How to Update Your Etsy Shop's Language

Looking to expand your customer base? Learn how changing the language setting can enhance your store's accessibility and buyer interaction on Etsy.

As an Etsy seller, reaching a global audience is key to expanding your business. The language of your shop plays a crucial role in this. By default, your shop’s language is set to the one you chose during registration. However, if you’re ready to engage with a broader customer base or align your shop with a different language demographic, updating your default shop language is essential.

Etsy’s platform caters to international buyers by automatically translating listings based on their location. Still, it’s important that your listings are indexed correctly in search results, which means having them in your default shop language.

Preparing Your Shop for a Language Update

Before changing your default shop language, it’s imperative that you provide translations for all the content within your store. This preparation ensures a seamless transition and maintains the integrity of how your items are presented and found on Etsy.

Guide to Adding New Language Translations

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Access and head over to Shop Manager.
  2. In the Shop Manager dashboard, locate and click on Settings.
  3. Select Languages and translations from the menu.
  4. Click on Manage Languages where you can oversee the languages offered in your shop.
  5. Activate additional languages by toggling them on—these are the ones you wish to support moving forward.
  6. Save Your Choices

Next, if you’ve created any shop sections, edit them in the Sections area of your Languages and Translations page. Make sure that any content written in your shop’s About section is translated into your new default language as well.

Etsy Shop Manager's Languages and Translation Settings

Translating Active Listings

To update the default language of your active listings:

  1. From the Shop Manager, head to Listings.
  2. Click on each listing you wish to update.
  3. Scroll down to find the Translations section.
  4. Input translations for the title, description, and tags in alignment with your new default language.

Remember that these changes will come into effect as soon as Etsy Support updates your shop’s default language.

Updating Sold Out, Draft, and Inactive Listings

Even listings that are not currently active should reflect this linguistic shift:

For Sold Out Listings:

  1. Open the listing from within the Shop Manager.
  2. Translate the title, description, and tags under the Translations section at the bottom.
  3. Renew by selecting Renew, then manage its status by choosing Deactivate.

For Draft or Inactive Listings:

  1. Edit from within Shop Manager just like an active listing.
  2. Add translations in their respective fields under Translations.
  3. Publish by hitting Publish twice; then change its status via Manage > Deactivate if necessary.

Finalizing Your Shop Information

Your shop information summarizes your business and policies, so it must be clearly understood in your new default language:

  1. In the Shop Manager, select Settings.
  2. Click on Languages and Translations to manage your shop’s linguistic preferences.
  3. Edit your shop information including policies, FAQs, and messages to buyers in the chosen language.
  4. Confirm all updates by clicking on Save Changes.

How automatic translations work

Listings are also automatically translated. Shoppers searching the site will see listings in their preferred language. Any manual translations you provide will override automatic translations.

To turn off automatic translations:

  1. Sign in to and go to Shop Manager.
  2. Go to Settings and then Options.
  3. Scroll down to the Automatic Listing Translation box and select Disabled.
  4. Select Save.
Turn Off Automatic Translation at Etsy Shop Manager's Option Settings

Contacting Etsy Support

After diligently updating every component of your shop:

  1. Review all content for accuracy and coherence in the new language.
  2. Contact Etsy Support to request an update of your default shop language.

Make sure you’ve completed all necessary translations so that when Etsy Support checks your shop, they can promptly make the official change.

Contact Etsy Support

Optimizing Your Etsy Shop’s Language Settings

In the spirit of cultivating a truly international presence on Etsy, it’s critical to leverage the platform’s robust translation tools effectively. These tools are not just features—they are your allies in making meaningful connections with a diverse buyer base. Here’s how you can optimize your shop’s language settings to ensure that your store resonates with customers both near and far:

1. Clarity Leads to Connection

The precision of your original listing copy is paramount. When you create listings in the language you’re most comfortable with—your native tongue—you provide a solid foundation for Etsy’s automated translations to work from. This clarity is not only beneficial for international buyers; it also has a proven track record of enhancing sales among domestic shoppers who share your native language.

2. Consistency Breeds Quality

A consistent linguistic approach across all listings and shop details is essential. Mixing languages can muddy the waters, leading to less effective translations and potentially confusing both Etsy’s system and your customers. By maintaining linguistic uniformity, you enable the translation tools to deliver their best performance.

3. Fluency Over Familiarity

While many sellers may be conversationally adept in several languages, conducting business requires a higher level of fluency. It’s crucial for nuanced communication—hence setting up your shop entirely in the language you’re most fluent in ensures that nothing gets lost in translation. This fluency extends beyond mere words; it encompasses cultural context, idiomatic expressions, and local colloquialisms that could make or break an international relationship.

4. Empower Your Enterprise with Manual Translations

While automatic translations do cover much ground, adding manual translations communicates confidence and credibility to prospective buyers. They serve as trust signals indicating that you’re fully equipped to handle transactions—and any subsequent customer service—in those specific languages.

5. A Unified Front for Global Appeal

Decide on your shop’s default language thoughtfully and stick with it uniformly across all aspects of your online presence within Etsy—from listing descriptions down to tags. Any deviation could impede Etsy’s ability to accurately translate content, impacting search visibility potentially on a global scale.


In conclusion, embracing the power of language on Etsy is not just about crossing borders—it’s about building bridges. By meticulously updating your shop’s default language and enriching your listings with manual translations, you transform your storefront into a cross-cultural haven that resonates with buyers from all walks of life.

The journey towards cultivating an internationally appealing Etsy shop is one of thoughtful communication and strategic adaptation. As our digital world grows smaller by the day, the opportunity for sellers to shine brighter than ever on a global stage grows too. By providing clear, consistent language settings and leveraging both automated tools and personal touches in translations, you set yourself apart as a seller who is not only fluent in languages but also fluent in the universal language of exceptional service.


Changing Your Etsy Store's Language: Connect with More Buyers
Why should I change my default shop language on Etsy?
Changing your default shop language can help you reach a wider international audience, making your products more accessible and appealing to buyers who speak different languages. It can also improve your shop's search visibility in different regions, potentially increasing traffic and sales.
Will changing my shop's default language affect how my listings appear in searches?
Yes, updating your default language ensures that your listings are properly indexed in Etsy's search in that language. This means that when customers search for products using terms in the new default language, your listings are more likely to appear accurately in their search results.
Can I switch back to my previous default language after changing it on Etsy?
Yes, you can switch back to any of the languages supported by Etsy if you decide to revert or update your default language setting. However, for an optimal customer experience and consistent indexing, frequent changes are not recommended.
What Happens to My Shop Information When I Change the Default Language on Etsy?
When you change the default language of your shop on Etsy, all previously entered shop information—such as 'About' section content and policies—will need to be translated into the new language to ensure consistency and readability for customers who speak that language.
How does adding multiple languages impact my interactions with customers on Etsy?
Adding multiple languages can significantly enhance customer interaction by allowing shoppers to view listings and communicate with you in their preferred language. This creates a more inclusive shopping experience and can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.