Reporting a Review on Etsy

Learn the step-by-step process of how to effectively report a review that doesn't adhere to Etsy's guidelines.

As an Etsy seller, managing and addressing reviews is an essential part of maintaining your online reputation. If you come across a review that doesn’t adhere to Etsy’s Buyer or Seller Policies, you have the option to report it. Here’s how you can do so.

Reporting a Review

  1. Navigate to the review in question on
  2. Below the review, click on Report this review.

You can report not only the review itself but also any accompanying photographs or videos, as well as responses from other sellers if they violate Etsy’s rules. A crucial factor to remember is that you have up to 100 days following the estimated delivery date of that item to report a given review. Encountered a negative seller review? Don’t worry; we’ve got some advice for you here.

Etsy Shop Page’s Reviews Section

What Happens After Reporting A Review?

Once reported, your task is done! The ball is then in Etsy’s court - their team will investigate whether the reported content goes against their policies. In cases where it does comply with Etsy’s policies, rest assured no action will be taken against either party involved. If necessary, however, Etsy will take the steps required to rectify any issues related to such reviews.

Etsy’s Seller Policy

Understanding Etsy’s Review Removal Policies

While it’s essential to know how to flag a review on Etsy, understanding the circumstances under which Etsy removes these reviews is equally crucial. Here we delve into some of the guidelines that dictate when a review or response can be taken down, as well as situations where removal may not be possible.

When Does Etsy Remove a Review?

Etsy maintains strict policies about removing reviews. A review will only be deleted if it violates these regulations. Negative reviews that adhere to Etsy’s rules are not automatically discarded. Both reviews and your responses can face removal if they cross certain lines:

  • Revealing private information: Reviews revealing personal or identifying information are not allowed.
  • Offensive language or imagery: Obscene, racist, harassing language or imagery in reviews violates policy.
  • Anti-discrimination policy violation: Reviews promoting discrimination or breaking anti-discrimination rules face removal.
  • Prohibited medical claims: Unsubstantiated medical benefits claimed in a review count as violations.
  • Advertising or spam: Reviews meant only for advertisement purposes or deemed as spam get removed.
  • External factors beyond seller’s control: Complaints concentrating on shipping carriers, Etsy itself, and third-party services don’t warrant removal.
  • Threats/Extortion attempts towards sellers: These are considered severe policy violations.
  • Shilling: Creating false positive feedback to boost shop scores - and other manipulative tactics for inflating ratings results in immediate removal.

Familiarizing yourself with these rules ensures your request for deletion aligns with Etsy’s guidelines. The goal is to foster a respectful environment within the platform.

When Can’t Etsy Remove a Review?

There are instances where despite disagreements from sellers, certain types of reviews cannot be removed:

  • Accuracy of Buyer’s Statements: Sellers might disagree with buyers’ opinions but since perspectives can vary widely, such differences do not warrant review intervention.
  • Reasonableness of Buyers’ Complaints: Etsy doesn’t discard reviews based on the perceived reasonableness of a buyer’s complaint. The platform respects buyers’ rights to express their experiences and encourages sellers to address issues directly with the buyers.
  • Mentioning Third Parties in Reviews: If a review discusses actions by third parties along with evaluating an item or service, it may not qualify for removal. Etsy considers the overall context and experience shared by the buyer in such cases.

For these scenarios, rather than focusing on how to delete a review on Etsy, it’s more beneficial for sellers to provide exceptional service and work towards securing more positive feedback in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reporting Reviews

1. Will the reviewer know I reported their post?

No need for concern here – all reports are confidential and anonymous; thus, reviewers won’t be privy to who reported their review.

2. Can I report a review numerous times?

There’s no need to. Once is enough! Moreover, discussing a reported review in any of Etsy’s community spaces is discouraged.

3. Can I flag reviews that infringe on my intellectual property rights?

While reporting reviews helps maintain accuracy and trustworthiness in the marketplace, it should not be used for matters related to intellectual property. If you have concerns about intellectual property infringement, please refer to Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy.

Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy


As an Etsy seller, navigating the world of reviews can seem daunting. However, by understanding and adhering to Etsy’s review policies, you can maintain a positive online reputation while providing excellent services to your customers. Remember that negative reviews aren’t necessarily detrimental - they could be opportunities for improvement and growth. Keep communication open with your buyers, respect their perspectives, and strive to turn every shopping experience into a positive one. After all, a thriving Etsy shop is built not only on great products but also on outstanding customer service and professionalism.


How to Report an Inappropriate Review on Etsy – A Comprehensive Guide
How can I report an inappropriate review on Etsy?
To report a review on Etsy, go to the specific review and click "Report this review". You can report if it doesn't comply with Etsy's Buyer or Seller Policy. However, you can only report a review within 100 days following the item's estimated delivery date.
What happens after I report a review on Etsy?
After you submit your report, it will be reviewed by Etsy's team. If the contested review is found to be in compliance with Etsy's policies, no action will be taken. But if there are issues discovered during their investigation, corrective measures will be implemented by Etsy accordingly.
Will my identity be revealed when I report a review on Etsy?
No, the reporting process is strictly confidential. The person whose review you reported won't know who flagged their content.
Can I flag a specific review more than once on Etsy?
There's no need to flag a particular review multiple times as one submission is sufficient for the team at Etsy to initiate an investigation.
Can I use the reporting feature for intellectual property disputes on Etsy?
Reporting reviews isn't designed for resolving intellectual property disputes but rather to maintain transparency and accuracy in reviews given by buyers. For any concerns related to intellectual property rights violations, refer directly to Etsy's Intellectual Property Policy.