Opening an Etsy Shop in Unsupported Countries

Discover the requirements and limitations of opening an Etsy shop in countries where certain services are not yet available, and learn what to do if your country isn't supported.

As a leading platform for creative entrepreneurs, Etsy continually works on expanding its services to sellers around the world. However, certain requirements must be met before opening a shop in specific locations. This article will discuss these eligibility criteria and what you can do if your country is not yet supported.

Why Can’t I Open a Shop in My Country?

Most new sellers on Etsy are required to onboard with Etsy Payments. If Etsy Payments isn’t available in your location, you may not be able to open a shop on the platform. For those who opened their shops before April 26, 2021, without enrolling in Etsy Payments, there’s no need to worry – your shop is unaffected and can continue accepting payments via PayPal. We value your feedback and encourage you to share it with us by completing our survey.

What is Etsy Payments?

Etsy Payments is the primary method of receiving payments on Etsy, simplifying transactions for both sellers and buyers. When enrolled in Etsy Payments, your buyers can choose from various payment options, such as credit cards, debit/bank cards, Etsy Gift Cards and Credits, PayPal*, Apple Pay, Google, Klarna installment payments (in select countries), iDEAL (the Netherlands), and Sofort (Austria and Germany).

Etsy Payments

Countries Eligible for Etsy Payments

Etsy Payments is currently available for shops in the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • Türkiye
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Vietnam

Etsy can only offer payment services in certain countries at this time. We are working to support additional countries in the future. Stay tuned to the Site Updates section of our Seller Handbook for updates. Learn more here about Etsy Payment Eligible Countries.

Limitations for New Sellers Located in India

As of November 2023, new sellers located in India are unable to open shops on Etsy. However, existing shops in India can continue selling. In many locations where Etsy Payments is not available, new shops are temporarily restricted from joining the platform.

Requirements to Enroll in Etsy Payments

Etsy Payments is available to sellers in eligible countries. To enroll, you must have:

  1. A residential address and a valid bank account in an eligible country. Sale funds cannot be sent to a PayPal account or credit/debit card.
  2. A valid credit/debit card or reloadable prepaid card (unless residing in Austria, Germany, or the Netherlands).
What is Etsy Payments?

Enrolling as an Individual or Business

For legal and tax purposes during enrollment for Etsy Payments, you’ll need to choose whether you’re using it as an individual person or represent an official business entity.

  • Select Individual if selling as a person without representing a business entity or using a taxpayer ID number.
  • Choose Business if registered with a legal entity having a taxpayer ID number for your business.

Take Note: The Business option isn’t currently available for sellers in Vietnam.

Verifying Your Identity

To protect both sellers and marketplace safety overall, verifying your identity is necessary. If unable to verify your identity based on provided information during enrollment; you may be asked to supply additional information. Etsy may deny access to the platform until the required information is provided.

Verifying Your Bank Account

Bank account verification ensures deposits are sent to the correct location, with methods varying by country. US-based sellers use a third-party service, Plaid, for verification. Sellers required to use Payoneer will verify their bank accounts during Payoneer setup. Others with non-US bank accounts will verify through test deposits. If your shop was opened after March 1, 2022, you can add and verify your bank account following your first sale. Learn how to update and verify your bank account.

Etsy Shop Manager’s Payment Settings Page

Frequently Asked Questions about Etsy Payments?

In this FAQ section, we address some common questions and concerns related to Etsy Payments requirements.

1. Why is Etsy Payments Required for Opening a Shop?

Etsy aims to maintain a safe marketplace for both buyers and sellers as millions of new buyers discover the platform. When a shop doesn’t accept Etsy Payments, Etsy cannot facilitate the payment process or provide support for resolving order issues. Additionally, certain shopping features such as using gift cards become unavailable for buyers unless the shop accepts Etsy Payments. To address these concerns and ensure marketplace safety, we’re working on improving non-Etsy Payment onboarding processes.

