Restarting Your Etsy Shop: A Seller's Guide to Coming Back

Returning to your Etsy shop after a break doesn't have to be daunting! Discover the key steps and updates you need with our comprehensive guide for getting back into the swing of things.

Welcome back to the world of Etsy! If you’re dusting off your virtual shelves after some time away, be it for a seasonal break or an extended hiatus, we’re here to help you smoothly transition back into your creative business. Before you jump right into reopening your shop or deactivating vacation mode, let’s ensure you’re up to speed with all things Etsy.

Catching Up: What’s New on Etsy?

Etsy evolves constantly, and there might have been significant updates during your absence. Here’s how to get caught up:

  • Check Your Email: Look for emails from Etsy that may contain important updates affecting your shop.
  • Site Updates Review: Peek at the Seller Handbook Site Updates section for the latest features and selling tips tailored for different seasons.
  • Community Buzz: Drop by the Forums Announcements page to catch up on what’s new in the Etsy community.

Reactivating a Closed Shop

If you’ve decided to close your shop in the past but are now ready for your grand reopening, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in at using a desktop or laptop as this process cannot be completed on mobile browsers or through the Etsy Seller app.
  2. Click on the Your Account icon, then navigate to Account Settings.
  3. Etsy’s Account Settings
  4. Select Your Closed Shop.
  5. Click on Reopen Shop.
Etsy’s Account Settings

Before finalizing the reopening of your shop:

  • Make sure any credit card details are current by checking billing information.
  • Review any listings that may have expired during your hiatus and ensure they’re updated before relisting them.
  • Should there be issues with suspension from Etsy, take action by learning how to reinstate your shop.

Turning Off Vacation Mode

If you’ve temporarily paused business by using Vacation Mode, here’s how to reactivate your listings:

Etsy Shop Manager's Option Settings
  1. Log into and access your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Settings and then select Options.
  3. Navigate to the Vacation Mode tab.
  4. Switch the toggle to Off and click Save.

After deactivating Vacation Mode, it may take a little while (up to ten minutes) for all of your listings to reappear in search results.

Trouble Logging In?

Lost your way back in? Here’s how to retrieve it:

Financial Details Check-Up

Before making your grand re-entry into the marketplace, ensure that all financial channels are clear:

Updating Billing Information on Etsy

On Desktop:

  1. Sign in to and navigate to your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Finances, then go to Payment Settings.
  3. Under the Billing section, click Edit next to your card details or add a new card by selecting Add new card under Your cards.
  4. Fill in the new card details and click Save to ensure uninterrupted service and prevent any issues such as overdue bills.

It is also possible for Etsy to automatically update certain aspects of your billing information if changes are provided by your bank or card issuer.

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

On Mobile (Etsy Seller App):

  1. Open the Etsy Seller app and tap on the More tab.
  2. Select Finances, followed by Payment Settings.
  3. In the menu, choose Billing, then tap either Add a Billing Card or Edit.
  4. Enter the required credit or debit card details and tap Save.

By integrating these steps into our larger discussion about reactivating an Etsy shop after a break, we highlight the importance of staying financially prepared for smooth operations upon return—thus avoiding potential disruptions like account restrictions or loss of seller accolades due to outdated billing info.

Etsy Payments: Are You In?

Since your last visit, Etsy Payments might’ve made its way to your country! If so, it’s time for you to enroll in Etsy Payments, which is necessary for you to restart your seller activities on the platform.

Brushing Up: Back-to-Basics

Even if you aren’t new to the scene, revisiting the basics can be incredibly beneficial. We suggest exploring the Seller Handbook, particularly the Ultimate Guide to Starting an Etsy Shop for a comprehensive refresher.

Expand Your Knowledge with Etsy U

For those aiming higher and looking to further hone their skills, consider signing up for an Etsy U class where seasoned sellers share their wisdom and insights.

Tips for Re-engaging with Your Customer Base

A crucial part of the process involves rekindling the relationship with your customer base. Here’s how to reconnect and re-engage effectively, integrating seamlessly with our main article’s guidance on smoothly transitioning back into selling on Etsy.

1. Personalized Communication

Use Alura’s Email Sender or other email marketing tools to send out personalized messages to past customers. Remind them of their previous purchases and how much you value their support. Tailor communications that reflect any new changes or additions in your product line, highlighting what they loved about your shop in the first place.

2. Special Offers and Promotions

Create an incentive for customers to revisit your store by offering a special promotion or discount exclusive to those who supported you before the break. This not only shows appreciation but also piques interest in what’s new.

3. Showcase New Products

If you’ve used the hiatus to create new products, showcase them prominently in all re-engagement efforts. Share stories or behind-the-scenes looks at the creation process on social media, emails, and within Etsy listings themselves.

4. Utilize Social Media Platforms

In addition to email outreach, engage with customers where they spend time online—social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter offer vast potential for interaction through posts, stories, live sessions, and more.

5. Request Feedback

Encourage past buyers to share their thoughts on what they’d love to see from your shop upon return. This can foster community building and give customers a sense that they have a stake in your business’s future offerings.

6. Regular Updates

Keep communication consistent without overwhelming subscribers by setting up regular updates—whether it’s weekly newsletters or monthly round-ups of what’s happening in your shop.

Crafting the Perfect Comeback Announcement

Here are some templates for announcing that your shop is back in business, which can be personalized and shared via email or social media channels.

Email Template to Previous Customers:

Subject: 🎉 We’re Back & Better Than Ever at [Your Shop Name]!

Hello [Customer’s Name],

You’ve been missed! After a refreshing break, we’re thrilled to announce that [Your Shop Name] has officially reopened its doors. We’ve been busy behind the scenes, crafting new wonders and stocking up on your favorites.

