Reopen Your Closed Etsy Account

Discover the simple process of reopening your closed Etsy account and get back to selling your unique creations on the platform. Follow our step-by-step guide for a hassle-free experience!

Closing an Etsy account can sometimes feel like a final decision, but circumstances change, and we understand that. If you’ve closed your Etsy account in the past and now wish to reopen it, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide tailored for Etsy sellers on how to reopen an account you previously closed.

Reopening a Closed Etsy Account

Can’t wait to reopen your dormant Etsy account? Just click on Reopen your account and input the email linked with that account. Etsy will send an email containing a link that revives your account once clicked. If this email doesn’t arrive promptly:

  • Verify if it landed in spam or junk folders.
  • Gmail users should also check their Social and Promotions tabs.

Remember: If you choose to permanently close and delete your account, there’s no turning back—reopening isn’t an option.

If it’s time for a comeback and you want that “Open” sign swinging on your virtual shop door once more:

  1. Log into from a non-mobile device—you can’t do this via a mobile browser or app.
  2. Click on the Your Account icon.
  3. Dive into Account settings.
  4. Head over to Your Closed Shops section.
  5. Hit Reopen Shop, but first double-check that billing details like credit cards are current.

As if waking from slumber, everything should be as you left it—just be sure expired listings are renewed and payment information is freshened up. For reopening a shop that you closed within Etsy, learn more about the process here.

Etsy’s Account Settings

Starting Fresh: Opening a New Account with the Same Email

Perhaps you’re considering a fresh start on Etsy and wish to use the same email address. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Change the email associated with your current Etsy account by going to Account Settings.
  2. Navigate down to the Email section.
  3. Enter a new email address along with your current password.
  4. Click Change email.

After updating this information, proceed with closing out your old account as detailed above, and then feel free to create a new seller profile using your preferred email.

Change Your Email Address on Etsy’s Account Settings

Reopening Options: Understanding the Paths After Closure

Now that we’ve explored the diverse actions available when modifying your Etsy presence, let’s delve into the lingering question: Can you still reopen your Etsy shop or account after closing it or even permanently deleting it?

Closing Your Etsy Account

Closing your entire Etsy account may seem like a definitive choice, but the good news is that it’s reversible. However, specific elements tied to the closed account will remain unavailable for reuse if you decide to start anew on Etsy. So, yes, you can reopen your Etsy account after closing it.

Closing Your Etsy Shop

Closing your shop is a more flexible action. Your seller profile transforms into a buyer-only account, retaining access to past orders and messages. Importantly, there’s a built-in option to reopen your shop whenever you choose to return. If you temporarily closed your shop but are now ready to resume selling, the path is clear – reopening your Etsy shop is entirely feasible.

Permanently Deleting Your Etsy Account

The most drastic step, permanent deletion, wipes out all traces of your presence from Etsy’s database. Unfortunately, this action is irreversible, and once deleted, it’s impossible to recover any data. Reactivation or accessing information related to past sales or purchases is not an option. However, legal obligations may require Etsy to retain certain records, inaccessible to users, but eventually purged following legal guidelines.

Returning to Your Etsy Shop

Before reopening your shop, let’s ensure you’re up-to-date and ready for a successful return.

Etsy’s Site Updates

What’s Changed on Etsy?

If you’ve been away, you might have missed important updates. Here’s how to catch up:

  • Search your inbox for emails from Etsy; we provide direct alerts on crucial changes.
  • Explore Site Updates for new features and seasonal selling checklists.
  • Stay informed with Forums Announcements to keep up with the Etsy community.

I’m Having Trouble Signing In

If you’ve forgotten your password, reset it here. For persistent issues, learn how to resolve your sign-in problems.

Is My Financial Information Up to Date?

Ensure your bank details and credit card information are current to resume selling.

Can I Use Etsy Payments Now?

Etsy Payments may now be available in your country. If so, enroll in Etsy Payments before resuming selling.

What Else Should I Review Before I Start?

Even if you’re experienced, check out basic tips for selling on Etsy. Explore the Ultimate Guides series in the Seller Handbook, particularly the Ultimate Guide to Starting an Etsy Shop.

Want to Enhance Your Etsy Journey?

Deepen your knowledge by enrolling in an Etsy U class and learn from experienced sellers.

Enroll in Etsy U Class

What to Do After Reopening Your Etsy Seller Account

Congratulations on successfully reopening your Etsy seller account! Now that you’re back in business, it’s crucial to take strategic steps to ensure a smooth transition and maximize your selling potential. Here are five essential actions to consider after reopening your Etsy shop:

1. Update Your Shop Information

Ensure your shop reflects the latest information about your products, policies, and any changes you’ve made during your absence. Take the time to review and update your shop banner, profile picture, and about section. Additionally, check if your shipping policies, processing times, and return policies align with your current business practices.

2. Refresh Your Product Listings

Give your products a fresh look by updating your listings. Consider adding new photos, refining product descriptions, and adjusting pricing if necessary. Utilize Etsy’s tools for keywords and tags to enhance the discoverability of your items in search results. Remember, an updated and well-optimized listing can significantly impact your sales.

3. Engage with Your Customers

Reconnect with your previous customers and engage with potential buyers. Respond promptly to messages, inquiries, and reviews. Consider offering promotions or exclusive deals to welcome back returning customers and attract new ones. Building positive interactions with your buyers contributes to a thriving and reputable Etsy shop.

4. Promote Your Shop

Take advantage of Etsy’s promotional features to increase the visibility of your products. Consider running promotions, utilizing Etsy Ads, or participating in relevant Etsy Teams. Leverage social media platforms to share updates about your reopened shop and drive traffic to your Etsy listings. A well-executed promotional strategy can boost your shop’s exposure and sales.

5. Stay Informed About Etsy Updates

Etsy is dynamic, with frequent updates and changes. Stay informed by regularly checking Etsy’s Site Updates, Forums Announcements, and your email for important alerts. Being aware of platform changes, new features, or policy updates ensures you can adapt your shop accordingly and maintain a successful selling journey.


As you embark on the journey of reopening your Etsy seller account, remember that it’s not just a return but a powerful comeback. Your unique creations are ready to once again grace the digital shelves of the Etsy marketplace. In this article, we’ve guided you through the intricacies of reopening, understanding the consequences of account and shop closure, and outlined crucial steps to take post-reopening.

Rekindle the entrepreneurial spirit that drove you to Etsy in the first place. Update your shop, refresh your listings, engage with your customers, promote your creations, and stay abreast of Etsy’s ever-evolving landscape. Your comeback is not just about resuming transactions; it’s about seizing the opportunity to thrive and grow.


How to Reopen a Closed Etsy Account: A Comprehensive Guide
Can I reopen my Etsy account after closing it?
Yes, you can reopen a previously closed Etsy account. Our guide provides a simple step-by-step process to help you navigate through the reopening procedure effortlessly.
Is it possible to reopen an Etsy account that I permanently closed and deleted?
Unfortunately, no. Once an Etsy account is permanently closed and deleted, it cannot be reopened.
What should I do if I don't receive the reopening email from Etsy?
If you encounter issues receiving the reopening email, check your spam or junk mail folders. Gmail users should also inspect their Social and Promotions tabs.
What's the difference between closing my Etsy shop and permanently deleting it?
Closing your Etsy shop is reversible, allowing you to transition to a buyer-only account. On the other hand, permanent deletion is irreversible, removing all traces of your shop from Etsy's database.
How can I catch up on changes and new features on Etsy after a prolonged absence?
To catch up on changes, review your Etsy inbox for important emails, explore for new features, and stay informed by visiting