Understanding Etsy Ads Metrics

Discover the importance of ad views, clicks, click rate and other crucial metrics in understanding and improving your Etsy ad campaign performance.

Enhancing the performance of your Etsy Ads can significantly boost your shop’s visibility and, ultimately, its sales. The first step to optimization is understanding how your ads are performing. This guide will walk you through how to interpret and leverage the metrics on your Etsy Ads page.

Understanding Your Ad Metrics

To access detailed statistics about each of your advertised listings, navigate to the Manage Advertised Listings section on your Etsy Ads page where each advertised item has corresponding performance statistics. Struggling to comprehend these stats? Join our lively seller community in the Forums for additional assistance.

View Etsy Ads Metrics on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings

1. Ad Views

An ad view refers to each time a shopper sees one of your advertisements on Etsy. Remember, these views are free - you won’t be charged for them.

How to use this metric:

The number of ad views provides insight into the visibility of your ads among shoppers. If a larger-than-expected number of views isn’t translating into clicks, it may be helpful to update or optimize your listings.

2. Ad Clicks

Each time a shopper interacts with one of your advertisements - by clicking on it to view the listing - it counts as an ad click.

How to use this metric:

The number of clicks serves as an indicator of how engaging and competitive your ads are in Etsy search results.

Clicks vs Visits:

There can be confusion between ‘clicks’ and ‘visits’. In terms of Stats, if a potential buyer leaves and then returns within 30 minutes, it registers as one visit. However, if they interact with two different ads within this timeframe, this would count as two clicks but still just one visit.

3. Click Rate

Click rate is a measure of how often shoppers click on an ad after viewing it. It’s calculated by comparing the number of interactions to the number of views.

How to use this metric:

A higher click rate is a good sign, indicating that shoppers are not just viewing but also interacting with your ads. If some ads have lower click rates, consider reviewing and updating these listings using best practices for performance in Ads.

4. Orders from Ads

When a shopper makes a purchase after interacting with one of your ads within 30 days, this counts as an order from an ad.

How to use this metric:

If you’re not seeing many orders resulting from your Etsy Ads, it might be worth reviewing your listings and applying best practices for performance in Ads.

5. Revenue from Ads

This metric shows the total sales generated by buyers who interacted with your advertisements and made a purchase within 30 days.

How to use this metric:

Understanding which ads generate sales can inform your promotional strategy; for instance, you could choose to advertise only those listings that perform well in this regard. Discover more about creating compelling listings that encourage shoppers to make purchases here.

6. Analyzing Your Budget Spent

Your total budget spent reflects the amount you’ve expended on Etsy Ads over the past 30 days. For each individual listing, you can also see the total budget spent during a selected time period. Remember, you incur charges each time a shopper interacts with your ads and visits your listings.

It’s important to note that not all interactions cost the same. The cost of an ad click can be influenced by factors such as the quality of your listing — which includes elements like appealing photos, well-crafted titles and appropriate tags — and competition for ad space. Listings of lower quality or those vying for highly contested ad space may carry higher costs per click. You can view your total expenditure for each day in your Payment account the following day.

How to use this metric:

This metric offers insight into how much you spend on each advertisement and enables comparison between different ads’ expenditures.

How your daily budget is spent:

With Etsy Ads, you pay only when someone interacts with one of your ads. The amount paid depends on both, how many people engage with your advertisements and the value assigned to their placement location.

Etsy’s algorithm bids for each ad placement in search results based on a variety of factors. These include the relevance of your advertised listing to potential buyers and their likelihood to engage with it. This bid is calculated automatically, ensuring that your listing remains competitive while maximizing the value of your business. If there’s a high probability of a buyer purchasing from an ad, it will trigger an increase in the bid amount.

The bid sum contributes to what you pay when a buyer clicks on an ad - known as your cost per click (CPC). The CPC can vary for each listing and each time it appears in search results. To determine the average CPC for an advertised listing via Etsy Ads, take the budget spent on that listing and divide it by the number of interactions it received.

7. Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS)

ROAS stands for Return on Advertising Spend - it measures the profitability of your ads. By comparing revenue attributed to the ad against its cost, ROAS provides a clear picture of your advertising investment’s effectiveness. Learn more about how to understand your ads’ ROAS here.

How to use this metric:

Higher ROAS means higher profitability from an ad. It compares what you’re spending on an ad to what you’re earning from it, helping you decide which listings to advertise or cease advertising. For a realistic performance view, consider running an ad for at least 30 days before making any drastic changes.

Etsy’s Guide to Understanding Your Advertising Performance

Deciphering Search Terms

Search terms provide valuable insights into words or phrases buyers used in the past 30 days that led them to your ads. Just click Search terms under a listing to see related analytics. These analytics shed light on how well your listings perform in searches involving certain keywords - high click or sale rates often point towards positive performance. Keep in mind that this data might not be available for listings with limited traffic due to privacy considerations. Etsy Ads aim at driving traffic towards your shop; however, more traffic doesn’t necessarily guarantee higher sales.

Gleaning Insights from Graphs

Graphs offer a visual representation of how your Etsy Ads performance changes over time. As day-to-day fluctuations are expected and some data may not be real-time, we recommend using a timeframe of at least 30 days for accurate insights.

When scrutinizing graphs, account for any alterations you’ve made to your budget or the number of listings you’re promoting as these could significantly affect your campaign’s performance trends.

If there’s a consistent downward trend in your campaign performance, remember outside factors like increased competition or changing marketplace trends can influence traffic and sales. Regular strategy refreshment is key to long-term success.

Here are a few strategies that might help convert visits into sales:

For more insights and best practices, check out the Ultimate Guide to Advertising.

