Tracking Your Sales on Etsy

Learn how to find and interpret your total number of sales on Etsy across different sections of your shop.

If you’re an Etsy seller, understanding your sales data is crucial for the growth of your business. A clear view of your total number of sales can provide insights into your shop’s performance, customer preferences, and overall success. Here’s how you can find this information.

Accessing Your Total Sales

Keeping track of your total sales on Etsy can be achieved in several ways:

  • Public Shop
  • Orders Page
  • Stats Page

Each method may show slightly differing numbers due to the specific data they include.

Locating Sales Data in Your Public Shop

To view the number of sales in your public shop, follow these steps:

  1. Visit, sign in and select Shop Manager.
  2. Choose Etsy under Sales Channels to navigate to your public shop.
  3. Look for Sales on the left sidebar which displays your sale count.

Understanding Your Public Shop’s Sale Count

The displayed sale count includes both open and completed orders but excludes canceled orders. It updates in real time offering a dynamic look at your business’ performance.

Navigating Etsy Shop’s Sales Number under Sales Channel Dashboard

Referencing Orders on Your Stats Page

To locate order figures on your Stats page:

  1. Log onto then click on Shop Manager.
  2. Go to Stats located under “Shop Manager”.
  3. Look out for the order count under Orders.

You can adjust the time frame in your Stats overview or select View Detailed Stats for an extensive view.

Locating an Etsy Shop’s Sales Number under Stats Dashboard

How Do Time Zones Affect Your Etsy Stats?

Your stats are shown based on different time zones depending on the duration selected: hourly stats from today, yesterday or the past two days are presented in your own time zone while all other durations appear in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can modify this by clicking “Update time zone” at the bottom of “Explore your data”.

Understanding these numbers is crucial to making informed decisions about product selection, marketing strategies, and customer engagement to maximize sales and ensure sustainable growth for your Etsy shop.

What Does Order Count on Stats Page Represent?

The order count on your Stats page includes both open and completed orders but does not account for canceled orders. Unlike the real-time update of sales data in your public shop, this figure refreshes at intervals throughout the day.

Discovering Completed Orders on Your Orders Page

To ascertain the number of completed orders:

  1. Access then click on Shop Manager.
  2. Navigate to Orders & Shipping
  3. Click on the Completed tab.

This displays all finished orders, including those that have been canceled, but excludes open orders.

Completed Orders Tab under Etsy Shop Manager’s Orders and Delivery Settings

Enhancing Your Etsy Shop Sales: Additional Tips and Fixes

While tracking your sales data is crucial, understanding the reasons behind your sales performance can be equally important. If you’re not seeing as many sales as you’d like, here are 11 common issues that might be hindering your success and how to address them:

1. Improving Etsy Search Ranking for Your Products

If you’re not getting enough sales, it could be because your products aren’t ranking high on Etsy’s search results due to poor listing optimization.

Solution: Learn and implement Etsy SEO strategies. Use long-tail keywords that accurately describe your products rather than broad ones like “jewelry” or “gift idea”. Also, maximize all 13 listing tags to increase visibility in search results.

2. Setting the Right Price for Your Products

Pricing handmade items too low can put you in direct competition with resellers or mass-produced products.

Solution: Highlight the ‘handmade quality’ of your products to justify a higher price. This could include showing off your unique techniques, skills, design inspirations, processes or cultural influences through photos and descriptions.

3. Optimizing Listing Descriptions

A poorly optimized listing description can lead to missed sales opportunities.

Solution: Make sure your product description focuses on the benefits it offers customers supported by relevant features. Consider using bullet points and sections for easy reading.

4. Improving Product Photos

Unattractive or low-quality images can deter potential buyers.

Solution: Set up a corner in your house with strong indirect natural sunlight and a neutral background for product photography. Experiment with different angles and consider learning basic photo editing skills through software like Lightroom.

5. Increasing Listings on Etsy

Having fewer product listings means limited chances of reaching potential customers through keywords and Etsy searches.

Solution: Aim to have at least 30 listings when starting out on Etsy. If this seems daunting, think about variations in color, material, and finishings and consider offering product bundles or personalized options.

6. Focusing on a Specific Product Type

Selling too many different types of products can confuse shoppers and dilute your brand image.

Solution: Choose a niche and focus on it. Consistent colors and a similar style of product photography will create a cohesive shop appearance.

7. Providing Adequate Information

Lack of adequate information about your shop policy, shipping details, or product specifics can deter potential buyers.

Solution: Ensure that all necessary information such as clear shop policy, accurate shipping details, important product features like materials, sizes, etc., size guide and care instructions (if relevant) are available to the customer.

