Overcoming a Drop in Etsy Sales

A complete guide for Etsy sellers looking to understand sales slumps, boost growth, and enhance their shop’s overall performance.

Experiencing a drop in sales or visits to your Etsy shop can be challenging, and it could signify various factors such as heightened competition, evolving trends, or shifts in customer buying behavior.

Analyzing Your Shop’s Performance

If your Etsy stats exhibit a significant dip over the course of the year, examining a short period like a month may not provide an accurate picture of your shop’s overall performance. A more extended review period, such as year-over-year data, can help you spot larger trends impacting your business.

Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Dashboard

Accessing Your Shop’s Stats

To see your shop’s stats:

  1. Log in to Etsy.com.
  2. Click on ‘Shop Manager’.
  3. Select ‘Stats’.

Take Note: Your Stats page offers valuable insights into improving your listing performance by tracking which keywords are driving the most traffic toward your listings. As part of this process, replace underperforming keywords with new ones.

Understanding Metrics Overview

In the metrics overview section, you can view high-level data related to your shop. You can choose a specific metric to view its graph: Visits, Orders, Conversion rate, or Revenue. You can select the time period for which you want to see stats using the dropdown at the top of the page. You have access to stats from November 2017 up until now.

If you’ve been running your shop for over a year, there’s an option to compare current data with that of the previous year by toggling on ‘Compare to previous period’. When you select any given metric, it reveals trends over the selected time period.

Differentiating between Visits and Views

‘Visits’ represent the number of people who looked at your shop or listings while ‘Views’ indicate total times people looked at each of your listings individually. For example, if one shopper landed on one listing through search and then viewed five other listings in your shop, it would count as one visit but six listing views.

View Etsy Listing Metrics on Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Dashboard

Frequency of Updates for Visit Data

The visit data refreshes several times per day. This allows filtering out as much bot traffic (traffic originating from search engines rather than actual shoppers) as possible and aggregates real user visit data. By end-of-day, another round of filtering bot traffic occurs which might slightly lower your visit count.

Learn more about utilizing shop stats effectively here.

Amplifying Your Listing Quality

Improving the quality of your listings is pivotal to increasing visibility in Etsy search. Discover how to effectively optimize your shop for Etsy search.

Optimizing Your Etsy Shop for Better Search Visibility

Etsy search ranking is influenced by numerous factors, some of which are within your control. Following the best practices below can help align your items with shoppers’ searches and improve their visibility in search results.

Optimize Your Shop for Etsy Search

1. Make Full Use of Tags

Each listing allows up to 13 tags — these represent opportunities for your products to appear in shopper’s searches. Ensure you use all available tag slots with multi-word phrases that utilize natural language.

2. Be Specific with Categories

Categories on Etsy function as additional tags, so being more specific with your categories increases opportunities for visibility in relevant searches.

3. Offer Free Shipping

High shipping costs can deter buyers, while offering free shipping has been shown to increase sales and improve search placement, especially within the Etsy app where a significant portion of active shoppers browse.

4. Incorporate Relevant Attributes

Listing attributes function like tags and help match your item to shopper’s searches. Describing specific characteristics of your product such as color, occasion, dimensions, etc., using attributes helps enhance its discoverability.

5. Utilize Short and Clear Titles

While word order in titles doesn’t directly impact search ranking, prioritizing key keywords at the start makes it easier for shoppers to identify what you’re selling at a glance — potentially leading to more clicks and sales that indirectly boost search ranking over time.

6. Prioritize High-Quality Photos

The first photo on each listing serves as the thumbnail seen by shoppers when browsing search results - make sure it clearly represents what’s being sold and encourages clicks.

7. Complete Your ‘About’ Section

An informative ‘About’ section provides insight into you and your shop while also boosting customer experience scores - which can indirectly improve search rankings.

8. Maintain Clear Shop Policies

Clear shop policies set buyer expectations upfront which contribute positively towards customer experience score and subsequently search placement.

9. Use Shop Language for Titles and Tags

Ensure that the titles and tags are in the language you chose when setting up your shop - Etsy will automatically translate these into a shopper’s chosen language.

10. Continually Experiment and Adjust

Regularly review your shop stats to identify listings that could bring more traffic and tweak their tags and titles as necessary. Your search optimization strategy should be dynamic, adapting to changes in season, upcoming holidays, or shifts in customer behavior.

Keeping Up with Retail Trends

Retail trends evolve with time; therefore staying current is crucial for maintaining optimum performance at your Etsy Shop. Successful sellers on Etsy often show innovation in keeping up with emerging trends and creating adaptable product lines that resonate with changing buyer behaviors. To stay ahead of the curve, check out our Holiday 2021 Trend Guide and the Etsy Blog.

Strategies to Refresh Your Etsy Product Line

Keeping your product offerings varied and continuously expanding can attract a wider customer base and invite repeated purchases from existing customers. It also keeps your shop fresh and creativity flowing. Here are three approaches based on the experiences of successful Etsy sellers:

Approach 1: Update Your Existing Product Line

Consider minor variations you can make to your current items that will keep them relevant while introducing new features. Examine elements such as pocket placement, color choice, or decorative details that enhance your item. Think about ways you can adjust these features based on customer feedback to keep the product line fresh.

Approach 2: Introduce a New Collection

Seasonal changes could be an opportunity to introduce slight alterations in your existing product lines by broadening color options or making size adjustments to suit the season’s demands. Consider mixing up materials—this could elevate your products into a higher price bracket, diversifying not only your offerings but also your profit margins.

