Mastering Etsy's New Listing Experience

Learn how to efficiently use Etsy's new listing experience with our comprehensive guide. Improve your shop management skills & increase your sales.

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Etsy continues to empower its sellers with innovative tools designed to streamline their online operations. The platform’s latest offering - a new listing experience and Listings Manager - brings a host of advanced features that promise not only to save precious time but also to enhance the productivity of your Etsy shop.

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify these enhancements, providing you with a clear roadmap on how to navigate this new terrain, leverage its benefits and ultimately unlock new levels of success in your Etsy journey.

Navigating the Enhanced Listing Experience

To switch between the traditional and enhanced listing experiences, simply click on Switch to the new/old version.

Etsy’s enhanced listing experience is a revamped, user-friendly interface designed to make the listing process smoother for sellers. This interface allows you to toggle between different sections using the navigation bar at the top of your screen, enabling quick access to various listing information that you may wish to add or edit.

Etsy Shop Manager’s Listings Page

To list an item in your Etsy shop:

  1. Visit and go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Listings.
  3. Choose Add a listing.
  4. Fill out all relevant information in the provided form.
  5. Once done, hit Publish and voila! Your product is now live in your shop!

Alternatively, if you’d rather finish up later, opt for Save as Draft instead - just ensure details are filled out in the Title, Quantity, Price, Category, and Shipping sections before saving.

Key Features of The Enhanced Listing Experience

The improved experience segregates listings into several distinct sections:

Etsy’s Enhanced Listing Dashboard Settings

About Section

This section is what prospective buyers see when they browse through items on Etsy - following best practices here can help improve visibility and increase chances of being found during searches. Learn more here on Using Listing Titles To Get Found In Search.

Here’s what you can do in this section:

Title: Use up to 140 characters to describe your product effectively. Make sure to include relevant keywords that potential buyers might use during searches.

Photos and video: Attach up to 10 photos and a single video per listing. Click Edit to adjust the image thumbnail, crop photos, or delete pictures. Always remember to click Apply after making changes. Discover best practices for images in your Etsy shop.

Digital files: Provide up to five files for buyers of digital items from your shop - this section only appears if the item type selected is ‘Digital’.

Description: Be as detailed as possible when describing your item - this helps shoppers understand what they’re purchasing. Review best practices for listing descriptions.

Personalization: If you offer customization options, select the Add Personalization button and provide instructions on how customers can personalize their purchases. You can define character limits for personalization and choose whether it’s optional or mandatory.

Price & Inventory Section

This section allows you to set your pricing strategy and manage inventory:

Price: Set your price here, which will be displayed in your preferred currency.

Quantity: Specify how many of the items are available for sale. Learn more about item quantity and listing fees.

SKU: Create a custom SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number to help manage inventory. Learn how to use SKUs effectively.

Variations Section

If your product comes in different sizes, colors, or other distinguishing factors, this section lets you add those variations. But first, you must select a category for the item in the Details section. Note: Variations are not possible for digital listings.

To add variations:

  1. Click on Add Variations.
  2. Choose the type of variation to add - these options depend on your selected category; alternatively, choose Create your own to customize.
  3. If creating a custom variation, give it a name.
  4. Decide if you want to link or unlink photos with this variation by toggling Link photos to this variation on/off.
  5. Choose from available options for each variation - unwanted options can be removed by clicking on the trash can icon next to them.
  6. Click Done, and then click Apply.

The interface allows customization of SKUs, prices, and quantities for each product variant along with deciding its visibility in your shop.

To edit or delete variants:

  1. Click on Manage Variations.
  2. Select the pencil icon next to a variant for editing (trash can icon for deletion).
  3. Once done editing/deleting variants, click on Done, followed by Apply.

For bulk edits:

  1. Checkboxes of all variants requiring edits.
  2. Select either Update price or Update quantity
  3. Enter new price/quantity as required
  4. Click Apply

Details Section

This is where you provide more granular details about your item that will aid shoppers during searches while helping them understand exactly what they’re purchasing.

