Set Up Your Full Name for Etsy Payment Deposits

Discover the simple steps to add your full name for payment processing on your Etsy shop account, avoiding any deposit delays with this essential guide.

Etsy thrives on the creativity and individuality of its sellers, but when it comes to payment processes, a little formality goes a long way. To maintain the fluid operation of Etsy Payments – the platform’s integrated payment system – it’s crucial for you, as an Etsy seller, to ensure that your full name is accurately recorded in your account details.

Why Your Full Name Matters

Having your correct full name linked to your banking information is more than just an administrative detail; it’s a requirement for receiving payments through Etsy. Without this vital piece of information, there could be delays or issues with depositing funds into your account. Let’s walk through how to update and confirm your name so that you can continue to enjoy uninterrupted transactions.

How to Provide Your Details

Etsy makes updating your information straightforward:

  1. Visit the Etsy Payments section of your account.
  2. Enter your full name as it appears associated with your bank account.

Remember, consistency is key—the name must mirror exactly what’s on record at the bank connected to your shop’s finances.

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

For Individual Sellers:

Your entered name should match the personal identification associated with your bank account—even if it differs from the name displayed in your seller profile or shop manager account.

For Business Accounts:

1. Business Entity Name: If you operate under a business entity, input the entire registered business name followed by the type of legal entity (e.g., “XYZ Creations Ltd.”).

2. Sole Proprietors: In cases where only one word designates your business—and you’re a sole proprietor—the format changes slightly:

  • Use: [Full Owner’s Name] d/b/a [Single-word Business Name]
  • Example: Jane Smith d/b/a MadeWithLove

Essential Information for Identity Verification

When you’re ready to enroll in Etsy Payments, you’ll need to gather specific information:

  • Your legal first and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • Depending on your location, an individual tax number such as your Social Security Number (SSN) if you’re based in the United States

With these details at hand, proceed to enter your banking information. This includes the name associated with your bank account—precisely as it appears on your bank records—and the account number where you wish to receive payments from sales.

Uploading Government-Issued ID

Etsy may require an updated copy of a government-issued ID. Ensure that:

  • The ID contains your full name, date of birth, and expiration date. If any detail is on the backside, upload both front and back images.
  • The name on the ID is in Latin characters.
  • All information matches what was provided during shop setup.
  • Uploaded images are clear and unaltered.

If any criteria aren’t met, or if there’s a need for further verification, expect a prompt via email or through your Shop Manager requesting another copy of your ID.

Bank Country and Details Verification Process

For U.S.-based banks:

You’ll be guided to use Plaid when setting up or updating bank details; this requires agreement with Plaid’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

For those outside the U.S.:

Verification occurs within Shop Manager after making their first sale.

How to Add or Update your bank details:

  1. Log into
  2. Click on Shop Manager.
  3. Go to Finances.
  4. Navigate to Payment settings.
  5. Click Update next to Bank details, ensure accuracy, then select Save new details.
Update Your Bank Details on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

Adding a Card On File

To complete your financial set-up:

  1. Sign into
  2. Access Shop Manager.
  3. Proceed to Finances.
  4. Head over to Payment settings.
  5. Under Billing, add a debit or credit card as required by most shops.

Learn more about adding payment methods.

Add/Update a Billing Card on Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

How do I enroll as a business?

When registering as a business, both your personal and business identities will be scrutinized carefully:

1. Personal Information

This includes all individual details mentioned in the previous section such as full name, date of birth, residential address, and tax identification number.

2. Business Details

You’ll need to supply comprehensive information about your enterprise:

  • Entity name (as specified on your government-issued business verification document)
  • Legal business address
  • Employee identification number (U.S. only)
  • Business identification number
  • Jurisdiction where the business is registered (Canada, Germany, and U.S. only)

The name of your business identification number may vary by location. Although this list is not exhaustive, this number may be known by the following names:

  • Entity number or ID
  • Business number or ID
  • Department number or ID
  • Company number
  • Filing number
  • Document number
  • Control number
  • Organization number
  • Charter number
  • License number
  • Registry number

When Verification Doesn’t Go as Planned

Occasionally, the information provided might not be verifiable due to various reasons. Here’s how to handle such situations:

  • Notification: You’ll receive an email alerting you of the issue.
  • Action Required: Revisit your entered details, comparing them meticulously against your official business documents.
  • Further Validation: Should problems persist, prepare to furnish Etsy with copies of said government-issued documents.

Etsy’s Commitment to Your Privacy

At Etsy, we take your privacy seriously and hold ourselves to the highest standard when it comes to safeguarding your personal data.

Etsy’s Privacy Policy

How We Handle Your Information

Etsy is dedicated to protecting your privacy. We guarantee that your name, email address, and other personal details will remain confidential. We pledge not to share this information with any third parties without obtaining your explicit consent beforehand, except as clearly outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Ensuring Security of Data

The security of your personal information is a top priority for us at Etsy. To ensure that your details are secure, we adhere to widely recognized industry practices both when transferring and receiving personal data. During the transmission of information and once we’ve received it, we implement appropriate measures designed to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure.

Need Help?

If any step of this process leaves you puzzled or if errors arise during updating, don’t hesitate to reach out directly via Etsy Support.

By keeping these details up-to-date and in-sync, not only do you comply with financial regulations but also ensure that all earnings from your hard work are promptly deposited into your account—letting you focus more on creating and selling!


In the ever-evolving landscape of online commerce, Etsy stands as a beacon for creators and entrepreneurs seeking to reach a global audience. As you embark on this journey, understanding and navigating the intricacies of payment enrollment is crucial for laying a strong foundation for your business. Whether you’re operating as an individual artisan or running an established enterprise, ensuring that your financial details are meticulously verified and secure is not just a requirement—it’s a testament to your commitment to credibility and professionalism within the marketplace.

By providing clear information, adhering to Etsy’s verification processes, and safeguarding your personal and business data in alignment with privacy standards, you are not only setting yourself up for success but also contributing to the trustworthiness of the entire platform. Remember that each step taken towards accurate payment setup echoes the dedication you have towards your craft and customers alike.


Essential Guide to Adding Full Name on Etsy Payment Accounts
What personal details are required to enroll as an individual or sole proprietor on Etsy?
To enroll as an individual or a sole proprietor on Etsy, you must provide your first and last name, date of birth, home address, and depending on your location, either a full or partial individual tax number (such as SSN in the U.S.).
How does Etsy verify my identity when I sign up for Etsy Payments?
Etsy verifies your identity by requiring you to upload a government-issued ID that contains your full name, date of birth, and expiration date. The information must match the details provided during shop setup and be presented clearly in Latin characters.
What additional information is needed to register my business with Etsy?
When registering as a business on Etsy, besides personal identification information, you'll need to provide your entity name as it appears on official documents, legal business address, Employee Identification Number (for U.S. businesses), Business Identification Number, and jurisdiction of registration (if applicable).
Why might my business verification be rejected by Etsy, and what should I do if this happens?
If business verification is rejected by Etsy because they cannot verify the provided information against government-issued documents. In such cases, you'll need to re-enter your business details ensuring they match official documentation accurately. If issues persist after reentering details correctly, you may be asked to submit copies of government-issued business documentation for further review.
How does Etsy protect my personal and business information once submitted for enrollment purposes?
Etsy protects your privacy by not disclosing any personal or business information without consent except as outlined in their Privacy Policy. They adhere to industry standards for safeguarding data during transmission and once received. For full details on how they manage seller data securely and ethically review Etsy's Privacy Policy.