Improve Your Etsy Product Photography

Discover essential tips on capturing, editing, and optimizing your product listing photos on Etsy to attract more shoppers and increase revenue.

High-quality product photos play a crucial role in influencing a shopper’s decision to purchase from your Etsy shop. This article will guide you through the essential steps to capture stunning listing photos that showcase your products effectively. For more comprehensive insights, explore the Ultimate Guide to Product Photography.

The Importance of Product Photography

According to Etsy’s Ultimate Guide to Product Photography, photos play a crucial role in the success of online sellers. Through customer research, Etsy has discovered that product photos significantly impact purchase decisions. In fact, shoppers consider images as the most critical factor in deciding to buy an item - even more important than postage cost, customer reviews, or the item’s price.

In Etsy’s buyer surveys, 90% of shoppers said the quality of the photos was “extremely important” or “very important” to a purchase decision.

How Good Photos Drive Purchases on Etsy?

Compelling photographs are vital for success regardless if you sell on Etsy, another platform, or your own website. Poor-quality images can deter potential buyers from purchasing your products despite their exceptional features.

When shopping online, customers cannot physically interact with a product like they would in a physical store. Therefore, high-quality photographs become the sole means for customers to evaluate and connect with your products. Many creative entrepreneurs struggle with product photography when starting out – 40% of new shop owners surveyed by Etsy find it somewhat difficult or very difficult. However, mastering this skill is indispensable if you want to succeed in selling online.

Get Started Taking Great Listing Photos

Achieving impressive listing photos involves several elements, including location, lighting, and effective camera usage.

1. Let Natural Light Work Its Magic

Utilizing natural sunlight provides soft lighting that enhances your item’s appearance. Experiment with taking pictures outdoors or near an open window. Starting with good lighting eliminates the need for camera flash which often results in harsh shadows and unnatural looks.

2. Experiment with Composition

Capture multiple images in various environments to discover the perfect setting for showcasing your items.

3. Diversify Your Shots

Showcase your products by taking different types of photographs that display them in multiple settings and contexts. Check out these essential types of product shots for inspiration.

4. Embrace Negative Space

Ensure you take pictures from a distance where the entire product is visible with extra negative space around it. This strategy helps when cropping your listing photo thumbnail later on.

5. Opt for Horizontal Orientation

When uploading your photo, horizontal orientation allows you to utilize more available space within the thumbnail frame compared to vertical images, which require cropping out more details.

6. Keep Your Camera Lens Clean

A clean camera lens is key to capturing crisp and well-focused images of your products.

7. Avoid Zooming In

Using the zoom feature on mobile devices and cameras often results in digital zoom, which produces lower-quality images. Instead of relying on your camera’s zoom, physically move closer or further away from your item to capture the desired shot.

For more tips on capturing amazing product shots, explore how to shoot your products.

Effective Tips for Uploading Listing Photos

The way you upload photos to your listings and arrange them can significantly influence how shoppers perceive your products.

1. Optimal First Photo Orientation

Ensure that the first photo in a listing is either horizontal (landscape) or square, so the focal point appears correctly in the cropped thumbnail views. The shape of your initial listing photo also determines the subsequent photos’ shapes, creating a cohesive browsing experience. Learn more about the file requirements for listing photos.

2. Image Rotation

Etsy auto-rotates listing photos based on information provided by your camera within the image file. If your images upload sideways, try using a photo editing service to rotate them or retake the photo while holding the camera differently. Ensure that your subject’s orientation matches that of the camera.

3. Listing Image Thumbnails

When cropping images to square thumbnails, make sure they have enough border space around them without losing any part of the product. Follow these recommendations:

  • Use Etsy’s crop tool for accurate framing
  • Capture images further back than necessary to allow room for cropping without losing parts of your item
  • Avoid square crops; upload horizontal or landscape images instead
  • Use a 4:3 aspect ratio

Fine-tune what appears within your thumbnail using Etsy’s placement tool when adding images to listings. Keep in mind that your final image will likely be cropped from its original size, so ensure it was captured at high resolution to meet the minimum suggested dimensions for listing images.

How To Add Photos To Your Etsy Listings?