The Details section contains:

Core Details: Here, you detail the fundamental aspects of your listing, such as whether it’s a physical or digital item, who made it, what it is, and when it was made. If any production partners were involved in creating this item, they can be added here.

Category: The category determines where in Etsy’s marketplace your item will appear. Type the category into the search bar and choose an option from the “Results” that best matches your listing.

Attributes: This lets you add details about particular qualities of your items like color, material size dimensions, etc. The attributes listed will depend on the selected category. Learn more about how to use attributes for your listings.

Tags: Add up to 13 tags that describe your item. Tags help improve visibility in search results by allowing shoppers to find relevant items easily Learn how using tags can help you get found in search.

Materials: Let potential buyers know what materials have been used to create your product.

Shipping Section

Ensure accurate shipping information on listings so buyers have realistic delivery expectations. For digital items, buyers download the files immediately after purchasing.

To add shipping details:

  1. In the Shipping Options section, choose Select Profile.
  2. Choose from your existing profiles and click Apply or select Create a new profile.
  3. Specify the item’s weight and packed size.
  4. If using an international shipping label, enter the Tariff Number to prefill a customs form. You can change or duplicate a shipping profile if necessary by selecting either Edit or Duplicate next to it under the three-dotted icon.
Etsy’s Shipping Profile Settings

Settings Section

This section allows you to adjust return settings, decide how listings display in your shop, and set renewal options:

Returns and exchanges: Inform buyers if returns are accepted for this listing. Learn how to set a return policy on your listings.

Shop section: Decide which sections of your shop will display this listing or create a new one. Learn more about organizing listings with shop sections.

Feature this listing: Toggle this on if you want the listing to feature at the top of your shop’s homepage.

Renewal Options: Choose between automatic renewal after expiry, or manual renewal - get more information about listing fees from Etsy’s policy page.

The improved Etsy interface offers sellers an efficient way of managing their product listings while providing them with greater control over presentation and customization options.

A Comparative Look: The Classic Vs. Enhanced Listing Experience on Etsy

While the classic listing experience on Etsy has served sellers effectively for years, the new streamlined listing experience offers an updated, more intuitive way to manage your listings. This section will guide you through a comparative look at both experiences to help you understand the enhancements in the new version.

Traditional Listing Process

Etsy’s Previous Listing Dashboard Settings

Traditionally, listing an item in your Etsy shop involves several steps:

  • Opening Shop Manager
  • Choosing Listings
  • Selecting Add a listing
  • Adding photos and video
  • Choosing your thumbnail image
  • Adding listing details and describing your item
  • Adding inventory and pricing details (including files for digital items)
  • Setting up shipping options
  • Considering marketing strategies
  • Finally, publishing or saving your listing

Each of these steps required manual input and sometimes moving back and forth between different sections. While this process was comprehensive, it might have felt time-consuming or cumbersome to some sellers.

Enhanced Listing Experience

The enhanced listing experience simplifies the process significantly by introducing a navigation bar at the top of each page that allows sellers to easily toggle between different sections of their listings. This means quicker access to information that needs adding or editing.

The new system also introduces a simpler step-by-step flow:

  1. Start by switching between classic and new versions with just one click.
  2. Access faster photo uploads with better organization features.
  3. Enjoy streamlined item categorization for improved searchability.
  4. Find easier tools to describe listings effectively.
  5. Manage inventory with advanced SKU tracking features.
  6. Facilitate quicker setup of shipping preferences.
  7. Take advantage of improved marketing options integration.
  8. Save time using efficient publish or save draft options.

This upgraded process is not only faster but also provides clearer guidelines about each step along the way – from listing details to marketing strategies.

Bulk Creating Listings

In both versions, you have the ability to create listings in bulk. You can create one listing and copy it to save time, which is especially useful if you have a series of similar items. Both versions also support saving drafts of your listings, allowing you to work on them over time before publishing.