Think about how customer needs change over time and expand your collection accordingly. For example, if you started with wedding accessories three years ago, consider expanding into maternity or kids’ items as many of those customers may now be starting families.

Approach 3: Launch an Entirely New Product Line

Etsy sellers have the unique advantage of being able to adapt quickly and launch original products at pace. If you’re ready for a significant change, launching an entirely new product line could bring in customers browsing different categories. Consider what complements your existing items—could there be add-ons or related products that would fit well within your shop? Use information from customer queries and Shop Stats to guide prototype development for this new line. Remember always to work with what you’re good at—play up strengths in design or technique within new product lines. Consistently ask yourself whether the new offerings align with your core aesthetic and if it’s a product you’d personally use or wear. Discover how to revamp your product line here.

Promoting Your Shop

Leverage social media’s power to promote your shop, engage with customers for free, and use advertising to enhance visibility on Etsy and across the web. Learn more about leveraging social media marketing here. Find tips on enhancing sales through the effective use of stats here. Understand how advertising can boost your sales here. Engage with other sellers sharing marketing ideas and best practices in our Community Forums.

Seeking Shop Critique from Fellow Sellers

If you’re unsure about improvements needed for your shop, consider requesting advice from fellow sellers in the Community Forums, where an active community is ready to help with constructive critique. Remember that Etsy’s success hinges upon yours - every modification made aims at assisting our sellers to achieve more sales.

Subscribing to Seller Emails

Etsy circulates crucial information and tips for sellers via our email lists. It’s recommended to subscribe to all for maximum benefits.

Managing Your Etsy Email Preferences

Email Preferences on Etsy’s Account Settings

Here’s how you can manage your Etsy email preferences:

  1. Log in to Etsy.com and navigate to ‘Your account’.
  2. Click on ‘Account Settings’.
  3. Select the ‘Emails’ tab.
  4. Under ‘Your Notifications’ and ‘Your Subscriptions’, adjust your preferences by selecting or deselecting which emails you wish to receive.
  5. After making your choices, click on ‘Save Settings’.

Learn how to subscribe to Etsy emails here.

Enrolling in an Etsy U Course

Consider enrolling in an Etsy U course for tips on managing a successful shop.

Addressing Declines in Etsy Shop Sales

Experiencing a dip in your Etsy sales can be concerning. However, understanding the potential causes and implementing effective solutions can help turn things around.

Compare Current Revenue Stats from the Previous Period on Etsy’s Stats Dashboard

1. Increased Competition

Etsy is a continually growing platform with an increasing number of active sellers. This growth can intensify competition, potentially leading to a drop in your sales. To stay ahead, it’s important to remain vigilant and innovative in outperforming your competitors.

2. Shifting Trends

Trends come and go; if your products align with a particular trend, you may experience a sharp drop in sales once that trend fades away. Keeping track of your growth pace can help identify whether your items are part of an ongoing trend and prepare for any subsequent decline in sales.

3. Changes on the Platform

Being part of a massive platform like Etsy requires staying updated about its policies, news, and plans so that you can adapt to any new changes or feature implementations promptly. These changes might include alterations related to Etsy search which could affect your ranking positions negatively if not adapted swiftly.

4. Shifts in Purchase Behavior

Consumer behaviors vary throughout the year based on seasons or specific events - causing fluctuations in e-commerce sales figures accordingly. Assessing past year’s sales data for similar periods can provide insights into these behavioral shifts and help set more realistic expectations.

5. Impact of Reviews

Reviews play a significant role in shaping buyer decisions—positive reviews can boost store growth while negative ones might contribute towards declining sales figures. Regularly checking reviews helps gauge customer sentiment towards your shop and provides opportunities for necessary improvements.


In conclusion, navigating through a sales slump in your Etsy shop requires an understanding of various dynamics such as shifting trends, platform changes, and customer behaviors. By effectively utilizing the tools at your disposal like Etsy Stats and by optimizing your shop for search visibility, you can gain crucial insights into the performance of your listings. Additionally, keeping your product line fresh and continuously evolving can attract a broader customer base and stimulate repeated purchases. Following best practices to improve search ranking, such as using tags wisely or offering free shipping can significantly enhance the visibility of your items on the platform.


Overcoming a Sales Decline on Etsy – A Comprehensive Guide
What could be the reason for a drop in my Etsy shop sales?
A decline in your Etsy shop sales can be due to various factors including increased competition, changing trends, shifts in customer buying behavior, or seasonal patterns. A detailed analysis of your shop's statistics can help identify specific areas that might be contributing to the drop.
How can I improve the quality of my listings on Etsy?
Improving listing quality is pivotal for better visibility in Etsy search results. Start by understanding which keywords are driving traffic to your listings and replace underperforming keywords with new ones. Regularly optimize your shop for Etsy search using insights from your Stats page.
How important is staying current with retail trends for my Etsy Shop?
Staying updated with evolving retail trends is crucial as trends significantly influence consumer purchasing behavior. Successful sellers often keep up with emerging trends and create adaptable product lines that resonate with these changes.
How can social media help boost my sales on Etsy?
Social media platforms offer powerful avenues to promote your shop, interact directly with customers, and drive traffic to your listings. Using targeted advertising campaigns on social media can also enhance visibility both on Etsy and across the web.
What should I do if views or favorites on my listings have declined?
A decline in views or favorites may indicate a need to update keywords used in titles or tags of those particular listings. It’s also worth checking if top-performing items have expired or were discontinued.