Incorporating high-quality listing photos is essential for showcasing your products and attracting potential buyers to your Etsy shop. Here’s how you can add a listing photo:

Step 1: Create a New Listing

  1. Visit and open the Shop Manager. If you’re using the Etsy Seller app, tap Listings.
  2. Choose Listings. For new sellers, select Your Shop.
  3. Click Add a listing or, on the Etsy Seller app, tap the + Create button.

Step 2: Upload Photos and Video

Add Photos to Your Listing on Etsy Shop Manager’s Listing Settings
  • To add photos to your listing, click Add a photo and select files from your computer. You can upload multiple photos simultaneously.
  • Rearrange the order of your images by clicking and dragging them to the desired position.
  • Review guidelines for item images to ensure optimal quality.

Optional steps:

Step 3: Set Your Thumbnail Image

The first photo in your listing becomes its thumbnail. To choose a thumbnail, drag the desired photo to the first photo slot. Learn more about adjusting and editing your thumbnail image by exploring this guide on changing and editing your thumbnail image.

Enhancing Your Listing Photos Through Editing

Newer smartphones, including iPhones and Android devices, have cameras capable of capturing high-quality images suitable for listing photos. Editing your images post-capture is a crucial step in maximizing their quality and enhancing your listings. The Etsy Community hub features many helpful sellers active in forums and teams who can provide tailored advice on capturing top-notch listing photos. Explore more about editing product photos.

How to Crop Your Listing Photos?

Cropping images can alter the appearance of thumbnails. It’s recommended to crop your photos before adjusting the thumbnail.

To crop listing photos on

  1. Open Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Listings.
  3. Edit your listing or create a new one.
  4. Hover over the photo.
  5. Choose the crop icon.
  6. Select any one of the suggested sizes or drag the grid’s corners to choose your own size.
  7. Select Save.
Crop Your Etsy Listing Photo

To crop listing photos on the Etsy Seller app:

  1. Open your listing and tap a listing photo.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. Drag corners to resize or choose Original for preset sizes.
  4. Slide the image to select which part you want displayed.
  5. Tap Apply.

Keep in mind that cropping cannot be undone after saving; you’ll need to re-upload the original image if necessary. Discover more about uploading listing photos.

Photo Editing Techniques for Your Etsy Listings

Even the best photographers may require some editing help. Applying simple touch-ups can make your product images look polished and professional, but be careful not to overdo it. Overusing filters and photo manipulations might distort your product’s appearance, leading to misleading customers.

1. Lightening

If your image appears dim, try incrementally increasing the exposure or brightness in your preferred photo editor. Keep in mind that larger original file sizes yield better results when adjusting these settings; otherwise, photos may appear grainy or washed out.

2. Sharpening and Increasing Contrast

Sharpening images slightly in a photo editor can accentuate smaller details and textures while increasing contrast creates stronger distinctions between light and dark spaces. Avoid overdoing these adjustments as they can result in a shadowy or over-edited appearance.

3. Cleaning up Blemishes

Advanced editing tools like Photoshop’s blur or clone features can help erase cluttered backgrounds or dust spots on your product photos. Ensure you work with the largest possible image size for precise edits.

4. Cropping

Use the “rule of thirds” when cropping by imagining a grid with two equally spaced vertical and horizontal lines on top of your image—position your products along these lines for optimal visual appeal. Consider how clear the image will be at smaller scales (e.g., mobile screens) to ensure an easy understanding of what is being sold—crop accordingly to make your product the focal point of each picture.

5. Testing

After editing, test how your photos look on different screens (e.g., mobile phones) to ensure accurate depictions of your products are maintained across devices.

Image Editing Tools for Etsy Sellers

Several photo editors are favored by sellers for enhancing their product images:

Adobe Express

Additionally, there are tools integrated with Etsy shops that can further assist in optimizing your product visuals:

  • FotoFuze: This tool helps enhance product images by removing backgrounds and improving lighting conditions, making your items stand out.
  • MockupEditor: MockupEditor allows you to create professional mockups of your products in various settings, providing a realistic preview for potential buyers.
  • Vela: Vela is a multi-channel management tool that simplifies the process of editing and updating product listings across multiple platforms, including Etsy.

Avoiding Common Photography Mistakes in Your Etsy Listings

In this section, we’ll discuss five common photography mistakes that can negatively impact your Etsy sales and provide solutions to help you avoid these pitfalls.