While the classic version has served its purpose well, the enhanced Etsy listing experience offers a more modern, streamlined approach that makes managing your store easier and more efficient. By understanding these changes and how they can benefit your shop, you can make the most out of this new interface.

The New Listings Manager: What’s New?

The updated Listings Manager now available offers a variety of improvements:

1. Quick Edit Mode: Allows for more rapid editing of multiple listings.

2. Enhanced Search Capabilities: Now includes an option to search sold-out listings.

3. Improved Listing Stats: Provides better at-a-glance statistics for each listing.

4. Mobile-friendly Experience: Enhancements cater specifically to mobile users.

5. Two Different Listing Views: Choose between gallery view and list view according to preference.

6. Persistent Visibility of Key Options: While adding or editing listings, options like listing title, publish, and preview buttons remain visible at all times.

When creating a new item or modifying an existing one within the Listings Manager, sellers will notice several enhancements including quicker workflows owing to an optional preview step, bigger photos at the top of the page, more photo editing tools and additional informational tips (like recommended photo size, tags).

Keep in mind to always operate on an updated browser for optimal performance. Certain pages might not load or you may encounter bugs if your browser is outdated.

How To Optimize Your Listing Images

To ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers, it’s essential to optimize your listing images. Here are some best practices and guidelines to follow:

1. Image Size and Resolution

We recommend using listing images with a size of 2000px for the shortest side of the image at a resolution of 72PPI. Please note that images larger than 1MB may not finish uploading, especially on slower internet connections. If you’re experiencing longer upload times, consider following these troubleshooting steps.

2. Image Orientation and Rotation

The first photo in your listing should preferably be horizontal (landscape) or square. This helps maintain the focal point of the image in cropped thumbnail views.

Etsy auto-rotates listing photos based on information embedded by your camera in the image file. If this doesn’t work as expected, try using a photo editing service to rotate your images or retake them while holding the camera differently.

3. Listing Image Thumbnails

Ensure that your thumbnail images have sufficient border space so that they can be cropped into a square without losing part of the product view.

Here are some tips:

  • Use Etsy’s crop tool for accurate framing.
  • Capture images from further back than you think you need to prevent losing parts of your item when cropping.
  • Avoid square crops; instead, opt for horizontal or landscape images.
  • Use an aspect ratio of 4:3.For more details, check out Etsy’s guide on Trouble Uploading Images.

Tips for Listing Images

Capture original pictures from a distance where you can see the entire product with extra negative space around it. Horizontal orientation is preferred as it uses more available thumbnail frame space compared to vertical ones which require more cropping.

Fine-tune what appears within thumbnails using Etsy’s placement tool while adding images to listings. Since the final image will likely be cropped from the original, ensure it’s created at the highest resolution to meet the minimum recommended size for listing images

Troubleshooting Common Challenges with Etsy’s New Listing Experience

In the process of optimizing your Etsy shop using the new listing experience, you might encounter some challenges. This guide aims to provide effective solutions for these potential issues:

1. Finding a Specific Past Listing

Problem: Difficulty locating a specific past listing.

Solution: Use the search bar in the Listings Manager and filter by keywords or phrases related to your item. You can further narrow down results by filtering according to listing status (active, sold out, expired, inactive, and draft).

2. Uploading Images

Problem: Issues with uploading images or extended upload time.

Solution: Make sure your images are less than 1MB in size with a resolution of 72PPI and at least 2000px for the shortest side. If problems persist, consider troubleshooting your internet connection.

3. Displaying the First Photo in a Listing

Problem: The first photo in a listing is not displaying correctly in cropped thumbnail views.

Solution: Ensure that the first photo is horizontal (landscape) or square so that it fits neatly into thumbnail views without losing any part of its focal point.

4. Editing Multiple Listings

Problem: It feels time-consuming to make changes to multiple listings.

Solution: Utilize Quick Edit mode which allows you to update quantity, price, titles, tags etc., for several items at once without opening each individual editing screen.

