Strategic Email Settings Management on Etsy

Learn how to tailor your Etsy email preferences for success! Optimize your notifications, stay updated on policy changes, and troubleshoot common email issues.

Subscribe and unsubscribe from Etsy emails effortlessly in your Account Settings. While you have control over most email preferences, keep in mind that opting out is not possible for certain mandatory emails, such as order notifications and updates to our Terms of Use.

As an Etsy seller, we encourage you to stay connected by subscribing to all relevant categories. Emails are our way of keeping you informed about vital site updates, new features, educational resources, and exclusive events. Explore more about our seller programs here.

Adjusting Your Email Preferences on Etsy

  1. On, navigate to Your account.
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Open the Emails tab.
  4. Review and choose your preferences under Your Notifications and Your Subscriptions.
  5. Don’t forget to hit Save Settings.
Choose Your Email Notification Preferences on Etsy’s Account Settings

Email Notifications Regarding Etsy Policy Updates

Stay informed about updates to Etsy’s policies via email. Given our commitment outlined in the Terms of Use, we ensure to notify all active Etsy members via email before implementing significant policy changes. Please note that emails concerning policy updates do not offer an unsubscribe option. Learn more about Etsy’s policies.

Etsy’s Terms of Use

To manage your email frequency:

Not Receiving Emails from Etsy?

Here are a few steps to ensure you receive essential emails:

Remember, staying connected through emails ensures you make the most of your Etsy experience. If you encounter persistent issues, feel free to contact Etsy Support.

Explore Exciting Etsy Seller Programs

Thriving on Etsy goes beyond managing your shop—it’s about being part of a vibrant community that fuels your success. Dive into the world of Etsy Seller programs, carefully curated to offer inspiration, education, and collaboration opportunities for sellers like you.

Etsy Seller Community

1. Etsy Market: Unleash Your Creativity Globally

Discover the Etsy Market, a series of global virtual shopping events that connect sellers directly with their community. Whether organized by fellow sellers or Etsy itself, these events celebrate the creativity within the Etsy community. Apply for The Etsy Market open call here and showcase your unique products to the world.

2. Etsy U: Elevate Your Business with Community-Led Education

Embark on a learning journey with Etsy U, a community-led education program designed for sellers seeking growth, support, and connections. Our experienced shop owners and community leaders serve as instructors, delivering the latest education, insights, and resources to empower your entrepreneurial endeavors.

3. Etsy Design Awards: Shine on a Global Stage

Participate in the Etsy Design Awards, also known as The Etsies, Etsy’s prestigious global award program. Celebrate the diverse talents of sellers worldwide across multiple categories. Join this global community of creative entrepreneurs, and let The Etsies shine a spotlight on your unique creations. Learn more about the Etsy Design Awards here.

4. Etsy Summit: Connect, Learn, and Grow

Join The Etsy Summit, an educational event and essential community program with a legacy of over 7 years. It’s your chance to connect with fellow sellers, share ideas, and learn from one another. The Etsy Summit is going online in 2022, offering a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and network. Stay tuned for registration details.

These programs operate throughout the year, creating a dynamic space for sellers to engage, learn, and flourish. Keep a close watch on our community spaces and follow our Community News Blog and social channels to stay updated on program details and opportunities to contribute.

Embrace the full potential of Etsy Seller programs—your gateway to a thriving and connected Etsy community. Let your journey on Etsy be not just about selling but about growing, learning, and celebrating your unique entrepreneurial spirit.

Staying Informed: Navigating Updates and Changes on Etsy

Beyond the realm of emails, Etsy employs various channels to communicate significant updates and changes. Being attuned to these sources is crucial for every seller navigating the ever-evolving landscape of our platform. Here’s how you can ensure you stay in the loop:

Etsy Announcements and Seller Dashboard

1. Seller Dashboard Insights: Navigate to your Seller Dashboard regularly for real-time updates and announcements. This central hub offers insights into your shop’s performance and acts as a direct communication channel from Etsy.

2. Announcements Section: Keep a keen eye on the “Announcements” section of your Seller Dashboard. Etsy often posts important updates and news that directly impact sellers, ensuring you are well-informed about changes to policies, features, or promotional events.

Community Forums – Your Hub for Collective Knowledge

1. Engage in Discussions: Join Etsy’s vibrant Community Forums to engage in discussions with fellow sellers. This communal space is a treasure trove of shared experiences and valuable insights. Discussions often highlight changes or updates that may not be immediately apparent.

2. Stay Connected to Etsy Teams: Participate in Etsy Teams related to your niche or interests. These micro-communities within Etsy provide an avenue for sellers to share information, ask questions, and discuss recent changes specific to their market.

Proactive Engagement: Your Shield Against Missed Opportunities

1. Bookmark Key Pages: Bookmark the Etsy Help Center, Seller Policy, and Community Forums for quick access. Regularly check these pages to ensure you’re aware of any modifications or additions that might impact your selling journey.

2. Opt for Notifications: Opt-in for notifications within the Etsy app or on your desktop to receive alerts about new announcements or updates. This ensures that crucial information reaches you in a timely manner, even when you’re not actively exploring the platform.


Mastering your Etsy email settings is not just about managing notifications; it’s a strategic move to elevate your seller experience. By customizing your preferences, you gain control over the information that matters most to you, ensuring you stay informed about crucial updates, educational resources, and opportunities to boost your sales.

Remember, the power is in your hands. Tailor your email settings to align with your business goals, and embrace the connectivity that Etsy provides. Whether it’s staying in the loop about policy updates, discovering new features, or participating in exclusive seller programs, your journey on Etsy becomes more personalized and purposeful.


Master Your Etsy Inbox: A Seller's Guide to Email Settings
How can I stay informed about important updates on Etsy without being overwhelmed by emails?
Etsy provides sellers with the flexibility to manage their email preferences. By selectively opting into essential subscriptions and staying connected through tailored notifications, you can receive crucial updates without feeling inundated by unnecessary emails.
Are there any emails from Etsy that I can't opt out of as a seller?
While you have control over most Etsy emails, certain notifications, like buyer and seller order alerts, and updates to Etsy's Terms of Use, are mandatory. Etsy is legally obligated to send these emails to ensure transparency and compliance. It's essential to be aware of these non-optional notifications for a seamless seller experience.
Can I stop receiving emails about Etsy policy updates?
Unfortunately, you cannot unsubscribe from emails related to significant Etsy policy updates. Etsy prioritizes transparency and commits to notifying all active members through email before implementing policy changes. While these emails cannot be avoided, you have options to manage their frequency based on your preferences.
How can I ensure that I receive emails from Etsy and stay connected to my shop's activity?
To ensure uninterrupted communication, verify that your email address in your Etsy 'Account settings' is correct. Check spam/junk folders and Gmail category tabs for any misplaced emails. Adding Etsy's crucial email addresses to your address book also helps, ensuring you stay connected to important shop notifications and updates.
Why should Etsy sellers consider joining recommended email subscriptions?
Etsy encourages sellers to join recommended email subscriptions to enrich their selling experience. Subscribing keeps sellers informed about site updates, new features, educational resources, and special events. By staying connected through email, sellers can unlock valuable insights and opportunities that contribute to the overall success and growth of their Etsy shop.