  1. Low Lighting: Insufficient lighting can result in blurry or grainy photos, which can deter potential customers.
  2. How to fix it: Shoot products near a sunny window and use a reflector (e.g., white poster board) to direct more light onto the item and eliminate shadows.
  3. Using Flash: Built-in camera flash can cause unflattering glares, shadows, and color distortion in your product images.
  4. How to fix it: If natural light is insufficient, use a lightbox or softbox light for even illumination without harsh glares.
  5. Blurry Shots: Out-of-focus images appear unprofessional and may leave buyers uncertain about the item’s quality.
  6. How to fix it: Experiment with focus settings on your camera or smartphone and use a tripod or stable surface for sharper shots. For close-ups of small items like jewelry, use the macro setting on your digital camera.
  7. Too Much Clutter: Overwhelming shoppers with too many props or busy backdrops may confuse them about what’s for sale.
  8. How to fix it: Keep primary product images simple with solid, well-lit backdrops; ensure that your product is the main focus of each shot.
  9. Insufficient Information: Lack of visual information about an item’s size, color, or condition may lead to lost sales or returns.
  10. How to fix it: Include multiple-angle shots in listings (front, back, side), demonstrate scale with recognizable objects, show wearable items on models if applicable, and highlight any wear or cosmetic damage as needed.

Troubleshooting Common Image Errors on Etsy

Here are the common image errors that you may encounter when uploading photos to your Etsy listings and how to fix them. By resolving these issues, you can ensure that your images are optimized for the best visual appeal and performance.

How to Resolve Issues with Shop Images

Error 1: “Listings look best with photos at least 2000 pixels wide”

This error occurs when the uploaded images are less than 2000 pixels wide. While it’s only a suggestion, using listing images at least 2000 pixels wide will result in higher-quality visuals for potential buyers.

Error 2: “Storage response missing file extension”

This warning typically appears when the image used for a shop banner is too small to fit within its borders.

How to fix this error: Increase the size of the image and ensure that the original image is oriented horizontally. This adjustment should allow you to successfully upload your banner.

Error 3: “Darn! Something went wrong with uploading your image. Please try again.”

This warning emerges when images used for banner uploads exceed the recommended size (no larger than 2500 pixels in width).

How to fix this error: Scale down the image to be smaller than 2500 pixels in width, which should enable successful banner uploads.

If you encounter issues uploading photos, learn how to troubleshoot common listing image problems.


In conclusion, high-quality product photography is a vital component of a successful Etsy shop. By capturing stunning listing photos with optimal lighting, composition, and orientation, you can showcase your products in the best possible light and attract potential buyers.

By utilizing the tips and tools provided in this guide—including image editing software and integrated Etsy tools—you’ll be well-equipped to create eye-catching product photos that accurately represent your items. This will not only elevate the professionalism of your Etsy store but also lead to increased customer engagement and sales.


Boost Your Etsy Sales with Better Product Photography
What is the best lighting to use for Etsy product photography?
The best lighting for Etsy product photography is natural sunlight, as it provides soft and even illumination that enhances the appearance of your items. Try capturing images outdoors or near an open window to take advantage of this ideal lighting condition.
How can I ensure my Etsy listing photos are properly cropped and displayed in thumbnails?
To make sure your Etsy listing photos display correctly in thumbnails, capture images with enough border space around them so they can be cropped to square thumbnails without losing any part of the product. Use Etsy's crop tool for accurate framing, avoid square crops, and maintain a 4:3 aspect ratio.
What types of shots should I include in my Etsy product listings?
Including various types of shots helps showcase your products effectively on Etsy. Consider incorporating different settings and contexts like close-up details, lifestyle images with models or props, packaging displays, size references, and custom options available for buyers.
Can I use my smartphone camera for taking high-quality Etsy listing photos?
Yes, modern smartphones such as iPhones or Android devices have cameras capable of capturing high-quality images suitable for Etsy listing photos. Make sure to use good lighting conditions and editing tools to enhance image quality further before uploading them to your listings.
How can I edit my listing photos after capturing them on my smartphone?
Editing your listing photos after capture is essential for optimizing their quality and improving the overall appeal of your listings. Many smartphones come with built-in photo editing features that allow you to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc., but there are also numerous third-party apps available that provide more advanced editing options tailor-made for e-commerce platforms like Etsy.