in a unique position to set a standard for inclusivity and kindness. When we avoid discrimination, hate speech, and racism, we are not only complying with Etsy’s Anti-Discrimination Policy but also championing values that resonate with our collective humanity. This conscious effort enriches our community by creating a safe space where all individuals can express themselves authentically without fear of judgment or prejudice.


How to Handle Harassment on Etsy – A Comprehensive Safety Guide for Sellers
What does Etsy's Anti-Discrimination Policy entail for sellers?
Etsy's Anti-Discrimination Policy requires sellers to treat all members with respect and without bias. Sellers must not refuse service based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or any other characteristic protected under applicable law. Shop content must reflect inclusivity and non-discriminatory practices.
How do I report discrimination or hate speech on Etsy?
If you encounter discrimination or hate speech on Etsy, report it immediately via the https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Provide details of the incident so that Etsy can conduct an investigation. For listings that violate the Prohibited Items Policy regarding hate items, use the 'Report this item to Etsy' link found at the bottom of each listing page.
Can I include my shop’s commitment to inclusivity in my shop policies on Etsy?
Absolutely! It's encouraged to clearly state your commitment to anti-discrimination in your shop policies. This transparency not only aligns with Etsy’s values but also reassures customers that your shop is a welcoming space for individuals from all backgrounds.
What are some examples of prohibited behavior under this policy?
Prohibited behaviors include refusing service based on someone’s membership in a protected group, expressing intolerance through shop policies or messages, making derogatory remarks about protected groups in any content associated with your shop (e.g., listings, reviews), using racial slurs or endorsing hate groups.
Is it necessary for me as an Etsy seller to know local laws pertaining to discrimination?
Yes, it is essential for you as an Etsy seller to be aware of and compliant with local anti-discrimination laws alongside adhering to Etsy’s policies. This dual awareness ensures you are fully informed about both community standards within the marketplace and legal obligations within your jurisdiction.