Resolving Etsy Deposit Issues: A Seller's Guide

Discover what steps you can take as an Etsy seller when your deposit is delayed or missing, including how to initiate an investigation with payment processors.

Experiencing a delay in receiving your deposit from Etsy sales can be worrisome, but there are steps you can take to track down your earnings. Before reaching out to Etsy Support, consider contacting your bank using their customer service line. Request to speak with a manager or supervisor who might have more insight into the transaction than the support team at Etsy.

There could be several reasons for not receiving a deposit that has been confirmed sent by Etsy’s payment processors:

  • Incorrect bank account details were provided.
  • The currency of your bank account differs from that of the deposit.
  • There are processing delays or issues at your bank.

If no confirmation of the deposit being sent has been received, it would be beneficial to review these common troubleshooting scenarios for additional guidance.

Where can I see if my deposit has been sent?

Etsy will notify you via email once your deposit is on its way. Additionally, you can monitor the status by checking your Payment account on Etsy where it will appear as a transaction:

  1. Log in and navigate to Shop Manager on
  2. Click on Finances.
  3. Select Payment account.
  4. Choose the month corresponding to when the expected deposit was made.
  5. Look for the related transaction entry in your statement.

You may notice that payments are attributed to one of several payment processors used by Etsy (e.g., WorldPay, Envoy, Stitching Custodian, Adyen).

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Account Dashboard

What do I do if my deposit was sent, but it isn’t in my bank account?

It’s essential to know that deposits may take 3–5 business days and sometimes longer due to variables like international holidays affecting banking operations. Should there be an entry in your Payment account but no funds present after a significant wait time:

  1. Assess whether this delay falls outside normal processing times and if any banking holidays could have affected it.
  2. Reach out directly to your bank for assistance; they might hold the funds temporarily before releasing them back into circulation—either towards you or returned to Etsy if necessary.

If all else fails and 90 days pass without resolution from your bank, contact Etsy Support. While recovery of funds isn’t guaranteed due to varying policies among banks—which may differ widely concerning timeframe—Etsy will collaborate with their payment processor in an attempt at resolution.

Contact Etsy Support

Remember: Control over fund release timing ultimately rests with individual banks rather than with Etsy or its support team; thus patience is often required until transactions fully process and return back into view within one’s Payment account.

How does Etsy investigate missing funds?

When your funds are amiss, Etsy is prepared to delve into the issue with a thorough investigation. To set this in motion, you’ll need to provide specific documentation from your bank verifying that the deposit never landed in your account. This includes:

  • The account holder’s full name
  • The currency type of the bank account
  • The last four digits of the bank account number

Armed with a signed letter containing these details, Etsy can request proof of payment from their payment processors. While obtaining this evidence generally takes at least 5 business days, please be patient as it could extend beyond that timeframe.

If such proof doesn’t resolve the matter and your bank still can’t find the funds, our payment processor is ready to conduct an exhaustive trace—though additional fees may apply. This intensive search takes at least 21 business days and involves collaboration between the payment processor and your bank to determine if they have received the funds.

Please understand that even after a trace, there’s no absolute guarantee that we your deposit. Nonetheless, we will keep you informed about any progress or outcomes regarding your case.

If we hit a wall due to lack of cooperation or response from your bank during our investigation efforts, our ability to assist further becomes limited. In such scenarios, continued resolution must be sought directly through your banking institution.

How will I know my missing funds have been sent to me after being returned by my bank?

Should those missing funds make their way back to Etsy after being initially untraceable:

  1. You’ll notice an adjustment reflecting this amount in your Payment account.
  2. An email notification from Etsy will prompt you to review and update your banking details.

Before proceeding with updating this crucial information via this link, note that there will be a precautionary 5-day hold on these returned funds to safeguard against potential misuse of your account.

After ensuring all banking information is accurate and verified—and once the hold period has passed—your payments will resume flowing based on your chosen disbursement schedule. Should immediate access to these funds be necessary, simply navigate to Request it now within your Payment account for expedited processing.

View Your Deposit Schedule on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings


Navigating the complexities of deposit delays can be a challenging aspect of managing your Etsy shop. However, by staying informed and proactive, you can mitigate many issues related to receiving your hard-earned money. Remember to check your bank details regularly, understand the processing times, and communicate effectively with both your bank and Etsy whenever there’s a hiccup.

Should you encounter delays or missing deposits, follow the structured steps outlined in this article—confirm with your bank first, then reach out to Etsy if necessary. Utilizing signed statements from your bank for investigations and being patient during trace requests are part of ensuring due diligence is conducted in locating your funds.

Keep in mind that while Etsy provides tools and support to assist you through these financial snags, much depends on the policies of external banking institutions. It’s crucial to maintain a level of understanding about these entities since they play a pivotal role in the successful transfer of funds.


Etsy Payment Delay – How to Resolve Missing Deposits as a Seller
Why haven't I received my deposit from Etsy?
There are several reasons why your deposit may not have appeared in your bank account, including incorrect bank details, currency mismatches, processing delays within the bank, or international holidays affecting banking operations. Always verify that your bank information on Etsy is current and accurate.
How long does it take for an Etsy deposit to appear in my account?
Deposits from Etsy typically take 3-5 business days to show up in your bank account. If there's a delay beyond this timeframe, check with your bank and ensure there are no issues on their end.
What should I do if my Etsy funds are missing after the estimated time for arrival?
If your expected deposit hasn't arrived within the standard processing time, contact your bank to confirm there are no issues or delays on their end. If everything seems fine but the funds are still missing, you may need to reach out to Etsy Support for further assistance.
Can Etsy retrieve my missing funds from a delayed deposit?
While Etsy can initiate an investigation with their payment processors by requesting proof of payment and potentially tracing the deposit (potentially at an additional cost), they cannot guarantee fund recovery due to differing policies across banks. Cooperation from your bank is essential during this process.
How will I know if a missing deposit has been returned and credited by my bank to my Payment account on Etsy?
You'll be notified via email previously undelivered deposit is returned by your bank. You will also see a credit corresponding to the amount in question reflected within your Payment account on Etsy. Remember that following any return of funds, you're required to verify updated banking information before accessing them.