5. Managing Large Inventory

Problem: Difficulty managing large inventory effectively.

Solution: Using Quick Edit mode along with filters can be instrumental when dealing with large inventories - filter by shop section tags listing status shipping profiles etc., to swiftly locate items you want to edit.

6. Identifying Best Performing Products

Problem: Uncertain about which products are performing well and should be restocked.

Solution: The improved stats toggle button gives you an up-to-date overview of inline stats for all listings within the main Listings Manager page, helping make quick, informed decisions about restocking items.

7. Handling Returns/Exchanges Policy

Problem: Uncertainty on how to handle returns/exchanges policy on individual listings.

Solution: You can adjust return settings for each listing in the Settings section specifying whether or not returns are accepted for that particular item.

8. Positioning Product Correctly in Thumbnail Images

Problem: Difficulty positioning products correctly in thumbnail images.

Solution: Ensure your images have sufficient border space so they can be cropped into a square without losing part of the product view. Use Etsy’s crop tool to frame your item accurately and try capturing images from further back than usual to prevent losing parts of the image when cropping.

9. Improving SEO and Visibility

Problem: Struggling with SEO and visibility in search results.

Solution: Incorporate relevant keywords that potential buyers might use when searching for similar items into your title, description, and tags field. This SEO optimization will improve the visibility of your listings both within Etsy’s search function and on external search engines like Google.

10. Refining Pricing Strategy

Problem: The current pricing strategy is not yielding desired profits or sales.

Solution: Conduct market research to understand the pricing of similar products on Etsy. Ensure your pricing covers costs related to materials, labor, shipping fees, etc., along with any taxes or overhead expenses associated with running your Etsy shop. Aim for setting competitive yet profitable prices for your products.

Time-Saving Techniques with Etsy’s Enhanced Listings Manager

Etsy’s revamped Listings Manager is designed to streamline your listing management, making it quicker and more efficient. Here are some tips for leveraging all the beneficial features this tool offers.

1. Effortlessly Access Past Listings

Often sellers duplicate information from older listings while creating new ones. The updated Listings Manager simplifies this process, allowing you to search all of your items (active, sold out, expired, inactive, and draft) directly from the main page. Simply use the search bar to filter results by keywords or phrases and listing status.

2. Rapidly Modify Multiple Items Simultaneously

The Quick Edit mode enables you to update quantity, price, titles, tags, shipping profiles and sections of several items at once right from the Quick Edit page. This saves time spent opening individual listing editing screens.

Pairing Quick Edit mode with new filters can be particularly time-saving for sellers with large inventories. Filter by shop section, tags, listing status or shipping profiles to quickly locate items you want to edit.

3. Monitor Your Listing Performance Instantly

With the improved stats toggle button in the new Listings Manager, you can see up-to-date inline stats for all your listings without leaving the main page.

This gives a clear picture of how items are performing compared to each other enabling quick and informed decisions about restocking items.

4. Bypass Unwanted Steps

Many actions can now be executed in one place thanks to the enhanced Listings Manager. Shop sections appear within the manager itself eliminating the need for separate pages and bulk editing options allow moving multiple items into a section without exiting the manager.

Also when tagging products less scrolling is needed as the listing title remains displayed no matter where on the page you are – thanks to the sticky footer which also includes buttons for publishing canceling previewing or saving drafts.

Further efficiency comes from the optional preview step allowing frequent listers to save more time.

5. Enhance Your Shop’s Visual Appeal on the Go

Quality product photography is vital for your shop’s success. The new Listings Manager gives you better control over your shop’s appearance by letting you adjust each item’s thumbnail image without going through the preview step.

And if an uploaded photo needs cropping, the new tool allows for in-process cropping saving time otherwise spent on deleting editing and re-uploading images.

Expert Tips for Effective Etsy Listing

Listing items properly on Etsy can significantly enhance your shop’s visibility and drive more sales. Here are some tips to help you optimize your listings and make the most of your Etsy selling experience.

