Managing Etsy Finances

Unlock the secrets of managing your finances on Etsy. This guide provides clear steps for viewing and downloading monthly statements, ensuring you stay ahead in your business.

As an Etsy seller, staying on top of your shop’s finances is crucial for maintaining a smooth operation. We understand the importance of financial management and is here to guide you through the process of managing your Payment account with ease. Whether you’re looking to pay outstanding fees or schedule deposits, we’ve got the insights to keep your shop’s monetary matters in order.

Accessing Your Payment Account

Navigating to your Payment account on Etsy is straightforward:

  1. Visit and click on Shop Manager or tap More if you’re using the Etsy Seller app.
  2. Click on Finances from the menu options.
  3. Select Payment account to view your financial details.

Consider implementing these strategies from our checklist to avoid deposit delays and optimize your cash flow. If you find yourself puzzled by any aspect of your shop’s finances, particularly tax-related queries, it’s wise to consult a local professional for tailored advice—as Etsy does not provide tax guidance.

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Account Dashboard

Understanding Your Payment Account Dynamics

For those utilizing Etsy Payments, it’s effortless:

Fees are deducted right from your sales, leaving you with either an amount due or funds ready for deposit at any given moment. Etsy Payments isn’t part of your setup yet, expect to see fees accumulate in your Amount due, while sale proceeds will be processed through whichever payment method you’ve chosen.

Settling Your Amount Due

Your amount due represents the sum of last month’s incurred charges on Etsy—which becomes payable if your balance dips below zero as a new month begins.

Here’s how sales affect this balance:

  • Each sale via Etsy Payments reduces what you owe by the net sale value minus relevant fees.
  • If sales exceed what’s owed—or if you clear the amount due—your balance returns to zero.

You can tackle this payment between the 1st and 15th each month:

  1. Click Pay now under Amount due.
  2. Enter how much you wish to pay off.
  3. Select a payment method.
  4. Confirm by clicking Submit Payment.
Settle Your Amount Due on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Account Dashboard

Special Note for Sellers in EEA

Sellers residing within the European Economic Area (EEA)—encompassing EU countries plus Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein—might need extra verification when making payments; this could involve answering security questions or providing passwords at their bank’s request during checkout.

Automate Monthly Payments (US Only)

US-based shops have an opportunity to streamline their monthly dues with autobilling enrollment—a feature that automatically handles payments so sellers can focus more on their craft and less on deadlines.

Tracking Your Funds Available for Deposit on Etsy

For diligent Etsy shop owners, understanding your funds ready for deposit is a key aspect of financial management.

The Available for deposit figure represents the total sales funds at your disposal, adjusted for any refunds, fees, taxes, or funds held in reserve. Remember that if you’re facing an amount due or a negative balance in your Payment account, the available funds will be non-existent until those dues are cleared. To understand how your deposits are calculated and reconciled, take a look at this guide: Reconciling Your Deposit.

When you have funds queued up for deposit, Etsy will notify you of the scheduled transfer date as per your chosen disbursement schedule. Alternatively, sellers can opt to Request it now for next-day deposit—provided all minimum deposit requirements are met.

For those not enrolled in Etsy Payments, the available amount for deposit doesn’t apply since payment processing occurs through alternative methods.

Understanding Deposit Timelines

New sellers within their first 90 days post-first-sale will see funds released 3 days after each sale concludes. After crossing the 90-day threshold, fund availability accelerates to the next business day following a sale.

Keep in mind that updating bank details can trigger a security hold of up to 5 days—this is separate from any other holds.

Moreover, based on certain risk factors detailed in the Etsy Payments Policy, some accounts may experience a Payment account reserve where a portion of sales revenue is reserved on a rolling basis for as long as 45 days before being released. This measure protects against potential risks such as disputes or frauds but can impact cash flow temporarily: Understanding Payment Account Reserves.

In cases where there’s an unexpected surge in orders or other activities that might lead to buyer disputes or fraud concerns—as outlined in our Terms of Service and Etsy Payments Policy—Etsy may enforce protective measures on your account while keeping sellers informed and compliant with legal requirements.

Navigating to Your Activity Summary

Understanding the financial landscape of your Etsy shop is vital to making informed business decisions. The Activity summary in your Shop Manager serves as a dashboard, providing you with a comprehensive view of your sales, expenses, and overall profitability.