2. What if Etsy Payments Isn’t Available in My Country?

If Etsy Payments is unavailable in your location, you won’t be able to sign up as a seller on Etsy. If your country isn’t listed in the dropdown menu during the shop opening process, then selling on Etsy is currently unavailable there. We’re working to expand Etsy Payments’ availability and offer its benefits to more sellers worldwide. See where Etsy Payments is currently available, and stay tuned for updates on further expansion.

3. Can I Open a Draft Shop Without Etsy Payments?

If you created a draft shop before April 26, 2021, but didn’t publish it by that date, you likely won’t be able to open it unless Etsy Payments becomes available in your region. Previously, you may have chosen PayPal as your payment method for your draft shop; however, that option is temporarily unavailable for most sellers.

4. Can I Reopen an Old Shop Without Etsy Payments?

If you have closed a shop that was not enrolled in Etsy Payments, it’s highly likely that reopening will require accepting Etsy Payments.

Alternative Selling Strategies for Sellers in Unsupported Countries

While waiting for Etsy Payments availability in your country, you can still explore other selling strategies to showcase and sell your products. Here are some alternative options to consider:

1. Other Online Marketplaces

Research and join other e-commerce platforms that cater to sellers from various countries. Some popular alternatives include Amazon Handmade, eBay, Bonanza, or Handmade at Amazon. Each platform has its own set of fees, policies, and seller requirements; therefore choose one that best suits your needs.

2. Social Media Platforms

Utilize social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter to promote and sell your products directly through their built-in shopping features (e.g., Instagram Shopping or Facebook Shops). Social media platforms allow you to reach a wide audience while building brand awareness and customer engagement.

3. Create Your Own Website or Online Store

Develop a standalone online store using website builders or e-commerce solutions like Shopify, WooCommerce (WordPress), Wix or Squarespace. By creating your own website with integrated payment processing options like PayPal or Stripe, you can take control of the entire customer experience while managing inventory and sales without relying on third-party marketplaces.

4. Local Craft Fairs & Pop-up Events

Participate in local craft fairs or pop-up events where you can showcase your products in person while networking with fellow artisans. This strategy helps build a local following before expanding into international markets once Etsy Payments becomes available in your country.

5. Collaborate with Local Retailers and boutiques

Partner with local brick-and-mortar stores that complement your product offerings by selling items on consignment or through wholesale agreements. This approach allows you to benefit from increased exposure within the community while potentially gaining new customers who appreciate unique handmade products.


In conclusion, understanding the importance of Etsy Payments and its role in the process of opening an Etsy shop is essential for sellers worldwide. By staying informed about the restrictions and requirements related to this payment system, you can better navigate potential challenges and prepare yourself for success on the platform. As Etsy continues to expand its payment services to additional countries, more opportunities will become available for sellers across the globe.


How to Open an Etsy Shop in Unsupported Countries
Why can't I open an Etsy shop in my country even if I'm willing to accept PayPal?
Most new sellers on Etsy are required to onboard with Etsy Payments, which may not be available in your location. When a shop doesn't accept Etsy Payments, the platform cannot facilitate the payment process or provide support for resolving order issues. Additionally, certain shopping features such as using gift cards become unavailable for buyers unless the shop accepts Etsy Payments.
Are there any exceptions for shops that opened before April 26, 2021 regarding Etsy Payments?
Yes, shops that were opened before April 26, 2021 without enrolling in Etsy Payments are unaffected by these restrictions and can continue accepting payments via PayPal.
What if my draft shop was created before April 26, 2021 but not published? Can I still open it without using Etsy Payments?
Unfortunately, you likely won't be able to open your draft shop unless Etsy Payments becomes available in your region.
Is there any possibility of reopening a closed shop without enrolling in Etsy Payments?
If you have closed a shop that was not enrolled in Etsy Payments, it's highly likely that reopening will require accepting Etsy Payments.
What is being done to expand the availability of Etsy Payments to more countries?
The platform is actively working on expanding the availability of its payment service so that more sellers worldwide can benefit from its features and convenience. Keep an eye on updates about further expansion plans and check where Etsy Payments is currently available.