Handling Etsy Shop Suspensions and Order Fulfillments

An essential guide for Etsy sellers on how to navigate through suspensions while still fulfilling customer orders effectively

Running a successful Etsy shop involves dealing with various challenges, and one such situation might be having to fulfill orders when your shop is temporarily closed or suspended. Whether the suspension is brief and easy to rectify, requiring minimal assistance from our team, or a more complex issue that takes time to resolve, it’s crucial to remember that open orders must still be completed within this period. You can either fulfill them by shipping the product or refunding the buyer. Maintaining excellent customer service during these times and promptly addressing any order-related concerns contribute significantly to maintaining your account’s good standing on Etsy.

Deciding Between Shipping Orders or Issuing Refunds

As an Etsy seller, you are expected to resolve any outstanding orders by fulfilling them. This typically means preparing the item for shipment unless it contravenes our Prohibited Items Policy or Intellectual Property Policy. Under such circumstances, issuing a refund becomes necessary.

Understanding Etsy’s Prohibited Items Policy

It is crucial for sellers to familiarize themselves with Etsy’s Prohibited Items Policy. This policy lists items that are forbidden from being listed and sold on Etsy due to legal reasons or community standards.

Etsy’s Prohibited Items Policy for Sellers

The prohibited items include but are not limited to:

  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia and Medical Drugs
  • Animals and Certain Animal Products
  • Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items and Weapons
  • Hate Items: Items that Promote, Support or Glorify Hatred
  • Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity and Highly Regulated Items
  • Internationally Regulated Items
  • Pornography and Mature Content
  • Violent Items: Item that Promotes, Supports or glorify Violence

If a product you’re selling falls under any of these categories, it is necessary for you as a seller to remove such listings from your shop immediately. Selling prohibited items could lead not only to suspension but also potential legal implications.

Respecting Intellectual Property Rights on Etsy

Etsy values creativity and innovation, which is reflected in its Intellectual Property Policy. It stresses the importance of respecting copyright, trademarks, and other related rights. Sellers are expected to abide by this policy and ensure that their products do not infringe on any intellectual property rights.

Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy

Key aspects of Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy include:

  • The prohibition of items that infringe copyright laws. This includes unauthorized use of copyrighted designs or patterns.
  • Trademark violations are also not allowed—sellers cannot falsely claim that their products are associated with a brand or represent a brand without permission.
  • Counterfeit goods or replicas are strictly forbidden on the Etsy platform.

If suspected of violating this policy, sellers may have their listings removed, face account suspension, or even permanent termination depending upon the severity of the violation.

Returning back

It’s worth noting that prohibited items do not qualify for Etsy Purchase Protection. Selling such items could potentially be illegal depending on the destination they are shipped to.

If an order involves an item violating any of Etsy’s policies, then issuing a refund is the correct course of action. You should communicate this decision through Etsy Messages, informing the buyer about the inability to complete their transaction. Once initiated, both parties will receive notification emails from Etsy regarding this refund.

While under suspension, purchasing shipping labels directly from Etsy isn’t possible. However, you can acquire postage from your preferred shipping carrier and add tracking details to the order. This way, both Etsy and the buyer can verify that the order is en route.

Accessing Your Account During Suspension

During suspensions, signing into your account via the Etsy Seller app isn’t possible. As an alternative, use Etsy.com on your device’s web browser or a computer. All of the information required to complete your orders is available in the emails sent by Etsy when these transactions were initiated. You can find these emails from transactions@etsy.com or transaction@etsy.com.

For conversations with buyers, check out the message notifications you received from Etsy. These notifications are typically sent from conversations@mail.etsy.com. By following these steps, sellers can ensure they continue to provide excellent service even during challenging times like shop suspensions or closures.

Resolving Common Suspension Issues on Etsy

Understanding the reasons behind a shop suspension can help you quickly resolve the situation and get your Etsy shop up and running again. Here are some common reasons for temporary suspensions, along with steps to rectify these issues. Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, it covers a majority of situations where accounts are suspended by Etsy.

Etsy Help Center- Reinstating a Suspended Account

1. Overdue Bill

If your shop suspension is due to an overdue billing balance, simply settling the bill should automatically reinstate your account in no time. Learn more here about Overdue balances.

2. Missing Taxpayer ID in Shop

Etsy requires US sellers who meet a certain sales threshold to have a taxpayer ID on file for tax compliance purposes. Once you add your taxpayer ID on your Legal and Tax Information page, your account should be reinstated promptly. Learn more about Taxpayer IDs here.

3. Missing Bank Account in Shop

Non-US sellers are required to add their bank accounts soon after their first sale for earnings deposits from sales. Read more about updating your bank account here.

