Handling Negative Reviews on Etsy

Discover how handling negative feedback effectively can improve customer relations and enhance your reputation as an Etsy seller.

Dealing with negative reviews can be daunting, but it’s an integral part of running a successful online business like an Etsy shop.

Turning a Negative Review into a Positive Opportunity

When an unfavorable review pops up, your first instinct might be to rectify the situation and convert the buyer’s experience into a positive one. Remember, as per Etsy’s guidelines, buyers have the liberty to modify their reviews within 100 days of the anticipated delivery date given there’s no response from you yet. They also have the option to request Etsy Support for the removal of their review. It’s crucial that you engage in open communication with your buyer and try resolving any issues.

Learning from Negative Feedback

In cases where resolution isn’t possible, take this setback as an opportunity to learn and grow. Aim at identifying and rectifying problems that led to such reviews while understanding that pleasing everyone may not always be feasible. Enhancing your customer service skills is beneficial for future interactions. However, if you firmly believe that a review breaches Etsy’s policies, feel free to report it but remember if the review adheres to Etsy’s rules, it will remain intact.

When Will Etsy Remove a Review?

Etsy solely discards reviews when they are found violating its policies. If you suspect any violation(s), do report them immediately. However, keep in mind that even if reviews are negative in tone but comply with policies set by Etsy and won’t be removed.

Reviews or responses infringing upon these rules include:

  • Revealing private information
  • Use of offensive language or imagery
  • Violation against Anti-Discrimination Policy
  • Advertising illegal medical drugs
  • Promoting spam or advertising material
  • Discussing matters beyond seller control like shipping carriers (if named), third parties or even Etsy itself.
  • Threatening or extorting behavior
  • Manipulating shop review scores
Etsy Shop Page’s Reviews Section

When Can Etsy Not Remove a Review?

Etsy cannot remove reviews that are in compliance with their policies, even if the seller disagrees with the buyer’s opinion. This includes judgments about product quality, craftsmanship, materials used, description accuracy, or seller communication. Reviews cannot be removed based on delivery disputes either. However, reviews focusing solely on the actions of third parties can be considered for removal. In such cases where removal isn’t possible, continue providing excellent service to earn more positive feedback. Remember that Etsy Support won’t remove a review upon a seller’s request unless it violates Etsy’s guidelines.

Responding Privately to Reviews

To address reviews privately:

  1. Open Shop Manager on Etsy.com.
  2. Select Orders & Shipping.
  3. Find the relevant order and select the mail icon.
  4. Draft your message and hit Send.

Understanding why your buyer left a negative review can aid in drafting a response that addresses their concerns effectively and professionally. If you’re uncertain about the motive behind their review, maintain professionalism while asking questions to better comprehend what resulted in their dissatisfaction. Swiftly addressing these issues may encourage them to modify their review positively.

Responding Publicly to Reviews

At times when private resolution is unattainable, consider responding publicly within 100 days from when the buyer last edited their review:

  1. Open Shop Manager on Etsy.com.
  2. Select your shop name under Sales Channels.
  3. Choose Reviews.
  4. Find the desired review and select Post a public response.

This reply will be visible to all existing and potential shoppers visiting your page or listing reviews section - so choose your words wisely!

Etsy’s Sales Channel Page

Remember that once you respond publicly:

  • You cannot edit or leave another comment
  • The buyer no longer has permission to edit their original rating or comments (even if you delete yours)
  • Buyers cannot respond back

While responding ensure you:

  • Address the buyer’s concerns and changes made as a result
  • Keep it concise, positive, and professional
  • Reflect on your product or service rather than the reviewers themselves
  • Abide by Etsy’s review policies

Avoid including tracking numbers, external links, or private information in your responses. Remember that every negative review is an opportunity for improvement – let them guide you to provide better service on Etsy.

Common Responses to Negative Reviews for Etsy Sellers

1. Product Quality

If a buyer complains about the quality of your product, you may offer to replace the item or provide them with a higher-quality alternative.

Sample Response:

“I apologize for any dissatisfaction regarding the product quality. I am more than willing to send you a replacement or another high-quality item from my shop at no extra cost.”

2. Shipping Delays

If their grievance is related to shipping delays, reassure them about your commitment to timely deliveries and explain any extenuating circumstances that may have caused this one-time delay.

Sample Response:

“I sincerely apologize for the late delivery of your order. I assure you that this is not typical of our service and was due to [reason for delay]. In future orders, we will ensure timely delivery.”

3. Item Not as Described

If a buyer feels the item received doesn’t match its description on Etsy, offer them a refund or exchange while ensuring better accuracy in future listings.

Sample Response:

“I’m sorry to hear that the product didn’t match your expectations based on our listing. I’d be happy to arrange for an exchange or refund while ensuring better accuracy in our descriptions going forward.”

4. Customer Service

Address complaints about customer service by apologizing sincerely and promising improvement.

Sample Response:

“I apologize if our customer service did not meet your expectations this time around. Your feedback is valuable and we will use it to improve our communication and service.”

5. Damage During Transit

In cases where items get damaged during transit, offering replacements or refunds can resolve the issue effectively.4

Sample Response:

“I’m very sorry to learn that your item was damaged during transit - this certainly isn’t part of our usual customer experience! Please allow me to replace it free of charge or provide you with a full refund.”

In all responses, it’s important to remain professional and courteous, showing your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Utilizing Alura’s AI Templates for Improved Customer Experience

In the modern digital world, tools like Alura’s AI Templates can drastically optimize your customer service operations on Etsy, making handling feedback a smooth process. Alura’s AI Templates are smart systems designed to assist you in staying at the forefront of e-commerce. With its intelligent capabilities, these templates can help you track reviews and feedback on your Etsy shop instantaneously. They can even support crafting professional and impactful responses to negative reviews by providing suggestions grounded on similar successful interactions.

Final Thoughts:

Handling negative reviews on Etsy can initially seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that every piece of feedback - positive or negative - serves as an invaluable tool for growth and improvement. By viewing these adverse situations as opportunities rather than setbacks, you can transform these experiences into stepping stones toward becoming a more successful Etsy seller. Whether you choose to respond privately or publicly to a review, always remember to stay professional, courteous, and solution-oriented. This way, you’re demonstrating your commitment to providing exceptional customer service—a key factor that sets thriving Etsy shops apart from the rest.


Etsy Seller's Guide: Responding Effectively to Negative Reviews
How can I turn a negative review into a positive experience on Etsy?
The key is open communication with the buyer. Try to understand their concerns and work towards addressing those issues effectively. Buyers can edit their reviews within 100 days of the estimated delivery date if you haven't responded yet, so make sure to use this opportunity wisely.
How can I report a review that violates Etsy’s policies?
If you believe that a review violates Etsy's policies due to reasons such as containing private information, promoting spam or advertising material, you can report it directly to Etsy Support for evaluation.
Can Etsy remove a negative review from my shop?
Yes, but only if it violates Etsy's policies. Reviews that comply with these guidelines won't be removed even if they're negative in tone.
How should I respond privately or publicly to a negative review on Etsy?
You can respond privately by contacting the buyer through Messages on your Shop Manager page under Orders & Shipping. For public responses, navigate to Reviews under your shop name in Sales Channels and then select Post a public response next to the relevant review.
What should I include in my response to a negative review on Etsy?
Keep your response professional and courteous while addressing the specific concerns mentioned in the review. Provide solutions where possible and always ensure your reply aligns with Etsy's established policies.