Understanding Etsy's Purchase Protection for Sellers

Learn how to make full use of all benefits that come with being a part of 'Etsy’s Purchase Protective' initiative and ensure your business flourishes securely.

Overview of Etsy’s Purchase Protection for Sellers

In August 2022, Etsy launched the Purchase Protection program— a move that displays their commitment to creating a positive and secure environment for its sellers. With an investment exceeding $25 million annually, Etsy covers refunds at no extra cost to sellers. If you’re a seller who adheres to Etsy’s requirements, this program offers an added layer of security by refunding your buyers up to $250 while letting you keep your earnings in case of:

  • Lost packages.
  • Damages upon arrival (applicable once per calendar year).
  • Disputes regarding item descriptions and photos.

This policy is applicable for orders shipped from August 1, 2022 onwards. To maximize the benefits of this protection program, it’s crucial that you comply with the eligibility criteria detailed in Etsy’s Purchase Protection Policy and maintain good standing with Etsy.

Etsy’s Purchase Protection Policy

What Doesn’t Qualify?

While designed to safeguard both sellers and buyers, not all situations are covered by the Purchase Protection program. Your order may not be eligible if it:

As a seller, remember that you are responsible for refunding costs on orders falling outside these qualifications.

How Do You Qualify for this Program?

The beauty of the Etsy Purchase Protection lies in its simplicity – qualifying orders get automatically covered without requiring any setup from your end! However, note that the process commences only when:

  1. The buyer contacts you about an order through a Help request.
  2. The buyer opens a case regarding that particular order.

Following this sequence helps Etsy review and resolve matters appropriately by refunding eligible customers while allowing you—the seller—to retain your earnings.

For an order to be considered under this protection plan:

  1. It must be shipped within your stated processing time
  2. Valid tracking should be provided or it should have been mailed out using an Etsy-purchased shipping label
  3. Your listing should include an Estimated Delivery Date (EDD)
  4. The received item matches your listing’s photos and description5.The shop is enrolled in Etsy Payments6.The product arrives damaged (applicable once per calendar year).

When these conditions are met and the total cost doesn’t exceed $250 USD (inclusive of shipping & taxes), instead of the seller bearing the brunt, Etsy covers refund costs.

However please note - Orders exceeding $250 aren’t covered thus we highly recommend purchasing insurance when fulfilling such orders.

Etsy’s proactive approach towards support is apparent through their live Help Center chat which is available round-the-clock with most queries being responded within just one minute!

A key element setting apart purchase protection from returns is its applicability regardless of individual return policies if items do not match description or arrive damaged / not at all.

Remember: Buyers can open cases up until 100 days after estimated delivery date but only once it has passed along with processing time/“ship-by” date having passed too & at least 48 hours post contacting seller about problem existent.

Lastly don’t forget: Tracking alone does not qualify as meeting eligibility criteria so ensure future orders meet all requirements including shipping within processing time frame mentioned , providing accurate images/description in listings etc apart from just valid tracking information .


Learn How to Benefit from Etsy’s Purchase Protective Measures
What is the Etsy Purchase Protection Program for sellers?
The Etsy Purchase Protection program refers to a policy implemented by Etsy that safeguards the of its sellers. Under this program, if an order meets certain eligibility criteria, Etsy refunds the buyer up to $250 while allowing the seller to retain their earnings. This applies in cases where packages are lost in transit, items arrive damaged, or there's a dispute regarding item descriptions and photos.
How can I qualify for Etsy's Purchase Protection Program?
As a seller on Etsy, your orders get automatically covered by the Purchase Protection program without requiring any setup from your end. However, for this protection process to commence, it’s essential that both these actions occur: (1) The buyer contacts you about an order via a Help request and (2) The buyer opens a case regarding that order. If these conditions are met and other requirements are satisfied such as valid tracking provided or shipping label purchased through Etsy etc., then instead of the seller, Etsy covers refund costs.
What situations make an order ineligible for Etsy's Purchase Protection Program?
An order may not be eligible under the Purchase Protection program if it fails to meet one or more eligibility requirements set by Etsy; exceeds $250 USD inclusive of shipping and taxes; has misleading listing descriptions or pictures; is insured via third-party sources; originates from regions where Etsy Payments isn’t available; or violates any of Etsy's policies.
Does purchase protection cover orders above $250?
No, unfortunately orders exceeding $250 do not receive coverage under this policy. Sellers should consider purchasing separate insurance when fulfilling these types of orders.
How does the resolution process work under this protection policy?
Once both actions have taken place - a buyer reaching out with a help request regarding an order and opening a case about it - then only does the resolution process commence. In such scenarios, if found eligible under Purchase Protection policy after reviewing the matter, Etsy refunds customers while allowing sellers to keep their earnings.