4. Unfinished Bank Account Verification in Your Shop

You’re given a specific time limit to complete bank account verification once you start updating it. This measure ensures the security of your financial details on Etsy. Learn more about updating and verifying your bank account here.

5. Problems with Identification Verification

While setting up a shop, Etsy requires certain information for identity verification. If your identity cannot be verified, you may be asked to provide additional details. Learn about verifying your information for Etsy Payments here.

6. Seller Info Confirmation Needed

Etsy periodically contacts sellers to confirm their info within a legally required deadline. Failure to comply leads to the shop being temporarily suspended (put in vacation mode by Etsy). Learn more about confirming your seller info here.

7. Repeat Policy Violations

Repeated violations of Etsy policies after warnings can lead to account suspension.

When suspended, some features remain accessible for remaining business activities:

  • Access your accounts on Etsy.com using a web browser.
  • Send Messages.
  • View and resolve open cases.
  • Complete orders and add tracking information (if you have a shop).
  • Issue full and partial refunds (if you have a shop).
  • View new and completed orders (if you have a shop).
  • Pay your bill in your Payment account (if you have a shop).

However, during suspension, the following features are restricted:

  • Sign in on Etsy mobile apps.
  • Make purchases on Etsy.
  • Receive new orders, create listings or purchase/print shipping labels on Etsy (if you have a shop).
  • Cancel open orders or run an Etsy Ads campaign (if you have a shop).

In some cases, your Star Seller badge may be removed and funds in your Etsy Payment account may be reserved. For more guidance on resolving open orders during suspension periods, click here.

Communicating with Buyers During Shop Suspension

Keeping an open line of communication with your buyers during a shop suspension is essential. If for any reason you are unable to fulfill an order, informing the buyer promptly and professionally is key. Below are some examples of how you can communicate this:

1. For Policy Violations

“Dear [Buyer’s Name], I regret to inform you that due to certain policy restrictions on Etsy, I am unable to complete your order for [Product Name]. Your satisfaction is important to me, so I have initiated a full refund for your purchase. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.”

2. For Overdue Bills or Suspensions

“Hello [Buyer’s Name], Unfortunately, there has been an unexpected issue with my Etsy shop which prevents me from fulfilling your order at this time. As such, I will be issuing a full refund for your purchase of [Product Name]. My deepest apologies for any disappointment this may cause.”

3. In case of Missing Taxpayer ID or Bank Account Issues

“Hi [Buyer’s Name], Due to some administrative updates required on my Etsy shop, I am currently unable to process orders including yours for [Product Name]. Therefore, it’s only fair that I initiate a full refund on this purchase right away. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.”


Dealing with an Etsy shop suspension isn’t an obstacle that should interrupt your commitment to providing excellent service to your customers. It’s imperative to understand that even during these challenging times, the responsibility of fulfilling open orders remains a crucial part of maintaining a positive reputation on Etsy.

Having a plan in place and knowing exactly what steps to take can help you navigate through this phase smoothly. Whether it’s deciding between shipping an order or issuing a refund, or understanding how to communicate with your buyers effectively, each action taken contributes towards minimizing disruptions and ensuring business continuity. Remember, every challenge presents an opportunity for learning and growth. So while suspensions might seem daunting initially, they indeed offer valuable insights into improving your operations and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.


Guide to Fulfilling Orders During an Etsy Shop Suspension
What should I do with my open orders if my Etsy shop is suspended?
If your Etsy shop is suspended, it's crucial to manage all open orders appropriately. Either fulfill these orders by shipping them out promptly or issue a refund to the buyer, particularly if the item violates any of Etsy’s policies such as the Prohibited Items Policy or Intellectual Property Policy.
Can I purchase postage from Etsy for shipping during a suspension period?
No, while your account is suspended, you cannot buy shipping labels directly from Etsy. However, you can purchase postage from your shipping carrier and add tracking to the order separately.
What features remain accessible during an account suspension on Etsy?
While some features get restricted during an account suspension like creating listings or purchasing on Etsy mobile apps; others like accessing accounts via web browsers and sending messages remain available so that remaining business can be conducted.
What common reasons might lead to an Etsy shop suspension?
Common causes for temporary suspensions include overdue bills, missing taxpayer ID for US sellers who have hit certain sales thresholds and unverified bank accounts for non-US sellers after their first sale.
Why can't I sign into my Etsy Seller app while my account is suspended?
During suspensions, access to the Etsy Seller app is temporarily disabled. You can still sign in on http://etsy.com/ using your device's web browser or a computer.