The Ultimate Guide to Etsy's Review System for Sellers

Boost your sales by learning how to effectively manage and optimize customer reviews using our insightful guide into Etsy's review system.

Etsy’s review system is a key feature that allows buyers to share their experiences with sellers. It operates on a five-star rating scale, where one star represents the lowest rate and five stars represent the highest rate.

Etsy Shop Page’s Star Ratings

Understanding When a Buyer Can Leave a Review

Buyers have up to 100 days from the delivery date or estimated delivery date to leave their review. For digital items, this period starts once the buyer downloads the file(s). If tracking on your order indicates its delivery status as Delivered, this date is considered the delivery date. For orders without tracking, the estimated delivery date equals purchase day plus processing time plus shipping days.

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Reviews for In-Person Purchases

Reviews are only allowed for items sold via the Etsy platform itself and cannot be left if you made an in-person sale through Square.

How to View Your Reviews

To monitor what customers say about you:

  1. Sign in at and visit your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on your shop’s name under Sales Channels
  3. Choose either the star rating or navigate to your Reviews section.

You may also download your reviews in a JSON format for more detailed analysis.

Etsy’s Sales Channel Dashboard

How Can I Check My Reviews on the Etsy Seller App?

To check your reviews using the Etsy Seller app, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Etsy Seller App.
  2. Tap on More located at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Under the Shop section, select Reviews.

Here, you will be able to view all the reviews left by buyers for your products.

To download your reviews:

  1. Log in at and head over to Shop Manager.
  2. Navigate to Settings, then Options.
  3. Click on Download data.
  4. Choose Download Your Reviews

Understanding Your Review Score

Your score is an average of all the star ratings you’ve received over the past 12 months.

Responding to buyers’ reviews is allowed and encouraged as it shows you care about customer experience.

Can Buyers See Review Photos or Videos?

If a buyer includes photos or videos in their review, these will be visible to anyone looking at your reviews.

What If You Receive an Inappropriate Review?

In case of inappropriate content or violations of Etsy’s policies, please click on Report this Review under the respective review. Please note that any review violating Etsy’s guidelines may be removed by Etsy employees and cannot be reinstated later. Learn what actions you can take if you get a negative review here.

Etsy Shop Page’s Reviews Section

Achieving Star Seller Status - The Importance of High Ratings

A crucial part of understanding Etsy’s review system is recognizing the importance of your shop’s rating average. This average is calculated by summing all ratings received during a specific period and dividing it by the total number of reviews.

The ultimate goal for any seller should be to maintain an average rating of at least 4.8 stars over each review period. Achieving this benchmark not only reflects excellent customer satisfaction but also earns you the coveted “Rave Reviews” customer service badge - a visible mark of your commitment to superior service.

Moreover, consistently achieving high ratings brings you a step closer to becoming a Star Seller on Etsy, further enhancing your shop’s reputation and potential for increased sales.

Therefore, paying attention to your ratings and striving for consistent positive feedback can significantly influence your success on Etsy. It’s essential to prioritize customer experience and address any issues promptly that may prevent customers from leaving positive reviews.

Etsy’s Star Seller Dashboard

Factors That Influence a Buyer’s Review

Understanding what influences a buyer’s review is crucial to excelling as an Etsy seller. Numerous factors come into play when a customer decides on their rating.

  1. Product Quality: This is the most significant factor. Buyers expect their purchased items to match the description and images provided in your listing. Any discrepancy can lead to unfavorable reviews.
  2. Delivery Time: How quickly the buyers receive their order plays a big role in their overall shopping experience. Delayed deliveries can often result in lower ratings.
  3. Customer Service: Effective communication, prompt responses to queries, and handling issues efficiently all contribute towards positive reviews.
  4. Packing and Presentation: The way you package your product also impacts the buyer’s perception of your brand. A neatly packaged item shows that you care about your products and customers.
  5. Value for Money: If buyers feel they have received good value for what they’ve paid, this will be reflected positively in their reviews.

By focusing on these areas, sellers can work towards garnering more positive reviews and thus enhancing their shop’s reputation on Etsy.

Strategies to Garner Positive Seller Reviews on Etsy

Positive seller reviews are crucial for your success on Etsy. They not only build trust but also attract more customers to your shop. Here are some strategies you can employ to encourage positive feedback:

  1. Quality Control: Ensure that all products listed in your shop meet high-quality standards. This significantly reduces the chances of receiving negative reviews.
  2. Clear Communication: Be transparent and detailed in your product descriptions to manage buyer expectations effectively.
  3. Prompt Shipping: Strive for speedy delivery without compromising the safety of the product during transit.
  4. Excellent Customer Service: Respond promptly and professionally to customer inquiries or complaints, showing empathy where necessary.
  5. Requesting Reviews Politely: Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences by leaving a review.
  6. Follow-up After Delivery: Send a follow-up message after delivery to check if the customer is satisfied with their purchase, offering assistance if needed.
  7. Packaging Prowess: Thoughtful and neat packaging can enhance the unboxing experience, leading to better reviews.

By adopting these practices, you can significantly increase your chances of earning high ratings from buyers.

Wrapping Up:

Understanding and effectively managing your reviews as a seller on Etsy can significantly boost your shop’s reputation, sales, and overall success. From comprehending when a buyer can leave a review to understanding the factors that influence their ratings, every piece of information plays a critical role in shaping your business strategy. Remember, each review is not just feedback; it’s an opportunity for growth and improvement in this dynamic marketplace. So keep these insights handy as you navigate through the exciting journey of selling on Etsy!


Understanding and Optimizing Etsy Reviews for Successful Selling
How long do buyers have to leave a review on Etsy?
Buyers have 100 days to leave a review from the estimated or actual delivery date of their order. For digital items, this period begins once they download the files.
How can I view my shop’s reviews on Etsy?
You can view your shop's reviews by signing into, going to Shop Manager, selecting your shop name under Sales Channels, and finally selecting the star rating or scrolling down to your Reviews section.
What is a good average rating for an Etsy seller?
As an Etsy seller, you should aim for an average rating of at least 4.8 stars during each review period. This not only reflects excellent customer satisfaction but also earns you the "Rave Reviews" badge and brings you closer to Star Seller status.
What factors influence a buyer's review on Etsy?
Several factors influence a buyer's feedback such as product quality, shipping time, customer service experience, packaging details and perceived value for money.
How can I improve my reviews and ratings as an Etsy seller?
To improve your reviews and ratings on Etsy - always deliver quality products that match your descriptions; ship orders promptly; provide excellent customer service; package items carefully; request reviews politely after delivery; address negative feedback immediately.