Protecting Your Etsy Account from Fraud

Learn the essential steps to safeguard your Etsy account from unauthorized access and charges, including password reset and two-factor authentication tips.

Spotting suspicious activity on your Etsy shop can be unsettling. Take control by immediately updating your security credentials and bolstering your account’s defenses.

Update Your Password Promptly

Should you notice any unusual activity, the first line of defense is refreshing your access details:

  1. Visit and navigate to You > Account settings.
  2. Descend to the Password section and input a new, strong password.

Remember, uniqueness is key; avoid recycling passwords across various online platforms, especially for the email tied to your Etsy shop. Can’t log in? It’s vital to reach out to Etsy Support without delay if you’re locked out of your account.

Update your Password on Etsy’s Account Settings

Best Practices for Password Creation

Do incorporate:

  • A minimum of eight characters – more equals mightier!
  • A blend of different character types including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Avoid using:

  • Any part of your username.
  • Any password previously used on Etsy or elsewhere.
  • Sequential keyboard patterns (e.g., “123456” or “qwerty”).
  • Single dictionary words or their simple combinations.
  • Common expressions, backwards-spelled words, or popular misspellings.
  • Identifiable names like those of family members or pets.
  • Easily accessible personal details like birth dates.

For further guidance, here’s how you can craft a robust password: Creating a Strong Password.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Doubling down on security means adding an extra verification step each time you sign in:

  1. Head over to You > Account settings on
  2. Proceed to the Security section.
  3. Activate Two-Factor Authentication by selecting it.
  4. Click the gear icon and go through the setup instructions.

For a detailed explanation of 2FA, including its importance for safeguarding your store, click here: Securing Your Etsy Store with Two-Factor Authentication.

Turn on 2FA on Etsy’s Account Settings

Reclaiming Control After an Email Change

If the email linked to your Etsy shop has been altered without your knowledge:

  • Check the inbox of your former email address. Etsy should have sent instructions for reverting this unauthorized modification.
  • Follow the steps in that email to reset your account email back to its original state and reinforce account security.

It’s crucial not only to restore your primary contact details but also to update your password and activate two-factor authentication as a precautionary measure.

Deciphering Unfamiliar Charges from Etsy

Encountering strange fees on statements can be perplexing, so let’s clarify potential scenarios:

  • Identifying Charges from Marketplace Transactions: Etsy appears as the merchant on records following purchases—even when buying from individual sellers—since it processes payments. Transactions may show up as originating from Brooklyn, NY, or Dublin, IE, based on where you were during the transaction.
  • Investigating Charges Made by Others: Unrecognized charges might stem from someone close who had access to use your card—with or without explicit consent. We recommend conversing with relatives, friends, or colleagues who could’ve used such details before proceeding with further actions.

Unexpected Order or Account Creation Notifications

Receiving an email from Etsy about unfamiliar activities can be worrisome. Consider the following possibilities:

  • An incorrect email entry by another user could have mistakenly directed a message to you.
  • Your email address might have been used by another individual to create an account.
  • An order could have been placed on a device where your Etsy session was active.

In such cases, vigilance is key. If you suspect that your email has been compromised, updating your password promptly is advisable. Additionally, it would be wise to review your device security and ensure no unauthorized access has occurred.

Handling Sign-In Errors and Limited Account Access

Encountering a sign-in error with a message about limited access can be confusing. Here’s why this might happen:

  • Etsy’s security measures occasionally restrict access to protect accounts they believe may be at risk—even without definitive signs of hacking.

If faced with this scenario:

  1. Attempt a password reset here: Reset Your Password.
  2. If there’s trouble receiving the reset email, inspect your spam or junk mail folder as it may have been filtered incorrectly.

Remember, these precautions are designed to safeguard not only your personal details but also the integrity of the marketplace.

Understanding Extended Processing Times

When orders remain in processing beyond 72 hours, consider:

  • Etsy conducts thorough screenings for all Etsy Payments orders as part of their commitment against fraud—a process that sometimes takes extra time.

Sellers who experience prolonged processing times can dive deeper into understanding these delays here: Why Are My Etsy Payments Funds Still Processing?

Recognizing and Avoiding Scammers on Etsy

In our commitment to fortifying your Etsy shop against fraud, it’s vital to be aware of the sly tactics scammers may use to undermine your efforts. Recognizing these common scammer techniques will not only protect you but also preserve the integrity of your business. Let’s explore some red flags and how they connect to securing your online store:

For Any Member:

  • Personal Email Over Etsy Messages: Be cautious if someone insists on communicating via personal email. This bypasses Etsy’s monitored messaging system and could expose you to phishing attempts.
  • Alternative Payment Methods: Requests to use payment platforms other than Etsy’s checkout system should raise an immediate flag; such transactions leave you without the protection offered by Etsy’s Purchase Protection.
  • Urgent Transactions: High-pressure tactics creating urgency can be a ruse to prevent you from noticing other suspicious details.