To celebrate our return, we’re offering a special comeback promotion—enjoy [percentage]% off across our store until [date]. Just use the code WELCOMEBACK at checkout!

Discover what’s new:

[Link to New Products]

Thank you for being part of our journey. Your support means everything to us, and we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve been creating.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

[Your Shop Name]

P.S. Stay tuned for more updates by following us on our social media channels!

[Social Media Links]

Social Media Post Template:

Option 1:

🎈 We’re Back! 🎈

After taking some time to recharge and create, [Your Shop Name] is now OPEN! Check out our latest creations—and because we love our followers, use code WELCOMEBACK for an exclusive discount just for you.

Shop Now: [Link to Your Etsy Shop]

#EtsySeller #BackInBusiness #HandmadeLoves

Option 2:

✨ The moment you’ve all been waiting for… ✨

[Your Shop Name]'s hiatus has ended, and wow—do we have some surprises in store! From unique handcrafted pieces to beloved classics making a return… there’s something special waiting just for you.

Come see what’s new: [Link to Your Etsy Shop]

#ShopReopening #CraftedWithLove #EtsyFinds

Including these templates within the main article not only provides sellers with actionable steps but also gives them ready-to-use tools that ensure their message resonates with their audience—ultimately connecting all aspects of the reopening process into one cohesive strategy designed for success on Etsy.

Streamlining Your Shop Announcement with Alura’s Email Sender

As you craft your comeback announcement, efficiency in communication is key. Reconnecting with previous customers doesn’t have to be a daunting task—thanks to tools like Alura’s Email Sender. Designed specifically for Etsy sellers, this feature streamlines the process of sending personalized, bulk emails to your customer list.

Why Use Alura’s Email Sender?

  • Personalization: Easily customize emails using templates or by crafting individual messages that resonate with your customers.
  • Efficiency: Send out a large volume of emails simultaneously, ensuring no customer is left behind in hearing your exciting news.
  • Time-Saving: With quick setup and execution, spend more time perfecting your products and less time on manual outreach efforts.

Using Alura’s Email Sender allows you to swiftly execute the email template provided earlier in this article. Simply input your message, tailor it as needed for each customer segment, and let the tool handle the distribution. This ensures that all your past buyers are informed about your shop’s reopening—and any special promotions—promptly and professionally.

SEO Optimization Tips for Regaining Visibility on Etsy

As you revitalize your Etsy shop after a break, one of your top priorities should be re-establishing your presence in Etsy’s search results. Effective search engine optimization (SEO) can significantly enhance your visibility and attract more customers to your store. Here are some tailored tips to fine-tune your listings for the Etsy search algorithm.

1. Mastering Keywords

Identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords related to your products. Use tools like Alura’s keyword research feature to discover what potential buyers are searching for and incorporate these terms naturally into your titles, tags, and descriptions.

2. Optimizing Titles and Tags

Craft descriptive titles that not only include essential keywords but also appeal to shoppers. Similarly, fill out all 13 tags with varied but relevant keywords to cover a range of potential searches that can lead buyers to your listings.

3. Refreshing Product Descriptions

Update product descriptions with informative content that answers common buyer questions while using keywords strategically throughout the text. A well-crafted description enhances user experience and contributes positively to search rankings.

4. Utilizing High-Quality Images

Etsy favors listings with high-quality images that provide an excellent visual representation of products. Ensure you have clear, well-lit photos from multiple angles—this can improve click-through rates from search results, signaling relevancy to Etsy’s algorithm.

5. Encouraging Reviews

Positive reviews boost credibility and influence both Etsy’s ranking algorithm and buyer confidence. Promptly address customer inquiries and ensure a positive buying experience to encourage satisfied customers to leave glowing reviews


In conclusion, returning to your Etsy shop after a break can feel like a fresh start. Embrace the opportunity to revitalize your storefront with the latest updates and improvements from Etsy. Make sure your financial details are accurate, consider enrolling in Etsy Payments for an enhanced selling experience, and don’t hesitate to brush up on best practices with resources like the Seller Handbook and Etsy U classes.

Remember, every successful comeback starts with preparation and education. By taking these steps, you’ll not only ensure that your shop complies with current standards but also position yourself for greater success in the thriving marketplace of Etsy. So go ahead – dust off your creative wares, reengage with the community, and relight that entrepreneurial spark. Your unique creations have been missed; it’s time to show them off once more!


How to Return to Selling on Etsy After a Break - A Complete Guide
What should I check before reopening my Etsy shop after a break?
Before reopening your Etsy shop, it's important to review any updates or changes that may have occurred on Etsy during your absence. This includes checking for new features, policy updates, and any changes in the seller community. Also, ensure that your financial information such as bank details and credit card information is current to avoid any transaction issues.
How can I find out about recent changes or updates on Etsy?
To stay informed about recent updates on Etsy, you can search your inbox for emails from Etsy that detail important changes affecting sellers. Additionally, you can visit the Seller Handbook and read through the Site Updates section or check out Forum Announcements for community discussions on recent developments.
What do I do if I'm having trouble signing in to my Etsy account after a hiatus?
If you're experiencing difficulty signing in to your account after a break, start by attempting to reset your password through Etsy's password assistance page. If problems persist after resetting your password, consult Etsy's help center or support team for further assistance with sign-in issues.
Is it necessary to enroll in Etsy Payments if it became available in my country while I was away?
Yes, if you're returning to selling on Etsy and find that Etsy Payments has since become available in your country, it's necessary to enroll in this service as it offers buyers various payment methods and helps streamline transactions for sellers.
Where can I find resources for refreshing my knowledge about running an Etsy shop?
Whether you're brushing up on best practices or starting fresh, resources like the Ultimate Guides series in the Seller Handbook offer valuable insights. Additionally, you may consider enrolling in an Etsy U class taught by experienced sellers.