To access an overview of your finances:

  1. Go to your Activity summary via the Shop Manager.
  2. Use the time range dropdown to filter data according to specific periods for detailed analysis.

Within this dashboard, you will find various sections that break down different aspects of your shop’s finances:

Etsy Shop’s Activity Summary Data

Understanding Net Profit

Net profit is calculated by taking the total funds from sales and subtracting refunds, fees, shipping costs, and taxes paid. It’s a clear indicator of what you are truly earning after all deductions.

Sales and Fees Breakdown

This area presents a snapshot of incoming funds from sales alongside deductions such as:

  • Total sales: This reflects all funds generated within the selected date range.
  • Refunds: Here you’ll see how much has been refunded to buyers during that period.
  • Sales tax/VAT paid by buyer (Remitted): If Etsy collects and remits sales tax on behalf of buyers, it will be displayed here.
  • A detailed list of incurred fees related to listing items on Etsy or completing transactions—including processing fees—and any taxes charged by Etsy Learn more about these fees.
  • Credits: Any fee credits issued back to you are nested under respective fee categories.

For precise calculations or record keeping beyond the provided interface, downloading a CSV file can be invaluable: Download monthly statement CSV instructions.

Seller Services Section

If you’ve utilized additional features like Etsy Ads, Offsite Ads, Pattern hosting , or subscribed to Etsy Plus, the associated fees will be detailed in the Seller Services section. This is where you can keep track of your investment in these tools and how they impact your overall financials.

Shipping Expenses

The Shipping section outlines costs related to:

  • Shipping labels: Costs for labels purchased through Etsy for order fulfillment within the selected timeframe.
  • Carrier adjustments: Additional charges from shipping carriers, if any adjustments were made post-purchase.
  • Shipsurance: Any insurance-related expenses for shipping can be seen here. More about shipsurance can be found here.
  • Tax on shipping labels: If applicable, taxes paid on shipping labels are also recorded.

Keeping a close eye on these figures helps you manage your delivery costs effectively and may highlight opportunities to optimize your shipping strategies.

Historical Data and Previous Activity Summary

For insights into your shop’s performance before recent updates, follow these steps:

  1. Change the date range under Activity summary to a period before January 2022.
  2. You’ll be presented with an earlier version of the Activity summary which includes:
  • Sales & Credits: Your net sales total after subtracting payment processing fees and taxes collected by Etsy during that time frame.
  • Fees & Taxes: A comprehensive list of all listing fees, transactional fees, promotional expenses, and VAT collected by Etsy on those selling fees.

To delve deeper into historical data, learn how to download a monthly statement CSV for months predating January 2022. This allows you to conduct a granular analysis of Sales & Credits or Fees & Taxes—invaluable information for long-term financial planning and assessment.

A Sample of an Activity Summary prior to January 2022

Accessing Your Recent Activities

Staying updated with the latest developments in your shop’s finances is crucial. Etsy makes this easy by providing a Recent activities section that captures the 30 most recent transactions or changes to your Payment account.

For a quick glance at what’s been happening lately:

  1. Go to the Recent activities section within your Payment account. This offers a real-time snapshot of what’s transpired, be it sales, refunds, fees, or other financial movements.
  2. To dive into a more comprehensive historical record of all activities in your shop, you can always consult your monthly statements.
Etsy Shop’s Recent Activities Data

Decoding the Information in Recent Activities

The Recent activities list is broken down into several columns for ease of interpretation:

  • Date: Indicates when an action occurred. All dates and times are adjusted to reflect your local time zone for consistency and convenience.
  • Type: Categorizes each activity for quick identification—such as whether it was related to Sales, Fees, Marketing expenses, or Shipping costs.
  • Description: Provides details about each transaction or fee incurred. For instance, if you made a sale, it would specify which item was sold; if there were fees involved (like listing fees), those would be noted here as well.
  • Amount: Displays how much money came in or went out due to an activity—essentially showing earnings from sales or amounts refunded.
  • Fees & Taxes: Lists any additional costs associated with each line item such as transaction processing fees or taxes levied on the sale. Detailed information about these fees can be found here.
  • Net: Calculates gross sales minus any associated fees and taxes—giving you insight into the actual profit from each individual sale.
  • Balance: Reflects the net balance resulting from that specific activity within your Payment account.
  • Current balance: This ongoing tally represents the overall net balance across all recorded activities—it encompasses both settled transactions and pending ones that might not yet be available for deposit. To understand when sales funds become available for deposit visit this link.