For Sellers Specifically:

  • Email Requests for Payments: If a buyer claims they need your email address for payment, it’s a scam. All legitimate payments occur through Etsy’s platform.
  • QR Code Payment Confirmations: Any request involving QR codes for confirming payments is not standard procedure and should be treated as fraudulent.
  • Requests for Additional Purchases: Be wary of buyers asking you to include additional high-priced items with promises of reimbursement.
  • Suspicious Links in Messages: Avoid clicking on links sent by potential buyers—these could lead you to malware or phishing sites designed to steal information.
  • Overpayment Offers: As previously mentioned, overpayment scams are a common tactic where scammers offer more money than the item is worth, aiming later to request refunds or involve you in fraudulent transactions.
  • Vague Inquiries About Listings: Generic questions that don’t align with the specifics of your listing can indicate that the sender hasn’t actually engaged with your content and may have malicious intentions.
  • Avoidance of Etsy Checkout: The refusal by a buyer to complete transactions through Etsy Checkout is a significant warning sign, as this step ensures coverage under Etsy’s Purchase Protection.
  • Targeting High-value Items: Scammers often focus on listings with higher value partly because there’s more at stake financially.

By being proactive in recognizing scammer techniques and understanding how they attempt to exploit various aspects of online selling, you’re not just reacting defensively but are building a secure foundation for your business.

Your Essential Account Security Checklist

Leverage the following checklist as part of your regular security routine to enhance the protection of your Etsy account:

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Boost your login security by enabling two-factor authentication. This requires both a password and a verification code sent to your device, providing an added layer of defense against unauthorized access.

2. Create Robust Passwords

Passwords are often the first line of defense. Ensure yours are long, varied, and creative—combine letters, numbers, and symbols for optimal strength. Regularly check if any passwords have been compromised using tools like, update them every six months or so via Account Settings, and consider using a reliable password manager.

3. Conduct Transactions on Etsy Only

For both communication and transactions, stick to using Etsy Messages and Checkout. Should issues arise with buyers or sellers, having all interactions on-platform allows Etsy Support to assist effectively.

4. Recognize Suspicious Messages

Be vigilant about messages that convey urgency or request personal information hastily—these could be scam attempts. Don’t click links from unverified sources; instead, directly access any necessary sections through logged-in sessions on

5. Keep Contact Details Current

Update phone numbers and email addresses linked to your account regularly through Account Settings > Email. This ensures you’ll receive timely notifications regarding two-factor authentication prompts or unusual activity alerts.

Update your Email on Etsy’s Account Settings

6. Limit Account Access

Restrict access to those who absolutely need it in order to avoid unauthorized changes or password resets—it’s crucial for maintaining accountability for all account activity per Etsy’s Terms of Use.

7. Update Financial and Tax Information

Regularly review your Shop Manager > Finances > Payment Settings to detect any unusual activity early on. Keeping your taxpayer information accurate is also key to avoiding disruptions due to payment controls and preparing for tax filings.

8. Stay Informed on Device Security

Protecting your devices is as vital as securing your account details:

  • Clear old devices before transitioning to new ones by removing personal info and restoring factory settings.
  • Change preset passwords for Wi-Fi networks and routers for unique protection.
  • Stay updated with the latest software, including antivirus programs, and ensure you’re using official Etsy apps or the website when managing your shop.
  • Monitor sign-in history regularly through account security settings, remaining alert for unfamiliar devices or third-party connections.

9. Get Support When You Need It

Etsy offers expanded real-time support channels 24/7 via live chat, phone calls, or email—especially designed for sellers with at least one sale. If you suspect a compromise or need assistance, reach out through the Etsy Help Center. Always report suspicious messages and consult the help center for common concerns.


Remember that security is not a one-time setup but an ongoing commitment. Regularly review and update your security measures to adapt to new threats and maintain a robust defense against potential fraudsters. Embrace the tools and resources provided by Etsy to keep your creative haven secure.

In this digital era where online marketplaces are bustling hubs of creativity and commerce, taking proactive steps towards cybersecurity ensures that your shop can thrive without the shadow of vulnerability looming overhead. Empower yourself with knowledge, equip your business with protection, and engage in building a secure community for all on Etsy.


How to Secure Your Etsy Account Against Fraudulent Activity
Why Did I Get an Email from Etsy About an Order I Didn't Place?
If you received an email about an order you don't recognize, it's possible someone mistyped their email when registering for an account or placed an order using your device where you were logged in to Etsy. It could also indicate that someone created an account with your email address. Verify the authenticity of the order and consider updating your account password as a precaution.
What Does 'Etsy' on My Bank Statement Mean?
When you see 'Etsy' on your bank statement, it means a purchase was made through the Etsy platform. Etsy processes transactions on behalf of sellers, so even though you're buying from individual shops, the charge appears as 'Etsy'. Always check with family or friends who might have access to your card before assuming fraud.
What Should I Do If My Etsy Account Access Is Temporarily Limited?
If Etsy has limited access to your account temporarily, they're taking precautions to protect your security—it doesn't necessarily mean there's been a breach. You should reset your password immediately using the instructions provided by Etsy. This action typically restores full access to your account.
Why Is My Order Still Processing on Etsy?
An order that takes longer than 72 hours to process isn't usually a sign of fraud; it often indicates that Etsy is reviewing the transaction closely. This screening helps safeguard against fraudulent activities and protects both buyers and sellers within the community.
How Can I Prevent Unauthorized Use of My Account on Etsy?
To prevent unauthorized use of your account, ensure you have a strong unique password for both your Etsy shop and associated email address. Enabling two-factor authentication adds another layer of security by requiring a second form of verification whenever you log in. Regularly monitor account activity and stay vigilant for any signs of unusual behavior.