8. Selling Products with High Demand

If there’s little demand for what you’re selling, making sales can be challenging.

Solution: Conduct market research to find out what sells well on Etsy. You might need to innovate new products or tweak existing ones based on this research to meet market demands.

9. Differentiating Your Products in Your Niche

If your products don’t stand out from the competition in your niche, customers might not have compelling reasons to buy from you.

Solution: Identify a unique selling point (USP) for your products. This could involve a unique design approach, skillset used in production or customization options offered. Market research can provide inspiration for identifying gaps that competitors are missing.

10. Experimenting With Different Marketing Options

Relying solely on Etsy search for traffic may mean missed opportunities for sales.

Solution: Explore other traffic sources such as Etsy ads, running sales promotions, social media marketing and email marketing among others. Track results from each method and invest more in those giving high ROI (Return On Investment).

11. Regularly Adding New Items

Not adding new items regularly may discourage followers or previous customers from returning to your shop while also potentially reducing visibility in Etsy’s algorithms which favor active shops.

Solution: Plan to add new products or product variations regularly. Seasonal items or collections can keep your shop looking fresh and interesting, encouraging customers to revisit.

By addressing these issues, you can optimize your Etsy shop for better visibility, attract more potential customers, and ultimately increase sales.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How are Etsy sales counted?

The “Sales” figure displayed on an Etsy store’s page represents the total number of different items purchased, not the quantity of a single item. For instance, an order with three different items will count as three sales, but an order with three units of the same item will only count as one sale.

2. Why does Etsy show the number of sales a store has made?

The number of sales is a key trust indicator for customers. The higher this figure (combined with positive reviews), the more likely it is that potential customers will trust and purchase from that seller.

3. Can you falsify your sales numbers on Etsy?

No, sellers cannot manipulate listed sales figures because these numbers are controlled by Etsy based on actual data.

4. Are Etsy’s Sales numbers accurate?

Yes, they are based on real-time updates from actual transactions within the marketplace.

5. Is there any way to increase my Etsy Sales Numbers artificially?

While directly misleading your figures isn’t possible, some sellers might attempt indirect methods such as offering large discounts to friends or family or even selling items at a loss to attract more buyers. Nevertheless, these strategies often prove impractical for significantly boosting your overall sales count in a sustainable manner.

It is recommended that sellers focus on improving product quality, optimizing listing descriptions and photos, and exploring marketing strategies while providing excellent customer service rather than attempting short-term manipulation tactics.

Utilizing Alura’s Tools for Etsy Sales Tracking and Optimization

Alura provides a suite of tools designed specifically to help Etsy sellers optimize their shops, improve product visibility, and ultimately increase sales.

  1. Keyword Tool: Alura’s Keyword Tool can assist in improving your Etsy SEO by finding the right long-tail keywords that accurately describe your products. This tool aids in optimizing your listings to rank higher in search results.
  2. Product Research Tool: With this feature, you can conduct market research directly within Alura to find out what products are trending or selling well on Etsy. It helps identify high-demand niches or products that might align with your shop.
  3. Listing Helper Tool: The Listing Audit tool evaluates how well your listings are optimized based on various factors like SEO, photos, pricing and more. It provides actionable insights to improve these areas and enhance customers’ shopping experience.

By incorporating these tools into your strategy, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance the visibility of your shop items, thereby increasing the potential for more sales on Etsy.

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, understanding how to track your total sales on Etsy is a fundamental aspect of managing and growing your online store. By learning to navigate the different sections of the platform, you can gain valuable insights into your shop’s performance, allowing you to make informed decisions for future growth. Remember that tracking your sales effectively requires consistent monitoring and analysis across various sections - from your public shop to orders and stats page. The flexibility offered by Etsy in terms of tracking sales is impressive; use it to your full advantage for a successful selling experience!


How to Track Your Etsy Sales: A Comprehensive Guide
What does the sales number in my Etsy public shop include?
The sales number displayed in your public shop includes both open and completed orders. However, it does not take into account any canceled orders.
How often is the sales number in my Etsy public shop updated?
The sales number in your public shop on Etsy is updated in real time, ensuring you always have access to the most current data.
Do the order numbers on my Etsy Stats page include canceled orders?
No, the order numbers on your Stats page do not include canceled orders. They only count open and completed ones.
Why is there a discrepancy between my Sales Number and Order Number?
There may be a discrepancy due to differing update frequencies. While your public Shop's Sales Number updates in real-time, your Stats Page's Order Number refreshes periodically throughout each day.
What time zone are stats shown on Etsy?
All hourly stats from today, yesterday, or the past two days are shown in your own timezone while statistics for all other periods are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can adjust this at the bottom of 'Explore your data' page.