Understanding Availability of Funds

It’s important to note that the Current balance might not correspond directly with the amount available for deposit. This is because:

  • Some funds from recent sales may still be in a pending state, subject to Etsy’s deposit schedule.
  • The balance can also include transactions that are completed but haven’t yet cleared the customary holding period.

To get clarity on when you can expect funds from sales to be deposited into your bank account, ensure you’re familiar with Etsy’s policies and timelines by reviewing when sales funds become available.

Viewing Your Monthly Statements

To get a clear picture of your shop’s financial performance over time, Etsy provides monthly statements that detail your sales and fees. Here’s how you can access these statements and utilize them to analyze your business finances. Etsy’s monthly statements offer a summary of funds within a specific time range, allowing you to review sales, fees, and other transactions for each month.

To view your monthly statement:

  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. Navigate to Shop Manager.
  3. Click on Finances.
  4. Select Monthly statements.
  5. Choose the desired month and year from the dropdown menu to see detailed information about that period.
View Your Shop’s Monthly Statements on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Account Dashboard

How do I download my monthly statement or VAT credit note?

From your monthly statement, you can generate a CSV or download a VAT statement for that month by selecting Generate CSV or Download in the VAT section. If you were credited VAT during the month, you can download the Credit note by choosing Download.

Keep in mind that monthly statements prior to 2021 will reflect the older categorization system. If you’re comparing current data with historical records, be aware of these differences to ensure accurate analyses.

Why do my older monthly statements look different?

In January, 2022, we made changes to the categorization of your fees and funds from sales in your monthly statements. Monthly statements for 2021 and prior years were not changed.

  • To see your Sales & Credits total, meaning your Etsy Payments sales minus payment processing fees and taxes collected by Etsy, filter the Type by Sale and sum the Net column.
  • For your Fees & Taxes total, filter the Type by Title. Sum the Fees & Taxes column for each type of fee.

Seeking Assistance with Finances

If you have any questions about interpreting your financial reports or need guidance on financial matters related to your Etsy shop, consider reaching out for support:

  • Ask the Community: Engage with other sellers and Etsy community members who may have had similar inquiries or experiences; they can provide valuable insights based on their knowledge and expertise.


In conclusion, managing your Etsy shop’s finances is a critical aspect of running a successful business. The ability to access and interpret recent activities and monthly statements on Etsy empowers you as a seller to make informed decisions, track your financial progress, and stay ahead of challenges. Whether you’re downloading detailed CSV files for bookkeeping, analyzing sales trends, or staying compliant with tax obligations, the tools provided by Etsy are designed to streamline these processes.

Remember that knowledge is power in the world of e-commerce. By regularly reviewing your financials—both the immediate snapshots from recent activities and the comprehensive insights from monthly statements—you can gauge the health of your business, adjust strategies as needed, and ultimately drive growth.


Essential Guide to Managing Your Finances on Etsy - Monthly Statement Insights
How do I view my recent sales and fees on Etsy?
To see your 30 most recent activities, including sales and fees, log into your Etsy account and visit the "Recent activities" section in your Payment account. Here you'll find a list of transactions with details like date, type, description, amount, fees & taxes, net amount, individual balance of each activity, and your current running balance.
What information is included in my monthly statements on Etsy?
Your monthly statements on Etsy provide a summary of funds over a specific time range. They include comprehensive details of your sales and fees such as total revenue from sales minus payment processing fees and taxes collected by Etsy. You can also view categorizations of different types of fees incurred during the month.
How can I download my financial data from Etsy for accounting purposes?
You can download your financial data from within any monthly statement page on Etsy by selecting "Generate CSV". This will create a CSV file with all transaction details. If VAT is applicable to you, you may also download VAT statements or credit notes if available for that month.
Why do my older monthly statements look different compared to recent ones on Etsy?
In January 2022, Etsy updated the categorization system for fees and funds from sales in their monthly statements. Therefore, statements prior to this change retain their original format. The new format provides clearer categorization which makes it easier to understand various financial aspects such as net sales after deductions.
Where can I get help or advice about managing my finances on Etsy?
For support with financial management on Etsy, consider joining discussions in Etsy's Finance Community, where sellers share advice and experiences related to finance. Additionally, there are many resources provided by Etsy in their Help Center that cover various topics regarding finance management.