Strategies for Deciding Which Listings to Promote

Deciding which listings to promote can significantly impact your Etsy Ads performance. Here are three key strategies to help you identify the best candidates for promotion based on your performance data, budget, and goals.

Etsy’s Guide To Creating Listings That Convert

1. Start by Promoting Your Entire Inventory

When initiating an Etsy Ads campaign, it’s recommended to promote all of your active listings. This allows the responsive Ads algorithm to gather comprehensive data on shopper engagement with your shop. Over time, this will optimize when and where your ads show up, maximizing visits and potentially boosting sales. Remember that for this approach to work effectively, both the budget and length of your campaign are crucial. Running a campaign for at least 30 days gives enough time for the Etsy Ads tool to collect data and optimize ad placement performance accordingly.

If you have a large inventory, you might need a higher initial advertising budget to ensure exposure across all listings. However, as you’re only charged when shoppers click on an advertised listing, a higher budget means more opportunities to gather performance data across various products. If you’re working with a limited advertising budget or just starting out with Etsy Ads, promoting only your top-selling items or specific categories can be an effective strategy too.

2. Focus on Top Performers To Increase Revenue

After running an Etsy Ads campaign for around one month, use gathered insights to refine which listings should be promoted based on their performance. One common method is looking at listings driving the highest Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS), which calculates how many dollars in revenue are generated per $1 spent on advertising:

Revenue/Budget spent = ROAS

For listings with high views but low clicks or revenue consider optimization tips from Creating Listings That Convert. If these optimized listings still don’t convert, it might be better to stop advertising them and refocus your budget on listings driving strong ROAS.

3. Advertise New Inventory For Head Start

Promoting new inventory can improve their organic search placement on Etsy since views and orders affect your search relevancy. Advertising also allows for quicker identification of which items appeal most to shoppers and have the best conversion rates, as compared to relying solely on organic traffic.

Evaluating Your Etsy Ad Performance

To effectively manage your Etsy Ads campaign, it’s crucial to regularly review your performance data. It’s recommended to let your campaign run for about 30 days before making adjustments based on the results shown in your Etsy Ads dashboard. This allows the optimization tool time to learn from user interactions with your listings, leading to smarter opportunities for promoting listings. As you review data, remember to consider seasonal trends and year-over-year data in the context of the marketing funnel stages- awareness, interest, and making a sale.

Etsy Ad Stats on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings

1. Evaluate Listings Views

Ad views indicate brand awareness. High ad views mean that relevant tags, titles, and attributes are helping your listing appear in appropriate searches.

Recommendations: If views are low, reconsider tags and titles using shop stats for search terms that drive organic traffic. If you’ve already optimized tags and titles without success, consider raising your budget to allow the Etsy Ads optimization tool to bid more aggressively.

2. Assess Listings Clicks

High clicks suggest appealing photos, titles, and prices which generate interest among potential customers.

Recommendations: Low clicks might suggest unappealing thumbnail images or noncompetitive pricing. Improve thumbnail photos for clear representation and include strong keywords early in the title for easy understanding by customers.

3. Consider Sales from Ads

Sales generated by ads validate their effectiveness while indicating which listings excite shoppers most.

Recommendations: If certain listings get lots of views and clicks but no sales, there might be factors deterring purchases such as high shipping costs or insufficient listing photos. Tweaking these aspects could increase the chances of sales conversions. Remember, if shoppers click but don’t buy; they may need more information about the product or find shipping prices unreasonable. Enhancing trust signals like adding a personal photo or filling out Shop Policies can also improve shoppers’ confidence in purchasing from you.


In conclusion, understanding and effectively utilizing Etsy Ads is instrumental in driving traffic to your shop, increasing visibility, and boosting sales. The power of well-optimized ads lies not only in their ability to attract potential buyers but also in providing critical insights into shopper behaviors and preferences. Your ad’s effectiveness can be measured by metrics like views, clicks, ROAS, or search terms analytics. But remember, it’s essential to give your campaign enough time—typically 30 days—to accurately assess performance before making any adjustments.


A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Etsy Ads Metrics
What is ROAS and why is it important for my Etsy Ads?
ROAS stands for Return on Advertising Spend. It's a measure of your ad's profitability, comparing ad-attributed revenue to ad costs. A higher ROAS signifies higher profitability for an ad because you're earning more than what you're investing in each advertisement. This metric can help determine which listings are worth advertising and which ones might need to be discontinued.
How does the 'budget spent' metric help me understand my Etsy Ads performance?
The 'budget spent' metric provides insights into how much you're investing in each ad compared to others – helping you identify where adjustments may need to be made. It shows how much you've invested in Etsy Ads over the past 30 days, allowing you to gauge whether your current budget allocation is effective or not.
How can I use search terms analytics effectively?
Search terms analytics provide a breakdown of words or phrases shoppers used over the last 30 days that led them to find your ads. This data provides insights into how well listings perform against specific keywords – high click or sales rates suggest good performance. You can use this information to optimize your listings and make them more relevant to buyer searches.
Why should I analyze graphs on my Etsy Ad page?
Graphs offer a visual way to track Etsy Ad performance over time, giving accurate insights into fluctuations in views, clicks, and other key metrics over a specified period (ideally at least 30 days). By analyzing these graphs, sellers can spot trends, evaluate the effectiveness of their current strategy and make necessary adjustments.
How do external factors influence my Etsy Ad campaign performance?
External factors such as increased competition or changing market trends can affect traffic and sales of your Etsy Ad campaigns. That’s why it’s beneficial to keep an eye on market trends, adjust your strategy accordingly, and refresh your listings periodically for long-term success.