1. Use Detailed, Descriptive Titles

Your item title is not only the first thing potential buyers see but also plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). Make sure to include relevant keywords that buyers might use when searching for products like yours. However, avoid keyword stuffing - make sure the title sounds natural and accurately describes your item.

2. Leverage High-Quality Photos

High-quality, clear photos are key to attracting customers on Etsy. Ensure your images accurately represent the product from different angles, under good lighting conditions and possibly show it being used in real-life situations if applicable.

3. Write Comprehensive Descriptions

Your product description should provide all the information a buyer may need before making a purchase decision – size, color, material, weight, etc. Include specifics about what makes your item unique and why they should choose it over others.

4. Utilize SEO-Friendly Tags

Tags aid in getting your products discovered by shoppers during their search journey on Etsy or other search engines. Incorporate tags that are relevant to your item - think about what terms potential customers would use when searching for such an item.

5. Set Competitive Pricing

Consider material cost, labor cost, overheads along market research of similar items while determining pricing for each listing ensuring it’s competitive yet profitable.

6. Provide Sufficient Quantity Information

Clearly specify how many units of an item are available for sale so that customers know whether they can purchase multiple quantities if needed.

7 . Offer Variations If Applicable

If your product comes in different sizes or colors offer these variations within each listing providing shoppers with more choices without them having to navigate to different listings.

8. Implement Accurate Shipping Information

Be clear and upfront about your shipping policies - costs, expected delivery times, countries you ship to, etc. This helps set realistic expectations for buyers and reduces chances of post-purchase dissatisfaction.

9. Highlight Shop Policies

It’s essential to clarify your shop policies regarding returns/exchanges, custom orders or any other shop-specific rules so customers are aware before they make a purchase.

10. Use the Draft Feature

If you’re not ready to publish a listing yet, use Etsy’s draft feature that allows you to save and revisit it later – ensuring no work gets lost in the process.

Wrapping Up:

Successfully navigating Etsy’s new listing experience can be a game-changer for your online store. By fully leveraging the updated features and tools, you can streamline your shop management process, saving time, and focusing more on creating and curating unique products for your customers.

Whether it’s optimizing images, managing inventory, or setting competitive prices, each aspect of the new listing experience is designed to enhance efficiency and boost sales. Remember, understanding these updates isn’t just about keeping up with changes—it’s about strategically growing your business in an increasingly digital marketplace.


Guide to Successfully Navigate Etsy's Updated Listing Experience
What is Quick Edit mode in Etsy's new Listing Manager?
Quick Edit mode is a feature in Etsy's new Listings Manager that allows sellers to update the quantity, price, titles, tags, shipping profiles and sections of several items at once right from the Quick Edit page, saving time spent opening individual listing editing screens.
What are best practices for optimizing images for listings on Etsy?
Use high-quality images with a size of 2000px for the shortest side at a resolution of 72PPI. Ensure thumbnail images have sufficient border space so they can be cropped into a square without losing part of the product view. Horizontal or landscape orientation is preferred as it uses more available thumbnail frame space compared to vertical ones.
What should I consider when setting prices for my products on Etsy?
Your pricing strategy should be competitive yet profitable by researching prices of similar products on Etsy while ensuring it covers costs related to materials labor shipping fees etc., don't forget about taxes or any other overhead expenses associated with running your Etsy shop.
Can I bulk create listings on Etsy?
Yes, if you have a series of similar items you can create one listing and then copy it which will populate all fields allowing you to tweak minor details saving significant time.
How can I optimize my product listings on Etsy for better visibility?
Optimizing product listings on Etsy involves using detailed descriptive titles with relevant keywords; leveraging high-quality photos; writing comprehensive descriptions; utilizing SEO-friendly tags; setting competitive prices; providing sufficient quantity information; offering variations where applicable; implementing accurate shipping information & highlighting shop policies. Following these practices can enhance your product visibility and drive more sales on Etsy.